How I Ate Him 2

Story by ilbv on SoFurry

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This is a short story I made for all my followers and those who like vore. This story is written like: How I Ate Him.

This isn't meant to be a sequel, just another type of the same kind of story. There will be one more version (the prey's point of view) telling the same story posted soon.

Basically, this version of the story is where the predator is HUGE. In the other stories he was just bigger than the prey.

It is written in a way that you can choose what the prey is (species) and you can put yourself as the narrator if you want. Also If you like nudity (which I don't) I leave the decision up to you if the characters are clothed or not.

The narrator is basically me, but it's first person, so the narrator can be anyone who reads this.

The prey is obviously Male, thats about the only detail.

And the vore is soft and oral.

All in all, someone gets eaten, and someone eats them.

I hope you like it. There will be at least 2 more stories that go along with this.

Please comment if you can.

Also include what kind of prey you imagined.

How I Ate Him 2

By ilbv

He was so small. I knew from experience that big things come from small packages, and in his case, his flavor was far more superior to those of larger size of whom I have consumed.

What I'm getting at is although I have eaten many beings, the small ones have the best taste.

I ate him a week ago. He was walking all alone, the sun was setting and he looked so vulnerable because he was so small. I could tell he was scared of being alone and weak.

At the time, I had been looking for a meal all day. I spotted him all by himself and licked my lips. He would be delectable! My stomach growled with hunger. I patted it to calm it down. I knew that by the end of the night, he would be in my stomach.

I was instinctively in predator, hunting mode. I wanted him and he would be mine. I stalked him for a long time, all the while getting hungrier. The sun was facing us, so I was glad that I wasn't casting a shadow in his general direction.

I was about ready to scoop him up and swallow him without mercy when a bear charged out of no where and pounced on him. He screamed. The bear roared. He squirmed and tried to escape, but the bear stared to eat him alive and he struggled violently, yelling and shouting in terror.

I knew that I wanted to eat him and I wasn't about to let some bear fill it's own stomach. I reached down and squeezed the bear and it spat him out. He rolled on his face and curled in a ball. The bear wriggled and roared. I popped it in my mouth and swallowed without effort. I felt the bear fall and lash, then thud softly in my belly. I burped and rubbed my stomach. It was the same size, there was no indication that I had swallowed the bear.

I licked my fingers and looked back at him. He was still in a ball and was staring at me with sheer terror, but I noticed wonderment as well.

I smiled, and instead of acting on impulse and downing the little sucker, I laughed and said, "You really shouldn't be walking at night alone."

He didn't move. I tried to sound more sympathetic and kind, "Come here. Do not worry, I will not harm you." I believed this to be a lie, but I wanted to gain his confidence first.

Still he didn't move. I sighed and squatted to get closer to the ground with him. He recoiled and stood shakily. "Thank you for saving me," he finally said.

I was taken aback, but I said, "Well, you're welcome. I hope you are not hurt."

He shook his head, indicating that he was fine, "just shaken up a bit," he said.

I chuckled, "Well of course, and who wouldn't be? Rest assured now, you can travel and not fear bears anymore." I gave him my name and after a long pause he gave me his.

We started to talk about general stuff. Then I asked him about where he had been going and why he was alone. He looked sad, "I have no one. It's just me." he said.

My heart went to him and I felt very sorry for this small pathetic morsel. I still planned on eating him, but now it just made my plans seem so much more cruel. "I know what it's like to be alone. Do you think anyone would want to hangout with someone as big as me?" I meant it, and kind of reflected on my own story.

There was a long awkward pause, then our eyes met. His were so small, I could barley see them. He blushed a little and bent his head, "uh, would you travel with me so I don't have to be alone?"

I tilted my head, "are you sure?" I asked. He nodded, "and maybe you could keep me safe from wild animals." he said this under his breath, but my ears were so much larger than his, so I heard him.

It made me laugh. I was being asked to travel with the morsel I was planning to eat. "Sure, I will travel, and protect you. No more bears will cross our path." I said. He turned an embarrassed color, "Did you really eat that bear from before?"

I patted my stomach. "I sure did. A little furry for my taste, but I couldn't let him do the same to you." I caught him looking at my belly and he quickly shifted his gaze to my eyes. "Is it still alive?" he asked. I pondered, "It was a while ago, but I'm sure it was digested by now." He looked back at my stomach and his eyes widened. Then he dropped his head and started at his feet.

"Would you like me to hold you? That way nothing can attack you and I'll keep you safe from danger." I offered. He looked up at me, then at my stomach, then back to me. He smiled shyly, "okay," he said.

I picked him up and held him in my open grasp. He was free to walk around, but he sat to balance himself. We traveled for a long time and talked about more stuff. I ate two more bears and a pack of wolves.

As the hours went by, I felt less and less about eating him. He was sweet and kind. He was lonely and small, weak and timid. I could easily have broken him, but I was soft hearted and liked to be helpful. I wanted him to feel safe.

We stopped to rest for a while. I yawned and sat down with him still in my grasp. "I'm taking a small nap." I said. He stretched and yawned also. "Can I sleep on your chest?" he asked.

"Okay," I said. I laid down flat and faced the sky. I put him on my chest and closed my eyes. I felt his small body, stretched out face down on me. I loved it. We napped for an hour and I awoke with him standing over my eye. I picked him back up and held him. "That was a good nap." I said. I looked at him, and he was almost whimpering. I stood up to my full height and peered at him very closely. "What's the matter?" I asked.

He wiped his eyes and looked into mine. "I'm just very embarrassed, but I need to ask...Can I be with you forever? I'm alone always and I just need someone I can trust, and someone who will protect me." He began to cry a little.

I didn't know what to do. I no longer plotted to swallow him. I let him sob for a bit and said, "I will stay with you, you and I can go and live in my house, but everything is very big compared to you. I could make miniature stuff if you like." I tried to make it sound fun. I just wanted him to be safe and happy, and if I could provide it, then I would.

"No. You don't understand," he sobbed. Then he took a deep breath and said calmly, "I want to escape danger, I want to be with you so that I will be safe. I want to be inside your belly forever. That way nothing can hurt me anymore. I want you to eat me!"

I gasped. All along he was looking for something to keep him safe from danger, and he thinks of my stomach being a great crash pad. The whole thing made me die of laughter within myself, outside I maintained composure, for his sake.

"I have eaten bears and wolves, they are eaten whole and are alive inside me. If you were inside me too, they would attack and eat you. Also, you'd get digested and die," I said, trying to be realistic.

"I know, but if you eat me and just never digest me, you'll never need to eat again because I'll always keep you full." he said, and he said it with confidence.

I found him to be cute, but a little wrong. "Heh, no offense, but you're really small. I don't think I'd be full after eating just you, my belly is pretty big and you probably can't fill it."

"I still just want to be swallowed, and live inside you forever," he said.

I began to remember wanting to eat him. "okay," I said. My stomach growled really loud and we both heard it. "I guess that was my stomach telling you to get in there faster." I said laughing. He smiled too.

I held him above my head and opened my mouth. "It will be a long fall, enjoy you're new home," I said.

I let him go and he fell. As he passed from my view, I saw his face all lit up with happiness and assurance. He landed on my tongue and bounced. He was sprawled across it, rolling and laughing and feeling everything.

I closed my mouth and he was completely concealed in my mouth. For me, flavor hit me like a right hook. He was tasty and savory. I rolled my eyes in the back of my head and just loved him.

I rolled my tongue and tossed him around. He was giggling and seemed to be having a great time. "It's so fun in here!" He yelled. I played with him inside my mouth for a long time and soon let my tongue settle down to rest. "Are you ready to be swallowed?" I managed to ask. As I talked, he was flopped around by my tongue. "Yes, I am ready." he said.

I lifted my head back and felt him slide down my tongue and over the edge. I swallowed and a small lump formed in my throat. It traveled quickly and just like that disappeared. He was free falling down my gullet. A second or two later my gut made a gurgling noise to tell me that he had landed in my belly. I was no longer hungry.

I licked my lips and swallowed the remainder of his flavor. Then I looked at my belly and touched it. There was no visible difference in it. No one on the outside would have been able to tell someone was inside me. (unless they read a story about it or something, but who writes stories about me, that's just silly. pfft, never could happen.)

I patted my belly and felt a returning tap. "I see you are okay in there," I said. "Yes. It is great in here. I can see and there is so much room to live. I had a great time falling into your belly." he said. He seemed very happy.

"Well, you were very tasty and I have to say, I am not hungry. You really did make me satisfied. I have eaten others like you before, but they were like my size and made my belly bulge out. It felt really good too. I loved patting them and stroking them." I said, and lolled at the memories of previous meals.

He must have gotten nervous, "so uh, where are they now?" he asked. I laughed and patted my belly. "I digested them of course. No I'm kidding, they asked to come out so I let them out. They come back sometimes asking to be eaten again. usually they spend a few days inside me and leave, then come back another time. I'm like a hotel, sort of." I said.

I felt a small pat inside my stomach, "Well, you are my apartment building now. I like the idea of coming out and still living in the world. I'll probably do the same. I'm, so glad you are big and can protect me." he said.

It made me tear up a little, but I wiped them away. "Be assured, I will eat you anytime. I love having someone living inside my belly."

So that is how I ate him. I ate him a week ago, and he is still in my belly right now. He is alive and doing very well. I have even had my other visitors come to spend a night or two inside me and since he is so small, they both fit inside my belly. He sometimes gets eaten by the other visitor when they are inside my belly, so some night, he sleeps inside a belly that is inside a belly.

Right now, there are two guests in my stomach, and he is inside one of their stomachs. My belly is bulging out and I love feeling it squirm and gurgle. I now am going to sleep because eating makes me sleepy.

Maybe next time, I'll eat you.