The Crazy Game of Life

Story by Zack_Wolfe on SoFurry

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#1 of The Crazy Game of Life

Our Hero

The sun rose on yet another dark overcast day. Nothing new to Kari. It was October and to be expected as such, it's ok though Kari is use to such things. Living in Seattle isn't bad most of the time. The sixteen year old wolf rolled out of bed and showered. being a sophmore in high school wasnt too bad besides the prepy douches. She put on some jeans and a dark blue tank top. Kari ran a brush through her midnight black hair and put on mascara. She said goodbye to her human parents and walked to school blasting Blood on the Dance Floor on her iPod.

The rain gently fell to the earth bringing it's life giving gift. Kari looked up and skipped along the sidewalk. She combed her bangs to the side with her fingers. She smiled. Kari was a pretty happy girl, although she might not say it often. Life had always been crazy for her being one of only 20 furs at her school. She was labeled as weird. She didn't care about what people said, or so she told everyone. Kari's black convere shoes were soaked with mud from all the puddles.

The large buildings came into sight and Kari stopped her skipping. She blew her hair out of her face and pushed the doors open. The bright lights lit up the dark sky. Kari took out her headphones and strolled down the hall to her locker. She looked down and her hair covered half her face. A couple people said hi to her. She put her backpack and purse in her locker grabbing her chemistry stuff she heard a familiar voice. "Hey Kari!" a smiling girl with brown hair and glasses said. "Hey Lacey." Kari said giving a small smile. "Did you do the chem homework?" Lacey asked. "You know that, Apple" Kari said joking. Lacey smiled and the walked to class.

Lacey gave Kari a cup of coffee she brought. They sat down and the teacher explained something about ions. Kari doodled on her paper as Lacey took down so many notes and answered the questions. Lacey was a nerdy gamer girl, but one of the only friends Kari ever had. She was really awesome. Kari sipped the coffee and kept doodling. Eventually the drawings turned into a mural and class was over. Lacey looked over at Kari's paper. "What!? You just drew the whole time?" Lacey asked astonished. "Yeah, Lace you're such a nerd" Kari joked. "Um, I know this is a bit random but you want to get lunch?" Lacey asked. She was a little bit red. "Uh sure you buying? cause I'm like totally broke. Oh wait let's get Chinese food." Kari said. "Sure Kari." Lacey said smiling.