Beauty and the Werewulf Chapter 4

Story by Artwolf5 on SoFurry

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#4 of Beauty and the Werewulf

Chapter 4

It only seemed like minutes after Damon fell asleep before the alarm went off. Moaning he quickly hit snooze and got up to stretch. After he was done with that he gathered his clothes and set off to the bathroom, ensuring it was empty, he went in and locked the door. He quickly took a leak and then got undressed and stepped into the shower. The water was scalding but it felt oh so good. His thoughts quickly went to Madi again and he moaned. This was driving him crazy! He didn't want to think about the girl right now... Sure she was pretty but he had no idea what she was like really. A few hours walking through the park did little to help him put the pieces together.

Annoyed with himself he shook his head, "Get a hold of yourself man; Matt said the obsessive thoughts would fade eventually. I'll just have to figure how to go about this..." He muttered turning off the shower and got dressed. He quickly brushed his teeth and cleaned up his mess and ran downstairs to see Matt in the kitchen. Their house was pretty messy. None of them had much time to clean, or the inclination to actually. Between school and practice for him, and College and work for the other two. "Hey Matt, how are you this morning?"

The older boy turned his head and smiled towards his brother, "Super, we slept pretty well you? How did you sleep?"

Damon gave an impassive shrug. He had slept well enough thankfully, he was just glad school was back in, "So, how's college treating you Matt?" he asked.

"It's pretty cool, I like the University of Colorado... have you tried to fill out any applications yet?"

Damon only shook his head. He hadn't really planned on going to college. Matt frowned at him for that, "Come-on Dame. Get your head in the game! You have a great chance of getting plenty of athletic scholarships... You know Dad wants us both to go to college."

Dame moaned at that. Matt was right. Dad was very insistent about their education...that was the only reason he hadn't dropped out, was because he didn't want to disappoint his dad... "I know he does... but what's the point? We can't exactly hold down a full time job can we? We can't work during the full moon for obvious reasons..." He stated.

Matt only sighed and shook his head, "We can still work the rest of the days... the full moon is only four days out of the month... What do you want to do with your life Dame? I'm in medical school, and Tyler is working on his Criminal Justice degree..."

"I don't know! I never thought about what I want to do! Lay off please!" he yelled.

Matt only sighed as he finished the eggs. He quietly placed them down on three plates and the trio began eating in silence enjoying the meal... Matt's omelet's were, and had always been Godly. Eventually they finished and Damon grabbed his bag and put on his shoes and ran out the door. Once he was outside he saw Madi walk outside on the street, "Hey wait up!!" he called and Madi stopped to look at him in surprise she look confused for a second before she recognized him.

"Oh morning Damon, what are you up to?" She asked.

"Nothing really, heading to school. Mind if I join you?" he asked and she shrugged.

"Why do I have a feeling you would walk with me even if I said no?" she asked him in bemused tone.

He only gave her a small smile before replying, "Because I would do just that," he said with a cheeky smile crossing his lips.

Madi laughed at that. After a few minutes she regained her composure to say something back, "Whatever you say... stalker," she muttered causing him to burst out laughing.

"I'm not stalking you I swear!" he swore in a joking manner. He gave her a cheeky grin and she only gave a small smile in return. The duo walked in silence for the rest of the way until they reached the school grounds.

They split up after that and Damon went to his locker to prepare for homeroom. Once he got his books from his locker he heard somebody call out to him. "Hey Damon, what's up?" He turned around and smiled. He saw his friend Joey run up to him. They had been friends ever since Damon first moved to Denver. He was Hispanic like him a bit shorter at 6'1 to Damon's 6'4 and the quarterback for the football team.

"Nothing how was your weekend?" he asked back.

"I had a great weekend. Three day weekends are the best! Did you see the new girl? She's pretty cute..." Damon nodded.

Madi was pretty cute... and she was his. "Yeah, she is pretty cute, she's my neighbor also," he stated.

"Really? Awesome! Maybe you can introduce us or something?" He asked.

'Not on in your life' Damon thought to himself, but knowing that would be rude he decided to only give a non-committal grunt in return.

Joey only smiled and continued, "So your neighbors, what's she like?" He asked and Damon again only shrugged in reply.

He didn't exactly know how to explain Madi yet. They'd only just met after all... but he decided to give an actual answer, "She's okay, she's pretty nice and kinda quiet... but she looks like a good person. We actually met by accident actually. I ran into her Friday." Joey only nodded. He was curious about the new girl himself."But yeah, she's pretty nice..."

Joey only nodded, "So, do you want to go out tonight? We could play some basketball or something?"

Damon only shook his head. He definitely wanted to go, but since the full moon was tonight he wouldn't be able to. At least without turning furry in front of his friend which he really didn't want to do, "Sorry man, me and Matt will be busy for the next few days... Maybe next week how's that?"

Joey just shrugged, "Oh yeah I forgot... you told me that you'd be busy last week..." Joey said in a sad manner.

"So how did you see Madi anyway?"

"Oh, she asked me directions to the office. She really seemed sweet kinda shy though... I guess it's because she's new."

Damon had to smirk a bit. "Yeah, she did say she was nervous about being the new girl yesterday..."

It was sad to say it, but Joey was probably Damon's only real friend... most of them either gave him attention because of his size. They considered him a threat. The girls were not any better... most of them just wanted to be in his pants. But Joey seemed the only person he genuinely could call his friend. Maybe it was because Joey was to dim for the Mesmer to work, "But yeah, I'd love to go shoot some hoops man but you know the drill. We can maybe go this weekend. I should be done with my business by then," he said as he began to walk away.

Joey only shrugged and went his own way, "Okay dude, sounds awesome! I'll see you later I guess."

Damon only nodded and went to search for Madi. He wondered if she was still at the office. She was probably getting her schedule and stuff by now, so he decided to head over that way. On his way he was intercepted by a girl with inky black hair...Amanda Cross...

"Hello Damon," she cooed and Damon only rolled his eyes.

This girl was obsessed with him. He'd only slept with her once and she'd followed him around ever since. Her obsession worried him a little. He sometimes wondered how far she'd go to get him again... "Hullo Amanda," he muttered in a bored tone. He really wanted her to go away but she was oblivious to his dismissal. She was high on his pheromones he was sure of it. She just giggled and batted her eyelashes. He was beginning to get a bit frustrated, "How was your weekend?"

"I had an okay weekend... it would've been much better if I had you there," she cooed, rubbing his arm which he quickly jerked away. He did not like to be touched without his permission. He gave her a strained smile and put a good dose of Mesmer in his tone. He briefly let his eyes turn gold to give it a boost.

"Sorry but I had other plans... how about you get to class? That's where I'm heading..."

Amanda gave him a dopey grin completely under his spell. One good thing about the girl was that she was very weak minded and easy to manipulate. But sadly she would go right back to bothering him once it wore off... He managed to walk around her, grateful he was able to do so without manhandling her. He might have been an asshole but he didn't hit girls.

"Okay then... see you later,"she muttered, her eyes glassy. He kinda felt guilty about doing that but it was the only way he could get her to leave him alone...

After ditching Amanda he found himself at the office. He had just arrived when he saw Madi walk out. "Thought I'd find you here," he said making her jump in surprise.


Sure enough as soon as Madi separated from Damon she'd gotten terribly lost. It was a new school and her sense of direction was terrible, "Now what..." she moaned to herself. The halls seemed empty and she guessed everybody was in homeroom by now. Just as she was about to give up hope she noticed a tall boy walk out of the bathroom,"Hey! You wait up!" She called out to him.

The boy turned around confused by the loud voice behind him once he saw her face he smiled, "Oh, I never seen you around before... you the new girl?" he asked her.

"Yeah, my names Madi... and as you can see I'm completely lost... Do you have any idea where the office is? I need to get my class schedule..."

He only laughed a bit before he showed her the way, "It's down around the next hallway straight ahead. Once you there talk to the secretary Mrs Jones. She'll give you what you need. Oh and I'm Joe, Joe Rivera."

"Nice to meet you... Madi Lane is my name..." she said as she walked off.

"Hey, do you want me to show you the way?" he asked and she shook her head.

"No, I got it! Thanks though!" She told him before she ran off into that direction. After another five minutes of searching she finally found her destination. Walking inside she went up to the desk. "Um...I'm Madison Lane... I'm here to get my schedule..." She told the stern looking woman at the desk.

Without looking up at the girl she quickly handed her the schedule and a map of the school. After thanking the woman Madi quickly walked out of the room and was about to check out the map before she heard somebody's bemused voice. "Thought I'd find you here..."

She jumped a few feet and quickly turned to find out who the voice belonged to. She quickly relaxed when she found out it was just Damon. "Oh it's you Damon... don't do that! You almost gave me a heart attack!" He only smiled a bit before yanking her schedule out of her hands. "Hey! Give that back!!" she ordered trying to grab it, but he held it out of her reach. He seemed to find her fuming to be quite funny judging from the smirk on his face, "Jerk," she muttered under her breath, making him smirk even more.

"Looks like we got almost every class together... except for Art, Music and homeroom. You have Ms Wilde... It's on the way from to homeroom, so I can show you the way," he told her as he finally decided it was time to give her schedule back.

They walked in silence for a bit until they reached her homeroom, "I'll find you and show you to the other classes okay?" he said, and before she could answer he ran off.

"Wait! I hadn't even- never mind..." she muttered as she walked into the room. The room was pretty much full and she went to the tall black woman she could only assume was Ms Wilde. After explaining to her that she was new the woman told her to introduce herself to the rest of the class.

After a brief moment of panic she sighed and went on with it. "Um...hello? I'm Madi Lane... I'm from a town called Newcastle... it's um... in Wyoming so I doubt you ever heard of it..." She knew she was rambling but she couldn't stop herself, "I'm um... seventeen, yeah that's right... and well.... As you can see I'm new... can I sit down now?"

After seeing her teacher nod she kept her head down trying to pay attention to the giggles of the rest of the class. 'First day in school and I already make a fool of myself...brilliant...' She thought to herself in a bitter tone. She found a seat next to a girl with dirty-blonde hair tied back into pigtails. She thankfully didn't seem to be laughing at her so she already won points in Madi's book. The rest of the homeroom went by quickly and the bell rang. She had yet to get a locker yet, so all her books were in her backpack. Looking at her schedule she took note of her nine classes and lunch. According to her schedule her first class was AP English. She was about to walk off when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She jumped and turned to see Damon standing behind her.

"Dammit Damon...I told you not to do that!" she yelled at him. He tried to hold back his laughter but was failing at that miserably. She glared at him even harder until he managed to bring his laughter under control. "Asshole," she muttered making him lose control all over again. He almost fell down in laughter and Madi only gave a small harrumph in reply.

He finally got his laughter completely under control before he spoke. "Sorry, but you are just so funny when you're mad," he said and she scowled. "Yes I know I'm a jackass, no need to call me one," he told her before she could say what she wanted to say.

She only glared at him some more before she sighed, "So are we going to class or what?" she asked him.

Damon smiled towards her and they began to walk to the class. They were silent most of the way. Madi was still mad at Damon for being an ass, and Damon was trying not to burst out laughing at her fuming. They eventually got to the English class and sat down. The teacher, a chubby man with greying hair began to speak. The class went to work. Afterward class finally ended, they were given homework. Soon enough they were dismissed and the duo found themselves walking to their next class...Civics. Ms Wilde just happened to be the Civics teacher and Madi ducked her head. She was still embarrassed about the whole introduction fiasco...

Damon seemed a bit bored so he decided to start a conversation, "So, you got all AP classes huh? You must be pretty smart."

She only blushed and gave him a shrug, "I guess... I've always gotten straight A's in school... I want to go to a good collage you know... I see you got in the AP classes as well, so you've got to be smart as well."

He laughed out loud and Ms Wilde glared at him for interrupting her lecture. He only smiled and apologized and then looked back towards Madi. She was giving him and odd look. "What was that about?" she asked him.

"Sorry, I'm not that smart honestly... you should see my grades, I'm barely passing."

"You don't seem so concerned about your grades not being good," she observed, "And was it really necessary to laugh like a crazy person? That was kinda freaky..."

He only shook his head. After his little freak out they lapsed into silence.


Madi was busy taking down notes from the board while Damon just watched her. She was still a mystery to him as he had no idea what made her tick. He didn't even know her favorite color or favorite food; but he wanted to know. This feeling was creeping him out. The need to touch her, to claim her was crying in his blood. He wanted to keep hearing her voice so he could commit it to memory, take in her scent her delicious scent so he would never forget it and see her eyes those beautiful green eyes...

"Um...Damon do you mind? You're creeping me out a bit... Stop staring at me please?"

"Oh, sorry..." he said diverting his eyes away from her as her words snapped him out of his reflections. He felt a bit embarrassed at being caught staring at her. The rest of the class went by quickly and so did the others, and soon enough they were walking to lunch. "Hey Madi, do you want to sit with me? At lunch I mean..."

She only shrugged a bit and bit her lip, but then she sighed, "Yeah sure I guess," she muttered and he had to stop himself from doing a happy dance. However once they were near the cafeteria he heard somebody yell, "Ow stop! You're hurting me!"

He recognized that was Sanders and he was a total loser. He sucked in sports and was your typical chess club nerd. He quickly ran towards the sound, Madi following him or at least trying to... her tiny legs would do little to help her catch up to him. He followed the voices until he found himself outside the band room. He saw Sanders being beaten up by several boys from his football team. Wilson, Myer and Andrews, these made his blood boil. He couldn't stand bullies. As an Alpha he did his best to make sure those weaker than him were protected. Seeing people take advantage of that power pissed him off. He crashed into the room alarming the assholes.

"Oh shit! It's not what it looks like Garcia I swear!" He heard Wilson say. He was backing away and Damon snarled at him. Faster than their eyes could follow he punched Wilson in the gut sending him flying into the drums, making a loud crash. He then went after Myer and punched him in the face as he heard the boys nose shatter from the force of the blow and he smelt the blood pouring out but ignored it. Just as he was about to finish off Andrews he heard Madi's voice shout. "Damon stop!!!"

He felt her grab his arm stopping him from hitting the bastard. He tried to break her grip but she held firm, "Stop it Damon! Please for me..." She begged and he sighed.

He nodded and she let him go. Afterwards she glared to the boys while she helped Sanders up. "You okay?"she asked him kindly. He only nodded blushing that a pretty girl was showing him attention, "Oh, you're bleeding...let me help you with that." She than rummaged through her backpack and brought out a small first aid kit. She got out the alcohol and some cotton balls and poured some of it on the swab and went to rubbing it on his face to get the wounds clean.

"You carry a first aid kit in your backpack?" Damon asked.

She only shrugged, "Yeah, it never hurts to be prepared for disaster right?" She said still focusing on cleaning out Sanders cuts. Seeing his tears of pain she gave him a gentle smile, "I know it burns, but I don't want it to get infected." She then turned and glared at the other boys, "But all of you can get gangrene for all I care!"

She turned her gaze back to Damon and smiled, "That was a very nice thing you did Damon."

He felt himself blush a bit enjoying her praise, "It was no problem... I can't stand bullies." He then glared at his teammates, "I'm telling the coach you know... He told you guys if he caught you beating up kids any more he'd suspend you from games."

The bullies only put their heads down as they knew they were screwed. Damon then sighed, he was hungry. "Hey can we finish this once we got some food?" He asked Madi who shrugged. She asked if Sanders was okay to walk and he nodded. He quietly thanked both of them and they began to walk back towards the cafeteria. Damon gave Madi a smile and she looked away blushing, "Maybe we can get some homework done at my house? Sound good?"

She only nodded, "Sure that sounds like fun... you know... I think this might be a start to a good friendship."

Damon nodded, he sure hoped it was...