For Magic!

Story by KitFox on SoFurry

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College life in a magic world brings out the fun in anyone.

Author's Notes

Written in a Secret Live Writing session that only registered Live Writing followers knew about. Much laughter, fun, and silliness was had.

This was written purely to explore an odd concept that would allow for M/M Solo together. One person, both front and back. (Sounds fun!)

If you like it, Fave, Vote, and Comment! Especially comment.

For Magic!

Not science...

"But it's a really advanced spell!" the fox whined, desperate to have his master find some value in the creation. He wrung his hands, unable to keep his tail from curling between his legs as the lion's steely gaze turned on him.

"WHAT IN THE WORLD IS IT GOOD FOR, TYLER?!" the lion demanded. Yeah... That was one of the things lions were good at. Roaring.

The fox wrung his fingers together so hard they popped a little, making him wince. He was going to be held back again in this Practical Magical Inventions course if he couldn't come up with something. Unfortunately, the master of this course was not known to be cool-headed and Tyler seemed to have great skill at picking his worst of moods.

"M-Master S-S-Sans..." he started, but he couldn't continue. He was in the college of magic. He was a promising student with an excellent grasp of the arcane and possibly the most precise control over his spells that the masters had ever seen. He could be at the top of his class. Yet here he was near tears.

"Here..." Master Sans sighed softly, his voice suddenly much kinder. If Tyler were not in such distress, this sudden change of attitude would be a complete shock to him, as it was unheard of. "Tyler, you're one of the best students the college has ever had. The precision you wield magic with is tremendous. You are highly defined, methodical, and exact."

Tyler winced as the lion's dinner-plate-sized paw patted him on the back. He hadn't even heard the rustle of the master's robes past his self-pity. Master Sans took him by the shoulders and turned him to face the eyes that would determine whether he would graduate at the top of his class or be held back as a next-year's nobody.

"You lack inspiration, lad," the lion murmured. "You lack creativity. Certainly you can make the most precisely shaped cube out of magic that anybody has seen. When you decide on a specific color of orange, it will BE that orange, and no deeper, and no different."

Sans walked over to his desk and picked up an orange fork, staring at it for a moment. "The orange is precise. It will stay perfectly this orange forever. But really, what practical use is a spell to turn things orange?"

Tyler winced. The cat was right. He had worked weeks on that spell, perfecting the incantations, designing the packaging, setting the energies exactly, and choosing just the right color of orange. But who wanted an orange fork? Or to permanently turn anything else orange for that matter?

The lion was in front of him again suddenly and he tried to shrink a little smaller.

"I think," the lion said casually, "that this may have a use or two. Your orange cube, no. This? Maybe." He took the two cloth squares and folded them carefully. "I can never say that the implementation is bad, or that there is a tendril of power out of place." He reached down and lifted the fox's hand, pushing the folded cloth into his fingers.

"But this is PRACTICAL Magic Inventions, Tyler. It's not my place to tell you what it's good for and why it's practical. It's your place to sell me on it." He took the fox's shoulders again and spun him around to face the door, marching the poor student out of his office.

"You don't have time to make another new device before the final is due," the lion whispered beside Tyler's ear. "Your mind is too methodical, too precise, too focused on the mechanics. You need to think on this and have an answer to me by the due date. But maybe you need to think... without using your mind."

There was a sweep of master's robes against the fox's tail as the lion spun and returned to his office and Tyler almost leaped out of his skin when the door slammed behind him. He was left standing in the dim, stone hallway with no final project grade, no good ideas, and no time.

"I take it he didn't like it?"

Tyler yelped and jumped in surprise, spinning on the voice. "Oh spirits, Tara, don't sneak up on me like that!" he said, panting hard as his heart slowly began to stop racing.

The griffiness cocked her head at him and gave him a funny look. "I came here with you. I've been out here all along. I didn't sneak up on you."

"You...!!!" Tyler started accusingly, then he deflated. "You're right. I'm sorry." He shook his head and took a deep breath. "I'm really afraid, Tara. I think I won't pass this course this year." A shiver ran through him. "Or ever."

She glared at him. He was sure she'd frown if her beak was capable of it. She sat her rear end down on the cold stone and reached up with both forepaws, grabbing him by the shoulders. "Don't make me have to shake that kind of talk out of you," she said. "You're the best student in the college. This is just one course. You can do it!"

"I'm being lectured by the smallest griffin in the world and your claws are gonna catch my tunic," he muttered sullenly. While other griffins were the size of draft horses or bigger, she was just barely staring at his lower chest when sitting straight up on her haunches.

"I'm fun-sized!" she exclaimed. "And seriously, are you accusing me of not having control over my claws?!" she demanded, her clawtips barely touching the backs of his shoulders as she clenched her paws, then relaxed them again.

He shook his head. "You can be fun sized. I'm just doomed."

"Oh, fer...!!" she huffed, shaking her head and ruffling her feathers. "Okay, look, Mr. Depressed. If you keep on this line of thinking, you're definitely doomed. Which means it's time for a solution." She spun around and looked over her shoulder at him. "So you come follow me. Because if I have to push you, my claws will DEFINITELY catch on your tunic."

He considered protesting, but shook his head, defeated again. "Lead the way, oh fun-sized one," he said with a mock bow.

She rolled her eyes and padded through the hallway and down the tower stairs, then out the door into one of the side courtyards. On the way, she summoned a small far-talking spell and had a conversation with multiple people, though Tyler was unable to hear her hushed tones.

She took the back door into one of the dormitories, one set for male students. Despite being centuries outdated, there was a strict no-fornicating policy on the college grounds, enforced by geis runes as ancient as the stones of the building themselves and powered by the sexual frustrations of over a thousand years of occupants. Not even the masters were exempt, nor had the combined power of all the masters been able to wipe the runes given the sheer amount of power they accumulated. They weren't even sure that demolishing the whole campus and rebuilding it would work, and that was not an acceptable solution regardless.

Sure, rubbing out a bit of frustration was fine and all, but it didn't come close to the value of a congenial companion. But with the protective runes, any kind of overtly sexual contact or penetration resulted in all involved parties instantly being teleported into the moat. Sure, the moat monsters were well-fed and there to discourage swims, so they didn't put up TOO dangerous of a chase. Staying put and not being chased was a sure-fire ticket into a monster belly though even if being drenched in the cold water wasn't already a turn off enough. Plus the moat stunk and the smell would cling to fur or scales for weeks.

Tyler followed, watching her tail sway lazily as she took a few turns and finally ended up at one of the gathering rooms. The occupied sign was hung on the outside of the door, but it was still swinging, having just been put there. Tara reached with a paw to work the handle and pushed the door open, since she knew who was in there. Tyler followed her in and shut the door again behind, blinking at the brighter light in the room after the dark hallways.

Two of their mutual friends were inside. A lovely cheetah girl named Alana, dressed in robes that looked too expensive to wear to college, and Gurt, a wolf who Tyler was honestly surprised had made it this far in the courses given his guise of utter disregard for authority and rules. He had enough swims in the moat in his record that he knew all of the moat monsters by name.

"Good!" Tara exclaimed. "Gurt, you've got the stealth spell up?" The wolf nodded, picking at his teeth with a claw. "Excellent. Then let's help Tyler figure out what practical use his magical invention has." She spun on him. "Tyler! Present your device!"

"B-but this is my final project! If they find out I cheated, I'll fail!"

"Don't think of it as cheating," Alana purred. "Think of it as saving your ass."

"Yeah," Gurt drawled. "I mean, hey, if you get CAUGHT, you fail. But if you don't do it at all, you still fail. So we just don't get caught."

Tyler tried hard to think of another reason to deny their idea, but sadly they made complete sense to his logical side. His chances were much better with their help. He looked at the crumpled pieces of cloth still clenched in his hand and sighed, dropping them on the table.

The three friends gathered around closely, peering intently at the two balled-up cloth squares. There was absolute silence as they waited for something to happen or for the fox to explain. Finally Tara cocked her head and snapped her beak and the other two let out their breaths.

"Um... so like... what is it?" Gurt finally asked. "Magic handkerchiefs? Oooo! I know! They self-clean the snot off after you blow your nose! That would be useful."

"That would also be something you can buy in the market, Gurt," Alana said witheringly.

Gurt's ears laid to the side. "You can?" he asked with a whine. He pulled a crumpled handkerchief from his pocket and spread it out, revealing a mess that no sane person should be exposed to. "If only I knew..." he lamented.

"Ewww! Put that away!" Alana exclaimed.

The wolf shrugged and stuffed it back into his pocket.

"Come on, Tyler, what is it?" Tara said, poking him with the back of a claw.

Tyler sighed again. If they only examined it magically, they'd know. "It's a paired, bi-directional clairsentience half portal in a convenient format with some value-added features," he said, as if it was utterly obvious.

His friends gave him blank stares.

He blinked. "Oh, come on, you know what that means, right?" The blank stares continued and he huffed. "Am I the only one who took Portal Magics 201 Extra Credit course?" he demanded.

Tara glared at him. "I'll have you know I took Portal Magics 315, foxy!" All her feathers ruffled up. Then they flattened again. "Okay, but really, what the heck is a half portal?"

"It's..." he blinked as he made the realization and his ears wilted. "Um... Something I invented," he finished. "Sorry," he said meekly.

Alana shook her head and Tara patted his back lightly. "Okay, so no more being mad at us. But... Fox. Explain. Now."

Tyler nodded, his fur fluffed in embarrassment. "Okay, so you know normal portals, right?"

"Everybody knows them," Gurt said with a yawn. "Point to point connections through the ether and warded against almost everywhere. They're considered a huge security risk."

"Yeah," Alana said. "They're even warded against outside the portals lab. So I call fluff on you!"

"It's NOT fluff," the fox said defensively. He uncrumpled the first cloth, which was a deep green on one side and black on the other, and spread it out on the table, black side down. Then he took the other cloth, which was black-edged orange on one side and black on the other, and stretched it out in mid-air. His friends blinked when it stayed hanging where he had held it in the air.

"See?" he said, poking his finger at the orange side cloth. It vanished into the cloth.

Three pairs of eyes glanced at the green cloth surface. There was nothing there.

"Ummmmm... No," Alana said.

"Oh ether!" the fox cussed. "Look at it with magic sight."

They looked at him funny again, but Tara shrugged and her eyes glowed slightly. "Oh!" the griffiness exclaimed. She slapped a paw down on the green cloth.

Tyler yelped and jerked his finger out of the orange one, assisted partially by the griffin paw on the other cloth in his speed. "Watch it, you jammed my finger," he said.

"I FELT your finger," the griffiness said, her eyes wide.

"Yep. Bi-directional clairsentience made possible by a half-portal," the fox said.

She patted at the green cloth. "There's nothing here now. Just cloth."

"It only works in one direction."

There was silence for a moment again.

"Soooo...?" Tyler said hopefully.

"Umm... I really don't know," Tara said. "Can you send stuff through it to the other side?"

Tyler shook his head. "Anything going through it is still bound on the local side. As long as it's still got presence on the near side, it's unobstructed. But if it becomes disconnected from that presence, it's ejected."

Gurt pulled a small object out of his pocket and tossed it into the orange surface before Tyler could object. It passed all the way in, then suddenly just popped right back out and fell onto the floor. The wolf bent over to retrieve the object and pocketed it again.

"What... was that?" Alana asked cautiously.

"A stink pouch," the wolf said. "Remote detonate. Don't worry, it wouldn't go off."

Alana stared at him. "A stink pouch..."

"Yeah. I figured if Tyler didn't really make it the way he said he did, it would be a good way to send stink pouches to places and set them off," he said with a grin.

"So you can't send anything through it from green to orange at all, and you can't see anything you send through from orange to green, and whatever goes through isn't really there anyway, and if it isn't partially on the orange side, it just gets bounced back anyway, and you can't even see through it," Alana said, ticking off the items on her fingers.

"Right," Gurt said. "Can't use it to pass notes, or show something to somebody, or set off a stink pouch somewhere remotely, or spy on the female's dorm rooms." He looked thoughtful for a few seconds, then shrugged. "Sorry Tyler, ol' fox. It's useless. You're screwed."

"Hey!" Tara growled.

"I hate to say it, but I think the lunk is right," Alana said.

"But, but it has relativity alignment built in!" Tyler exclaimed. He grabbed the green cloth and stuck it to the door, black side out. "See? It doesn't put any weight or stress on the surface because it's not really sticking, it's just staying there relative to the door."

"And then what?" Gurt asked. "You can feel the door? You can't even use it as a lockpicking cheat. Sure, drape it over a lock and go somewhere else, but all the good locks these days have a visual indicator and clairvoyance is warded against. But you can't SEE the lock." The wolf shook his head. "Relative alignment is nothing new, fox. Diapers, bibs... Yeah... We don't need more cub wear, and the last thing you'd want to do is feel a baby's butt."

"There's got to be something," Tara said.

"Like?" Gurt said.

"Like... Ummm..." She thought about it really hard. "It could... wait. No. Maybe... No."

"Exactly," the wolf said.

"We can think about it more," Alana said, sitting down with a thump. "He still has a few days."

"Great!" Gurt decreed. "Then let's have some thinking juice!" He produced a tiny flask from his vest and some shot glasses from who knew where, then proceeded to fill each of the four glasses with much more fluid than the flask could hold.

"You seriously got a flask of holding?" Alana said.

"It was on sale." He distributed the shots to the fox and cheetah and offered the next to Tara.

"Um, no. Crops and alcohol don't mix," the griffiness said, declining the drink. "Honestly too, do you see my paw getting that into my beak successfully?"

"If you tilt your head back and open wide, I could pour it in," the wolf offered.

"Or you could drop your pants, bend over, and open wide and I could shove it up there!" the griffiness retorted.

"Okay, okay! No need to be snappy. We'd get dumped in the moat if you did that anyway. Personal experience."

"TOO much information," Alana said with a hiss, then downed her glass and licked her lips.

He handed the fourth glass to the fox after drinking his own. "I guess he really needs it more anyway. It's his hide on the line."

Tyler sniffed at the glass, but it didn't smell too strong. He shrugged and gulped it down. Yep, not too bad. Kind of tasty.

Tara turned her attention to the pieces of cloth, tugging the one off the door and setting it on the table again as the wolf swallowed his shot. Her eyes glowed again as she turned her magical attention to the cloth.

The fox shrugged at her and lifted the second shot glass to her. "Cheers, Tara. I'll miss you if I get held back."

Her head snapped up. "Don't say that! I'm sure we'll find some... oh hey... WAIT!" Her eyes widened as Tyler's lips parted and the drink went down his throat.

Tara lifted a paw and snagged Gurt's shirt with a claw, yanking him forward. "What is that drink?!"

"It's a rum from the tavern. Why?"

"You idiot! I bet your taste buds are so permanently drunk that you can't even get a tingle from alcohol anymore," the griffiness spat. "There was magic in that drink!"

"There was? I thought it tasted a bit weak." He picked up the flask and looked at it, but there were no markings on the outside to give any hint. Frowning, he pulled out his handkerchief and blew his nose, eliciting a gag from Alana, and a second one when he stuffed the hanky back into his pocket. Then he sniffed at the flask.

"Oh, hey, yeah. That isn't the rum."

Tara shook him a bit. "What is it?"

"It's a nifty drink I mixed up myself," the wolf said. "A delayed blast atomic fireball." He paused, his brow furrowing in thought. "You know... in retrospect, I don't think Tyler should have drunk..."

Alana suddenly eeped as her belly rumbled and she let out a massive burp. "Oh, wooooooow... thish goot shtuff."

Tara gave the wolf a sickened look as the belch that escaped his muzzle rattled the windows and left splatters on her beak. "Ooooooooh yeeaaaaaah... perrrfick mickz..." he drawled.

"Ty! Gag yourself, NOW!" Tara shouted.

"Wait, what?!" the fox asked, almost completely lost. Then his belly rumbled for the first time and his eyes rolled back. "Oh hey... two giffinz."

"Medical spell, medical spell, crap!" Tara muttered as she let Gurt go. He fell back against the cheetah and knocked her off the chair, then they both ended up in a pile on the floor.

"Shpots!" Gurt exclaimed gleefully, diving under her robes.

"Stick with me, Ty," Tara said, wracking her mind for an appropriate bit of magic to save him from the next gut blast. She carefully drew the fox to her side.

"Un pot. Toooo spotses. Uhh... fiiive..." Alana was into a fit of giggles now, batting through her robes at the wolf under them. "Ohai! Dis izzz bestestest spot HERE..."

There was a flash from the geis runes and both the wolf and cheetah vanished.

Tara stared briefly at the spot they previously occupied. "Right," she muttered. "At least their breath is so bad they won't have to swim too fast to keep the moat monsters off them."

She shook her head and squinched her eyes. "Oh, right! That old joke barf spell should work!" Her eyes flashed as she gathered magic to cast. Then the fox's guts rumbled again and he slumped right as the spell hit.

The room was a mess in short order. At least she had the benefit that her friend ate well, so it wasn't too bad. But now he was not even going to stumble anywhere. She reluctantly left him on the floor for a moment as she snagged his finals project and stuck them to his back. Then some squirming and squeezing under a flopped fox to get him draped over her back before she folded her wings tightly against him and managed to carry him out of the room, his toes dragging behind.

"If anybody asks, it wasn't us," she muttered as she tried to stealthily carry him back to his own room. At least her spell had left his belly empty so he didn't grace the hallways with any more drunken "revelry".

As she crossed the ramparts of the college to the next dorm building, she caught sight of the far wall covered with students. They gasped, then started cheering. She chuckled. "Guess they made it out of the moat at least."

Soon she found Tyler's room and managed barely to get him to open the spell-locked door. With as much grace as a four on the floor could, she got him situated on his bed and went about starting a potion to help. Nearly burn these seeds, grind them to a coarse powder, soak the results in hot water, then filter for the sediment. It was tougher work away from her paw-friendly supplies, but she was a decent mage, so she managed.

Finally she brought the cup of acrid, brown fluid to him and woke him up from a horrendous snore. "Here, drink this," she murmured, cupping a wing behind him to help him sit up.

"You'ze awways sho good, Thara," he said cheerily. "Zeh greph doh dun fooon sizzz kuhhh... kizssh anniz koot ale luzz dossent annif... izzif notta ruze wood soduh yoo."

Her eyes sparkled. "I try to be good," she said. "But I have no idea what else you said," she muttered with a smile. "Now drink."

He managed somehow to down the cup of potion without spilling too much of it on his shirt or tunic. Her eyes glowed a little as she inspected the results in his system. As soon as it hit his stomach, the potion started having an immediate effect. He slouched a little again and she gathered him closer in her wing.

"Sleep, foxy," she purred. She was happy for an excuse to at least cuddle with somebody.

"Weesh noes motez," he mumbled.

"No, we won't get sent to the moat," she said.


She nodded and snoozed lightly while waiting for him to recover.

"Ohgod, moat!" the fox suddenly exclaimed, leaping off the bed.

Tara lifted her head and looked at him. "Welcome to the world of the sober. Are you okay? How're you feeling?"

He paused, looking around wildly at the room. "Wait... did we just have sex?"

"No. The idiot wolf nearly alcohol poisoned you and I brought you here to recover with a potion while Gurt and Alana had too much drunken debauchery and got dumped in the moat."

His ears twisted every which way as he tried to figure that out.

"Don't worry, foxy," she said. "If we could, I definitely would."

The look on his face sent her into a fit of giggles.

"Potion?" he finally asked.

She nodded and pointed to the filtered-out remains. He strode over and picked up the brown mush, sniffing at it, then frowned.

"This is coffee."

"It was really strong coffee," she corrected him. "Then some proper fun size griffin cuddles and care."

"You're far too good to me Tara," he said with a sigh. "I'm just a failure." He spotted the cloths and threw them into the air.

"Master Sans said you just need to think more creatively," she retorted cheerily, snagging the green cloth and draping it across the back of her head and neck like a scarf. "See? A scarf that won't blow off."

"Already exists," Tyler said, snagging the other cloth back and hanging it in the air. "Though I could poke the back of your head." He patted her head through the orange section, making her jump slightly.

"Hey, you have fingers. If you're careful of my feathers, could you scratch there really quick? I have an itch."

She reached up to snag the cloth off so it wouldn't be in the way, but he simply put his hand deeper into the first side of the cloth and used the spell to do so, cutting her action short as she trilled a little in delight.

"Oooo, yes, rub right there..."

He put his other hand into the orange cloth and started giving her a neck massage, amused by the reaction she had. He had never seen her like this before and he was glad to make his friend happy.

"Oh spirits, good fingers. More neck rrrrrrubs... That's sooooooooo goo..." Her head shot up. "OH WOW!!!"

The fox crouched, ready to run from whatever horrible was about to happen. Then he got tackled by Tara.

"That's a practical use!" she exclaimed. "What's the range on these things?"

"Um... I don't think there's a limit," he said, squirming under the feline body.

"Wonderful! Somebody could have the orange side and the green side can go elsewhere. Then the person with the orange side can give a massage remotely."

Tyler considered, "I... I suppose that's true." His mouth fell open. "I mean, it's not really super-practical, because it's so specific, and I don't think there's as much demand for remote massages, but it counts." He smiled up at her. "I think it would get me a barely-passing grade, and that's all I need to advance!"

She planted all four paws around him and stood triumphantly. "Ty, if we could, I would so let you do me right now." She deflated a little. "I think I'm jealous of your dream."

"Er, what DID I say while I was drunk?"

"You... you didn't mean it?"

"No!" Then he saw the look in her eyes. "Well... yes... yes I guess I did. I'd gladly spend time with you, Tara. I stand by what I said. You're a fun sized griffin, and I would kiss you, and your tail is cute, and I love your scent, and if it weren't for the runes, I would so do you."

She brightened. "I'm glad to hear that, foxy. Because I had no idea what you were saying when you said it when you were drunk."

This sunk in. "Wait... so you wouldn't've known if I didn't repeat it clearly here?"

"Nope!" she said happily. "And if you take it back, I'll shove the shot glass up your ass." She grinned. "And you'd like it right before we hit the moat."

"No. No taking it back. I mean it." He reached up to hug her. "You're wonderful, Tara."

She chirrred quietly. "Now, you have documenting to perform on your practical massage device before we lose track and get dumped in the moat ourselves." She stepped away from him and headed to the door, dropping the cloth off on the table, then glanced back over her wing at him. "I look forward to many good demonstrations of your invention, foxy." She winked and flicked her tail languidly. Then she shouldered the door open and was gone.

"Ahhh, only a few more years and if we're both still around when graduation comes, we'll have a great celebration," Tyler murmured to himself. "Okay. Time to document practicality."

He picked himself off the ground, wondering for a moment how the griffiness had managed to knock him flat on his back without even a bump or bruise, and retrieved the green cloth. Giving it some consideration, he decided that proper testing was needed in order to document the use properly. He stripped, since he'd have to change his clothes anyway, and after a quick bit of thinking, draped the green cloth across his lower back.

Handling the orange by the black edges, he spread it out in front of himself and reached toward it. His fingertips penetrated the surface and found the feel of his back fur. A bit deeper into the cloth and he found the surface of his skin. Cautiously he pressed and found it to give slightly, as if a person were sitting just beneath the orange cloth in front of him. But it also felt like somebody was pressing on his back. The action was strangely detached and yet related at the same time.

Soon his eyes were heavy-lidded as he rubbed his own back through the invention. This was something he could never do without this. Heck, who needed remote massage when this worked well too? Two options! Maybe an even better grade. Or at least less-bad.

He was experimenting with using his claws lightly on his back, sending shivers down his spine, when he suddenly realized he was enjoying it a little too much. A glance down at his own sheath showed that he was peeking. "Heh. I guess yet some more extra bene..." His eyes narrowed for a moment, then widened. "...fits...?"

But maybe you need to think... without using your mind.

Curiously, he pulled the cloth from his back. Mind working furiously, he stared at it. Several tests needed here.

He flattened the green cloth on the table again, then reached through the orange up to his elbow. With his other hand, he examined the clairsentience presence of the remote arm. Invisible. Magically created. Fuzzy. Warm. Every detail down to the furs and clawtips was present. He rubbed the fingertips on one hand against the virtual fingertips of the other and noted that the material interaction was appropriate as well. Dry fingertips.

Briefly, he brought his free thumb to his lips and licked it, then rubbed it against the magic presence of his other thumb. Slick with spit. He extracted his arm from the orange cloth and rubbed his forefinger and thumb together. Completely dry. Then he brought that hand to his lips and licked his fingertip before sticking the arm back through and feeling the damp fingertip's presence. Once again, it felt slick, but left his free hand dry.

His ears flicked furiously again, and then he took the green cloth and draped it across his nose. Opening his mouth slightly, he poked a finger through the orange and ended up poking a tooth. A cautious adjustment and he slipped the virtual finger into his mouth and gave it a lick, then a small suckle. His eyes widened.

The next natural step was to drape the green side down over his lap. He almost doubled over in pain when he shoved his hand through the orange far too quickly and punched himself in the balls, but lesson learned. Careful, slow. A touch brought his flesh to life and tented the cloth on his lap in short order, and soon he was enjoying a good bit of a rub.

"Great, that's the last thing anybody needs when their own hand is right here," he muttered and pulled the cloth off his lap. A quick inspection showed that none of his fluids had stuck to it. The fabric wasn't compatible with anything adhering to it because of the relative adhesion system.

Then a curious thought struck his mind. He hadn't ever been able to bend himself well enough... but...

The green cloth went draped over his muzzle again and he stood, situating the orange at hip level in the air. With much more worry about hitting teeth with sensitive anatomy, he prodded the orange with his tip. A little off. Reposition... Ah, there... Mmmf! No flavor, but the feel and slickness was there. He pushed a few more inches through and ran his tongue around it before moaning in delight. He couldn't believe he was doing this! Gurt talked about it often enough, but Ty had never been as flexible as the wolf.

He didn't spend much time on the distraction before he was panting softly and needed to stop lest he go too far.

If he could poke that part through into his mouth, could he poke it to other willing places?

His mind immediately went to Tara. He could smell the scent she left behind when she departed. If he could, she would invariably be interested.

But what about the runes? Would they trigger from that? It was a risk he couldn't put her through, or anybody else for that matter. Was there any other way he could test?

Wait... He remembered...

"Oh, gah, Gurt! You got dumped in the moat again? Who got dumped with you?"

"Nah, just me."

"What? How the hell did you manage that? You've even sucked yourself off without setting off the runes."

"Damndest thing, that. I was just sitting around, having a rub, and I thought to myself, 'Hey, I'm a wolf. It bends backwards. I wonder if I could stick it in me?'"

"You didn't..."

"Not much, but hey, penetrate and poof, like they say."

Ty broke out of his memory and stared at the green cloth. Penetrate and poof, yeah. It was a valid test in his mind. He wasn't one to swing that way, but hey, the testing must happen! For magic! He was the only one that would be dumped in the moat, after all, and he could outswim the monsters easily enough.

He couldn't believe what he was doing as he choreographed the test. Tail up, out of the way, and stick the green side to his own rump. Let's put the orange side in the air at a little bit of an angle. Then lean a little, push into the orange cloth... That was a butt cheek. So this way some... there... that felt like the spot.

"No moat, no moat, no moat...." he whispered, pressing carefully against his own puckered hole by proxy. "Oh spirits, I'm not really doing this..." Then he felt his ring give way and gasped as he slid an inch in.

He winced, expecting the runes to take hold and toss him in the muck, but there was no flash of energy. Opening an eye slowly, he was still in his room. Carefully he backed out most of the way, but couldn't help but push back in a little more with a pleased moan.

"Okay..." he said with a rasp. "Maybe... maybe I should test it better... just in case it's a delayed reaction from the runes..." Testing! For magic!

Gritting his teeth, he changed the angle into the orange cloth and worked to relax as he pushed deeper into himself. He was not doing this... he was not doing this... he was not... wait... yes he was, and he was hilted.

So many years without such a delightful feel around his cock and now he had it, and he was not swimming in monster-infested moat goo. Even more surprisingly, when he was doing it to himself, he didn't mind having something under his tail too much. In fact, as he pulled out for another deep delve, he realized that he could pay attention to both ends and it was actually kind of enjoyable. After so many years, he didn't want to stop. He couldn't stop. The write-up could wait. Proper experiment testing demanded that he see this through to the conclusion. His loins demanded it too.

He was lost in the moment and in a haze. His mind was barely able to wrap around what he was doing, it was just that insane. Nothing but driving towards the goal, and when he reached it, pushing in as hard as he could and giving a satisfied yip, he finally began to realize what he had done.

Students spent 15 years in the college, learning to be mages. Masters spent centuries. The college wasn't just a place one could leave for the weekend, either. It was self-contained, self-sufficient, and locked off from the rest of the world for the entire educational year. Even for the two days of admissions and graduating departures, there was too much work to do to make a foray out into the world to find a companion.

The ancient runes made people miserable and studies from centuries past showed indisputable proof that the abstinence made for much worse mages and a lower success rate. This college only got students because despite the runes, it was still the third best in the world.

Practical magical invention? How about something that bypassed the runes and their restrictions? Something that would allow masters and students alike to partake of the flesh in the ways that made magic thrive? Barely-passing grade? With this discovery, he was nearly guaranteed highest honors!

What had he done? He made what may end up being the most important magical discovery of the millenium!

"Tyler? I was in the hallway and I heard you yip. Are you okay?" Tara called through the door as she started to open it.

The fox blinked. His ears went back in shock and he pulled. Then he discovered the other thing he had done.

"Tyler, are you... o..." She stopped and stared, trying to figure out what was going on. Then her brain put it together and her feathers fluffed massively as her nares flushed red. "Are you doing what I think you're doing?"

The fox gulped and nodded numbly. "T-testing..."

Feathers settled down as the griffiness closed the door behind her. She considered the situation carefully, much to the fox's dismay. "I remember Gurt's solo moat trip. Who could forget that story?" She gave him a measured stare. "Yet I note that you are still here in this room and not in the moat."

Her lion-like paws fell on the carpeted floor and she padded around him, examining the situation from every angle. "This means two things. First, you're going to be the most popular person in this school for the rest of eternity..." She cut off with a pregnant pause, staring at him.

"A-and the s-second?"

"That you are going to stop sitting there looking all satisfied, drape that green cloth across my rear, and get to some more proper testing, or so help me..." She couldn't help but trill in excitement at the idea.

He winced. Speaking of what else he had done. "I-I c-can't..."

If looks could kill. "You... can't...? Second thoughts about this fun-sized griffiness?" she asked dangerously.

He wanted to curl up and vanish. Maybe the moat would have been better.

Then she squinted at him. "Ty... foxy... you're a fox... a canine..." She glanced at the depth he had into the orange cloth and her eyes widened. "You didn't, did you?!" she exclaimed. "You tied yourself!"

She fell over laughing, a chirring, purring, chittering laugh as only a griffin could accomplish in the absolute funniest of situations. Yep. Moat would definitely be an improvement.

Then she leaped to her feet and reared up, putting paws on his shoulders and getting as face to face with him as she could. Her laughter was gone and though merriment still twinkled in her eyes, it was kind.

"So, what, twenty to thirty minutes? Maybe a little more?" He nodded slowly. She went back to the door and locked it, then returned to him with a hungry look in her eye. "Then we have all the time we need for you to give me all the delicious details and get me so worked up that you'll have no choice but to follow my wishes when you get unstuck. Then the damn runes can look out."

Tyler managed a little grin and nodded, relaxing at her enthusiasm. He had time for further testing, and a willing assistant. His worries were over, and the rest of his schooling was just going to be that much better. And if anybody asked why he did it, he could look them in the eye, and tell them:

For magic!

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