Journey to the West

Story by ozknine on SoFurry

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#1 of Journey to the West

A revised version of an old story,

A young man leading a normal, happy life has his world turned upside down by a transformation of such proportions that he must leave everything he knows and loves behind.

So, this is an edited version of my old story on here. Previously called "suddenly furry", I decided that the title sounded too much like the chick flick "Suddenly 30". It has been edited, the second chapter is part of the first, in order to make it a little bit longer (yes it is still a short story, but meh, there will be more). I think it actually makes for a better story now that I've revised it a bit.


Journey to the West

Chapter one:

The day had turned out to be yet another long, hot day. The weather was hot and sticky as it normally is in the northern parts of Australia. The cicadas rang out their long droning, as is wont on a day like today. A young man sat on his front porch of his house, situated on a large block of land in the hills of the north. "Oh man! Glad that's that lot done and dusted" Mike sighed contentedly as he finishe his final essay on English teaching. "Now for something other than teaching theory." Mike was a man of twenty years, and was looking forward to heading to Japan to teach. He was at home today, and His family had still not come home yet. Well, I guess before I do anything, I may as well feed the birds; thought Mike. Mike took some seed and laid it out in one long line at the edge of the rainforest that made up part of the land.

After a brief lunch, he prepped up and went for his usual afternoon ride to the local pool with one of his workmates. They went through their usual routine; one lap of the pool, ten push-ups, another lap etc. Then it was back home for his workout on the punching bag and makiwara; a tool developed to help punching, and used predominantly by practitioners of karate. Taking a deep forward stance, Mike started practicing one of the most underestimated techniques in Karate, the reverse punch. Ten punches one hand, ten punches the other. This continued for some time. As he struck the pad of the makiwara, three things happened almost at the same time. The post snapped, Mike's hand came back and hit the jagged remains of his makiwara and he fell to the ground clutching his bleeding hand. "God Damn it!" exclaimed Mike. He made his way back to the house, uttering a few choice words at the same time. As he bandaged his hand, he decided that it was finally time to practice his kata.

Stepping once again outside onto the grass, Mike felt the temperature drop significantly, and noticed clouds coming across quite fast. "Typical bloody rain" he sighed. "oh well, may as well get some practice in." Taking up position, Mike focused his mind on the task at hand. "Seipai!" Mike announced his kata and began. As he worked his way through the form, thunder started to rumble overhead. All of a sudden, a loud Crack resounded through the hills of his home. The birds in the trees took flight in the opposite direction; looking to escape the oncoming storm Looking around for the direction the sound came from, Mike noticed strange blue lightning striking the ground in the distance. It appeared to get closer and closer to him. He soon forgot about the strange lightning storm and began to worry about his pets. He ran from the lightning back towards his house; but it was too late. As his legs pounded on the ground; carrying him as fast as possible, a bolt of lightning struck. Mike's voice caught in his throat as he tried to yell. Pain coursed through his entire body. It all became too much. Mike succumbed to the pain and blacked out.


Mike first became aware that the pain stopped some time later. Opening his eyes, he tried to look around; but to no avail. As he stood, mike stumbled and fell again. As he fell, he landed on his rump, and a sharp pain shot through him. Looking around, Mike discovered a long protuberance just about where his tailbone should be. Scared now, Mike looked down at his hands and feet, only to find his hands were now paws. He reached up and felt the side of his head, and felt a lot more hair than was normal, and his ears had moved from the side to the top of his head. "What the hell was that lightning?" Mike wondered aloud. "How long was I out?" As he once again got to his feet, he noticed some more changes. Looking down, Mike saw that he was covered in a dark fur. Scared now, he ran to the bathroom mirror and grabbed a hold of the sink to steady himself. "What the hell?" Mike was scared now, but intrigued at the same time. Staring back at him was a jet black, furry muzzle with two green eyes. "What the hell?" he breathed; the muzzle moved in time with the words. "I....I'm a....a wolf?"

Mike was amazed by the transformation that had taken place. He had no idea how long he was out for; or even what that lightning actually was. He ran his hands over his new features; still trying to figure out how exactly he had become a wolf. A sudden barking to his right made him look down. His three dogs- who were usually quite lazy and placid- were growling and barking at him as though they didn't recognize him. The largest one started to scare Mike. The hair along her back was raised, and her features were pulled back into a grotesque, yet ferocious snarl. "Girls it's me. Hey shush." Mike tried to move towards them, but they were also scared of this strange new figure within the house. They moved back, giving Mike space to move out of the bathroom. He tried to pacify them by running to the pantry and throwing some dog biscuits on the floor. The dogs, however, took no interest in the food this time. Instead, they kept up their incessant barking, trying to alert anyone to a danger within the house. "Great." Mike sighed "the neighbours are going to think this place has been broken into. Guess it's time to go."

Not happy with what was about to become of his life and uncertain about his future, he made for the seclusion of his room and closed his door so the dogs would not disturb him; although, they kept up with their barking outside his door. Mike grabbed his rucksack and placed a few pairs of clothes inside. Then, taking a pen, Mike scribbled a note to his family, telling them that he would always keep them close to his heart, and not to worry. Setting the pen and paper down, Mike knew now that time was of the essence. He had to get clear before someone decided to check out what was making all the noise. Taking his two daggers and his Nepalese khukuri- a birthday gift- Mike headed to the pantry and grabbed enough food to last him a few nights, locked the dogs inside (with some difficulty), and headed out to start his new life.

Keeping out of sight, he decided that exile and seclusion were the best way to remain hidden from the rest of the world. As far as Mike knew, he was the only one of his kind now, and, knowing what the human psyche was like; he knew that, even if he tried to integrate into society, society would ostracize him. He assumed that he would be taken by either scientists who wanted to study him or dissect him, or both; or by a sideshow and placed beside the likes of the bearded lady. He would not allow either to happen. Mike had decided to follow the sun west, there was more opportunity to avoid cities that way, and he could easily circumvent the smaller communities. Intent on beginning his new life, Mike walked down the stair and left his old life behind. The journey west had begun.