Fur Story: Book I: The Rise - The Prologue

Story by RufusZombot on SoFurry

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This is the Prologue of a work in progress. I will be posting the rest of what I have shortly, and then post everything else as it's written. It's a story of two freelance detectives trying to get to the bottom of fur deaths.

The Prologue

In this day and age, when humans and furs have lived together for centuries, you would think, with so much in common, that it would be easier for one to get a job. You would think. This is definitely not the case, where furs are usually treated like the animals they evolved from.

The furs are ostracized with claims that their intelligence isn't up to par with that of the humans; that they are not in God's image and therefore inferior. This is nothing new, it's been happening since the dawn of intelligence itself, even before religion was around.

Once the humans took the upper hand with force, the furs could never recover. With the human's numbers far greater, the furs could do nothing but sit back and watch them take over. Watch as the humans left the furs to fend for themselves.

Only within the last twenty years have the furs been allowed to attend the same public schools and other public forums. To the furs, this was a big step forward; to the humans, this was an outrage. Having the furs attend the same schools as their children is like sending the family dog to school, at least in the human's eyes.

It's what the humans don't know that has the greatest impact. More so, the majority of furs are just as unaware. It's the things being done to keep both sides free, the furs working with the humans for the sake of all.