Chapter Six - When Blood Spills, Hatred Grows

Story by Mongoose on SoFurry

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#6 of Cave Story- If Quote wasn't there...

Arthur's door creaked open, Ace peeked inside.

"Sue?" He called out, with no reply. He stepped inside.

Arthur's house was dark, someone had closed the curtains and turned off the lights, the only source of light was the faint glow of Arthur's computer monitor. Ace frowned, this house used to be a sanctuary of sorts. All the time he spent here with the others, King, Jack, Toroko... Arthur...

He sighed loudly, Arthur's death had affected everyone. More than he ever imagined. He wondered if the village would be better off if he had sacrificed his life for Arthur's. He shook his head, it was too late for regret. He had to save Toroko! Ace quickly stepped towards the computer, knocking the chair away from the desk. He leaned over the desk, gazing at the screen.

The monitor displayed a recent instant message that had gone un-responded. Ace paid little attention to it, dismissing it as unimportant.


Ace blinked, surprised at what he saw. The Teleporter program was running, with a recent connection to the Egg Chamber.

The Egg Chamber was an expriement of Arthur's. He loved dragons and cherished the thought of having his own. Ace believed Arthur read a little too many fantasy stories, but, had helped Arthur and the others construct the chamber and watched over Arthur as he toiled to revive a dormant dragon egg. Of course, after Arthur's death, the chamber had been abandoned.

Ace re registered the connection to the Egg Chamber, then stepped into the teleporter. It took a second for the machine to charge, humming softly, suddenly sending a sharp charge of energy through Ace's body. He felt no pain, only the sudden lightness of his body, the colors fading from his vision, replaced by darkness, and soon, numbers and letters darting across his vision. He knew this was every detail of his body, his thoughts, his very soul, being converted into computer data and being sent across the network.

For a moment, it was as though Ace had shut his eyes and when he had opened them, he was standing in the Egg Chamber. When they had said, travel in the blink of an eye, they were being quite literal. He stepped out of the teleporter, taking a quick look around him.

Little had changed, all sixteen gigantic eggs still slept quietly in their incubators. Only Arthur's first egg was ready to hatch, it was only after he successfully revive the first, did he work on the others. Ace smiled. He was glad the maturing eggs still had quite some time before he was blessed with an entire flock of Sky dragons to care for. He sighed, thinking of how much it would be a pain to care for so many hatchlings. But, they would grow... And when they did, he'd have an unstoppable army!

His thoughts were rudely interrupted when a monster tackled his shoulder, snarling wildly, digging it's teeth into his shoulder. It shook back and forth savagely, tearing into Ace's soft flesh.

"Ah!" He cried out, grabbing the creature, ripping it from his shoulder. He threw it to the ground, stomped on it's soft, rounded body, pinning it to the floor. The creature barely had enough time to squeak before Ace filled it with hot energy.

Ace growled softly, gripping his gun tightly in his hands, hot steam poured from it's muzzle. He shoulder trembled, warm blood trickling from his wond. The damage was nothing major, but it didn't stop the pain.

The monster's that had once been Arthur's pets and workers, had quickly multiplied, growing wild from Arthur's long absence.

Ace frowned, raising his handgun, staring down the growing pool of monsters, each attracted to the fresh scent of blood, snarling and growling menacingly.

Ace pulled the trigger, again and again, firing quickly, each shot precise, hitting his targets effortlessly. It only took single shots to kill them, Ace had already cut thier numbers in half before they were even in range to attack him.

The first lept towards him, snarling fiercely. Ace shut it up by feeding the creature the heated muzzle of his handgun, filling it's brain with energy. He swung his arm, flinging the corpse off his gun. The rest of the pack joined in, leaping towards Ace in hopes of getting a taste of his flesh. He ducked and weaved, avoiding most, swinging his arms about, slapping away the rest.

"Shit." He cussed, in a bad situation, quickly being surrounded by their overwhelming number. In a desperate attempt to escape being surrounded, he lept forward, over the pack, landing on his feet behind them. They turned, only to be greeted with more beams of energy, leaving only a few left. They were determined to feed upon Ace's body and attacked him once more. Ace swung his hand, batting one away, it hit the ground hard enough to force it's last breath from it's body. Ace continued firing, crying out loudly. Adrenaline pumped through his veins, his muscles bulged. Even though he had disposed of them all, he didn't stop. He fired at their dead, smoldering bodies, swearing at each one, his gun overheating, burning his hands.

Pain surged through Ace's hands, waking him from his frenzy. He dropped his gun onto the floor and fell to his knees, digging his fingers into the sides of his skull. He screamed, tears welling in his faint crimson eyes. His lungs burned, his chest heaving as he struggled to breathe. His mind throbbed, violent thoughts filled his head, images seared themselves to his brain. He shut his eyes tightly, pushing back the thoughts, fighting the pain.

For a long moment, Ace sat upon his knees, staring down at his gun before him. The silence that had fallen felt so eerie. Everything faded. The pain, the thoughts, the crimson color of his eyes. Slowly, his breathing returned to normal. He grabbed his gun, staggering to his feet, limply walking foreward. He hated fighting...

He hated it so very much.