Learning to Swim - Part VI

Story by OttersGonnaOtt on SoFurry

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#6 of Entropy Series

Robyn and Adrian find a little private time in the bathroom.

The story continues! This is more like a little fun between larger sessions, but there's some meaning in what happens in this chapter so I didn't want to leave it out and skip ahead. The next chapter might take a little bit as there's a lot I want to have sone in it, but please enjoy this for now. :3

As always, this story contains mature themes and explicit sexual imagery. If you aren't of legal age to view such materials in your area, please stop reading any further and close this story. To everyone else, I hope you like it! Criticism is welcome if not!

"Ah, shit!" Robyn spat out as she jerked forward to cover herself on the toilet.

Shutting off the shower water and ducking his head behind the curtain, Adrian assured, "Sorry, hon. I'll just take a towel and get out your hair."

"No..." Spotting a gap where she could move without being seen Robyn said, "Go ahead, Dee. I'll just to back to bed for a--"

Peeking out from the shower curtain Dee mentioned, "No need to hide that, Robyn. I know about Ari and all." He took a good look at the squirrel's slightly distended tummy and added, "Looks like she puts her brother to shame in the volume department though..."

"The fuck, Dee!?" Robyn hunched over to cover herself again and ended up crouching on the floor when she accidentally forced some of the cum inside her to spit out on the tiles. With a hint of pleasure in her voice she tried to hide the fact with, "J-just let me get out and we'll talk later!"

Dee did the exact opposite, kneeling next to her and saying, "It's alright, hon. You could use some help, anyway."

"Dee, I appreciate it but now's--"

"No 'but's. I'm lending a paw and that's that." Dee reached down and placed a paw on the girl's swollen belly, then put the other lower near her crotch. "Besides, I'm curious how much those two are alike. I wonder if they taste the same, heeeeeee!"

"Ah, wait!" Robyn tried to cry out, hushing herself with a paw. "It's... sensitive..."

Taking two fingers and pressing them inside Robyn's folds, Adrian began scooping what he could out onto the tile floor. "Hmm, not much comin' out like this though." Gently pulling upward with both paws, he helped Robyn back onto the edge of the toilet. "There. You alright, sweetie? Anything too sore?"

Spotting Dee sporting an erection out the lip of his panties, Robyn averted her gaze to the shower out of embarrassment. "It's sort of... uh..."

Spreading her legs for a better view of what he was working with, Dee took a long look and spread Robyn's lower lips. "Wow, so pretty..."


"Oh, shush. I've never really seen one of these up close before." He looked at his slimy paw and then back, bringing his snout in for a quick lick. "Ooh, they do taste the same, heeeeeeee..."

"Gah!..." Robyn squirmed a bit to try and get away from Dee's tongue, but only ended up spilling out more of Ari's seed from her womb with a pleasured moan. "Ah, fuck it. Dig in, gay boy."

"Not sure what I'm doing, so let me--"

Without warning Robyn put both paws on the back of Dee's head and pulled him to her pussy. "Just... make it quick."

Adrian wrestled Robyn's paws free but didn't pull back at all. Instead he let his tongue slip into her and swirl about, just getting a feel for the foreign territory. When his tastebuds met the fresh cum that just leaked free, he immediately began working to slurp it out with a newfound fervor. Something about the fresher stuff drove him wild, almost demanding he dig the rest out lest he die trying. Dee pulled back a bit to look up at Robyn's state, noting her eyes shut in bliss. She could handle a bit more.

Driving his tongue in deeper, Adrian simply found he couldn't go as deep as he needed to do his job properly. He angled his snout downward, then pressed the whole of it into the girl's petals just enough so he could still breathe out the sides of his mouth. His actions enticed a few quieted squeals out of the squirrel, but once her insides stopped squirming in pleasure Dee went right back to probing for his target. A pawful of seconds later he found it, his tongue slipping slow circles around Robyn's cervix. The girl was barely able to hold still let alone contain her cries. When Adrian poked his tongue through her inner opening and hit the cum jackpot, she rather aggressively convulsed as she hit a high peak.


Dee tried to pull out not knowing exactly how to handle things, only to be shoved in deeper so he couldn't breathe by the quivering squirrel. Not that he really minded, the surge of cum finding its way around his tongue showing that Robyn's orgasm only sped things up for the two. Adrian reached up a paw and aided the outflow by pressing on the girl's tummy, which in turn forced out the remaining contents of her womb almost all at once with a loud squelch. By the time the squirrel went limp and let off of Dee's head, she was mostly cleaned out inside. The otter pulled back and rose up to peck a sticky kiss on Robyn's nose with a smile.

"Wow, now I'm jealous," Dee said as he licked his muzzle free. "My turn?" he added with a giggle.

"Ewwwww..." Robyn sat herself up straight and looked down at her now-flattened tummy. "Wow, yeah... That's a lot better." Spotting the otter still licking his paws she added, "Tastes that good, huh?"

Dee caught himself rather obsessed with devouring all the cum he could get and answered a rather surprised, "Uh... it's not that bad. I just... really want to..."

"Right, I forget you're a boy, silly girl." Robyn reached over for some toilet tissue and cleaned up the last bit of white that dripped out of her. "I guess Ari's heat would still affect you, anyway."

"Heat?" The girly boy looked at one door then the other. "Explains a bit about the other day, actually."

"Hmm? You mean, uh..." Robyn caught herself staring at his dripping panties and the cock that poked out of them. "Well, that? I don't mean to pry, just... Yoyo, really?"

"Hey, don't talk bad about my man." Dee forced his length sideways into his panties out of respect and continued, "We may have been hopped up on uh... Ari... but he's a sweetheart."

"Nah, no worries hon. I just never pinned him as gay is all."

"Me neither." Dee went for some tissue of his own to clean up the floor and himself. "Well, some things he said... Bi, maybe."

"Well good for your two, in any case." Robyn finished cleaning up to a respectable degree and stood up. "I just hope this isn't another fling for you is all. I mean, you do have a habit of breaking your toys and all."

"Robyn... I love the hunk." He finished up himself and smiled for the squirrel. "And he's all mine, heeeeeee."

"Good. Just... Ari's mine then, haha."

Grinning at the thought Dee added, "Hey, don't think too hard into... us... uh..." He walked back to Yoyo's door and rested his paw on the handle. "I was just being... friendly, haha."

Cracking her own door, Robyn whispered back, "It's alright, Dee. Pheromones are a bitch and all. I get it." With that she gave a playful wave and slipped back into Ilaria's room, closing the door behind her.

"Note to self: Ari's sheets are magic." Slipping back into Iolvin's room with a soft "Heeeeeeee..." Dee found the other otter sitting up and trying to assemble the parts of a prosthetic hindpaw. "Oh, mornin' handsome."

"Ah, morning sexy. Just trying to get this thing to work since we sort of gave up on it."

Taking the main component from him, Dee added, "I'll get it. Should only take a minute now that I've got tools."

"Aww, and here I thought I'd get to do the work and you'd just wiggle that cute butt of yours for encouragement." Yoyo smiled and leaned over for a quick kiss. "You steal some of Lulu's perfume or something? You smell nice."

Bopping him on the shoulder Dee giggled, "As if I don't always smell great." Turning a bit more serious in tone he then informed, "You know your sister's in heat, right?"

"In heat? Since when?" A confused look spread over Yoyo's face as he thought it through. "She's never dealt with that before, anyway. And I've never noticed..." He took a deep sniff of the scent hovering around Dee and his eyes went wide. "Wait, you mean yesterday, we were...?"

"Yeah, so no more stealing panties unless you want to lose it." Dee clicked something into place and the hindpaw started adjusting itself, apparently assembled and activated now. "Weeell, maybe my panties, heeeeee."

"Okay, okay. I'll have to watch myself near her. Got it." Yoyo looked at the prosthetic for a moment then at the hard cock in Adrian's panties. "Uh, the bathroom not even safe now?"

Meeting his gaze with a grin Dee answered, "Nah, I sort of... uh... ran into Robyn in there."

"Wait, Robyn? Shit, she saw you like that?" Yoyo hushly barked out.

"Trust me, she was in a more compromising position dear." Dee placed the hindpaw on the nearby desk and sat back in bed. "Let's just say those two had a long night."

"You mean..." Having to now hide a growing bulge under the sheets out of embarrassment for getting hard with the thought of his sister, Yoyo crossed his legs and put his paws in his crotch. "So they're getting along, huh? Good for them."

"That's what Robyn said about us. And no she's not gonna tell Ari just yet." Dee leaned against Yoyo and hugged his waist. "You're not hiding anything by the way, heeeee..."

"Don't get any ideas, honey. Not with those two so close, anyway." He hugged right back and leaned down to kiss the top of Dee's head. "We'll have fun later. Thin walls just don't work well in our favor is all."

"Why hide it, Iolvin? If you're gay, who cares?" The smaller otter slumped and sighed at the thought.

"Gay? I might be smitten by a certain someone, but I'm into women too." He gave another soft kiss and added, "But my parents might not take to that too well, so maybe keep that a bit hush hush.

Unable to hold back a chuckle, Dee spat out, "You two are definitely twins, hehe."

Giving his arms a bit of a stretch, Iolvin sat back up and slid out of bed. "Should we try for breakfast? Or you think we can take a shower after all?"

"Mmm, a hot shower with you sounds... sexy."

"You need a change of clothes though. Maybe--"

Nodding to his bag Dee threw in, "I've got my bathing suit with me, darling. Should work until my dress goes through the wash, anyway."

"That stringy bikini?" Yoyo's now free cock noticeably twitched at that comment. "Yeah, that might work just fine." He went over to check his phone for a moment then headed for the shower. "Now get your tight ass in here, sexy.

"Heeeeeee... Yes sir!"