3. Meet Danny

Story by Cherokee92 on SoFurry

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Third installment of a story i'm writing. If your profile is set to "Clean" you wouln't see my first 2 stories, as they are set to "Adult", and for a reason!

(3) Meet Danny

The next day, I went over to JP's house like he told me to. I knew he would know when I arrived because I drove an old V8 Jeep Grand Wagoneer from the 80's with no muffler. Only bad thing about that was everyone knew it was MY Jeep. But he knew this so when I knocked on the door he pretended he just needed more help with a computer, in case someone was watching. When I walked in, the house was much cleaner than the night before. I also noticed someone else, a big 210lb 6ft, 3in tall football player named Danny. He was a hot Arctic wolf, white with a scar going across his left side. A very intimidating guy!

As I noticed Danny I looked at JP in a slight panic, thinking this was a trap. He smiled at me and introduced me to Danny. "This is Danny, the football player you saw me take pictures of before." Danny looked at me with a very friendly smile as he stood up, then offered me a handshake. I hesitated, but did accept his offer with a firm grip. He responded with an even firmer grip, my hand still hurts! After this he sat back down and looked to JP, who then started to say "Danny is gay." I just looked at JP, and he continued "He's been looking for a boyfriend, you seem like the type he would like. I liked "Playing" with you last night, but you just ain't my type." I looked to Danny, and he nodded in approval of what JP was saying.

"I think you two would make a great couple!" said JP, "So what, you trying to hook him up with me?" I asked. JP responded with a positive nod. I looked to Danny, and examined him more. He looks like a typical High school football jock, seemed to be all brawn and no brains. Muscles bulging out of his long sleeve Underarmour shirt and was always wearing gym shorts. But he had medium length hair, that liked to hang out above his eyes, which was unusual for a jock, but I liked it! So I nodded in approval of him and smiled. I walked over to him, and sat on the couch. We just stared talking, getting to know each other. After about an hour, I was comfortable enough with him that I tried to put my arm around his neck, typical Teen boy thing to do with someone they love. When he noticed, he smiled and did the same to me.

Another hour passed, and we were like best friends. I really liked him, he was a bug hunk of a football player, but also really smart and open-minded. A very loving and caring person!. By this time, he had to go home to his parents, who didn't know he was gay. As he was leaving, he stopped and offered me to come meet his parents as a new "Best Friend". I had told him about my Parents, they both died a year earlier and I was living off of the life insurance and cash my big brother was sending me. He knew I missed them greatly, and I accepted his offer to meet his parents.

We got to his house, a small mansion on the edge of town. Both of his parents were Lawyers, so they had loads of money. I will never forget the look they gave me when I followed Danny my my old beat up Jeep. Danny himself owned a brand new Roush Mustang. But they didn't say anything and welcomed me in. I was only planning on staying for a few minutes to meet them, but they offered me to stay for Dinner. Being a very kind and shy person, I had to accept.

By the time I managed to leave, I had gotten to know them all very well. Even though they were rich Lawyers, they were all very kind! But I think they owe that to the fact that they all used to be dirt poor. As I was leaving, Danny gave me his phone number and said to call him the next day. I smiled, and took off. This was turning into the best few days of my life! Before I met JP, I was always that "Forever Alone" guy that no one even knew. I always wanted someone strong to hold me tight when I was sad, calm me down when I got pissed off, and to cuddle with me on cold nights. Sometimes I stopped to think, "Is this really happening?!"