The Simple Man's Perfume - Commissioned by Guderian

Story by Atlas86 on SoFurry

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#1 of Elements

So, this story is a little different. Well~ it's basically the same as my other stuff...but it's conception was different. You see, this time, somebody told me what they wanted...and then I wrote it for them. In exchange for words, I got the dollars. Well~ I got Killing Floor, but it's worth the dollars! This was my first commission, which is why I dropped everything to do it.

The name with the ideas this time was...Guderian!

So I'd like to thank him for being my first commissioner, and hopefully not my only commissioner.

"You know what would be good, John? A big, juicy steak," Janet said as they sat down to eat their evening bread.

"You've never had a steak, how would you know if it was any good?" John shot back.

He was a little short in stature, but strong all the same, with a mop of brown hair slightly leaning to one side of his head. He worked a farm just outside of town with his wife, Janet. They got by fine, most of the time. The weather was fair and the soil good. Sometimes they even came out with a bit of a profit. But that wasn't good enough, apparently. She wanted more, and damned if she didn't let him know about it.

"The rich people are always eating them, so they must be good," she replied.

"Well, if the rich people all ran into a dragon's lair, would you think it was a good idea?" he asked.

A gleeful grin suddenly crossed her face. He watched warily as she put her bread down and reached behind her. He'd seen this face before. She'd done it the night before the big dance (which he had been against in the first place), when he'd stumbled and knocked down most of the dancers along with the keg of beer. She'd made that face when a foreign trader tried to sell him a rock that made wishes come true. She had made that face when her parents had come over. That smile was a bad omen.

A piece of paper came fluttering around her as she returned to the table. She slapped it down before him with a resounding thud, that grin on her face and a glint of mania in her eye. He stared blankly at her for a moment, then blankly down at the page. On it was a picture of a bottle, with what looked like a dragon on it. Just below it were the words 'Wanted: Dragon Musk' and 'Five pounds a bottle. Inquiries to First-rate Fragrance in the marketplace'.

"This is...what is this?" he asked.

"It's our ticket out of here, John!" she exclaimed, leaping over the table to throw her arms over his shoulders. "Five whole pounds, John! We'd never go hungry again!"

"We aren't going hungry now," he said bluntly.

"You have to go," she said, putting her face inches from his. "You have to!"

"Are you insane? It's a damned dragon! We're supposed to stay away from that beast."

"That beast is going to make us rich!" she exclaimed.

"No," he'd replied firmly. Not quite firmly enough, he thought. "No! That's just crazy, Janet."

"Please~?" she whined.

"No," he said finally, and crossed his arms over his chest.






"Stop it, Janet."





"I can't believe I'm doing this," John grumbled. He was wasting a perfectly good workday, maybe even two, to chase Janet's fantasy of wealth. He was just coming into the marketplace now, the dirt road making a sudden transition to a well-placed stone mosaic. The buildings around him were all clean, well-kept wooden structures, far nicer than the one-room shack they lived in. Colorfully illustrated signs made his head spin as he glanced from one door to the next in quick succession. Everything from bakeries to sewing shops lined both sides of the street. Even the people there looked so varied. Janet would have had a heart attack if she saw the man and his wife walking past him. She was wearing a short but elegant dress, while he wore a full suit with a hat and monocle. A monocle! He would bet his whole farm that if Janet ever came into wealth, she'd buy him the shiniest monocle she could find.

John found the shop he was looking for a few buildings down. A large garden box sat out the front, brightening the clean wood with reds and blues. A small wooden sign hung above the door, swinging softly in the breeze, with a perfume bottle carved into the face. 'First-rate Fragrance' was emblazoned on the sign in deep black.

A bell jingled as he eased the door open, making him cringe. A stout man with spectacles and a brown apron was busy puffing perfume onto a well-dressed and very rich woman. Both glared hotly at him as he crept inside, closing the door as quietly behind him as he could. He suddenly felt very self-conscious about the dirty clothes he wore, which brought the reek of farming with him to this high-class establishment. John shuffled his way to the side and waited quietly, trying not to draw attention to himself. The store itself was bright and airy, with a high ceiling and light pouring in from two side windows. A cornered counter held the cashbox and a large array of colored bottles, all lined up. Baskets hanging from the ceiling held all manner of dried plants, most likely ingredients for the man's perfumes. The light jingling of coin suddenly rang through the store as the lady paid for a bottle and turned for the door. He'd seen her put the money in the man's hand. It had been a whole bloody pound! The lady threw him a sideways glance as she passed, but otherwise stuck her nose up at him and left the store, the bell chiming far more elegantly with her triggering it.

"I don't suppose you're here to make a purchase," the man said flatly, looking at John critically from over his frames.

"I, ah, no," John stuttered. "I'm here about the...ah, poster."

"Oh, I see. I suppose you'd be the type to do it, wouldn't you?" the man said, suddenly reaching down behind his counter and bringing up a large pack with him. He opened the top and pulled out several glass jars, which he began to idly check for cracks. "The other men who asked about the job never came back, you know."

"I see," John replied, a nervous gulp forcing its way up at the end.

"Dragon musk is a very rare, highly sought-after ingredient in perfumes. Obviously, it's far more lucrative for me to gather my own than to buy it, hence the poster. Not a lot of people go looking to gather it, for reasons that...maybe you understand?" He cast another critical gaze on him.

"Yes, sir...I mean no sir." John nodded, then changed his mind and shook his head vigorously to make up for the mistake. "But, I have to ask...what's mu-"

"It's very simple, really," the man interrupted, refilling the bag as he spoke. "Just find the dragon, fill as many jars as you can, and bring it back to me."

"Okay, but how do I-"

"Food and supplies are out of your own pocket, and remember that for every jar you bring me, you will be rewarded handsomely."

"That's fine, but-"

"Good luck to you. Be safe and all that," the short man said, pushing the bag towards him. John took it warily, his mouth still open from his third half-sentence. "Now get out of my store. You're scaring away my clients."

The man shuffled off through a curtain behind the counter, leaving John standing alone in the storefront. He stared blankly at the fabric for a moment, watching it wave back and forth before finally settling again. Five minutes passed, and the man did not return. Figuring that he should be doing something, John turned toward the door, but stopped again.

"But what exactly is it?" he asked to no one in particular.

No one in particular replied.

He left the store.


John clawed his way up the forested hill, his heavy pack doing its best to drag him back down. He'd stocked up with food and left town that afternoon, hoping to make it in and out of the dragon's lair by nightfall. He knew where to go simply because the guards had posted exactly where not to go. West off the main road for three miles, through the forest, over the hills, and down to the cave by the pond. The poster even had a map to the lair, with a big red skull painted at the end of the drawn path. He'd used the setting sun to judge his direction, which didn't work well now that the sun had set behind the high hills. Regardless, he was sure that he was on the right path.

Drenched in sweat, he crested the steep incline. Below him sat the large pond, secluded between the thicketed hills. Opposite him, a deep cave was set into the hillside, black and foreboding. He stopped and listened, but could hear nothing but the wind and the birds amid the trees. He was too far off the road by now for anyone to find him, or find his body. But then again, it was a dragon. There would be no body. Taking a nervous gulp of air, he began the long climb down towards the base.

On the shore of the pond, he stopped to take a long drink. His deerskin flagon had run dry a while ago, leaving him parched after the long trek. Circling around the pond, he reached a point about ten feet from the cave, and came to a standstill. This was the dragon's lair. He could tell, without a doubt. The beautiful aquatic life in the pond, bracketed in bulrushes and bright flowers, the entrance to the cave blanketed in mosses and colorful lichen. Insects and birds of all shapes and colors flitted around, filling the air with nature's song. This was exactly the kind of picturesque place he'd be terribly, brutally murdered in. With a deep sigh, he took his first, tentative steps towards the cave.

"I don't even know what musk is," he thought aloud.

The cave was deep, dark, and musty. John kept one hand to the wall, barely able to see where he was going. He hadn't thought to bring a torch with him, which seemed awfully silly now that he couldn't see three feet ahead of him. The ground was rough, difficult to traverse in the darkness, and forced him to tread carefully. The wall began a slow curve to the right, sloping downwards into the earth. The air grew hotter and denser as he progressed, making each step more laborious than the last. He was dripping with sweat again, and wanted nothing more than to turn around and take a dip in that pond outside. It would be great, the cool water and the cool air. He could see it now, stripping out of these dirty clothes and-

His foot caught a ridge in the rock, and he was suddenly tumbling forward. He threw his other foot forward to catch himself, but the incline of the cave only managed to propel him forward and off balance again. It was a vicious cycle, which ultimately led to him stumbling blindly down the path at high speed, his arms waving wildly at his sides as he tried desperately to keep his balance. Keeping his eyes locked to his feet, he didn't notice where the floor abruptly leveled out, which caused him to slip and fall flat on his face.

John's whole body shook with exhaustion and shock. He panted heavily against the stone, dust creeping into his lungs as he lay. He certainly wasn't doing a good job of keeping quiet. The dragon must have thought that an army was beating down its door. With a quiet sigh, John decided to pick himself up and continue his hunt. He wouldn't get anywhere laying on the floor in a stuffy cave all night.

As he rose to his feet, the first thing that he noticed was the light. A huge hole in the ceiling brought the remaining sunlight into the depths of the cave, illuminating the giant circular room that he had so unceremoniously landed in. The rift in the rock also allowed the stifling air to escape, leaving it cooler than it was aboveground.

The next things he noticed, which probably should have been a bit more obvious, were the two massive dragons lounging on a thick bed of moss in the center of the room. Two dragons! That was at least one more than he wanted to deal with, if not two more. His wife would say that it meant twice the money, but she wasn't there right now. She would've run off a long time ago, like when he'd left the road.

Summoning up what courage he had, John crept towards the beasts. They both appeared to be asleep, their massive chests rising and falling in near unison. One, on the right, was a bit bigger than that massive shire stallion that his neighbor owned. The one to the left, however, dwarfed even that. It had to be more than twenty feet long, and from what he could tell, would stand with its chest well above his head. Both had a matching skin of blue-green scales, which seemed to change shade as they glittered in the sunlight. They were spaced about ten feet from each other, lying on their side, with their front to him. He stepped up between them, for one moment simply watching them. A moment later, though, he was very quietly freaking out. Here he was, standing between two huge dragons, and he didn't have any idea what he was supposed to do! Well, he knew that it had something to do with the jars, so he started there.

Reaching over his shoulder, he opened up his pack and fished around for one of the jars. After carefully removing it, he held it in front of his face, as if examining the jar itself would reveal the secrets of musk. But alas, it was just a glass jar. He then turned his attention to the dragons themselves. He quickly realized that the largest one was probably too large for whatever he needed to do, so he focused on the smaller one instead.

He circled the dragon once, stared at it in confusion, and then circled it a second time. There weren't any sort of teats he could pull or anything. Was musk like milk? Did he have to milk a dragon? No, that was just silly. He had to think about this logically. The perfume salesman wanted it as an ingredient, so it had to be fragrant, right?

He leaned in and put his nose to the dragon's snout. At the same moment, the sleeping reptile opened its maw and released an airy yawn. John's senses were washed away by the pungent aroma that wafted on the warm breath. He couldn't help but cough and sputter, quickly throwing his hands to his mouth to try and muffle the noise. Was this the musk that the man was talking about? It sure was aromatic. Removing the stopper from the jar in his left hand, he waited anxiously for the dragon to yawn again. When the scaly lips parted, he shoved the open end of the jar inside. He could feel the breath of the beast enter the jar, pushing it back against his grip as it exhaled. But something was odd. He couldn't hear the sound of breathing anymore. The breath entered the jar a few more times, before the dragon gave a sudden, powerful cough. The force of it shot the jar straight out of John's hands and into the floor, shattering it. He jumped back, raising his arms in fright, as the dragon sputtered and groaned, its eyelids beginning to flutter. A moment later, they opened, and two large, shining eyes stared directly at him. Nothing happened at first, but then John saw it. A wicked grin crept onto the dragon's snout, and it rose to its feet.

John backed up slowly, watching as the beast rose to dwarf him. It stayed there for a moment, just grinning down at him while John stared up at it. Deadlocked, John was wondering if this was the last thing he'd see. He was too terrified to blink, just in case the dragon would strike while his eyes were closed. Maybe he'd win his freedom if he beat it at a staring contest! But no, the dragon blinked first, and then turned towards the other one. It took a step towards it, and John couldn't help but call out quietly.

"No, wait! Please don't!" he pleaded. Surely he could never hope of escaping two dragons. "Don't wake it up! I'll...I'll do anything!"

"Yes, you will," the dragon replied, startling John as it reached up and pushed against the belly of the massive beast.

"Hey! Hey dad! Look what I found," the dragon said, not at all quietly.

The ground quaked as the massive dragon shifted and yawned. John's feet suddenly felt like bricks, rooting him to the spot. Maybe if he was really small, the big dragon wouldn't be able to see him. Collapsing in on himself, he folded into the tightest ball he could and waited. He could hear the dragon's feet slamming against the ground as it rose, but didn't dare move his head to look.

"What? What is it?" The powerful bass of the dragon's voice boomed in his ears. "Another one? Really? Where is it?"

John let out a silent sigh of relief.

"Oh, I see it now,"


"What are you doing here, human?" the voice asked. "And stop doing that. You're bite-sized enough as it is."

Eager to do whatever might keep him alive longer, John's limbs sprang open as he jumped a good four feet into the air. When he landed again, he had a moment to appreciate just how larger this dragon was. It lay on its belly in front of him, it's snout within arm's reach. He could've just walked inside its mouth without ducking or anything. Its eyes shone on him from high above, two black slit pupils against orange backdrops.

"I...I...came...I..." John stuttered.

"You came? But we haven't even started yet," the big dragon remarked with a smirk.

"I came...came for...musk..." he squeaked.

"Musk? Is that why all you humans have been barging in here recently? There have been, what, four of you in the last week or so? We appreciate the meal deliveries, but we're just getting sick of humans, alright?"

"I...okay..." John nodded spastically. "I'll...just, you know, leave...and then..."

"Oh no, you can't leave," the dragon replied, rising to its feet and stepping towards him. It was crouched low, like a cat stalking a mouse. It backed him all the way up to the wall, at which point it skewed to the side, and the smaller dragon came in to fill the space. "If you really want musk, well, we would love to share."

"I...really?" he asked.

"Oh, yes," the dragon replied with a grin. "It would be our...pleasure."

"Oh, well that's very kind of you," John replied, and reached around to grab another jar from his bag.

"Ah ah ah, you won't need that," the dragon said, and John suddenly felt his weight shift as one of the straps on his pack was sliced. The pack slipped off his right shoulder, and he saw the smaller dragon just to his left, its claw hanging in the air near him. "You won't need those coverings, either."

He went ridged as the dragon's claw went into the collar of his shirt and slid down, slicing the fabric to shreds. Next his pants, and the top of his loincloth were hooked, and he found himself stark naked in front of the two dragons.

"I...what's going on?" John asked, trying desperately to hide himself from the two smirking beasts.

"I thought you said you wanted our musk?" the bigger dragon replied. "We're just preparing you to receive it."

"But what is it?" John asked.

"Wait, you really don't know?" the dragon asked.

He shook his head.

"Well, all the more fun for us, then," the dragon replied with a shrug. "Now son, why don't you show our little friend where musk comes from?"

"I'd love to," the smaller dragon replied. It sauntered slowly towards him, its hips swaying back and forth as it closed the distance between them. The way its blue-green scales glimmered in the waning sunlight was calming, almost captivating. John felt a little less afraid while he just watched the lights flicker in his eyes. That effect was completely reversed, however, when the dragon suddenly turned its rear towards him, and flagged its tail. John was left with a mixture of shock, fear, and confusion as the dragon's anal star winked at him, and a heavy set of balls waved back and forth beneath it. Still trying to process exactly what was happening to him, he had no chance to react as the dragon backed up into him, pressing his head into the soft, scaly cleft of its ass. He threw his arms up, trying to push away from those sturdy hips, but he was trapped. It was dark, hot, and humid, with barely enough room to breathe. He could feel the dragon's anus contract against his nose and upper lip, and its sack rest against his stomach. He tried his absolute best not to breathe, but the necessity rose soon enough, and he was forced to suck air from the dragon's ass. But to his surprise, it actually smelled...kinda nice. It was a dense, earthy aroma, something that warmed him up inside like a cup of warm milk. This...wasn't so bad.

"So human, have you found the musk you were looking for?" a muffled voice asked. John could not form a reply, because as soon as he opened his mouth, the star would pucker and kiss him. "You know, there might be some more of it in there, if you dig around for it."

Dig around for it? His arms were trapped, and he couldn't move anything else into this tight space. All he had to use was...oh what the hell. It was the cleanest ass he'd ever been trapped under. Pressing his face forward, he stretched his tongue out as far as he could. The muscles inside the dragon's tunnel squeezed and pushed around it, but he could taste it. The feeling only intensified as he lashed his tongue anywhere and everywhere he could. He even tried to use his arms, reaching around to take hold of the dragon's thick thighs for leverage. But he ended up taking hold of something entirely different. His hands closed around a warm, fleshy cylinder. It was firm, but had just the right amount of give when he squeezed on it. He gripped it a few more times, taking note that every time he did, the passage would clench around his tongue, and a deep rumble would reverberate all around him.

Suddenly, the hole John had been so invested in was pulled away from him, and he suddenly fell forward onto his hands and knees. The cold, clean air in his lungs made him gasp and sputtering a little. He thought that he'd be gasping with relief after being released, but now he wanted to go back. He wanted the feel surrounded by that warm, living flesh again. But it looked like the dragons had something else planned for him. He felt a pair of claws wrap around both his arms, and he was slowly lifted up into the air by the smaller dragon. The larger one was now laying on its back on the mossy bed, its hefty sheath and massive pair of balls hanging just above its exposed anus. He was dropped less than a foot from that star, and the smaller dragon dragged him forward over the smooth scales until his head hung over the abyss.

The gap was probably big enough for him to fit inside, which sparked a few second thoughts in the back of his mind. He didn't get any time to act on them, however, as his hips were suddenly hauled upwards, and his head and shoulders slipped inside. He couldn't help but flail as his world was flipped upside down. It felt as if he could plummet at any moment, but the dragon's grip on his hips was strong. A moment later, he felt a firm, wet object run against his own ass, and soon delved inside. He moaned out in bliss, momentarily pressing his lips to the pulsing flesh against his face. The whole tunnel was rapidly contracting against him, and every time he breathed, his lungs would fill to the brim with musk. He felt that wave of lust wash over him again, and his tongue lashed out. There was no lack of musky flavor in this tunnel, but he found it hard to concentrate on it with a tongue up his own ass. But that was suddenly removed, and he was hauled back up until just his face was squeezed by the massive anal star. He felt his sweat-drenched stomach being laid down against the cool scales, and then another object began to prod at his ass. He pulled his face from the hole to glance back, and saw the dragon crouched over him, lining up its engorged member with his hole. It was as big as any stallion he'd bred, and another set of second thoughts began to form. But again, those thoughts disintegrated when his body became awash in pleasure and pain. The tapered end of the dragon's cock pierced him slowly but surely, filling him completely. It never seemed to end, always spreading apart a new inch of his bowels that he never even knew he'd had. He began to slide forward a bit, his face once again entering the anal star, until the dragon's hands pressed firmly down on his shoulders. Now stuck in place, he could only inhale the rich, intoxicating musk as his insides were drilled open. His tongue wasn't even long enough to reach any of the sides in this position, leaving him with little to do but squirm and clench against the invading maleness.

It seemed to take ages, but he felt the dragon's heavy sack finally bounce against his own, and scales rubbed against his skin as he was firmly grounded into. Now fully opened up, he didn't feel any pain as the dragon pulled out and then practically slammed himself back in. There was only a wash of pleasure as new nerves were firmly rubbed against. He felt a warm liquid drip against his insides as the dragon moved, and the way the cock glided through him felt so much smoother. Soon the dragon was thoroughly ravaging him, their hips colliding with a loud slap, and a low growl rising in the throat above him. John could feel the cock spasm and pulse erratically inside him, acting as a timer towards the beast's inevitable climax. And when it finally came, five pounding thrusts later, it was like a dam being blown open. That growl escaped in a roar as a torrent of warm, gooey liquid flooded through him, quickly making him feel full. But that wasn't the end of it. The flow stopped suddenly, as if blocked off, and the cock inside him was rapidly, uncomfortably pulled out. He was quickly yanked back and flipped onto his back, to where the dripping, engorged cock hung over his face. He could see the veins on the surface bulging dramatically, as the dragon tried with all its might to contain the rest of its load. The cock was roughly dropped onto him, the slick, tapered end spreading his lips, and the dragon released again. A wave of thick, creamy semen washed over his tongue and down his throat, his muscles trying their best to keep up with the influx. Surprisingly, he managed to keep it all down, but the heavy taste of semen still lingered in his mouth. He took a moment to clean the head of the cock with his tongue, wrapping it around the outside and even pushing the tip inside the gaping slit where it had all come from. But the dragon was spent, and its cock quickly retracted from John's mouth and back into its sheath.

"" The dragon panted, backing off of John. "I'm so glad we didn't eat this one."

"He certainly seems eager, but I think he can do better," the larger one replied, looking down at him thoughtfully. It reached down into the mossy bedding beneath them, and returned with a small glass flask in the palm of his hand. It was half-filled with a vivid purple liquid, and must have been quite difficult for the dragon to produce and bottle. It was held out to him, and he took it tentatively, shaking the flask gently to watch the purple liquid swish inside. "I've wanted to try this for a while now."

"What is it?" John asked, doubtful.

"You'll see," the dragon replied with a smile, and brought its hand up to its head. The way it moved caused its gleaming scales to dazzle John's eyes. It really was such a pretty thing. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Just one little sip. He unstopped the flask and downed the whole potion in a few deep gulps. He immediately felt his mouth and throat begin to tingle, the feeling spreading all the way down to his stomach.

Before he could fully come to terms with what he was feeling, the massive dragon had scooped him up in one hand and carried him down to the floor. He was let off on the soft moss, his sweat-soaked back sticking to the loose scraps of the stuff. He lays in a half-dazed stupor as the dragon stood and moved over him, its beautiful, perfect scales thoroughly messing with his head. He watched without much worry as that massive anal star was held high over his head, with its equally impressive sack hanging just below that. The dragon's neck curled down to watch him between its legs, and another pleased grin crossed its face.

"Don't worry. I promise I won't hurt you," the dragon said, and then began to lower its hips. The hypnotic shine of the scales was slowly being overtaken by the panic that came from a giant ass being lowered onto his body. The great sack hit him first, pinning his torso, legs, and forearms under two full testicles about the size of a lamb. At this point he had enough sense in his brain to yelp out for a split second before the mountain of flesh came down around him.

While the cleft of the smaller dragon's ass was big enough to fit his face, this cleft managed to fit John's entire body, along with the set of balls that had been stuck under here with him. It was like have a big, hot, pulsing grindstone dropped onto his head. It was pitch black, stifling, and muskier than even having his head inside the dragon earlier. He couldn't feel any air moving at all, so all he had to breathe down here was air from that endless passage, saturated with musk. Luckily, he thoroughly enjoyed that, and eagerly stuck his face up into the heady passage.

Without another dragon holding him aloft by his hips, John was free to press his face up against any slimy, pulsing wall he wanted. The wrinkled flesh of the anal star contracted and hugged against his head and neck, as if it was trying to gobble him up. The musk smelled so much clearer now, with so much more weight on his nostrils. He wanted it, more of it. If he could just get his body free, he'd crawl up and look for it. But once again, he found his tongue to be the only thing he could move freely. He pushed it out to the wall against his face, but that didn't seem quite right either. He felt electrified, the taste of the flesh was so strong. He roamed for it, sending his tongue out farther and farther, out and out, until...Wait...had his tongue always been this long? He started to pull it back in, keeping track of each inch that came back through his lips. He became worried after two inches returned, and then panicky after the first foot. It didn't stop until the second foot rubbed past his lips, and a two-tined tip slipped past razor sharp incisors. Why the hell was his tongue so long? Why the hell were his tongue and nose so sensitive? What the hell had been in that potion? The more questions John asked, the more he began to hyperventilate. Thankfully, the more he hyperventilated, the more musk he inhaled, which mellowed him out quite a bit. After a short panic attack, he had come to terms with his new body parts, and was completely ready to use them to search this dragon's bowels.

He slithered his tongue out again, snaking it over the rippling, dripping flesh. His new appendage was quite flat, and made it great for licking at as much of the sweet flesh as he could. As he travelled upward, reveling in the sensations of rimming a giant, he noticed the flesh at the edges of his reach become rough and hilly. He strained to reach, and managed to wrap his tongue up around one of the bumps. The moment he focused on that spot, the walls around him began to clench tighter, and a deep rumble filled his head. Whatever he'd done, the dragon was enjoying it. He focused his efforts to the edges of his tongue's reach, rubbing every nub of flesh between his tines and slobbering over them like an animal. The rumble became almost constant, and the muscles squeezed him in a tight embrace. It was fantastic.

John suddenly felt a pull on his neck as the flesh held him while tugging upwards. His body still covered by the heavy sack, it only took a moment before the grasping anal star gave up, and he popped back into the open air. It felt so cold on the outside. It was a bit too bright, too. The scales hurt his eyes as the dragon moved above him, standing up and spinning itself around. He lay there watching it, wondering what sort of experience he could have next, until the smaller dragon appeared behind him. It lay down on its back next to him, and then picked him up and laid him over its exposed stomach. Each of its feet grabbed a limb, and John was soon stuck in place, spread eagle. The dragon once again positioned itself above him, this time with its fully erect member bobbing above him. The pink pillar of flesh must have been as big as he was, from what he could see. He could see it a lot better, of course, when it was dropped onto him, the tip pressing against his cheek and the gaping slit staring him down. The enormous cock did a good job of emitting its own musk, which helped calm him from the fact that he had a giant dick lying across his body.

"You're good with that tongue," the big dragon said. "But you might want to keep your mouth closed for this. I'd hate to hurt you by accident."

The member was drawn back, dragging its smooth, hot flesh over his stomach in a slow motion. Once it slipped out from between his feet, it powered back towards him, a little faster than before. John kept his head down, so the tapered tip rode up over his head instead of slamming into it. The friction only grew as the dragon continued to thrust against him, grinding lower and faster. From below, he could feel the smaller dragon's member grow to full size, poking against his hole once again. It didn't have a lot of room to move, but that didn't stop the dragon from pulling him down and impaling him. He couldn't really thrust this time, but he was more than able to pull John along with his arms and legs, back and forth against the other cock's rhythm. The intense pleasure from being penetrated again, along with the friction against his front, brought John's member to life as well. The tender flesh was quick to ripen as the massive cock rubbed against it, and he could already feel his balls tighten as the thick musk in the air soaked into his lungs.

John was the first to reach his peak. His load blew out over his belly and against the underside of the dragon's cock, carrying the stuff all along his body. His release brought a wave of contractions to his anal passage, squeezing the cock that was currently lodged deep inside him. He felt it pulse and shake, and then the dragon beneath him roared as it reached its second orgasm of the evening. It was no smaller than the first, and this time it was all deposited deep in John's bowels. It sprayed up further this time, and he could feel his insides begin to tingle again, like they had after he'd drunk the dragon's potion. Perhaps he was changing inside as well? But more importantly, what would happen when the big guy finished?

A deep growl rose in the throat of the massive dragon, and its thrusts became more frantic. Sometimes it would miss entirely, and roughly plop his member back onto him before continuing its mad humping. John could smell the concentration of musk in the air rising as the dragon's release grew nearer. Veins became more prominent, and he could even see the rim of the penile slit quiver. The massive cock crushed him down against his captor, getting more forceful every time. Back and forth, back and forth, as if it were trying to rub the skin off of him. The growl grew louder again, and the whole cock began to shudder against him. Beyond the pink pillar that dominated his view, he could see the dragon's weighty package pull up towards its body. John was suddenly pummeled, as the dragon's last thrust carried all the way through, dragging its sack over his body before yanking back and aiming the primed cannon straight down on him. He could only stare up at it, watching it jump and bounce of its own accord. An earthshaking roar pierced his ears, and the intensity of the musk doubled. From deep within that engorged cock, John could see the flood coming, and took a deep breath. The wave broke a moment later, a wash of semen coming down over his head and chest. The next splash covered his hips, and the next, his legs. Then the cycle repeated, drenching his head again, and forcing the puddle wider. The stuff was hot against his skin, and made him tingle all over. It was strange, it felt the same way as when his tongue had...oh no...

All of John's muscles contracted at once, shutting his eyes tight and fighting against the grip of the dragon below him. He felt something warm and wet cover his whole body for a moment, wiping the semen from him and dulling the sensation with a dripping salve. But the tingling rose into something more of a burning as he felt as if all of his skin was cracking open at once. He fought his eyes open enough to see the ripe gashes all over his arms and stomach. He watched in horror as the skin hardened over and became blue-green, the color rolling up like a wave from his feet to his head. The familiar tickle of hair disappeared as the strands began to rain off of his body and into the sticky mess below. He felt his ears flatten down and merge with the side of his head, leaving only a hole. His whole skull stretched forward, extending into a long muzzle to properly house his already transformed tongue. His hands and feet were next, cracking and stretching outwards, the toes shifting apart and lengthening to more resemble fingers. His nails grew and curved into short claws, about two inches long. His once vestigial tailbone re-established itself into a fully fledge, four foot tail that thrashed beneath him. His member, now softened again, grew longer, wider, and tapered at the end. A heavy flap of skin grew out to surround it, while at the same time enlarging his sack to better fit his increased virility. Finally, a waxy sheen covered him, finishing a scaly coat of his own.

John's muscles relaxed enough for him to hang limp, and his felt the claws against his arms and legs release, letting him just lay against the warm body beneath him. It didn't feel the same, now that it was scale against scale contact. Even his lungs and throat felt different as he panted for breath. They felt a little bigger now. Even with such a simple movement as raising his arm, he could feel a density to his muscles that he'd never felt before. He rolled off the dragon's belly and stood on his own, feeling more stable with wider feet and a tail to counterbalance. His vision was clearer; his sense of smell was heightened. He felt like a better man, now that he was anything but.

"So, how do you like it?" the big dragon asked suddenly, his head appearing above him.

"It's..." John began, twisting his hand back and forth to catch the waning edges of sunset light against his scales. The glinting dazzled him, and he momentarily forgot what he had been about to say. "It's..."

"Hey, quit it," the dragon beside him snapped, and swatted his hand down to his side.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it soon," the big dragon said with an amused grin. "To be honest, I'm surprised that it worked at all."

"What did you do?" he asked.

"Oh, a little potion can go a long way. Witch's wort, lavender, butterfly silk. A little of this and a little of that. Mix it all together, boil it, and then add a catalyst. In this case, a little cum bath worked quite nicely. I'll have to try this recipe on another human sometime. Thank whoever keeps sending them out here when you head back, alright?"

"Wait, head back?" he asked, bewildered. "I can't go back like this! You tore up all my clothes! Plus I never got to bottle any musk!"

"You can't bottle our musk, stupid human," the dragon replied. "You'd have to kill us and pull it out, and it would be such a waste to eat you after all that work. No, you have to leave now."

"Aw, come on, dad," the smaller dragon pleaded. "He was fun. Can't we keep him?"

"And have another hungry mouth to feed? Not a chance," the big dragon said resolutely. "I want you out of my cave."

"Can't I at least sleep here tonight? It's dark, and it will be difficult to find the road."

"You have to realize that this was only a one time deal," the dragon said. "Don't get me wrong, we all enjoyed it, but we're just not looking for a serious commitment here. You're smothering us, human. You can show yourself out."

"Don't you at least have something that I can wear?" John asked. "I can't exactly go back into town looking like this."

"Ugh, so needy," the dragon grumbled, rolling its eyes as it turned towards the edge of the mossy bed. It began to rummage through the bedding there, grumbling all the while, until it came up with two burlap sacks, one small and once quite large. It turned back and dropped them on his head. "You can use these."

"I, uh...thanks," John replied, twisting and turning the sack with dissatisfaction. He went over to his pack and removed a small knife that sat in one of the pockets. With it, he cut three holes in the large sack and one in the small sack. He slipped the large one over his head and put his arms through the other two holes, covering his entire torso with one big shirt. The second sack went on over his head as a hood, hiding his scaled face in shadow. Using the already cut strap on his pack, he tied a belt around his waist to keep the sack secure, and then used the other strap to hold the pack over his shoulder. "I...guess I'll be going then,"

"Okay, bye," the large dragon said casually, lying down in the moss bed with its son. The two of them closed their eyes and fell asleep, in much the same way as when John had arrived. He watched the two for a moment longer, before heading back up the sloped path and into the cool night air. The sun was even further behind the hills now, and only the fireflies and stars shone. He stopped at the pond for a drink before climbing the hill and back the way he was sure he'd come. As he walked, he jingled his pack full of empty jars. He'd have to give that back to the store owner when he got to town. But he didn't really want to go back to that store again. The owner had been a jerk. If he wanted musk, he should've just come out here and got it himself. Then John wouldn't be like this. He couldn't go home to his wife like this. He'd have to get what he could and then leave town. He'd live off the land, like the dragons did. He was a more like them than like a human now. Sure, he walked on two legs like a human, but that was about it. He looked like the dragons now. He even smelled like them! Smelled like them? Wait a minute...


The bell jingled again when John entered the perfume store. It was early in the morning, the shop had just opened, and no one else was there. It was just him and the store owner, just like he wanted. He kept his head low to keep the shadows over his face, and held his tail close to his back to keep it out of sight from the front. As far as anyone could tell, he was just a regular guy...wearing clothing made of burlap sacks...walking into an expensive perfume shop.

"You are the opposite of what I want to see in my shop," the owner said sternly, eyeing him critically from behind the counter. His eyes drifted down to the empty jar he was polishing, and John took the opportunity to flip the 'open' sign to say 'closed'. He would hate to have someone walk in while he was here. He came up to the counter and dropped the pack in front of the man, who glanced up at it with a momentary glare of annoyance. "Ah, this is one of my packs. You're alive, so you must have it."

John didn't answer.

A wide grin stretched across the man's wide face as he pulled open the top of a bag like a kid at Christmas, and pulled out jar after empty jar. The smile slowly faded away, and then quickly became a scowl as the last jar came out, completely full of air.

"You've brought me nothing!" the man shouted. "Where's my musk!?"

A grin flashed across John's muzzle at the question. The light must have glinted off his teeth, because the man suddenly took a step back and dropped the jar in his hand. It shattered on the floor at about the same time that John had vaulted over the counter, and now stood above the short, plump man who stared up at him in horror. He pulled off his hood, revealing his smirking, scaled face, and flagged his tail out to the right for the man to see.

"I've got your musk right here," John said, and grabbed the shopkeeper's shoulder. The portly man squealed, and John felt a swelling in his sheath as he pulled the man back behind the curtain.