The History of Seayagate Past

Story by Musica Wolfsbane on SoFurry

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This is from the beginning of my journey.... Irl

On December 13th, 1997, The birth of one child changed the natural fabric of Memphis.... He was a child of great importance, great imagination, and great gas, that child was Kendren Demario Oliver. At the age of one, he was disabled from walking, making him to slide on his stomach all the time. His mother, Loletia Oliver, took great pride in his actions as he transversed into the pre-k at the age of three. Tears poured from the child's ears as he was left behind....; however, he was able to act his age. People say the off part about him was that he acted girly; however, Kendren took pride in his sexuality... He then became popular with girls for this advice on getting and rejecting men. the boys hated him, they tortured him through second grade for what they call, "Giving the bitches hope..." Beside me laid another boy... Kambran Johnson, my first ever best friend. We both shared everything until he then had to move to another school; however, he came back 2 weeks later. The boys hated him for giving the advice, they tortured him through second grade for what they call, "Giving the bitches hope..."

Even though I didn't date women didn't mean I could give advice about them; however, the boys bullied me, they attacked me, and one day (Snickers) I rose up and fought back against them, making them run away... From within me came a black figure that was looking me, but was like a human and a wolf mixed together, "Hey, nice to see you in person... you have grown so much..." His names was demon, but everyone called him Shadow... he is a copy of my internal feelings, and the one who is able to control my heart... He told me that fate is different for me than from everyone else... I thought of Shadow as an inspiration, for I knew that me and him had something that connected us together, "You want to meet you dad," He asked me as I quickly accepted. I have never seen my father after he passed into heaven a week before my birth... He told me to focus my mind into sleep, and then at the night of August 12th, 2006, I tried multiple times to get in contact with me; however, this was the day I saw my father, Seayagate, but not in heaven...