Love lost, Love found

Story by Vlad Drago on SoFurry

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As I lay there my life flowing out of a bullet hole left by a thieving fox, I thought about her face one last time as the darkness closed in. Opening my eyes I noticed a figure standing over me, as my eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness i could see him trying to communicate with me but no words came out of his muzzle. he got clearer and clearer, he was a handsome husky. His fur a two toned black and white like most of his species, his eyes one blue and one green captivated me. He was wearing standard nurse scrubs and a earing in his right ear. His words finnaly came to me he had a bright and clear voice, I assumed he was a singer. "how are you feeling Mr.Vasquez," applying more bandage to the bullet wound on my chest. "Good," I lied " it would be nice to I stretch my wings." he laughed it was as clear and as beautiful as I imagined. "heh well you're not doing that for awhile but you are lucky" looking at him with disbelief "how am I in anyway lucky" sounding a bit more hostile than I wanted to. He chuckled to himself as if my hostility was nothing more than a fly in his ear. "because if that bullet was half an inch to the left you would be in a body bag." Gasping out as his rubbed the wound "all done, anything else Mr.Vasquez" Nodding my head, "yes has a female wolf named snow come in" the husky's eyes light up "yes, she's in the other room." He practicly ran out of the room, leaving me with the thought of her in my mind. She padded in wearing her usual black leather jacket, head fur in her eyes. Her fur was a shade lighter than the jet black jacket, she had accents running through her fur similer to the accent scales on my body, the only difference was hers was blue where mine are purple. She sat in the chair next to my bed, she rubbed the pentagram in my stomach like she did when one of us was sad. I knew nothing but bad news awaited me. "sweetheart there is something you need to know" she looked at her feet paws her hands placed on her lap. "you and I have been together for two years and had nothing but good times." knowing where this was going the tears welled in my eyes. "your friend khona," the thought of him immediatly coming to mind a big hawiian surfer bear, always the life of the party. "he and I have been dating for a year and he proposed, I said yes" standing up and placing the diamond necklace I got her for our anniversery on the nightstand. " I love you but I love him as well, I guess this is our goodbye" she leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips and walked out without another word. As I layed there The news sank in as the pain left my chest only to be replaced by another pain this one seemed even greater The nurse walked in and stoped as he saw me with my head buried in my paws. he walked up to me and pulled me into his arms. "whats wrong" he whispered into my ears. As I told him what had happened since his departure he brushed my hair and rocked me like a mother would her child. after i finished I buried my head in his fur and cried, we stayed like that for a few minutes, he gently placed something in my hair and left. As I reached for the object I wondered why he was so sympathetic, the answer came when I pulled his rose out of my hair. I thought about the rose all day. As night fell upon me I looked at it in it's new vase and fell asleep. I dreamt of him and I staring into each other's eyes while standing on a bridge across from my appartment. When I woke up in the morning he padded in quietly checking my charts and my condition we didn't speak a word until I thanked him for the rose. His eyes got an evil glint and he smiled, "you're ever welcome master dragon" he walked out tail wagging a mile a minute. I chuckled as I heard his comment. We didn't see each other until my final day in the e-r as I was grabbing my belonging's only a pair of track shorts, tennis shoes seeing as the rest of my stuff was stolen by that devious fox. The police questioned me through the week. I told every single one of them he was a golden fox with three tails, he had a slight russian accent and blood red eyes. I bumped into him as I was walking to my car he was walking into the hospital to start his shift. "hey looks who's out of bed how are you feeling Mr.Vasquez" chuckling as shook my head "please call me by my first name" , extending a paw , "my names Vladimir or Vlad for short" he shook my paw and giggled "i know I looked at your charts for a week" the name's Exile" I stoped the paw shake "really your name is that cold and you can maintain your happy persona." He smiled and started walking off. I ran after him and gave him the card with my number on it "hey here's my number if you ever want to get drinks or have a dinner or something" he chuckled and took the card and walked off. Before he reached the door he turned back and yelled after me "happiness is in everything we just chose whether to see it or not" As I drove off thinking about what he said I almost missed the turn into my neighborhood. As I walked into my home I noticed how empty it was. All of Snow's possession's were gone and her key was on the bed. Feeling empty I turned on the t.v and napped the whole day. I woke up around five in the morning with pain from the wound. I walked into the bathroom and took my cloths off. I peeled the bandage and saw the broken and chiped scales and a small dark hole. I put the bandage back on and looked at myself in the mirror wondering what the bear had that I didn't I was skinner than he was but he had muscle under his fat. We experimented in college and we are both the same in tgat department looking down at my sheath. The only thing I had over him was his eyes were brown while mine are sea-green they were always a favorite with the ladies. Laying down in my bed knowing it was too early to wake up but not being able to go to sleep I checked my phone. I had a message from Exile he said he was free this weekend. I practicly squeeled like a little girl. I couldn't wait to meet up with him. As I stood outside the restaurante waiting for him checking my watch to make sure I wasn't to early. The black two piece suit was probably over dressing but I wanted to impress him. A silver kia pulled up next to my truck and out walked the husky in a shirt and tie looking for me. I smiled and walked out to meet him, he saw me almost immediatly and he waved. We walked in together and ordered our dinner. "well you know I am a nurse but I have no clue what you are" I smiled and replied "well I was in the air force for about five years and then I became a hypnotist." the husky grinned "so you could hypnotize me" looking into his eyes "not with all this distration" he frowned "maybe later then" "perhaps" slowly sipping my merlot. after the dinner we talked, and laughed duscussing our past and our childhood. After paying the bill he looked into my eyes. "you have beautiful green eyes" I smiled and I thanked him, I told him the same. We kept staring into each others eyes until finnaly planting a kiss on each others lips.