Un Compagno

Story by Alyx Z Ranas on SoFurry

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#4 of Of Myths and Legends

The Fourth installment. Enjoi!

I have got to draw a cute and floofy version of my sona. I WANT A FLUFFEH! D:<

O.o ... <_< Oh, uhm, hi? Just... ignore me. A story with sex between a dragon and a lucky-ass man is below... Erm, yeah... Go uh, read that or something... Seriously, just ignore me I'm like crazy and shit...

Of Myths and Legends:

Chapter Four: Un Compagno

"Your ass is mine."


Amante lapped at the bowl of soup in front of her idly, it wasn't that it was bad, it was just that her body still felt hazy and light from the incredible orgasm she'd just had prior to the improvised meal. Actually the soup was delicious she realized as her body recovered slowly, or maybe she was hungry. With a mental shrug she put the tip of her snout in the bowl and noisily drained it.

Edward glanced down at her and chuckled, "Want anymore? There's plenty."

Amante shook her head and stretched out beside the man. The fireflies were out in force tonight, and she watched as one slowly flashing speck attached itself to the man's ear, looking much like a glowing earing. She smiled inwardly watching as the little luminescent bugs started to cluster around the fire, the air quickly growing thick with them, adding a million yellow-green stars in the air.

Edward set his soup aside and leaned back, "Wow, I haven't seen them this thick since I was a teen." He sighed, "So much has happened since then to destroy the populations. It's sad." He held out a hand and wore a wan smile as he watched one of the bugs land and crawl across his hand. "Malls, new roads, chemicals in the water and air." The little bug flew away lazily looping around his head before another three landed on his recently vacated hand, "It's like humans can only destroy in their endeavors to create..." He closed his hand around the fire-flies and watched them crawl out from between his fingers and take flight. He looked over at a dragon with another sigh, "So how about you? How does a dragon see the world?"

Amante tilted her head to the side considering the question and snorting as a fire-fly found a nostril, "See the world how? As we affect it? As it is? How you humans affect it?" She shrugged, "Be more specific Edward."

Edward shrugged, "All of the above I guess." He put a lid over the pot of soup as the bugs were starting to try and crawl into the pot. He glanced over at Amante who now had at least a hundred of the glowing insects on her hide now making her sparkle in the dark.

Amante shrugged, "As dragons, the Earth flourishes wherever we go." She shook herself scattering a halo of blinking lights as if to prove her point, "And the Earth's animals love us apparently." She snorted, "The only time we harm the earth is with our fire which is rare enough and never on a large scale."

Edward held up a hand, "The animals love you? Aren't you a predator?"

Amante shook her head, "All dragons are omnivorous, and mostly vegetarian at that, with the occasional exception of fish for coastal dwellers. Our teeth are more of a defense mechanism than an indicator of our diet." She laughed at Edward's expression; he looked like the idea of a plant-eating dragon had never occurred to him. "As for you humans..." She trailed off for a moment and looked down before continuing quietly, "Yours is a confused and young race. Very ambitious, and extremely passionate, but that passion is directed in the wrong ways and is damaging. But I thoroughly believe your race will learn to live peacefully with the rest of nature as we dragons have. It may just take time, as I remember dragons once were actually the scourge of the land as you humans usually depict us." She shrugged again.

Edward nodded slowly and stifled a laugh as Amante irritably shook another layer of lightning-bugs off of her scales.

"Although, sometimes I wish the animals didn't like us so much. Even the bugs!" She gently brushed another glowing spot from her snout, "And your last question. The earth as in the state it's in now." She was quiet for a few seconds and the bugs returned in force at least doubling their numbers, "I think it can handle whatever the human race throws at it short of nuclear war." She shook the bugs off one last time before giving up with a sigh, "Mother Earth is stronger than you make it out to be. Can we please go back inside away from these overenthusiastic insects!?" She practically begged.

Edward laughed and picked up the pot, "Of course, no one ever said we had to stay outside."

The pair made their way into the house, miraculously without any of the fire-flies following them inside. Edward flipped one of the lights on by habit and paused for a moment,

"Power's back apparently..." He looked up at the yellow incandescent bulb with an odd expression, "Didn't notice it come back on though."

Amante grinned toothily, "You were, erm... preoccupied with other things methinks." She poked his crotch teasingly with her tailtip making the man jump.

Edward almost yelped at the sudden and intrusive touch but laughed looking down at the dragon, "Indeed... I suppose I was." He hoisted the pot of soup back up and walked into the kitchen, "You know I'm still not sure why you're doing these things with me." He said over his shoulder as Amante followed him.

"What things?" Amante asked with an innocent expression, making Edward laugh.

"'What things' she asks." Edward laughed harder as the dragon chirruped. He opened the refrigerator and set the pot inside, "How about the things that leave me with dirty thoughts and, well, somewhat 'pressing' issues."

Amante looked up at him a knowing grin, "You're still aroused from eating me out eh?"

Edward laughed, "No. Well, yeah... Kinda..." He shook his head, "But that's beside the point!" he pointed at her as she walked up and looking up at him, "Why? Are you ever going to tell me?"

"Probably not." Amante answered and poked at his crotch again with her muzzle, "Well, you're not aroused now, so I think your 'pressing' issues resolved themselves."

Edward sighed, "I'll never understand you."

"You say that as if I've been here a long time." Amante chuckled, "It's only just now been twenty-four hours you know." She watched as Edward's face fell and he walked out of the kitchen slowly, "What? What'd I say?" She asked following him.

Edward shook his head sinking down onto the couch in the living room, "It has barely been twenty four hours." He said glumly.

"Yeah? What's wrong with that?" Amante asked hopping up onto the couch beside him.

Edward gestured with his hands a little helplessly, "It's just..." He sighed and looked the dragon in the eye, "As you probably know, I've never even had a girlfriend."

Amante nodded, unsure what the man was getting at.

"So, I've never had sex. In any form or fashion, save jacking myself off." He sighed, "I don't know, I imagined something more..." He paused and chuckled quietly at himself, "romantic, I guess..."

Amante nuzzled his side with a small churr, "Can you explicate further?"

Edward looked down at the dragon, "Explicate? What are you? A college professor?" he waved her question away and continued, "I can try at least. Maybe." He trailed off and was quiet for a moment before the dragon poked him again. He took a deep breath before speaking, "I always kinda imagined, romancing or I guess seducing a girl over a long period of time. Preferably months really. I'm also of the very few people with the old fashioned view of not having sex before marriage or at least not until you're sure you've sure you've found your significant other." He laughed, "Or so I thought!"

Amante looked down, "I'm sorry... I didn't know."

Edward laughed and put a finger up under chin to make her look at him, "No, no, no. It's okay. I could have stopped you at any time in the shower, and out by the fire was completely my choice. As a dragon, do you even understand what I mean?"

Amante nodded, "Sure. Dragon's mate for life. And I know a lot of human's do as well. Although, with dragon's it isn't really done by choice." She paused as Edward held up a hand.

"Huh? Not by choice? What do you mean?" Edward asked confused.

"Dragons are only compatible with one mate. It's has something to do with genetics and our life forces. Usually it's the female who chooses her mate." She looked away for a moment, "And that's the end of it. A dragon cannot physically 'cheat' on their mate without committing suicide basically."

The pair was quiet for a few minutes before Edward spoke up, "I still don't get it."

Amante sighed, "Nevermind." She looked up at the human, "Do you love me?"

"Uhm, what?" Edward asked a little stunned by the sudden question.

"You heard me." Amante stared deep into his eyes her piercing silver ones boring into his green eyes.

"There's certainly an attraction. I don't know if I can call it love. I can't honestly answer that question yet..." Edward said slowly judging each word carefully. He was quiet as the dragoness continued to study his eyes. Then she closed hers and inhaled deeply.

Edward had the strangest sensation come over him for a moment, almost like he had two bodies and an instant headache which disappeared as quickly as it'd come. He swayed a little where he was sitting and groaned putting a hand to his temple in confusion.

Amante opened her eyes and smiled warmly up at him,

"I chose well." She murmured softly, leaning up to lick his nose.

Edward looked down at her, "What just happened?" He asked uneasily.

Amante shrugged, "It's not important, I'll explain tomorrow if you'd like."

Edward sighed, "How hard is it to give a straight answer? Can you even do such?"

"It's not and yes." Amante replied with a small smug smile at her smartassery.

Edward laughed and stood, "Touché." He stretched, "Well, I'm going to set all the clocks and then I'm going to bed. Do as you see fit deary." He looked down at Amante with a warm smile and walked off to start setting the clocks knocked out by the power-outage.

Amante watched as he walked away and slid over to the warm spot he'd left on the couch. She purred softly closing her eyes for a moment before they snapped back open. An idea occurred to her and she slunk down off the couch. She glanced around, she didn't know the layout of the house, but she figured her nose could lead her where she wanted to go. She crept silently down the hallway and up the stairs following the musky smell she'd caught.

. . .

Edward paused halfway through setting the kitchen stove's clock. Did he love her? Had she really asked him that? Did she love him? Something tugged at his heartstrings at the thoughts roiling in his mind. Sure she was a dragon, but he could get past that fact if they were meant for one another, but what was this stuff she was talking about, committing suicide via cheating? Did dragons just not take kindly to such and murdered each other over it? Of course, she'd mentioned genetics, so maybe she meant something about inbreeding. But that wasn't the point, did he love her? Could he answer that question even though he'd only known her for a day? He was already fond of the little blue dragoness, that was for sure. She was quirky. Or at least that's how Edward would describe her, he had a soft spot for quirks and oddities. He'd once gotten a three-legged cat from the local rescue because he'd considered it quirky. Certainly by far his favorite cat and he'd loved it until the day it'd died, but not love in the way Amante had asked him about.

Edward turned and walked back into the living room to set he clock in there and noticed Amante was gone. Amante... Wasn't that a foreign word for something? He wracked his brain for a moment and resolved to 'Google' it later on. He briefly wondered where she was before dismissing the thought, wherever she was he trusted her. Which was odd, trust was something hard for Edward to give freely, especially after getting screwed over twice as a machinist through misplaced trust. He pondered for a moment on why he trusted the dragon and shrugged again. Hell if he knew. Amante was almost like a missing piece of his life that'd just randomly shown up and placed itself back into the puzzle that was his life.

Maybe that was it. She was what he'd felt like he'd been missing all those years. Not a female companion, although that was a definitive plus; but maybe she and him did have some sort of soul-thing going. Or maybe Edward was just crazy. He shook his head and sighed softly walking up the creaky stairs to the second floor. He looked down at the old polished boards of the stairs and laughed inwardly as they groaned under his weight, something needed to be done about them years ago, but he always kept putting it back. He reached the top of the stairs and shook his head all but stumbling to his room. His trains of thought were always a little off-handed when he was tired.

He didn't bother turning on the light as he stripped himself bare shivering as the cool air of his bedroom tickled at his naked form. He sat down on the bed and sighed softly sinking backwards into the soft sheets carefully sliding underneath them with a pleasant shiver as his body seemed to warm the cloth instantly. He smiled softly stretching under the covers and turning over fully intending to just go straight to sleep for the first time in weeks. His breathing slowed as he started to drift off into his dreams the warm darkness of sleep enveloping his mind pleasantly.

. . .

Edward stirred; something warm and wet moved up his cheek slowly and repeatedly. Also something was pressed against his backside conforming to his body with soft and pleasant warmth. He opened his eyes as whatever was... licking? Yes, licking his face, started to purr. Edward opened his eyes confused as all of this registered in his sleep hazy mind, "Wha-?"

"Shhh, luvvy." Amante murmured in his ear softly running her warm tongue over the curve of his ear. "All is well."

Edward rolled over and faced the dragon in the dim light, "Mmm, I suppose it is." He kissed the tip of the dragons snout with a sleepy smile, "What're you doing here?" A slight blush crossed his face as he realized the dragon was under the sheets with him, and he didn't even have a pair of boxers on.

Amante smiled, the man didn't realize it but she knew a few of his wildly romantic turn-ons from the brief look into his mind earlier. "Just watching you sleep dearest." She nibbled his ear.

Edward closed his eyes with a happy expression and a quiet groan, "And you're making a meal of my ear it seems." He let out a fake sigh of exasperation as his wits started to come back to him, "I knew giving a dragon free reign of my house was a bad idea." He smiled at the dragon's giggle and kissed her snout tip again, "I came up with a better answer to your question earlier."

Amante cocked her head to one side and eyed the man curiously.

Edward smiled running a hand up the dragon's side slowly, "If you do, I do."

Amante looked confused for a moment before her countenance brightened considerably and she suddenly French kissed Edward assaulting his lips with her much longer maw, twisting her tongue around his shorter one.

"Mmf!" Edward smiled and closed his eyes at the sudden kiss and hoped to God that he wasn't acting on the impulses of a sleep riddled mind. He returned the kiss fervently for a few precious moments, but it came to an end far too quickly as Amante pulled back, her silver eyes glowing in the dark. With a smile he reached up and caressed her cheek with a tender hand.

"I'm sure you can see in the dark, but it's hard on my eyes." He murmured softly and then blinked as the bedside lamp came on, Amante having triggered the mechanism with her tail.

"Is that better?" Amante purred quietly and leaned back down to kiss Edward again.

This kiss was a much more chaste than the first one, just a light touch of their lips together as their breath mingled between their faces. Edward smiled as Amante began to purr as he wrapped an arm around her pulling the dragon close. Having her close against him he could tell her body's natural temperature was slightly higher than his. Also the feeling of her scales against him was odd; it wasn't unpleasant, it really felt like warm frictionless skin against his. As usual, thoughts about her being a dragon sprang to his mind, the fact he was naked lying next to a mythical animal wasn't lost upon him.

Amante's purring grew louder as she pressed her body against his enjoying the warm. Edward sighed softly, the dragons purring reverberated throughout his entire body and was causing some... repercussions. He shifted a little; his maleness was pressed tight against the scaled beast beside him and was hardening quickly with the warm and vibrations.

Amante chirruped and raised an eyeridge at him, a rather comical expression really, "Enjoying ourselves are we?" She asked in a sultry tone. She shifted away from him and stood making the sheets pull and slide off of both of them. The dragon looked at the male's body before her and licked her lips, "I want a closer look at this." She said sitting down between Edward's legs and licking at the head of his member softly, making the man grunt, "It was rather dark in the shower you know."

Edward closed his eyes and leaned his head back letting out a long groan as the dragon lapped lightly at his shaft again. Amante reached a scaled forepaw forward and wrapped it around his manhood gently stroking up and down the length as she licked, kissed, and nuzzled at it. She probed her tongue at the slit in the top of it the very tip dipping inside a little.

She examined the man's naughty bits lustfully, "Out of curiosity. I don't know human anatomy or behavior that well, but what-" She wrapped her tongue around his shaft, "is up with the scars on this? They are scars right?"

Edward groaned both in pleasure and nervousness as he sat up. He looked at the dragon between his legs and let out a sigh, "I was a pretty fucked up teenager." He said quietly, "I got into some stuff that I'm not proud of and that I'd really love to forget, but it helped make me who I am I suppose." He murmured averting his eyes from Amante.

Amante looked up at Edward silently before wrapping her lips around his tip and suckling gently, "Mmm. You're not any less sexy for it." She growled around the rod in her mouth.

Edward moaned, his hands moving down to caress Amante's head gently as pleasure arced up his spine at her behest. But as quickly as she'd started, she stopped. She brought her head up level with his and kissed him deeply pushing him onto his back once more as she climbed atop him.

"God I need this." She growled lustily as she laid herself down upon him. Something wet and very warm pressing Edward's cock down against his belly. She kissed him again and something sparked in her gaze, "But only, if you're willing. We're both virgins yes?"

Edward stammered for a second, "Uh, yeah... But after earlier do we still qualify?" He asked quietly. "Besides you were way too good for that to have been your first time orally pleasing someone."

Amante shrugged and giggled, "I could say the same about you, but that was an absolute first." She ground her wetness against the man's shaft idly causing a long drawn out growl to escape her lips. "You... uhrrg... d-didn't answer me." She managed to whisper as she pressed herself against him harder. She forced herself to stop. "You do know what mating with me would entail though right? Did I make myself clear enough earlier?"

Edward shook his head and the dragon sighed, "Once we mate, your mine. Forever. And I'm yours as well... Forever. "

Edward shook his head, "I still don't quite get it, but it sounds good to me."

Amante suppressed a smile, "Something about the magic of dragons makes the incompatible with other lovers after they mate the first time." She paused, "If I were to have sex with someone else after you I would contract a type of cancer and die from it. I don't know how it would affect you as a human, but if you cheat on me I will make you wish you could die." She bared her teeth in a grin. She knew from her brief glimpse in the man's mind earlier that he was far too loyal to cheat on anyone but she put the point across anyways.

Edward was quiet for a few seconds before he finally answered, "I'll be honest. First of all, my dick is totally cool with all of this obviously and wishes we'd just shut-up and get on with it." This drew a chuckle from Amante, "But in all seriousness, my answer is yes. But only if you're sure this is what you want, it seems to affect you the most." He was quiet for a moment, "And don't dragons live longer than us?" He asked quietly.

Amante nodded her head, "Don't worry about that, we'll cross that bridge when and if we get there." She grinned, "But yes I'm sure. I've never been so sure of anything in my life." She looked down at Edward with such a lust and love stricken passion in her eyes it made him shiver. "But since you've given me your answer, I'm not afraid of your judgment being clouded with this. There are some perks to having sex with a dragon, one of which fixes that living longer thing." She murmured into his ear as she nibbled on it.

"So you're going to shorten your life for me!?" Edward exclaimed , "I won't let you." He started to push her off but Amante quickly answered him.

"No, no. I phrased it wrong, it fixes your short little life and extends it a considerable amount. I don't get any perks from mating a human, other than he's sexy and I love him." She smiled and ground herself against the man again slowly wondering what he'd feel like inside her.

Edward was mostly silent aside from the occasional groan as his crotch was becoming quite slick with the dragonesses juices. "H-how much longer?" He asked quietly closing his eyes as the gentle stimulation of the dragonesses slickness was starting to drive him insane.

Amante shrugged, "You'll live until something kills you; old age shall have no control of you." She began to add a slight roll to her grinding making Edward squirm slightly.

Edward groaned again, "And here I was excited for the day I'd go half bald and white haired so I could look like Albert Einstein."

Amante giggled, "We can do something about that if you want."

Edward shook his head, "No, no, I think it's fine." He smiled up at her, "You're going to drive me mad at this rate with that stimulation." He rubbed her flanks gently making the dragon purr again.

Amante stood up slightly and looked down between their bodies where Edward's shaft stood proud and her slit leaked a steady drip of warm viscous fluid. She rolled her hips slowly catching his tip with her entrance making both of them groan in delight.

With a small chirrup she looked back at Edward, "You ready? 'Cause I am."

Edward stifled another groan as her warmth pulsed lightly around her tip, "If I haven't already made that clear, yeah, I'm good to go." He rubbed the dragon's wing joints lightly and watched her as she looked back down their bodies.

Slowly she eased herself down on his spire, parting her folds around it easily as her fluids were providing more than enough lubrication for this. They both let out soft moans as she continued down, her tight warm tunnel rippling around Edward's length making his hips twitch. It didn't take too long before their hips met with gasps from both of them and Amante leaned her head over Edward's shoulder shivering lightly.

He massaged at her wings joints slowly letting out a low groan, "Are you-oohhh-kay?" He asked letting out another moan as her slick warmth twitched uneasily around his shaft.

Amante moaned softly, "Soooooo huge..." She panted into his ear and trilled softly as he shifted, tightening her grip on him to hold him still, "D-don't... move."

Edward complied to the best of his ability, still squirming a little at the pleasure, "I'm rather average actually." He pointed out, which earned him a half-hearted glare from Amante who was panting rather hard.

She grumbled for a moment before speaking, "Huge for me you idiot." She mumbled softly as she shifted a little on top of him before standing up pulling him out with a gasp from both of them. She glanced down and positioned herself back over him and slid down slowly again, "I might need a little stretching before I can take you comfortably." She groaned out closing her eyes as she sank back down onto his rod completely engulfing it again. She looked back up into Edward's face realizing what she'd said had disturbed the man, "Which does not mean this is in any way painful!" Edward looked relieved, "It's just not quite right, a little too-uhh... too intense." She put her head to the man's chest and rolled her hips atop him making the man nearly yell in pleasure.

Amante went limp atop the man and whispered in his ear, "You do this. I can't." She nearly whimpered and let out another long trill.

The dragoness chirruped as Edward flipped the pair of them over and left her on her back which made her squirm momentarily until Edward drew out and pumped back into her quickly. Amante squeaked and laid her head back, a constant purr rumbled from inside her body as Edward started a moderate pace into her depths.

Edward was in cloud nine his mind began fog over with lust as he did the one thing his most primal instincts commanded him to do. Granted he was still completely aware of the dragon under him, if she made any indication she wanted him out he'd pull out immediately. But in the meantime her hot slick velvet parted around his penis as he thrust powerfully into her moaning out how tight she was.

Enticingly erotic, exquisitely pleasurable, monumentally fulfilling, all of which failed to describe the majestic sensations arcing up Edward's spine as he pressed in and out of Amante's depth with a fervor that came from where he knew not. He slowed down a little and leaned his body over Amante's kissing her face softly as she purred.

"Any better now?" He asked huskily not stopping, each thrust eliciting a shuddering moan from him.

Amante opened her eyes which she hadn't realized she'd screwed shut and murmured happily back up at him in draconic. Hey eyes said everything he didn't understand. The love, passion, lust, longing and all the other emotions contained within them and this act drew him in to kiss her on the lips. Their tongues fought, well, hers fought, his short one was rather inadequate but he would've wrestled tongues with her if he could've.

Suddenly the dragon broke the kiss and threw back her head roaring out her ecstasy as her tunnel suddenly inundated and clench around Edward's shaft. She pressed all four of her feet up against him her claws scratching at his skin as she experienced her first real orgasm, pleasure pouring forth throughout her entire draconic body.

Edward grunted and pressed down against the dragon as she'd almost thrown him off in her revelry. Her claws hurt, but they didn't draw blood, so he didn't worry overly much over it as he humped the dragoness hard trying to draw out what was obviously so enviously pleasurable for her. Her tunnel clasped and sucked upon his member for a good twenty seconds before the pulsing slowed. Somehow he'd managed to last throughout her orgasm, but he lost it soon after she came down with loud pants and huffs.

He thrust into her hard pressing in as deep as he could as his abdomen seized up releasing his essence into the dragon beneath him. White exploded behind his eyes with each precious millisecond of his climax. It was beautifully painful; his seed practically tearing from his body with more force than he thought was possible for a human.

Amante blinked and huffed hard catching her breath from her amazing orgasm. She merfed softly as Edward suddenly shoved himself as deep into her as he could go, she looked up at him, then her eyes widened as she felt him spray his seed deep within her, it wasn't much, but he was only human after all. Amante purred to herself, immensely content with the pleasure she'd received, but strangely more pleased with the pleasure she'd given Edward. She licked at his face softly as his he came off of his short orgasm.

The human relaxed and slumped against her so she rolled both of them over and pulled herself off of his maleness with a soft slurping noise. She pressed against his side purring happily and folded a wing over him possessively.

Edward smiled and hugged Amante tightly, "That was amazing..." He whispered softly.

"It was. I love you." Amante murmured softly back in draconic.

Edward smiled, and would have purred had he could. Then a strange look passed over his face, "Wait... I just understood that."

Amante pushed a paw against his face and laughed softly, "Don't question it too much my love." She murmured again rolling onto her back. "There is much you can probably do now that you couldn't before mating with me, but it can all wait." She nuzzled his face gently with a chirp.

Edward lay back and pulled the sheets up over both of them, "Mmm, I suppose it can." He kissed her cheek gently, "For now though, sleep sound good."

Amante nodded softly and stretched against the male languorously. Soon Edward's snored were heard and Amante looked up at his face with a small smile. She gave him a light kiss making him smile in his sleep, "Good night... My mate...."

O.o Wut? That's it! No more to see here! Have fun cleaning up whatever messes you may or may not have made. (FYI don't get cum on a computer screen, not pretty if it starts to short it out.) Lemme know what you thought... Or not. Love it! Or hate it... Whatever! I'm tired so I'm gonna go to bed and hope that I one day find an Amante of my own. Honestly I'd be happy just to have her to snuggle with; I could go without the sex. (Granted the sex does sound pretty sweet.) Ahem! Anyways, as always peace out guys!