The Encounter Part 5

Story by KairoTheDragon on SoFurry

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Sorry for the long wait. It's gonna be pretty slow going from here though. I dont really have time to write this story very quickly.

Yes there are two Sophie's :D

I know it is short. sorry.

The drive to my boss's house was, luckily, uneventful. The only thing I had to do was keep Sophie calm. Apparently, dragons aren't fond of car rides. I mean, I have never seen such a powerful creature look so pitiful! Imagine a dragon, curled up into a ball with her head under the seat, shivering like it's twenty below, and whining and growling on occasion. That was EXACTLY how Sophie was acting. I had to try very hard not to laugh.

Thinking back, I'm very glad we weren't pulled over or something. Could you imagine the officer's face when she saw a dragon in the back? Anyway, I am rambling. We finally made it to the house. It wasn't big, hardly fancy at all. It was the most average, stereotypical house I had ever seen. A girl, who appeared to be about 16, walked out as we pulled up. I smiled and waved as I got out.

"Jake, meet my daughter Sophie," said Mr. Stevenson.

I smiled at the name. "So you have a dragon too then? I didn't know they could shape shift," I joked so that only my boss could hear it.

"I might as well," he replied. "You should see her room. She's pretty much obsessed with dragons."

"You might want to break out the video camera for this then. Her reaction is going to be priceless. But I should go get poor Soph out of the truck before she gets mad at me." "

Okay," my boss replied, "I'll go warn dragon girl."

He walked over toward the teenager as I walked to the back of the SUV and lifted the gate. Sophie peeked out the back window as I reached for the handle. I couldn't help but laugh a bit at her expression. The forest green dragoness looked confused, as if she were wondering why we left, where we were, and why I had to put her on that awful machine to get here. I lifted the back gate up and gestured for the dragoness to get out of the SUV. She was nervous though and wouldn't budge at first. I figured this would happen. She was in an unfamiliar place with people she didn't know and many more distractions than in the quiet area where I live. Eventually though, after some petting, and a half of my sandwich leftover form lunch, I finally managed to get her out. Her claws clicked lightly on the concrete driveway as I led her around the side of the truck, and finally came into view of Mr. Stevenson and his daughter. I grinned and said, "Sophie, meet Sophie."

The Girl's eyes lit up immediately. The dragon's, on the other hand (or should I say paw), were more studious and inquisitive. "Be gentle and don't do anything that might scare her," my boss told the gawking girl. Sophie the dragoness looked at me as if to ask why the strange human was staring at her.

"C-can I per your dragon?" the teen finally asked. "She isn't 'mine' really," I said. "She doesn't belong to me. She's more like a friend. Ask her if she is okay with it."

It took the girl a while to get what I meant, but once she did she looked at the dragoness and smiled. "May I pet you Sophie?" she asked quietly.

Sophie, the dragoness, seemed to grin a little as she walked up to the girl slowly and placed her head under the teen's hand. The girl lowered her hand and started to rub the smooth scales on Sophie's head. The poor green lizard simply melted right there. She purred and pressed into the rubbing. The girl had unknowingly been rubbing in one of the dragon's favorite spots, right behind her horns. It was funny to see Sophie so...puppy-like. I had to chuckle at the sight but Sophie didn't seem to notice like she normally did.

The girl didn't speak for what seemed like an eternity. All of a sudden, though, she spouted off questions like crazy. "So, can she breathe fire? Can she talk? How old is she? She obviously understands English. How? Did you teach her or did she already know?"

I was being bombarded with questions from a dragon fanatic and I had no clue where to start. Eventually I said "maybe we should go inside so we don't attract any attention. I will try to answer your questions as best I can once we are more comfortable and out of the open."

Sophie snapped out of her daze when the girl stopped her petting and nodded in agreement. "That's a good idea."

"Yeah let's go inside. Sophie is free to come in too, so long as she doesn't burn the place down," said Mr. Stevenson.

Sophie gave him a glare that said "why would you even think I would do that?". It was so obvious that my boss eventually apologized. "Sorry Soph. I am just not used to having a dragon over. I didn't mean to offend you." Sophie seemed to think for a second and then walked up and licked his hand to show that she accepted his apology.

"Well let's go then," I stated, walking toward the door. The others followed quickly, Sophie coming in right after me, closely followed by the human Sophie and her father. Once we were all inside, I got to look around a bit. It was a lot nicer on the inside than the rather plain exterior would make one think. A large black lab stretched on the back patio before scratching frantically at the back door and barking at the new people. Sophie let out a deep growl and the dog shut up. I glanced at the dragoness about to tell her that was mean, but she looked back at me with a look that said "you know it was annoying. I just did you a favor." She had the most expressive face of any creature I had ever seen, even humans. The lab just stared at the dragon, probably confused and now a bit scared. "Be nice Soph," I said to her.

Sophie payed no further attention to the confused canine (nor my awful alliteration). Instead, she strode right up to the large leather couch in the living room and hopped up on it. I was about to freak. I thought the couch was going to snap in half. It didn't though. I forgot that though Sophie was almost the size of a small horse (though thinner and more aerodynamic), she weighed a LOT less. I didn't know for sure, but I suspected that internally, she had very bird-like construction. Her bones probably weighed less than mine did. She had so much dense muscle, and that had to be her heaviest component. She plopped down on the leather cushions and took a look around the room, taking in all the details of the new environment. I could see the wheels in her mind spinning as she surveyed the area. She always made me laugh. I mean here I am at my boss's house and a dragon is lounging on his couch. I couldn't help but chuckle a bit. Sophie always gave me the meanest look as if I were laughing at her. She just huffed and enjoyed the soft couch. "Man she looks so comfy. She might not want to come home!"

"I wouldn't mind," said the teen girl.

"I figured that," I said smiling. "Sadly she needs a lot more space than you have here. Nice thing about living out in the middle of nowhere I guess."

"She looks rather comfortable," the girl said, finding a small patch of couch near the dragon and sitting there. "You like belly rubs Sophie?" The dragoness perked up at those words.

"of course she does," I answered for her. My boss and I chucked as his daughter started scratching the dragon's belly scales. What was even more funny was that the dragon was reduced to a puddle of scales right there. "BEHOLD! THE MIGHTY DRAGON!" I joked.Every one broke out laughing.

After that fit of laughter, Mr. Stevenson offered to make dinner, and we all agreed that food was a good idea. Even Sophie snapped out of her trance to growl in approval at the idea of food. "Well that settles it then," my boss said, "time for food. Lemme get on that then. See you all in a bit. Have fun."

With that he walked out of the room, presumably into the kitchen. "So I guess it is time to answer some of those questions huh?" I asked.

"Sure," the human Sophie said. It was going to be an interesting conversation for sure.