Furred Traditions Chapter 3

Story by Friends With Dog on SoFurry

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#4 of Furred Traditions

Months have gone by. The Spring is gone and Summer is now upon us. Strong As The Wolf has completed his first hunt and is now viewed as a man by my tribe. His lessons on learning the white man's language have also gone very well; I believe he is now ready to accompany me into town. In a few days, Wise Beyond His Years and I are to go back to the trading post to trade for more goods, and I think I will have Strong As The Wolf come with us.

As for Susan and me, we have become secret lovers. I try to visit her as often as I can; we've become very busy in the tribe. I believe John Eisner suspects something, but he says nothing and continues on with daily life. I'm not sure what would happen if my tribe were to find out. It has already been decided that I would not marry because there are no other single animal women in the tribe, not to mention I'm the only Husky. The same goes for Wise Beyond His Years and Strong As The Wolf, it is absolutely forbidden for an animal man to be wed to a human.

The day had come to trade. I awoke early and dressed myself in the usual manor of myBuffalohide pants, no shirt, no shoes, and two Eagle feathers tied just behind my right ear. I exited my tipi to find the boys waiting for me. Wise Beyond His Years was dressed in the same thing he always wore when we went to town; the same pants as me, moccasins, a light blue sash covering his bare chest, and carrying a wooden staff with two Eagle feathers and a small rock tied to it. Strong As The Wolf was only wearing theBuffalohide pants. He eagerly fidgeted, making the short spiky hair on his head shimmer in the sun light.

"I can't believe I finally get to go the white man's settlement!" he squealed in excitement. I smiled and patted his head.

"Don't get too excited." Wise Beyond His Years added. "There's really not much to it. I still don't fully trust these white skinned people either.>"

"That's just because you can't understand what they're saying!" Strong As The Wolf teased, sticking out his tongue. I grabbed it before he could retrieve it back into his Wolf snout and he whimpered a little.

"Now now boys, we're not here to argue. We've all got our views on things and there's nothing wrong with that." I released the tongue and put my arms around the boys' shoulders. "Now let's get going while it's still early."

As usual, not very many people were up and out this early in the town. But those who where gave their usual hellos and went about their business. Strong As The Wolf marveled at everything he saw, asking questions about everything we passed. His tail wagged furiously, once knocking over a crate full of fruit. I apologized and explained he was just very excited. We found our way to the trading post; I entered first with Strong As The Wolf literally holding my tail. John Eisner was reading something at the counter until he saw us come in.

"Morning boys! Oh?" He glanced at the small Wolf behind me. "And who might this be?" Strong As The Wolf peered up at me and I nodded with a smile. He stepped forward and bowed.

"H-Hello, John Eisner. My... n-name is Strong As The Wolf."

"You communicate pretty well. Did Friends With Dog teach you?"

"Yes. F-Friends With Dog...uh... teach me white man language." He was shaking, trying to find the right words to speak. John smiled and reached into his jerky jar.

"Friends With Dog tells me you like beef jerky. Would you like some?" Strong As The Wolf's tail began wagging and a smile stretched across his face.

"Yes! Th-Thank you much, John Eisner!" he happily chewed his jerky. I smiled and patted his back; he still had a bit to learn, but he had done well. Wise Beyond His Years poked at my side.

"<Remember why we're here.>" he told me.

"<I know, don't worry. We can still talk and get our job done.>"

"<YOU can talk; I just want to get out of here.>"

"<Alright, alright.>" I turned back towards John. "Are you willing to make a trade with us today?" I asked.

"Always. What've you got today?" I put the sack Wise Beyond His Years was carrying up on the counter. John looked over the inventory. "Looks good to me, what do need?" I asked Wise Beyond His Years. He told me what Chief Scarred Face requested, when Strong As The Wolf spoke.

"Wise... Beyond His Years... says we n-need, um... bullets for rifle, to..bacco, and...." he searched for the word in his head "flour?" he looked at me, tilting his head. I smiled and nodded. "Yes! We need bullets, tobacco, flour." John grinned and loaded the bag.

"You speak our language well. Friends With Dog must be a good teacher."

"Yes. He is very good teacher. He teach me... language, in small time." I took the bag from John and gave it to Wise Beyond His Years.

"Come on, Strong As The Wolf, it is time to go." He nodded and followed me to the door.

"Hey, it was a pleasure meeting you, Strong As The Wolf. You come back anytime you want and I'll have some beef jerky here for you." John said. Strong As The Wolf grinned and bowed, then followed us outside.

"<What did you talk to him about?>" Wise Beyond His Years asked.

"<I just introduced myself and we talked about how Friends With Dog taught me white man's language.>" Strong As The Wolf answered. "<You know, you really are a good teacher, Friends With Dog.>" I blushed a bit and gave him a friendly punch to the shoulder.

"<It was easy to teach you, you were willing to learn.>"

"<You've never offered to teach me white man's language.>" Wise Beyond His Years said.

"<You never asked. Besides, I thought you didn't even like them that much.>" I returned.

"<I don't. It just might be useful to understand what they're saying.>"

"<Alright, I'll teach you sometime then. Come on, we need to get this stuff back to the village.>" We walked to the edge of town when I realized I had forgotten something. "<Wise Beyond His Years, would you be alright going back to the village alone? I want to show Strong As The Wolf something.>"

"<Yes, I'll be fine. Just don't take too long.>" he sighed and left for the village with the sack of goods.

"<You want to show me something? Why not show him too?>" Strong As The Wolf asked.

"<Wise as he is, he's not ready to comprehend what I want to show you. I have a feeling you'll have a better understanding.>" he wagged his tail and smiled, happy to be complimented in such as way as being called wiser than Wise Beyond His Years. We walked back through town, Strong As The Wolf continued to ask questions the whole time. I led him up to the top of the hill, underneath the large tree. He stared in awe at the town.

"<This is amazing Friends With Dog! Is this what you wanted to show me?>"

"<Yes and no. There's someone I want you to meet. I told them to meet us here.>" Then, as if though hearing my words, a voice came from behind me.

"Friends With Dog!" Before I could see anything, Susan was hanging around my neck, her lips meeting mine. Strong As The Wolf stared, his mouth wide open.

"Strong As The Wolf, this is Susan, my lover." He continued to stare, mouth open. Susan grinned and gave him a hug.

"So you're Strong As The Wolf! Friends With Dog has told me so much about you!"

"Um.... Hello." He finally said. He gave me a look that said 'What is going on?'

"Susan is the person who taught me the white man's language. She's done a lot for me since she's been here, and just a few months ago, we realized we had fallen in love with each other." I explained, holding her close. She giggled and gave me a lick on the nose.

"Friends With Dog, why you not tell anyone about Soozan?" Strong As The Wolf asked, rather confused by what was happening.

"Strong As The Wolf, you and I both know the rule of courtship in our tribe. We are not to marry to humans, and there are no other animal women in our tribe. Susan is an animal woman, and a Husky. You have met other Wolves before, but I have never met another Husky. This is very special and important to me. I am asking you to understand. I know you are still young, but please know that I love her." Strong As The Wolf looked to the sky in silence.

"<Friends With Dog, you are without a doubt my best friend. If it's the will of the Great Spirits, I won't tell anyone about your love for Soozan. You have my word.>" I grabbed him tight and gave his pointed ear a friendly nibble.

"<Thank you so much Strong As The Wolf! You are a true brother!>" Strong As The Wolf laughed and tried to break free of my grip, but I wasn't about to let him go, I was just so happy! Susan laughed and sat underneath the tree. Strong As The Wolf finally broke free and ducked behind Susan.

"Help me, Soozan! He is going to get me!" He teased. She giggled and patted his head while I took a seat next to them. We all just laughed and enjoyed one another's company underneath the shade of the large tree. Strong As The Wolf told Susan stories about life as a Dakota and the experiences he and I have been through together. Susan told him stories about life as a settler, the white man's culture, and experiences she and I have been through together. The two got along very well and seemed happy to meet one another. It was the happiest I had felt in a long time.

Strong As The Wolf and I returned to the village several hours later. We found Wise Beyond His Years meditating down by the river side. He had changed his clothes and was now wearing aBuffalohide shirt with tassels on the arms, and he no longer wore shoes.

"Hey, Wise Beyond His Years!" I called out "We're back!" He opened his eyes to see us coming and grinned.

"It's about time!" he joked "What took you two so long?"

"Friends With Dog was introducing me to a friend of his!" Strong As The Wolf answered.

"Was it by any chance Susan?"

"Yeah! I got to know her and she's really nice!"

"I see." Wise Beyond His Years closed his eyes again. "You love her, don't you, Friends With Dog?" I was shocked.

"H-How did you know?!" I shouted, but quickly covered my mouth, realizing how loud I was. The Fox chuckled.

"They don't call me Wise Beyond His Years for nothing. I've been watching you go to the white man's settlement for months now, and you and I both know that you didn't go everyday just to talk to John Eisner. I could see those times we went together the affection the two of you shared. Why didn't you just tell us?"

"I was afraid you wouldn't be able to keep it a secret." I lowered my ears with a whimper.

"Come on now! You and Strong As The Wolf are my best friends! You think I wouldn't keep such a thing secret from unworthy ears? The Great Spirits would strike me down for something like that. Not to mention it would greatly sever our friendship, and that's not something I would ever want to happen." He smiled as he stood. "Your secret is safe with me." My eyes began to water. I reached out and pulled them both in tight as tears poured from my eyes.

"I love you guys so much!" I uttered in joy.

"We love you too, big guy!" Wise Beyond His Years and Strong As The Wolf said in unison. It was that day I realized that I had, without a doubt, the best friends in the world.