Learning to Swim - Part IV

Story by OttersGonnaOtt on SoFurry

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#4 of Entropy Series

Ilaria finds love in an unexpected place.

Hey guys, this is a sort of long one compared to the last few. It's a tad dialog heavy but I also just tend to be that way sometimes. There's a lot of branching out here and it's fun developing these characters. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the continuation of the story. Oh, and as always I'm wholly open to advice and critiques so don't be shy.

As always, this story contains mature content and themes. If you aren't of adult age please stop reading now.

Ilaria sighed as Iolvin's jeep rolled up to a red light that notoriously took forever to switch cycles. A part of her was simply frustrated with being late for work, but the bulk of Ari's brain was focused on the reasoning behind her tardiness. She looked across the cabin and found herself staring at her brother with a smile. Ari knew what they'd done the other night was massively frowned upon, but with the way he accepted everything about her enough to want her back she couldn't give a flying fuck about social standards. Yoyo was perfe--

"Sis? You alright?" Yoyo asked as he switched back switched back into gear.

"Oh, uh," Ari stumbled before catching herself and looking forward. "Yeah, just thinking about stuff."

"Oh?" He grinned as he added that last bit, "Like jerking off with your twin brother?"


"Hey, I know how you tick. Benefits of being said brother." Iolvin gunned it through a yellow light and then continued, "Hey, don't worry about me if that's the matter. I understand you have urges and you're too shy to get a--" Another pause as he took a turn. "Actually, are you into guys or girls anyway? I mean, you're sort of both, so..."

Ilaria just shook her head a grinned. "Aaaaaand? I guess that means I sort of like both, right?"

"Huh, yeah. Guess that makes sense." Yoyo pulled up to a building and motioned for Ilaria to pay attention. "Here ya' go Lulu. Sorry for making you late and all."

"Oh, don't do that..." Ilaria got out her seat and paused as she was about to step down to the sidewalk. Then she rolled her eyes at herself and pushed forward to give her brother a deep, passionate kiss. "I enjoyed myself, silly. Thanks for the lift."

Ilaria jogged slowly to the front of her studio building, leaving her twin a bumbling mess as he watched her ass hop up the front steps. It didn't help that she was feeling particularly brave today, wearing a rather short dress she'd given up wearing ages ago with her physiology. When she hit the door, she giggled as she waved to a stunned Iolvin. Suddenly it was all worth it, just to see her brother taken back by her. For once Ilaria didn't feel so much a freak as a beautiful lady.

Another target popped up and Ilaria peeked behind her cover to locate it. She couldn't see it but based on the sound she knew which one it was now. She spun on a hindpaw and pushed around her corner towards a closer piece of cover, the target coming into view mid sprint. When she tried to slow down and get behind the low wall ahead however, she kept on going until she toppled over the front of the cover. As pissed off as she'd ever be, Ari raised her gun anyway and emptied the thing with a warcry until the target didn't resemble a living being anymore.

"Fuck, not again." A voice sounded over the intercom in the live-fire room. "You broke another one, Ari. Those targets aren't exactly easy to replace you know." A sigh could be heard through the speakers, then after a bit of silence the voice came back. "Ari, test's over. I'll meet you in the front."

"Damnit, this leg slips and now he's gonna chew me out over a damn target?" Ilaria rolled off the target and got herself back to her feet. "Whatever. That felt good anyway."

"Ahem, your mic's still on dear."

Ari rolled her eyes as she walked back through the course. She eventually saw the fur that voice belonged to and gave him a wave to show she was alright. Adrian on the other hand only looked concerned instead of his normally cherry self. Ari sighed as she walked through the bulletproof glass door and stood towering over him. He wasn't the sort to act tough or hold a grudge, so Ilaria's size tended to calm him down rather quickly. Today however he still held his serious gaze toward her.

"What's gotten into you, hon?" Adrian wrote something down on a clipboard, put it down, and just stared back at her more adding, "You've been acting off since the beach yesterday. Anything the matter?"

"I'm fine, Dee." She stepped around him and headed to the changing room on the other side of the observatory, stopping to add in a bit as she opened the door. "Thanks for the concern though."

"Wait! Ari!..." He seemed to lighten up his mood a bit as he moved to the door. "It's not... that... is it?"

Spotting Adrian's eyes on a noticeable bulge in her sweat shorts, Ilaria meeped and tried hopping through to the other room. When she was followed she rather abrasively shouted, "Dee! Fuck off! It's none of your--"

"Business? No, it isn't. But I've noticed it over the past few months." He slipped closer and softened his tone. "I'm not sure how you feel about it, but I'm here to talk if you want."

Covering herself with a towel now Ari answered, "Thanks, but no. I'm alright, and I mean it." Loosening up when she realized he really did just care how she felt Ilaria corrected, "Well, there's a few issues but I'm dealing with them well enough. Thanks though. Now can you get out so I can change?"

"Like that? Good luck getting two steps out there like that. You are keeping that little guy a secret, right?"

"Well what else am I gonna do?" she quipped back, tensing up a bit again.

Starting to take his clothes off by his locker, Adrian said, "I could teach you a trick for that." He slipped off his lab coat and hung it up on a hook. "All I ask is you let me see it. Only for a second, I swear." He unbuttoned his dress shirt and dropped his pants. "I've been seeing that thing in my sleep I swear. Might do us both some good to just get it out there."

Ari had to literally catch her breath as Adrian stripped in front of her, but when it finally came to her she was surprisingly cool about the request. "Uh... Maybe warn me next time you're gonna do that..." She stood up and gave Dee a good view, then dropped her shorts, standing now with only her sports bra and a massive erection poking out the top of her lime green panties. "Look, we match now," she joked, adding, "So what's the trick?"

Adrian grinned as he watched her strip as well, her statement about matching only becoming more of a reality as he started to get hard and poke out the lip of his flowery panties as well. "Don't worry, it just has a mind of it's own is all... Bane of my existence really. Too many hot guys working here."

"Well show me the trick on yourself then, dummy," she said as she watched the girly-boy's cock grow, her own twitching and dripping a bit of pre-cum at the sight. "I-I need to get b-back to my desk"

"Calm down, hon. We're just two girls with dicks here." He looked at Ari's chest and raised an eyebrow, then touching his own with a notable lack of breasts he added, "Well, close enough anyway. I won't gossip about you though, so..."

"Seriously, the trick Dee."

"Alright, alright." He put down a dress he'd taken off a hanger and showed his webbed paws. He just pulled back his thumb and bent it towards his elbow. "That's it, really. The webbing hurts just enough to take your mind off things."

Spotting that sure enough his erection was subsiding Ilaria joked, "And now Tommy in accounting will still think you're that cute girl in the lab coat. Nice."

"He really thinks that? Oh, spill it." Dee paused briefly as he slipped the dress over his head. "I've been dying for a boyfriend lately."

"Ah, he's just not seen enough of you to think otherwise. Might have the hots for you, dunno." Ari tried the little trick herself and continued, "I think he's only into girls though, Dee. Don't trick him into bed, haha."

"I promise I won't make him regret waking up next to me," the otter femboy said as he crossed his heart with a claw. "But you know you've got an admirer yourself? 'Cause I think you need to bed a fur more than I do, honey."

"Hmm?" Ilaria took her eyes off her nearly flaccid cock and raised a brow at that. "What, you're serious? Someone likes me?"

"Are you serious? You're fucking hot, sister. Enough to get a gay man turned on apparently." He pulled a zipper around his back and began working on tying a bow in a ribbon around his waist. "Yeah, well keep an eye out for Robyn. Same goes, her maybe being into women and all... Sorry, not that you aren't a woman. I just meant uh, don't make her regret anything the morning after either, heeeeeee."

Taking off her top and panties then heading to the showers, Ilaria added, "Hey, no problem Dee. But thanks... I've been wondering why Robby's been all over me lately." She turned on the water and then looked back with, "I'll make the most of that info, so really... Thanks."

"Oh, my pleasure! Dee the Matchmaker." He skipped out the door to the office with a grin. "I like the sound of that, heeeeeee"

"That silly otter, I swear..." As Ilaria stepped into the hot water she really got to thinking though, especially about Robyn's comment about her new swimsuit the other day. "So someone likes me... Robyn likes me..."

Casually heading back to her desk, Ilaria almost swallowed her tongue when she saw Robyn sitting there. Well, to be more specific it was what she was doing there that made Ari's face flush warmer beneath her fur. She was going through Ari's purse like she normally did, likely to borrow some lip gloss or something, but she was instead fumbling two condoms in her paws.

"Hehe, since when did you have a secret boyfriend?" Robyn asked in a gossipy tone. "And why does he need super-magnums?"

"Robby, damnit..." Ilaria caught herself and just tried to play it off smoothly. "I'm not dating anyone. Those are just... for me, for peace of mind." It wasn't exactly a lie, especially not when she was wearing one right now just to be careful of wet spots not showing on her dress.

"Ah, so that's what it is. I knew I got a whiff of that yesterday." Spotting the puzzled look on Ari's face, Robyn clarified, "No need to be ashamed, Ari. I go into heat all the same. And yeah, it's nice to have a condom in case a guy can't resist, haha. I understand."

This was news to Ilaria. She'd never been in heat before, and thought she never would because of her anatomy. "Wait, you can tell something like that?"

A bit puzzled, Robyn answered, "Yeah, the scent is pretty intense. Hell, some guys can tell from like a quarter mile away." She brought a single claw to her chin and scritched softly in thought. "Well, I wasn't sure because something was off about it, but you looked like you took a shower. Yeah, that might throw it off for a bit."

Snatching the condoms and putting them back in her purse and out of sight, Ilaria grumbled, "Well now you know. Besides, when have you ever known me to walk up to a cute guy?"

"Oh? So you do like guys then. I was starting to wonder, haha."

Ilaria moved closer and lowered her voice a tad. "And what about you, Miss Curves? I just know a million guys have to ask you out."

Robyn sat up in Ari's chair, caught off guard when the conversation flipped on her. "They do. And none of them are for me, that's all." She stood up so Ilaria could sit and rest her bad leg adding, "I'd rather a sharp fur that's close to me over one with a pub-tinted fancy for my looks, anyway."

It was bold but after a minute to adjust to her chair Ilaria pinged, "What about me?" Almost immediately after she'd said it, Ari wanted to take back those words out of embarrassment. Instead she tried to make a proper request out of it. "I mean... uh... We could always go grab something to eat or... umm... a movie...?"

"Tonight, after work," Robyn answered without hesitation, looking a bit flustered herself. "I mean, I'd love to go on a date with you."

"Wait, you mean...?"

"Oh no," Robby demanded with a grin, "You're not gonna tell me that's a joke. We're on for a movie date, missy."

"...Something simple though, alright?" Ilaria pleaded. "I'm... new... to this..."

"What, dating girls?" Robyn leaned in so nobody could hear her and added, "I love a cock like any hot-blooded woman, but girls are where you really bond. Been dating girls for a year now."

A bit shocked but also pleased at both statements, Ilaria just swallowed hard and confirmed, "After work then?"

"Ugh, where is that midget of a squirrel when you need her?" Ilaria groaned as she stopped outside the front door of the building.

"That's a mean thing to say, sis," Iolvin suddenly chimed in as he pressed off the exterior wall by the glass doors.

"Fuck!" After getting the living shit scared out of her Ari placed a paw to her heart and said, "Nearly killed me there, silly! What are you doing here?"

"Seeing if you'd like a ride." Moving closer to sneak a kiss on her forehead he added, "I do have to make up for making you late today, after all."

Practically bursting from the front door in chatter and laughter, Adrian led Robyn out and then got up in Yoyo's face--well, as best he could considering he was over a foot shorter anyway. "Oooh, did I see a smooooooch?" he teased playfully.

"I swear, you two are the only twins I know that aren't at each other's throats." Robyn walked over and nudged her shoulder against Ilaria's arm. "Ready to go, Ari?"

"Oh, you guys going drinking or something?" Yoyo chipped in, "Because an invite would have been nice."

Dee tugged on his shirt and corrected, "Daaaaate. They're totally going on a date." Smiling to Ilaria he continued, "And I think it's cute."

"R-really? What brought this along all a sudden?"

"I sort of just..." Ilaria threw an arm around Robyn's shoulder. "Well, I asked her out earlier. So we're testing the water."

Scratching his head a bit Yoyo just smiled and said, "Alright, as long as it was you makin' up your mind and not someone else." He pulled out his keys and looked to his car on the street. "Guess you won't be needing that ride then. Just remember, I've got class all weekend so if you want help swimming..." He shut his muzzle at his original wording. "Well, just come home tonight I guess, haha. Have fun you two."

As Iolvin headed to his jeep he was chased down by Adrian squealing, "I'll take that ride, handsome!"

"That boy's way too hyper today," Robyn giggled. "Not a clue what got into him, but I want some."

"Sure about that? Ilaria gave her a squeeze and then started walking. "Or would you rather a milkshake and a movie?"

"Ooh, you mean Jimmy's? Hmm..." Robyn helped Ilaria down the stairs and to the sidewalk before agreeing, "Yeah, but not a clue what's playing tonight."

"You'll see. You'll like it."

The two walked slowly up the street, more or less chit-chatting about what happened at work during the day. It was pretty standard for them, only normally they'd be drinking heavily and the legit conversations ended more or less. But today was different. By the time they'd walked the few blocks to the restaurant they were already joking about how cute Dee looked or how they should go do something tomorrow. Robyn even brought up how she thought Yoyo was a hunk of a guy and Ilaria ended up just blushing and smiling. It the night was starting wonderfully.

"...so he hit the button and the pen shocked the crap outta him, lil' bugger!" Robyn smiled at her little story, but really beamed when they arrived at Jimmy's. "Oh, you're perfect."

"That's right, Monster Movie Friday!" Ari grinned wide as she got the response out of Robyn she'd hoped. "Don't think I forgot all those late night marathons you made me watch when we were kids."

The two walked into the place with wide grins, but the fox that greeted them up front practically blasted them with the shine off his teeth. The two requested a car booth and grabbed a drink at the side bar while they waited. Sadly the movie marathon hadn't started quite yet, the crowd still being more of a young dinner scene than the usual late-night drive-in enthusiasts that came to the place. Finally the fox came back and blinded them again with his pearly whites when he showed them to their booth.

"And there you are, ladies. Movies start in twenty so I'd recommend checking the menu while the lights are on." He glanced at a nearby table then back to the two. "So, can I get you ladies anything to drink?"

"Ooh, a chocolate banana shake!" Ilaria practically exclaimed with a grin.

"Uh, strawberry banana for me, thanks." Robyn said through a giggle. After the waiter walked away she then chortled out, "You really like their shakes, yeah love?"

"Heeeeeeee... What's the fun of going to a 50's themed drive-in if you're not gonna get a classic shake?"

"Right, never thought of that. I guess they do serve diner food and all." Robby gazed at the classic previews playing on the faux outdoor screen then back to Ari. "Always came here for the movies since they serve alcohol too, haha."

Grinning back as they met eyes Ilaria said, "Yeah, that's a plus I guess. Helps with the oldies though, haha."

"It could help get your mind off that heat of yours too. Want another round of vodka?" Robyn leaned forward and added, "My treat," with a smirk.

"Oh?" Ari leaned in a bit closer herself. "Really, I haven't felt that different myself. Is it supposed to be... bad?"

"Well, I'll say nature can be a bitch at the very least." When Ilaria just stared back, Robyn got the hint that she was being serious and said, "Yeah, it's hard to deal with without a dedicated lover to help out. You're one of the lucky ones I guess."

"Shakes, ladies." The waiter's smile lost it's luster when he realized he's scared the two half to death. "Uh, right. Need another minute to look things over? I can come back."

"No, no... I think we're alright," Robyn spoke up. "I'll have the classic cheeseburger."

Giving her a bop on the shoulder, Ilaria said, "Exact same here, thanks."

"What was that for?" Robby asked as the waiter walked away with the order.

"Stealing my order, heeee. Shake and a burger, tsk tsk."

Things continued on quite steadily from there. The food wasn't the best they'd had, but still a good amount above par for something so generic. The shakes however were to die for. Once the B monster movies started though, the conversations sort of drifted toward the contents of the films. Ari and Robyn were almost pulling a Mystery Science Theatre act with each other and having a blast.

"Oh, he's just going to eat me my dear. I'll be right back." Robyn chucked as a man stood between a plant monster and a lady fur.

"Oooh, that's what she said," Ilaria giggled as the waiter came by again.

"Girls, I have to ask you keep things down while the movies are on." His normal smile was obviously forced and polite now. "Some others have been complaining. Sorry."

"Aww, shit," Robyn hushly groaned. "Sorry."

"Thanks, we'll try to keep quiet." When the waiter walked away Ilaria added, "...if you take that flashlight out your muzzle first."

"Ooh, nice." The squirrel sat up and payed a bit more attention to Ilaria rather than the movie, her fun sort of ruined now. "So if we can't make fun of the cheesy movies what now?"

"That round of shots, maybe?" Ari spilled out as she hunched over the remains of her shake and sipped on the straw.

"Well," Robyn started as she emulated Ilaria's pose, "I suppose we could do that." Then she noticed Ilaria looking down her dress shirt and undid another button for her. "You know, see what happens next..."

Ari jumped a those words, catching herself staring. "Sorry, downside of being so tall."

Looking about for a second and then returning her gaze to Ilaria with a devilish grin, Robyn slumped back and slid under the table saying, "Benefits to being small too, love."

"Wait, Robyn!..."

"Uh..." A head popped out near Ari's thigh. "Ari?"

"S-sorry..." She tried to cover her crotch with her paws even though it was useless in that position. "I wanted to see how this... Well how we'd work and all before I told you..."

"Pfft, I think it's great! The best of both worlds in one gorgeous package!" She lifted Ilaria's dress and got a good look, or at least the best she could get under a table in the dark. "Ahem, benefits of being tall I guess?" she joked as she let Ilaria's cock bounce up against the bottom of the table.

"Ah... What are you doing?! We're in a fucking oooOOOOooo..."

Ilaria threw her head back as Robyn devoured her second meal of the evening. She struggled with the girth of the thing, but managed to get about a third of it in her mouth in but a few bobs of her head. Giving up on taking any more, she tried to work with what she had and let her paws handle the rest. Coming off Ari's cock, Robyn gave the tip a quick kiss with a giggle then went lower to the base.

"So it's the complete set, is it?"

A bit more familiar with her lady bits, Robyn started lapping and prodding with her tongue all over Ilaria's pussy. She never stopped using her paws on the girl's length however, sending Ari into motions over the pleasure. They both knew they couldn't keep this act up too long or else someone would notice, so Robyn backed off a bit and found herself a rhythm. She licked slowly from Ari's petals all the way back to her cock head, resuming her bobbing after that. She alternated between fast and slow motions, finding a matching pattern for her paws. One stayed strangling that member, and the other went lower to finger fuck Ilaria's cunny. The pincer attack had Ilaria leaving claw marks on the table's edge.

"Can I get you anything else, miss?" The waiter cut in as he walked by.

"I-I... Uh... N-no we're... Heeeee... We're fine, thanks!" Ilaria struggled to keep her composure, and deep down inside she just knew the fox could see right through her.

"I'll get the check at your request then. It's slow now, so no rush." His typical smile almost looked like a knowing grin now.

The thrill only turned Ari on more, an unexpected outcome of all this. She found herself suddenly grabbing Robyn's head and stroking her headfur as she did her deed. It felt insanely good, making Ilaria meep as she tried muffling her moans. Then she finally couldn't hold back, Robyn's muzzle and tongue driving her just up to the edge but not quite past it. One of her paws went to join hers inside of her pussy, and the other tugged forcefully on the back of her head.

Despite Robyn's complaints, Ilaria forced her down as far as she could go until her snout bumped against her knot. Robyn struggled back and eventually prevailed, but not until after a hot blast of cum went down her throat. She pulled up and caught another shot in her mouth that was enough to partially back up and come out her nose. She wanted to take all of it but knew then and there the capacity of her mouth simply wasn't enough. Robyn flailed a paw up and over the edge of the table until she found Ilaria's milkshake glass. After bringing it down she pointed Ari's cock at the thing and let her fill it up stream after heavy stream.

"Damn, girl." Robyn coughed a bit and then swallowed a bit of remaining cum. "You're worse than a horse I knew."

After mumbling something in another language for a moment, Ilaria finished her climax with a very, very wide smile. "I'd have warned you but..." She paused as Robyn came back up from under the table sporting a nearly filled glass. "... uh... Well I've never had anyone... uh..."

"First blowjob?" She smiled back at the thought of taking a pseudo-virginity from Ari. "Well in that case it's fine. Consider it a gift."

"Don't tell me that's..."

Spinning the straw about and mixing it up, Robyn took a long sip and swallowed with a grin. "Only the freshest milkshake, straight from the tap." She passed it over and added, "You should try it. You own me that much."

Sipping on the straw and receiving a now-cool mouthful of slimier chocolate banana Ilaria flinched, "It's like someone cracked an egg in there, haha."

"Speaking about cracking... The hell are your parent's feeding you?" Robyn nudged her head downward and clarified, "Still hard? That going down soon or are we ordering desert?"

"Hey, you're the expert. Been like this I'm guessing since I went into heat."

"So no, then." With a sigh Robyn reached into her purse, then stopped and reached into Ilaria's. "Well if we're gonna stay a while anyway..."

"Wait," Ari bumbled as she saw what Robyn had grabbed, "You aren't serious. No. I mean, I've never--"

"I figured," the little squirrel stated as she ripped open one of Ilaria's condoms. "And that's why I want you to fuck me, Ms. Virgin."

Without giving her a chance to complain any further, Robyn rolled the rubber over Ilaria's cock. She gave it a few rubs of her paw to make sure it was on correctly, but considering it looked perhaps a size too small if anything she didn't fret too much. Instead, Robyn hiked up her skirt, positioned herself over the massive pole, and just sat down slowly. As she sort of expected, the first bit hurt a little as it stretched her to her limits. She sank down ever so slowly, stopping and rising a few times to make sure things were lubed up enough before proceeding again.

It wasn't very long before Robyn found another limit of hers, Ilaria's cock kissing her deep inside against her womb. She was small and Ari was large, so it was sort of expected, but she thought she'd get more than half of her member in before she had to stop. It put her in a peculiar spot when it almost looked like she was standing in the booth. Ilaria corrected this appearance for her, pulling her close for a kiss and accidentally setting Robyn off balance. When the pain faded she realized Ari's pointed tip had forced it's way past her cervix, a burning left behind as the muscle gripped that tip to death.

"Shit... Woah, easy girl." Robyn tried to complain further but was cut off by another kiss.

"Shh, someone will notice."

As a giant insect monster raged on the big screen, Robyn found herself battling a monster of her own. Ilaria sort of took over, the sensation of warm, wet and squishy driving her into a rage of lust. She lifted Robyn up just enough to pop her head free of her womb, only to drop her harshly back down and smash back through. It hurt terribly at first, but after a while, the pain almost faded away. Eventually Robyn found herself enjoying the feeling, more for the pressure before that cock punched through than the tightness afterword.

Then as Robyn spotted the waiter returning to check on them, Robyn said, "Fox. The fox! Ilaria!"

The thrill drove the two of them mad, Robyn almost getting herself off on the rush alone. What really did the trick was Ilaria's solution to the oncoming waiter. With a muffled mention about cumming, Ari pulled Robyn down hard and forced her to engulf all of her cock with her tight, overstretched pussy. The bit that set Robyn off was that huge knot squelching inside of her to lock the two together tightly. She shook and quaked a bit, but thankfully her peaks weren't as involved as most women's. By the time the waiter stepped up he couldn't tell that one girl was surging cum into the other. Well, that was until Robyn's tummy started swelling with overabundance bit by tiny bit.

"Ready for the check, ladies?" The fox already had the bill printed and ready, but asked out of courtesy.

Answering for the exhausted Ilaria, Robyn tried to fake a smile and asked, "Actually, could we uh... Could we see a desert menu after all? We want to... finish this movie."

Frowning a bit at the bill in his paw, the fox nodded and stared a bit at the squirrel's skirt. "Sure, my pleasure. And would you like some towels? You've uh... got blood on your skirt, miss."

"Y-yeah, thanks."

"Blood?" Ari finally managed. "What's he talking about?"

Robyn briefly lifted her skirt and spotted the blood, then spotted more on her panties. "I think you went a bit far, love. The knot was a bit too big."

"Shit. You need to get to a hospital or something?"

"No, I think I'll be nifty in a day." She looked back and gave Ilaria a kiss. "it'll take getting used to, but I think I like this."

"What, you mean... I thought I blew it, shit." Ari reached down and felt for the blood herself, then brought up a suddenly pertinent question. "Wait, where's the condom?"

Suddenly mortified but unable to move to check, Robyn felt around until she found the rubber, which by the hard edges she found only meant one thing. "I think you were too big for it. It feels split."

"Maybe..." Ari tried keeping things positive, "Maybe it's still okay at the other end?"

"Honey, wait." With an odd change of tone Robyn assured, "I think it's alright. My last period wasn't even a week ago. I might still be safe."

Suddenly relaxing, Ilaria gave Robyn's neck a kiss. "I hope so. I'd hate for that to spoil my first time with a woman. With you."

"Ari..." Robyn looked up at her lover and gave her a deep kiss. "I wouldn't mind if I did have your pups. I love you, silly ottah." Then while resting her head back against the amazon she added, "But more time to ourselves would be nice, yeah."

"Shit, how long's this gonna be like this?" Ari questioned as she tugged from below.

"Different for everyone. But we have until the end of the movie, haha." She then gave another kiss and asked, "Would you fancy another go after?"

"Uh..." Ari sighed as she even contemplated it. "My brother expects me in the morning, remember? And we can't fool around at my place, not with my family there..."

"Nonsense." Robyn smiled and kissed the dumbfounded otter attached to her. "We just got away with murder here, and you're telling me we can't screw with a bunch of sleeping furs in other rooms?"

"I..." Ilaria took another deep breath and cuddled the squirrel girl. "Your 'ottah' is willing to try, for you. I love you too, Robyn."

Almost forty minutes after they'd stopped, and only five minutes until the end of the film, the two managed to pop apart and clean things up. Interestingly the bulk of their love stayed welled up inside Robyn's tightly-sealed womb. Considering she never had to clean out such a mess before, she decided to just walk out Jimmy's looking like she'd eaten a bit too much instead. Ilaria's bathroom would be a better place to handle that anyway.

The drive home was a bit rough but they made it to the Rivet home all the same. The two sneaked through the front door and up the stairs easily enough, though at one point they thought they woke up Iolvin when they heard a grunt from his room. But in the end the two achieved their goal of fucking until the sun came up.

After a short rest, Robyn pulled herself free of Ilaria's arms and slid off her member, built up juices dribbling down her thighs. She went to go finally clean herself up after a few hours and long sessions with her new lover. Finding a bit of red still in the mix of pearly liquid on her legs, she went to the toilet and sat down to hopefully get it all out of her, that way her sore pussy could be given some care. Then as she was hunched over helping things along, she heard a noise and looked up. Adrian was there in nothing but a pair of panties that appeared to be dripping white, turning on the water for the shower. Right when she looked up, he noticed her as well and they both froze.

Robyn barely let out a hushed, "No way..."

Dee just smiled back and slipped, "Ooh, juicy..."