As Long As I'm With You

Story by SPARTASTICUS on SoFurry

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** Cody and Kim just stood there with their jaws on the floor. A few seconds ago, they had confessed to Kim's dad Greg that Kim was pregnant, and in response, he had said that it was a good thing. They were simply flat-out dumbstruck. "Thank goodness I'm pregnant!?!?" shouted Kim. "Wah...? Wha... Did I say that?" asked Greg as he stuttered a bit, "Uh... What I meant to say was... Uh... How... How dare you!! You... you... Boy!! Getting my daughter pregnant like that!!" He was obviously trying to sound angry, but he wasn't doing a very good job of it. Both Cody and Kim folded their arms and looked sternly at Greg who was desperately trying to sound like he was upset. "This... This is an outrage!!" he said, "I mean... you kids know each other for all this time and you just go and do each other like that!" "Knock it off dad!" said Kim sounding very stern, "It's obvious; you're happy that I'm pregnant!" "Yes I am!" said Greg as he threw up his arms in defeat, "I am out-and-out happy that you are pregnant sweetie." "But why?" asked Cody. "Well," said Greg, "It's very complicated Cody, and we'll need to tell your parents too." "Okay then," said Cody, "We'll all go and tell them." Greg called for Kim's mother, Leslie. Once she joined them in the living room, Greg simply said, "They know..." "Oh my..." breathed Leslie, sounding both relieved and distraught at the same time. Cody and Kim looked at each other nervously, what was going on? And what was going to happen?**

** In a few minutes, they were at Cody's house. Greg rang the doorbell, and Cody's parents, George and Stacy came to answer it. "What's this all about?" asked George when he saw them. "It worked George," said Greg, "Kim is knocked up." "Oh thank heaven." said Stacy. George patted Cody on the shoulder and said, "Nice going son." Now Cody and Kim were more confused than ever. All their parents were happy about Kim's pregnancy; what did it mean? In a few minutes, Cody and Kim were sitting in a chair facing their parents on the sofa. "Look," said Cody, "Kim and I have no idea what this is all about. Will you please tell us what is going on here?" "Well," said Greg, "It's a very complicated matter." "Kim," said Leslie, "You remember your last trip to the doctor?" "Yes mom," said Kim, "I remember it." "Well," said Leslie, "We found out that something was horribly wrong with you." Kim began to get scared, "What?" she said nervously, "What was it?" "Well," Leslie began, "Your uterine lining... I assume you know what that is, was disintegrating. So if we didn't do something, you would have died due to internal disintegration." "Yikes," said Kim, "So how does that relate to me getting pregnant?" "Well," said Greg, "A doctor by the title of Pugmire believed that the only way to save you was for you to get impregnated so that the fetus would solidify what was left of your uterine lining so he could permanently solve the problem." "But," said Cody, "What happens when Kim is ready to have the baby? We're not ready to take care of our own child." "Well son," said George, "A few friends of mine have offered to have you two sent to Paradise Island off the coast of Greece. It's a simple society, perfect for young parents like you two are about to be." "Really?" asked Cody, "Sounds a little far-fetched." "It might," said Stacy, "But my friend Gina traveled there a few years ago, and she described it as the best place on the planet. People are friendly, making a living is easy, and the views are just spectacular." Cody and Kim looked at each other, a little unsure of what to think. "What do you think Kim?" asked Cody. "Well," said Kim, "We are quite a pair you and I. And I would be willing to look after a puppy if it was the only way you and I could stay together." "Well then," said Cody with a smile, "Looks like we better start looking up parenting classes. Because it looks like we're stuck with each other!" The four parents smiled. "That's my boy!!" said George. "That's my girl!!" added Leslie. Cody and Kim hugged each other and kissed. "Well," said Greg, "Since you two are going to be together now, I guess we can let Cody stay with us before their move to Paradise Island." "Right," said George, "And we'll need to arrange for them to get married before their pup is born." "I can't believe this is happening!" said Stacy, "My son, soon to be a father!!" "And my daughter a mother!!" Leslie agreed. Cody and Kim smiled at each other; it looked like things were going to be okay.**

** So Cody was temporarily moved into Kim's house for the remainder of her pregnancy. After which they would board a plane bound for their new home in Greece. A few months later, Cody and Kim were returning from a walk to the mud pond. As soon as they got back, Cody's little sister Camellia came up to them. "Hey Camellia," said Cody, "What's up?" "I hear you're moving to Greece," she said, "That means I'll have the TV all to myself now!!" "Yeah," said Cody, "You sure will." Camellia looked a little pouty; her brother was taking this unrealistically well in her opinion. "Why are you going away anyway?" she asked. "Well," said Kim, "Your brother and I are going to have a baby." "A baby!?!?" shouted Camellia. Then she burst out laughing. "What's so funny if you don't mind me asking?" said Cody. "You guys are having a baby!!" Camellia answered, "You'll have to get up in the middle of the night to feed it and deal with those nasty smells!" She went on laughing for a minute before saying, "I wouldn't be caught dead with a baby!" At this, Kim's maternal instincts kicked in. She growled and said, "Why you little!! You don't know what it's like to have a baby!!" Camellia shuddered as she realized how ferocious Kim had become. Kim managed to calm herself down and say, "By the time you're older, you'll feel better about the idea of having a baby." "Okay," said Camellia, "If you say so." With that, Cody and Kim went onto the porch of Cody's house. "Damn," said Cody, "I've never seen you get that defensive." "I don't know what came over me," said Kim, "I just felt like I had to protect my baby. It is after all, very important to me." "I understand that," said Cody, "I feel like it's just as important to me." "Do you think the baby's going to be a boy or a girl?" asked Kim. "I personally don't care," said Cody, "As long as he or she is healthy and we can take care of him or her." "Oh Cody," said Kim as she blushed, "I can tell you're going to make a wonderful father." "You really think so?" asked Cody. "Absolutely." said Kim, "But what I'm worried about is whether this Doctor Pugmire will actually be able to save me with his idea or not." "Well," said Cody, "I guess we'll find out tomorrow since you've got an ultrasound coming and Doctor Pugmire wants to try out his new formula on your uterine lining." "Jeez," said Kim as she shook with fear, "I hope this doctor has a legitimate medical diploma." "Try to stay calm," said Cody, "The worst possibility is that he attended some sort of poorly known Mexican medical school."**

** "Si Senor!" confirmed Dr. Pugmire, "The medical school I attended was indeed in Mexico. It was, Durango's Institution for the Healing, loosely translated from Spanish to English; and I have to say, though not very well know, it was a good medical school." Kim rolled her eyes back in her head, "Oh lord help me..." she moaned. She was lying back on an examining table wearing nothing but her bra and her panties. Cody was sitting next to her holding her hand, and their parents were sitting parallel to the table looking at Kim from her left side. A lizard doctor took some gel and rubbed it on Kim's expanding tummy. Then she took her instrument and gently rubbed it back and forth across Kim's bulge. "We should have an image on screen in a minute or so..." she said. "Great," said Kim, "I'll be happy to know everything is going to plan." Sure enough, the screen buzzed to life and they began to see something. "You see that?" asked the doctor as she pointed to the thing that was moving, "That's your little bundle of joy." "Fantastic," said Cody, "But uh... How's he or she doing?" "Well let's see." said the doctor. She moved the instrument on Kim's tummy a bit more. Then she took the instrument off and placed the side of her head on top of Kim's bulge as though she was listening for something. Cody, Kim, and their parents looked at her intently. Then the doctor lifted her head and used her finger to draw an imaginary tic-tac-toe board on Kim's belly. "Your move." she declared. "Huh?" asked Kim. "Not you," the doctor said, "It." Cody and Kim's parents were now looking at the doctor like she was nuts, and Cody and Kim thought so too. The doctor then proceeded to draw imaginary circles on Kim's belly as though she were playing tic-tac-toe with her unborn puppy. After a minute the doctor looked down in shock and said, "Oh my goodness..." "What?" everyone asked in unison. The doctor looked at them, "He won." she declared, "It's usually a cat's game, but he won." "Wow," said Kim, "You... are... NUTS." "Like peanuts!" the doctor cackled, "ooh-hoo!! An unborn baby winning at tic-tac-toe! That's a sign of great intelligence you two!" she said to Cody and Kim. Cody and Kim just looked at each other. Then Cody said, "Well, he'll probably be the champion tic-tac-toe player of his school." "Right," said Kim, "You keep believing that." "Um... Excuse me," said Doctor Pugmire, "But if our resident Sampson and Delilah are ready, I am ready to try my little experim... Uh... I mean... remedy." "Uh... Okay," said Kim as she began to sweat. "I'm afraid this will require me removing your panties Kim." said Doctor Pugmire. "Don't YOU touch them!" snapped Kim, "I'll let Cody do it! He's much more gentle." "Well... okay Kim." said Cody. He got up and walked around to the other end of the table. Then he reached forward, grasped Kim's panties and pulled them down her legs revealing her slit. Then he walked back to where he had been sitting and took Kim's hand. "Mom," said Kim, "Could you please hold my hand too?" "Of course." said Leslie. She got up and walked over to take her daughter's hand. Once Kim was grasping her mother's and her boyfriend's hands, she turned to Doctor Pugmire and said, "Okay, I'm ready." "Good," said Doctor Pugmire. He pulled out a small needle and attached it to the canister that held his formula. "Now," he said, "You're going to feel a slight chill down here, but please try to keep still." Kim obliged, gripping the hands she was holding even tighter. The lizard doctor put the instrument back on Kim's stomach, and Doctor Pugmire used his gloves to open Kim's slit, before gently beginning to slide the needle inside it. Kim could feel the needle inside her, and it was not pleasant. It was small and cold like tempered steel; nothing at all like Cody's dick. Tears began oozing out of her eyes and she felt and sounded like she would start crying any second. She gripped Cody and Leslie's hands even tighter. "Okay," said the lizard doctor, "You're almost there Pugmire." Suddenly Kim shouted out, "DON'T HURT MY BABY!!!" "I won't!" said Doctor Pugmire, "I promise I won't, but you must keep still!" Kim forced herself to keep still, fighting back the tears that were coming to her eyes. Finally, the lizard doctor said, "Okay Pugmire, looks like you're there." "Got it," said Pugmire, "Here we go." He placed his thumb on the button, and began to inject his formula. Kim could actually feel it coming into her with a tiny stinging sensation. "aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!" she cried. "It's okay!" said Cody, "It's gonna be okay!" It only took a matter of seconds before the canister was empty. Then Doctor Pugmire gently pulled the needle out of Kim's vagina. "Okay," he said, "That's it!" "That's it?" asked Kim. "That's it!" He confirmed. "You did it Kim!" said Cody. "Oh my baby," breathed Leslie, "I'm so proud of you!" Kim sighed with relief, "I can't believe it," she said, "That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." "I'm glad." said Cody. The lizard doctor went over to Cody and Kim's parents and said, "It looks like these two are all set to have their puppy." "Not quite..." said Greg, "Family is very important to us, so there's one more thing that needs to be done."**

** 2 WEEKS LATER...**

** Cody stood nervously at the altar of the church; this was his wedding day. He just couldn't believe this was actually happening, fifteen years old and already he was getting married and going to be a father. Cody was wearing a young man's tuxedo that his father had worn to his prom with a beautiful red corsage. Looking out over the crowd, he saw all of his family to his left, and all of Kim's family to his right. There were so many people there from both their families, it made Cody's stomach hurt to know that he was going to be one half of the two families' union. It wasn't that he didn't want to go through with it; it was just that it was a tall order for him. But hey, Kim must have felt the same way about it. Speaking of whom, Cody checked his watch and turned to his friend Pete who was his best man saying, "She's due in a few minutes. I hope she's alright." "Don't worry about it mate," said Pete, "She's bearing your child, so I think she'll definitely be here soon." "I wouldn't worry about it," said the minister, "Brides are always late, it's the nerves that come with the thought of being unified like this."**

** In the meanwhile, Kim was just behind the doors of the hall, and her mother was making some last second adjustments to her wedding dress. "I'm so nervous mom," said Kim, "I mean, I'm only fourteen, yet I'm getting married and I'm gonna have a baby." "I know it's a lot for someone your age," said Leslie as she adjusted Kim's veil, "But soon you're bound to feel all the wonderful feelings that come with being forever united with the boy you love." She brought her face close to Kim's before saying, "All I know for sure is that I've always been proud of you sweetie, but I have never been as proud as I am now." Kim got a tear in her eye and said, "Thanks mom..." then she looked down at her bulge and said, "You looking forward to meeting your grandchild?" "I certainly am," said Leslie. Then she looked at the clock and said, "But right now young lady, it's time for you to go, your groom awaits." "Okay." said Kim. With that, she took her bouquet of flowers and stood before the doors. There was a creaking sound and they began to open. Kim stepped forward with her mother and began to walk down the aisle. The wedding march began to play, and everyone turned to look at Kim, making comments about how beautiful she looked. Kim kept listening for comments of scorn due to her pregnancy, but she didn't hear any. By the time her mother left her side to take her seat, Kim felt like she had a whole swarm of butterflies in her stomach. Finally, she saw Cody looking lovingly at her. She was able to calm down a little bit when she thought about how he must have been feeling about this. As she reached the alter Kim allowed Cody to take her hand and help her step up. Then the husky boy and the wolf-husky girl turned to face the minister who opened his book. "Dearly beloved," he began, "We have gathered here today in the eyes of God to bring this young couple together in eternal unison." Cody and Kim each felt lumps in their throats as the minister went through the ceremony. After what seemed like an eternity, the minister turned to Cody and said, "Cody Clark, do you take this young woman to be your lawful wedded wife?" Cody said, "I do." as he slipped the gold wedding ring onto Kim's right ring finger. The minister then turned the opposite way and asked, "Kimberly Stevenson, do you take this young man to be your lawful wedded husband?" Kim shuddered; this was it. In an instant, a memory that she thought had been lost forever came back to her.**

** 9 YEARS AGO...**

** _ Five-year-old Kimberly Stevenson walked through the door into playgroup. She was incredibly nervous; she had never really played with other kids that much before. She looked up at her mother and said, "Mommy... You'll come back for me... Right?" "Of course I will sweetie," said Leslie, "Just, try to make some friends and have some fun, okay?" "Okay." said Kim. Her mother kissed her goodbye and left for work. Kim looked around nervously; she didn't know anybody here, and she was worried that the others wouldn't like her. She looked into a corner, and there she saw a young husky puppy who was reading a book. Since he was all alone, she decided to try to talk to him. She walked over to him, and said, "Um... hi..." The husky looked up at her and said, "Hi there... Uh... wanna read?" "Okay!" said Kim, she figured she should seize the opportunity to try and make a friend with someone friendly. She sat down next to him and he showed her his book. "My name's Cody." the husky boy said looking into Kim's eyes. "I'm Kim." she answered. They spent the next few minutes reading and talking, and soon, they felt like they had known each other their entire lives. They sat next to each other at lunch, and played with each other as well. Finally, when Leslie came to pick her daughter up, she was pleased to see that Kim had made a friend right away. They waited until Stacy came to pick up Cody, and then they traded addresses and phone numbers so they could get together for play dates. Kim thought she was crazy, but she was sure that Cody would be her friend forever._**

** Finally Kim shook off the flashback. Cody wasn't her friend anymore; he was her boyfriend, her soul mate, and now he was going to be her husband. She screwed up all her courage and said, "I do." as she slid her ring onto Cody's finger. "Then by the power vested in me by the father in heaven," said the minister, "I hereby pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Cody lifted Kim's veil, leaned in, and kissed her on her lips. Kim let the sensation flood her lips. At long last, she and Cody were married, together forever. Both families applauded for the newlyweds. Stacy and Leslie were holding each other and crying, and George and Greg remarked that at long last, their families were connected, just like they had always known they would be. Cody finally broke the kiss and said, "No matter what happens, I'll always be by your side." Kim simply pulled him to her and hugged him, knowing that no matter what, she would always look back on this day without the slightest hint of regret.**

** 4 MONTHS LATER...**

** George, Stacy, Greg, and Leslie were all having a conversation in the Stevenson's living room one evening. They had spent the last few weeks baby shopping; picking up supplies like a crib, a mobile, baby clothes, diapers, feeding bottles, toys, and a high chair. They were all feeling happy that Cody and Kim were doing so well, but also a little sad that they would be leaving them soon. "I... I just can't believe it," said George, "Everything's happening so fast I just don't know what to think." "Oh come one Georgie!" said Greg playfully, "We all knew that our families would be connected someday, and all on account of those two." "Yeah," said Leslie, "Ever since Kim met Cody in playgroup, I knew that it was just a matter of time before those two were together." "I'm just happy that everything's hopefully going to work out," said Stacy, "George and I hope our son and daughter-in-law have a happy life together." "I'm sure they will," said Greg, "I am absolutely sure they will." The four parents raised their teacups and said, "To Cody and Kim."**

** Upstairs, Cody and Kim had turned in for the night and were having a bit of a talk before going to sleep. Kim was lying on her back to sleep, and was using extra pillows to ensure she didn't roll onto her stomach while sleeping. Since they were now married, there was really no need to hide anything from each other, to put it bluntly, they were each sleeping naked. "Cody..." said Kim, "Do you... Do you really feel comfortable about what we're doing?" "What do you mean?" asked Cody. "Well," said Kim, "We're going to Greece. We're leaving our moms and dads. We... We're gonna have to look out for ourselves now." Cody looked a little shocked. "Are you saying we can't do it?" he asked. "No," said Kim, "It's just that I'm... I'm scared about this. I wasn't planning to move out until I was nineteen." Cody rolled over so he could look into Kim's eyes. "Don't worry," he said, "I'll be there for you." "Oh Cody," said Kim as she gazed back at him, "As long as I'm with you, I'll know I'll be just FINE!!!" she screamed suddenly. Cody shot up out of bed. "Kim!" he cried, "Are you alright!?!?" Kim didn't respond, she just moaned in intense pain. Cody ripped the covers off of the bed, and saw a wet spot beneath Kim's crotch. This was it... her water had broken. "OH MY GOD!!!" Cody cried; but he remembered what to do in this situation. He barged out the door, ran to the top of the stairs, and screamed, "KIM'S WATER BROKE!! THE BABY'S COMING!!" "This is it!" cried George as he leapt off the sofa and ran upstairs to help, "Put some clothes on son, you're gonna be a papa!!" Stacy ran to the front door and grabbed the suitcase with all of Kim's things in it, in case she needed to stay for a while. Leslie, when she heard the news, had fainted dead away, and Greg was trying to shake her awake. "Wake up!" he shouted, "We're gonna be grandparents!" Leslie finally woke up and gasped, "Kim! My baby! Is she alright?!" "She's gonna be fine!" said Greg, "George is bringing her down now!" Sure enough, George had thrown Kim's robe on her and was carrying her down the stairs in his arms with Cody walking beside him. Kim was hyperventilating, and her eyes were wide open. "Don't worry Kim!" Cody said, "You're gonna be fine. Our parents and I won't let anything happen to you or our puppy." Kim didn't respond, she was in too much pain. Outside, Stacy had started the car and waited until George placed Kim in the back seat and Cody had got in beside her. Once they were secure, she took off down the driveway, and headed for the hospital. George, Greg, and Leslie got into the other car and followed behind them.**

** It took a few minutes, but Stacy got Kim and Cody to the hospital in record time. Fortunately for them, George had phoned ahead, so there were two attendants with a wheelchair outside waiting for them. In another few minutes, George, Greg, and Leslie arrived, and by that time, Kim was already in a pink hospital gown and being taken into the delivery room. Cody caught up to a nurse and said, "Can I come in too?" "Unfortunately no," said the cat nurse, "It might be a little disturbing for you." Cody felt insulted. He loved Kim and he knew he could take the sight of her giving birth. Fortunately, Kim came to his rescue. "Let him come in!" she said, "I can't do this without him!" "Well, okay then." said the cat nurse, and she allowed Cody into the delivery room. Soon Kim was propped up on the chair and hooked up to the instruments that would measure all her vital signs. A second later, the doctor came in. Cody and Kim looked at him before saying, "YOU!?!?" "Yes, me." said none other than Doctor Pugmire, "I'm the one who suggested you got pregnant Kim, and I couldn't possibly miss seeing it through to the end!" "You are either really dedicated, or you just want to know if your formula worked!" said Cody. "Actually both!" admitted Doctor Pugmire before he set about checking the charts. Cody looked down at Kim; it pained him to see her suffering so much. "Cody!" gasped Kim, "It hurts so much! Let me hold your hand!" Cody knelt down beside her and gave his hand to her. "Of course Kim, anything for y...urk!" he winced as he realized how tight her grip was. "Should have... brought... a boxing glove..." he thought to himself. "Okay Kim," said Doctor Pugmire, "You know the drill. Breathe, push, and above all, keep calm!" "Easy for you to say!" grunted Kim as she began pushing, "You're not the one trying to get a puppy out of your koochie!" "Well... that's true." said Doctor Pugmire. The next few minutes were spent with Kim giving a yell of pain every minute or so, Cody feeling like the bones in his had were being crushed, and Doctor Pugmire giving Kim a gentle reminder to keep calm and push. If you ask me, by that time Kim felt like giving him a push. "AAAARRRRRGGGGHHH!!!" she screamed, "This is so HARD!!!" "Whoa," said Cody, "At the volume you're screaming, it'd be no wonder if you were heard on the outskirts of town." "Very funny you JERK!!" snapped Kim with a furious look, "I blame you for this!" "Well I distinctly remember somebody saying they didn't care if they got pregnant or not." Cody replied. Kim's fury disappeared in an instant. "You're right!" she said, "I can't rightfully blame you for this... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Her next scream had everyone in the room pressing their ears to their skulls!**

** Meanwhile, down by the railroad tracks on the outskirts of town, a hobo wolf and his tigress partner lifted their heads. "What is it Mac?" asked the tigress. "I don't know," he answered, "I thought I could hear a girl screaming." "Are you sure?" asked the tigress. "It's true Alice!" said Mac, "I really did hear something." "You're hearing things again old man," said Alice, "Now come on, let's get some sleep." "Okay." said Mac, and they curled up against each other and fell asleep.**

** In the meanwhile, Kim was still in a great deal of pain. Doctor Pugmire and the others were now very worried. It had been almost twenty minutes, and Kim was still trying. Cody couldn't have been more worried in his life. His wife was in great pain, and if they didn't get the puppy out soon, he was worried that she would die. He pulled himself close to Kim's face and said, "Kim, how much do you love me?" "I love you with all my heart Cody!" gasped Kim, tears coming to her eyes, "I thought you knew that!" "I do," said Cody, "But say it again." Kim began to get angry again, "I'm giving birth here and you want me to repeat how much I love you!?!?" she asked. "Trust me Kim," said Cody, "I love you more than anyone else ever could." "So do I..." said Kim, panting, "I love you more than anyone else ever could!" The cat nurse looked at Kim's vulva and said, "Doc! Look! I think she's getting close!" "Say it Kim," encouraged Cody, "Say that you love me!" "Cody..." panted Kim, "I love you!" "Say it again!" said Cody. Kim could feel a large wave of pain coming, but she screamed, "Cody! I love you!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Then everything happened at once. There was another noise; at first Cody though it was Kim screaming again, but no... wait a minute, it couldn't be her, it was too high pitched. Then he heard it again, and this time he was sure of it; that wasn't Kim; it was the unambiguous sound of a newborn puppy crying! Sure enough the cat nurse said, "That's it! That's it, we've got it!" Cody quickly turned to Kim and said, "Kim! You did it! You did it, he's here! Oh Kim our baby's here!" Kim lay back on the chair, her snow-white fur covered with sweat. "Happy birthday little one." said the cat nurse as she took the puppy to get it cleaned up. Doctor Pugmire simply stood and stared. "Ah..." he said, "The miracle of life." It took a minute or two, but Kim finally began to regain herself as she looked up at Cody. "I... I..." she gasped, "Is he alright?" "He should be," said Cody, "The nurse just took him to get him cleaned up." Before Kim could say anything else, the cat nurse returned, holding the puppy in a light blue blanket. "Congratulations you two," she said to Cody and Kim, "It's a boy, and he seems in good condition. Here, he's all yours." She handed the bundle to Kim, and as she took it in her arms, she caught her first glance of the sweet little face in the blanket. "Oh..." she breathed, "Oh my god... It's... our baby!" She was so overcome with joy that tears were coming to her eyes. "Cody," she said, "Look at him! He's so beautiful!" Cody gazed down at the puppy's face. He had the slightly roughish outline of fur on his head that Kim had, so he was definitely a wolf more than a husky, but his fur was colored light gray, very much like Cody's own. Cody soon felt tears of joy coming to his eyes as well; this was his puppy, his son. "I don't believe it Kim," he said, "All that, and he's finally here!" Then he looked at her and said, "So, what are we going to name him?" Kim thought a moment, then she said, "Why don't you name him?" "Oh... Okay." said Cody. He thought for a moment, and finally said, "How about... James? James Clark?" "I think that's a wonderful name." said Kim. "James Clark it is." said Doctor Pugmire as he wrote the name on the birth certificate. Then Doctor Pugmire and the nurses left the room to inform the new grandparents of the success, and to give the new parents some time alone.**

** For the longest time, Cody and Kim looked down at their newborn son. Cody sighed; it seemed like just yesterday he had invited Kim to go swimming in the mud hole. From there, things had never been the same again. Kim looked up at Cody and said, "Well, I guess this marks a new beginning doesn't it?" "It sure does," said Cody, "I certainly hope that in future, other teen parents can be as lucky as we were." "That's a big thing to wish for," said Kim, "So I'll wish for it too." "Great!" said Cody; then he looked down at James and said, "Kim... Can... Can I... Can I hold him?" Kim smiled up at her husband. "Sure you can." she said as she passed the blanket to him. Cody took the bundle in his arms, and as he did, the little puppy face moved a bit and made a little squeak. Cody cradled his son in his arms and simply smiled down at him. "Hi James," he said quietly, as if the infant could understand him, "I'm your daddy, and your mommy and I love you very much." The puppy squeaked again, then nestled into his blanket and fell deep asleep.**

** 1 WEEK LATER...**

** After one week of learning basic baby care tips from their parents, Cody and Kim were now ready to move out to their new home on Paradise Island. They had taken a train to New York City where they would board the seaplane that would fly across the Atlantic to Portugal, and then on to Paradise. There were only a few minutes before take-off, and Cody and Kim were taking the time to say goodbye to their parents. "Well Cody," said George, "I cannot tell you just how proud I am of you." "It's okay dad," said Cody as he hugged him one last time, "I know how much you and mom love me." Leslie meanwhile was gushing her pride at the fact that she was a grandparent to Kim. "I can't get over the fact that you're so grown up now!!" she sobbed. "It's okay mom," said Kim, "I'll always be your little girl." Greg went over to speak with Cody. Cody was a bit nervous at first, so he said, "Mr. Stevenson, I... I'm sorry that I'm taking your daughter away from you..." "Are you kidding?" asked Greg, "You saved our daughter's life! You're a hero in my book." "Well uh... thanks," said Cody, "But I'm just a boy who wants to look after his girl." "You keep doing that son." said Greg. Just then a porter called, "Last call for boarding! Flight double O' four! Departin' for Paradise Island!" Cody picked up the suitcases and carried them onto the plane while Kim followed, carrying James. Just before the door shut, Cody stuck his head out and yelled, "We love you guys! Goodbye!!" The door closed and the four piston engines croaked and came to life. "Goodbye son!!" yelled George, "We'll miss you!!" cried Stacy, "Good luck you two!!" called Leslie, "Make us proud, kids!!" shouted Greg. The seaplane taxied to the middle of the channel, took off down the waterway, and finally lifted up into the sky. The four parents looked at each other; this was it, their children were really out there now. But they all offered condolences to each other and headed back for the train station to head home.**

** Up in the seaplane, Cody and Kim shared a meaningful glance with each other. They were leaving their old life behind, to start anew. And what better way to do it than together? "Cody," said Kim, "I really do hope it all works out for us." "I'm sure it will Kim," said Cody as he kissed her, "As long as we face whatever comes our way together." Then James started fidgeting and squeaking. "Oh," said Kim, "sounds like someone's hungry." she was about to slip down her shirt, but Cody stopped her, seeing as they were on an international flight, and said "Don't worry my little snow angel, I'll handle it." Kim smiled and said, "Thanks, my little husky boy!" Cody, pulled a bottle out of the backpack, and took James in his arms. He lifted the bottle to the puppy's lips, and sure enough, he began sucking on it. "There you go little buddy." said Cody. He gazed down at the little puppy, feeling every inch, the father he was proud to be.**