Sajin and Nyx – The Story of a Stag and a Nymph

Story by Sajin on SoFurry

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Hi there, sofurry critters,

I've finally managed to finish the story that I wrote to accompany my Sajin & Nyx pic! My writing normal writing life has kept me busy, but I've discovered that I almost need to write stuff like this just to blow off steam and keep me sane. :P Anyway, this story is about the fun-loving (and hopefully romantically intriguing!) relationship between a nymph princess and a wild, anthropomorphic stag.

And of course, this story is rated Adult / XXX / Super Ultra Sexytime, etc. :P Credit for the image goes to Gideon (I used this one because I think it strongly portrays a scene in the story itself). ;)

Anyway, please give it a read and let me know what you think. Thanks! :3

Sajin and Nyx - The Story of a Stag and a Nymph

By Sajin @ FA / Sofurry

In her third-floor bedroom of the Black Forest castle, the wood-nymph heard the measured clop of split hooves outside her door. The sound drew closer - confident, unhurried steps that approached, unstoppable as the change of seasons. The buck would have her; the stag-man would comfort her, loom over her, stampede and destroy her, reform her, push her young body into womanhood faster, faster. Yes, she would be a brat and resist him; she couldn't help this, especially since she was royalty (and a sixteen year-old princess at that). She was used to having her way, and her father (a nymph wise enough not to attempt reasoning with headstrong girls) had given up all of the teaching, patience, and knowledge that it would have taken to mature her. None of that would work on her pouty, spoiled heart . . . but there was one thing that would work, that had worked for the past six months. She had fallen in love with it, and now it was ascending the well-guarded stone stairs. The guards deferred to it. The wise, young stag was coming, and he would teach her all that her father wished for her to learn - literature, logic, and the nuances of navigating the mortal and spiritual worlds. But first he would knock down and trample the carnal barriers to these things. He would have his way with her, and her soul ignited in a three-toned fire of fear, rage, and desire.

The hoof-clops on the stony floor outside were suddenly louder, and Nyx felt her hand tremble as she sat upright on her bed. The nymph princess had ripened early in body and. She wore only a green silk kimono over her tanned and naked body, and her sharp, tapered ears pierced through her short, chestnut hair. A fresh breeze came through the open window above her lush bed, and the balcony curtains swayed and ruffled in the wind. She heard the sounds of the busying marketplace in the street below, and made sure everything was in order. Her room was on the third story of her royal family's huge, castle-like mansion, and she was proud of it - the huge room had a floor of black, polished marble, and the walls were of stained cedar. Two large book cases and a writing desk stood near one corner, and since the castle was built on top of a natural spring, a waterfall flowed in the opposite, cave-like corner of the room, providing a pleasant and natural gurgling sound and a source of bathing as well. Nyx tilted her chin up and smiled; how generous she was! How honored this stag-man was to be allowed to come up to her room, the princess's room, and teach her! How . . . there was a strong knock at the door and her prideful revelry came crashing down. Her heartbeat picked up as if she had suddenly started a sprint. He was here; he wanted access now.

Nyx took a good breath and calmed herself a bit. "Wait," she said loudly and as lackadaisically as she could. "I'm not ready yet." She got up and paced around, stretching her legs and making sure her homework was in order at her desk. She filled up a glass of water from the waterfall and set it by her bed's end table, then went over to the dresser on the opposite side of the room, checking herself in the mirror, making sure she looked pleasing . . . no, making sure she simply looked acceptable, because the buck had no authority over her to make her appeal to him. He was fortunate, that beast was fortunate and privileged to have access to her room, to teach her, a princess, when far more civilized nymphs, male and female alike, would be killed if they sought access to it!

The knock came at the door again, louder, along with a hoof-stomp against the stone steps that did not sound patient or pleasant. Nyx felt her pouty lower lip puff out, and she scowled, her hands balling into tight little fists at her side. "I said I'm not READY yet!" she yelled, as she stamped one slippered foot against her own stone floor - almost as a counter hoof-stomp to the buck's own! "You're fortunate to be here in the first place, and you will WAIT," she said to her visitor as she took a blueberry from the bowl at her end-table and chewed it delectably. With a "hmph!" the nymph plopped herself back-first onto her bed, her over-developed breasts bouncing underneath the thin tightness of the kimono's green silk. She raised her legs and stretched them, letting the silk drop down to her sex, exposing the toned and oiled athletic legs to nobody in particular, crossing them and admiring the power of her thighs. "I know you can hear me, stag," she said. "If you want to show impatience, you're welcome to wait out in the stalls like the big ungulate you are. Or just return to your forest, and I'll take father's summoning horn and call you at my leisure."

How perfect! Everything was going so well, for she was a princess and she was exercising her privileges with mastery, as befitted a princess. The stag, the young prince of the forest surrounding the nymph-district and castle, would have to wait for her. He would be welcome to take his book and writing material from his satchel and prepare her literature lesson for her right outside her door for all Nyx cared. Perhaps even the male nymph guards at the bottom of the stairs would snicker to themselves, amused at how such a young nymph princess could subdue the prize buck of the forest, the enormous 270lb anthropomorphic stag who was built like the chiseled sculpture of an angel and whose buck-tan physique was regarded as a sign of good fortune to any lucky enough to spy him in his forest!

That was enough - the nymphette's desire roared to crushing life; she drew in a trembling breath and sat up on her bed. Yes, she was off to a good start for her time the beast today. When she eventually let him in, what would he do? He was a clever buck; he would have to have some witty counterattack to make her blush and feel the anger and naughtiness she was starving to feel - that she knew she should feel - but would not confess to herself. Swallowing hard, she looked to the candlestick at her end-table - the unique candlestick that her cervine himself had made for her. It was made out of three small deer antlers turned upside down, the converging point of their roots being the holder for the candle. She approached it haughtily and whispered to it low enough so that the buck outside her door couldn't possibly hear.

"Woodland hart," she whispered, suddenly gasping and drawing her tongue over the contours of the antlers, feeling over them with eager hands and with such aggression that the wiring holding the antlers together threatened to come undone. She hesitated for a moment, but surely nobody could hear her. "Need to spank my ass and make me a deer-fucker? Need to make your princess brat see where the real royalty lies and penetrate my royalty? Never did I get wet over a male nymph. Always needed a buck-fuck, your love from my youngest days, oh . . ." The nymphette tried to calm herself down, because eventually she would have to let Sajin in. She proudly realized that she was winning their never-ending game of back-and-forth spite between lovers, but it was still a game, and she knew that she had to calm herself before she let him in, to display her mastery over the deer right from the beginning. Still, maybe she could enjoy the thought of his bestial glory for just a minute longer! "Antlered prince," she cooed silently, trying to become more poetic, imagining that she was impressing him, that he was flicking an ear and nod-snorting, marking her a grade up. "Wise, royal ungulate predator, how I'll polish your cloven hoov . . ."

A voice behind her: rich, druidic and young: "Ah, you consider me wise? You weren't addressing me as a wise one a few minutes ago!"

Nyx spun around with a shriek as she covered her own mouth, her eyes wide in surprise and terror. He was there, he was RIGHT THERE, the wild stag-man of the woods was not ten feet away, standing in his refined nakedness, his burnished-bronze coat catching and glistening in the light, one hand on a hip and the other holding the strap of his lesson-plan slung behind his back. Nyx moved backward as she tried to take all of him in: 280 pounds of magnificent buck, his bulk whittled and refined as a lightweight boxer's, his cervine bronze polished for her, his royal diadem of antlers making him look taller than he was (and he was tall indeed to begin with), their spiked points gleaming in the light. And oh his sheath, his full and delectably white sheath and genitals, lovely and full, each the size of one of her fists! A mischievous but loving smile lay across his powerful muzzle - a crisp cervine grin of white teeth! He gave a polite snort and clipped his hooves together, giving her a little bow. "Hello again, your majesty!"

Nyx caught her breath. "Sajin! H . . . how?" she asked, rooted to one spot. "You were outside the door; I heard the clop of your . . ." she hesitated to say it; how could she say it without getting wet? ". . . of your hooves!"

The buck snickered and tossed his antlers, throwing his satchel onto the nymph princess's bed. "You DO know there's a way up from the street below your balcony, don't you?" Sajin set his large hands on his hips and walked around the bed toward Nyx. His cloven hooves gave measured clop-sounds as he stepped. "Nyx, love. I went downstairs, hopped on top of the vendor kiosk - oh you should have heard the onlookers laugh! - then hopped on an outcropping or two below your balcony. By then I could easily reach and pull myself up! Now do you see why I've trained with the tiger-men?" His smile became just a bit lewd. ". . . and the tiger-women?"

Recovered from the surprise of suddenly finding this beast in her private room, the teenage nymph huffed and scowled a little. "Impossible!" she declared with the naïveté of spoiled royalty. "You're . . . it's too dangerous! No deer can jump like that! And how did you not make any sound if you DID walk down the stairs with those noisy hooves?" There - that was the second time she said it. Under her dress, her sex glistened with the hint of a drop of her juices. Had she betrayed herself? Could the buck scent this, and would he take her and . . . no! She was not just a beautiful young royal nymph - she was a princess, THE princess of the Black Forest jurisdiction, and no beast, however handsome, would set the pace of a conversation with her!

Sajin's eyes - emerald green and playfully virile - sparkled at her line of questioning. "Baaaa-aaaaah!" he bleated joyfully, turning from her and heading back to the other side of the bed. He perked his full, lush whitetail, and Nyx looked away just in time before catching a glimpse of his broad, cut back; the drop of her juices at her sex would have run down her inner thigh otherwise, and then he would have scented it and the game would have been up. Facing Nyx, Sajin folded his hands behind his back at his whitetail. He leaned forward and snorted curiously at her as he cocked his head. "No deer can jump like that? Are you sure about that, Nyx?" Then, crouching a little, he tensed for a moment . . . and before Nyx could say anything in return, he simply gave a flick of a fetlock and leapt straight across the pricess's king-sized bed like a sprinter over a hurdle! Nyx gasped, and before she could back peddle, Sajin landed perfectly on both hooves - clip-KLOP! - the bronze columns of his feral hind legs absorbing his landing with a scant effort. He landed a mere foot away from Nyx, who couldn't help but look up at him in utter surprise, taken aback at how utterly large this buck was when he approached her so suddenly! What's more, she was immediately in the range of his wild cervine musk, and the look in his eyes - a brutal, mischievous, but aged and knowing look - told her that he knew she had scented him. Nyx faked indignation and ignorance as she stepped back.

"Anyway," continued Sajin, "if you ever care to line up three of those big beds of yours - and why would a teenage nymph-princess need such a huge bed? - I'll be happy to show you how I can vault them all together as well."

Nyx scrunched up her nose and folded her arms across her chest as she stepped closer to Sajin, forcing him to step back, clip-clop!, as he gave a nickering giggle. "I'll be happy when you've finally learned your place around here, buck. THAT'S when I'll be happy!" She turned her back and strode away to her dresser, the fleshy pat-pat! of her bare feet on the polished stone floor was music to Sajin's ears as he flicked one of them lightly, relishing the sound.

Nyx ran a comb through her hair and buttoned up the front of her dress higher, trying not to look at the stag watching her in her dresser mirror. His thick arms were folded across the creamy short fur of his powerful chest - a chest slick-furred and more beautiful than any thoroughbred stallion. "Right there. You'll stay where you are while I get ready," she commanded easily, glad that her confidence was back. "I haven't gotten my lesson notes ready."

Sajin looked a bit hurt. "You don't want to hear about how I got up the balcony silently? I bound up my hooves in spare cloths so that I wouldn't clop on the steps. Don't you want to hear my. . ."

"I have a music rehearsal I need to meet my girlfriends for," interrupted Nyx, her hazel eyes simmering in mirror as she eyed Sajin, "and I want to get our lesson underway. THAT'S what I want, if you're truly interested." She looked away just as Sajin looked hurt; how she HATED to see animals hurt, even strong ones! But then his expression became wry. He reached up with one hand and fiddled with one of the tassels from an overhanging lamp, showing the full range of his musculature. Nyx bit her lower lip and turned her attention away from the mirror and toward her little tin of hair clips on the dresser. DAMN him, damn this buck!

Sajin took his satchel from the bed "Baa-aaaa, ok princess. Can I at least get your lesson ready at the desk?"

Nyx slammed the lid shut on her tin, suddenly feeling odd that she had placed none of the clips in her hair, that her fiddling with it was clearly superfluous. "Yes, of course," she said. "You can get my homework open to the right page while you're there as well."

Stifling a laugh, Sajin clip-clopped over to Nyx's desk and started organizing the books. "Organize YOUR homework, your majesty? I hate to correct you, but that's your responsibility."

The arrogance and sharp teen rage that suddenly emanated from Nyx was almost a palpable thing between nymph and stag . . . and it was only equaled by Sajin's indifference. The nymph turned toward him, leering, only to see him already halfway toward her: a lithe hulk of royal cervine muscle, his coat summer-short and seal-slick, his hooves large and polished, obsidian-black! Oh noble hart! Oh pure stag!

"You HATE to correct me?" asked Nyx in a devastatingly even tone. "If you hated it, why would you do it?"

"Because, princess, sometimes painful things are necessary things. And sometimes - in spite of the privileges and rights that come with your status as princess - you are simply wrong about things. Otherwise your father would not have allowed me to be your teacher. Is that not true?"

The buck wasn't stopping. He was right next to her now and his hand was on her shoulder, his hand so large his thumb inadvertently glided across the side of her breast, his black, hoof-like fingernails fascinating to the eye.

Nyx pushed his hand away in what she tried to convey as disdain, already fascinated by the split-second warmth that their brief contact had imparted to her. "Oh, stag. So wise and so logical that you just don't get it. You should feel LUCKY. Lucky that a big ungulate like yourself is allowed in here in the first place. Not only in the castle, in the princess's bed chamber!"

Stepping to Nyx's dresser, Sajin curiously took up a hair clip and sniffed it, black nostrils flaring lightly. "What is this, anyway?" he asked, flicking it with his thumb.

Nyx scowled and stomped a foot - spat! - onto her stone floor. "Are you even listening?! You're ridiculous, Sajin!"

With his broad back to her, The stag looked over his shoulder to Nyx, showing her one green eye that sparkled with play. "Not as ridiculous as you!" he said, letting out a boyish, bleating laugh as he tossed the hair clip back onto her dresser.

The young nymph's eyes were simmering with complete and utter rage. She folded her arms across her breasts and began to approach him - thought twice about it - and stayed where she was. "You should feel LUCKY," she hissed. The buck rested a hand on his hip and rolled his eyes, making her rage blossom anew. She felt intellectually impotent before him and knew that she was unable to hold back the chain of complaining arguments that were at the tip of her tongue. "You should feel fortunate that a big ungulate like yourself is allowed in here. It would be a great honor for you to join the stalls of my father's royal horse-men. But you're in the very castle itself - and not just the castle, but the princess's bed chamber! You should feel fortunate that you're allowed to bring your little books and pens up here to teach me to begin with!"

The stag looked at her kindly and approached slowly, his hooves clopping powerfully on the stone floor even though his steps were light and measured, his heavy balls shifting agsint his inner thighs as he walked. "It isn't fortune, Nyx. You requested me yourself, remember?"

"It's ridiculous," continued Nyx, as if she didn't hear him. "You know, hearing the clatter of your hooves on the stone of this place, ruining the serenity of nymphs here. You're the first anthro-animal to actually come this far up my father's castle!"

Sajin cocked his head and rested his hands behind his back, his poise patient and curious. "Is that so?"

Nyx lifted her chin and backed up to her end table, not taking her eyes off the cut, wild cervine before her. She swallowed hard and was instantly ashamed of showing the little nuance that had now put her on the defensive; she couldn't even answer his question on the fly, so she continued her line of thought. "You're lucky. You know where you should be? You should be outside, harnessed up and hitched to a sledge. You should be whipped, harnessed and degraded like the deer you are. That's the lot of hooves beasts, so who do you think you are to deserve any different?"

The buck snorted and folded his arms across his chest. "I'd say I certainly DO deserve a bit better, little girl. I'm your literature teacher, for one. And if you had the understanding, you'd regard me as forest royalty. Look at my form, and look at my hooves!" He turned around for her, smirking, showing off the whittled bulk of his cervine form - his coat gleaming and the perk of his tail lush. And the way he said, heavy-voweled, deep and full of calm but utterly erect pride! The way he said made the young nymph's knees quiver. "I lead a herd, and even two different' packs of werewolves have..."

Nyx stamped a foot down and balled her hands into hard little fists at her side. "You are the most self-absorbed, conceited whitetail-deer who's ever been!" The silken folds of her green dress flowed lightly about her with a small gust of wind that came in through the open balcony doors.

Sajin wasn't taken aback at all. He snorted and approached her, not five feet away now, and let out a joyful bleat that could be heard beyond her closed door and probably in the marketplace below. "Baaa-aaaaaa! And you're the poutiest, most hypocritical deer-fucker who's ever been!" That was it - the game was up, and both stag and nymph felt the raw crush of impending physicality. The nymph took in a shuddering breath, her jaw still set as she scented the deer's wild but cultivated musk, was speechless as he spoke strongly to her with a more earthbound authority that transcended hers. "Nyx, I bet you lick between the stones of your own floor, imagining that you're making out with the split of my hoof as you stroke yourself off and squirt all over your sleek little teen nymphet thighs." The buck grinned lewdly but lovingly down to the nymph as she backed her rump against her end table - unable to retreat any further.

Again, Nyx swallowed hard. "So what if I do?! I'm royalty, and I can do what I like in my own room. It's not a beast's place to act like royalty; you should act like a well-favored sledge-pulling stag, rigged in a tight leather harness for whatever pleasure I want. And what I do in my own time has nothing to do with you!"

Sajin's confident expression suddenly shifted into something quizzical. His folded arms dropped to his side, and one of his ears perked while the other remained naturally flat. "You stroke yourself off to thoughts of my staghood as you lick your bedroom floor, but that has nothing to do with me?" The cervine raised one eyebrow, and Nyx suddenly realized how stupid her claim had sounded. She was just about to inwardly chide herself for destroying the mood when Sajin's powerful laughter came freely from him, a wild and carefree bugle that echoed throughout the room and down to the marketplace below. "Baa-aaaa, your majesty, are you sure you don't want a good, respectable nymph boy?"

Overjoyed, the nymph princess almost snarled at the buck. She pushed him with one hand and his hooves clattered on the floor as he stepped back - not that she had made him - the short half-second of contact with the cervine was hot and electric to her touch. "You didn't ask me the question!" She said pouitly. "You didn't ask me when the last time was that I got off to a male nymph, the last time I was mated by a male nymph!"

The stag smiled. The tapered tip of his cervine lance had already unsheathed, its red pride manifesting itself for her. Nyx felt her hands shiver - goodness, the buck was thicker than a horse and more tapered than a wolf!

"Hmm, ok then!" laughed Sajin. "Nyx, when was the last time you pleasured yourself to thoughts of a male nymph? Have you ever been taken by one of your young nymph suitors?" Sajin gave a light snort, his folded arms guarded the sculpted, salt-musky and beastly cream of his chest - his forearms thick and thinly coated with sunset-bronze fur.

The nymph stood up to him: the athletic and firm curve of her body outlined through her thin silk kimono. The pert nipples of her adult-sized breasts - each a handfull even for her buck - were outlined sharply, lightly tenting the green silk at her chest. Her powerful, cut hips gave an involuntary shiver as her bare pussy under her dress leaked a drop of her juices down her left thigh. The buck's calm eyes perked a bit wider and his nostrils flared. He scented her, he had scented her desire!

Nyx kept herself steady as she spoke up. "A ridiculous question! I've never desired a male nymph, nor have I ever touched one save for a handshake. I will never, ever want anything else than my prized buck of my forest, my . . . my incorrigible stag . . ." she reached behind herself, opened the dresser draw that she had backed up upon, and took out a large riding crop of black leather. ". . . MY wonderful living trophy buck!" Her quavering voice took on a tone of needful rage and she pushed the stag backward. She slashed the riding crop across his chest with all of her strength, SWAP! Sajin perked both ears and uttered a surprised "mehhh-ehhh?" of a bleat as the enraged nymph swung and backhanded the crop across his chest, SWAP, SWAP, SWAP! Her breasts swung under her dress with each of her strikes. She dared not look up and make eye contact with the stag as she degraded him again and again: "Fucking wild forest hart! Wild prize of all the forest, incorrigible of you to come HERE! Fucking ungulate, cloven-hooved beast, belongs in my royal STABLE, belongs harnessed up and kept ready for me, for me, to pull my sledge, to eat from my hand, to . . ."

Sajin snorted and grabbed her wrist as it came down for another blow. He clasped her to him and picked her up - his musk suddenly dense and wild to her - and sat down on her bed. The nymph struggled, indignant. "What?!" she cried as he set her belly-down across his lap so that her side pushed against his hot phallus, her silk-clad rump up and her feet kicking. With two swift motions, the stag took and tossed away the riding crop, then grabbed the hem of Nyx's dress and pulled it upward, exposing her bare ass and waist. He looked down at her with his clever whitetail grin, his thick and long neck craning a bit to meet her gaze, and said. "Bad, BAD girl!" And then Sajin began to spank her, to bring his large pawhand down on her ass with a loud but tolerable SLAP! That resounded through the princess's room. "BAD girl! Naughty princess! NAUGHTY nymphette!" Again and again he spanked her as she squealed and struggled to no avail, her feet kicking.

Sajin laugh-bugled happily as he brought his spanking of the princess to a close. He held the hem of her dress and let her slide off his lap and down to her knees as she squealed. With a strong but careful motion, he pulled up on her dress as she raised her arms, and the green silk covering came clean off to expose her tan, naked form, her large breasts bouncing as the laughing buck stripped her. "You BEAST!" she cried, rushing into his waiting arms, instantly enveloped in the raw aura of the stag.

Nyx took her favorite grip on Sajin's antlers and let her hunger loose. Her legs were toned and powerful from her track running and dancing, and she wrapped them powerfully around Sajin's stomach as he sat on her bedside. The stag wasn't just warm - he was hot; his body temperature was higher than that of a nymph's, and she felt her furless thighs absorb that wild animal heat instantly. And oh how she shivered and blushed when she felt her bare feet brush against the plume of his erect whitetail! Sajin felt this and laughed, holding her strong rump. He tilted his muzzle sideways and met her lips in a kiss, and Nyx felt his powerful cervine tongue wrestle hers down. But she met the wild emeralds of the buck's own eyes and wrestled his own tongue back down again. Sajin massaged her rump and gave it two quick slaps of defiance but Nyx met his challenge and ground her bare pussy against his cock between them. She reached one hand down from Sajin's antlers and pushed his cock away, trying to expose the short, stimulating fur of his chest, but his phallus was simply too large. The stag gave a boyish laugh as Nyx grunted and tried to push his wet staghood sideways and downward, but its length kept hitting her own thigh.

The nymphette spoke in a hurried rage: "Get your fucking deer-cock out of the way so I can work you how I like!"

"Baaa-aa, princess, I think that's the first time you've honestly asked me to get my pride out of your way!"

Nyx gave him a mocking bleat. "Baaa-aa, Sajin, just do as your princess commands!"

Sajin smiled and made distance between himself and Nyx, who immediately took his slick phallus in her little hand and pushed it sideways and downward to give her sex access to his cut chest. She felt his cock slap against her ass as she re-gripped his antlers and uttered a shaky moan - oh this stag's hot chest and the short cut of his white underfur, it was amazing, electric against her. "Sajin!" she cried out, now pulling herself up and down as she ground her pussy against him and felt him slap her ass again and again. Her desire flared up - was she this close already? Yes, she was going to climax all over this hot deer's chest, she was going to let loose and squirt . . .

"Enough." Sajin separated from her and backed his way onto her bed.

Nyx was momentarily embarrassed, humping against the air between them, desperately needy of her private fantasy of pleasuring herself against this amazing animal's cut chest. Then she felt her anger flare, and though she knew it was petty, she acted upon it anyway. "You fucking ungulate! What the hell are you, oh!!!"

Sajin nickered and rolled back onto the bed, taking Nyx and placing her on her back as he crouched over her, her cute grip still on his antlers. The deer loomed over her and grinned an almost wolfish grin, his musk all around both of them, his nose against hers. "Silly girl. Not this time." And with that, he kept his gaze with hers and spread her legs, drawing his long cervine tongue over her thigh and belly before firmly locking a kiss against her burning pussy.

The nymph gasped and arched her hips by reflex, forcing the overjoyed stag to open his muzzle as far as he could as he made out with her sex. "Oh, OH BUCK!" was all she could cry as she lost her grip on his antlers and felt her folds embraced by the heat of Sajin's kiss. She felt her hips shudder - she was near the edge already and this buck knew it. His black nostrils flared, blew against her cut belly, tickling her, making her writhe further and pant. She reached for his antlers again and that's when he suddenly snaked most of his strong tongue into her depths and snorted hard against her. Nyx squealed, just like a doe would squeal she thought distantly, And she saw her gentleman deer dip his head forward - with a mischievous and loving grin, he offered his antlers to her! "Sajin!" she cried, sweat covering her whole body, gripping his sturdy fourteen-point rack as she raised her legs in ecstasy. "Oh! Oh my buck!" She was a flexible nymph, and she stroked the hard muscles of his shoulders with her bare feet.

The stag opened his godly muzzle widely and enveloped her sex in a hot kiss, the breath of his snort tickling her stomach as she arched her hips and gasped and just and she let herself go. Nyx gyrated hard as Sajin raised her legs and gripped her calves, the sheer power of his bronze arms overpowering her lower body strength. Their eyes met and Nyx felt her soul burst into flame. The young stag-man was going to have his way with her, which was now her way, as she now wanted this worship from him more than anything. The nymph princess cried out and felt her hips quiver as the buck slowly slid his tongue into her. He spread her legs, slapped her ass, and she writhed, making the bedsprings squeak obnoxiously. She had refused to oil them, and only recently had she questioned herself to learn why: the song of this bed was their declaration to the world that nymph and stag were utterly consumed in love for each other. Goodness, her bed was not twenty feet from the open balcony, and anyone out there could hear that bed's squealing twice a week when the buck visited her for her "lesson"! But of course, they could only hear it above her own voice and the royal bugle of her buck. Nyx blushed at the thought of this, then felt refreshingly haughty. To hell with it. Let the citizenry talk. The nymph king's daughter was raped twice a week by Black Forest's most prized buck.

Nyx felt the clever buck start a smooth, back and forth rhythm as he made out with her sex, and she gave a high-pitched and grateful moan as she joined in it, feeling him push more of his tongue into her, turning her moan into an all-out scream against her will. And still the stag-man's eyes never left her; his nose kept huffing and his tongue circled within her and by now the tip of his muzzle was saturated in her juices. With a touch of fear, Nyx realized anew that this heavenly beast was just as starving for her as she was for him, but her mind was instantly drowned again in pleasure as his tongue hit a sensitive spot, making her bite her lip and wail until she was out of breath, gyrating hard now with the buck's ministering to her. She slapped the sole of her foot against his muscled shoulder and heard him snort harder, his breath tickling her moist stomach.

Closer, she was closer now. "Fucking deer." She whispered, Stroking his antlers carefully with one foot, pushing one of its branches between her toes and stroking the glorious hardness over and over. She couldn't meet his ravenous gaze any longer and she looked past his antlers and over his cut back as he kissed down into her. "Oh whitetail!" she cried, and she realized that he wasn't going to stop. He was going to make her cum; the buck had an obsession with working her up and climaxing her, and Nyx blushed when she realized that she didn't want to stop him. She was not just his lover but his student and, as haughty as she was, she wanted to do pleasing, right things for her professor so that he could be proud of her, so that he could be . . .

That was it. Nyx felt her climax grip her like a possessing spirit. She arched her hips and let go of Sajin's antlers, throwing her hands behind her head as she spread her legs and squealed. She saw the buck's eyes glisten as he smiled and withdrew the beastly length of his tongue from her. He knew, this beast knew her, knew she was there! Her hot ache became unbearable and the burning destroyed her capacity for language as she cried out and felt the pressure build and slam her past the point of no return. Sajin deftly turned her sideways and straddled one of her legs. "Oh Nyx, here you are!" The deer uttered a powerful nicker and Nyx felt the heat and hardness of his phallus against her leg as he raised her hips. Hot deer musk - the musk of hooved beasts in rut - filled her nostrils.

Nyx felt Sajin give her sex a final lick and a slap and she screamed as she watched the animal firmly, quickly rub her pussy with the rough palm of his hand just how he knew she liked it. She squealed and pumped her hips and aching sex up and down as he worked her, and the bedsprings squealed with her as Sajin bleated "Baaaa-aaAAAA! S_quirt_ you ripe, royal teenage bitch!" Nyx arched her hips and came, the jet of her cum shooting all over Sajin's smiling, snorting muzzle and face. She came her best for him, her juices exploding through the fingers of his hand on her pussy. She came monstrously and squealed as the deer took hold of her legs with both of his thick bronze arms; she even heard the sharp, wild gush of her climax as she watched her essence spray and saturate the buck's smiling muzzle. He drank her down freely, kissing her squirting pussy, staring her down with his blazing green eyes. He didn't even blink as she came for him, and then he raised his muzzle and uttered a tremendous bugle of triumph, exposing his cut chest and neck for her, his rack dripping with her cum and glistening in the light as he reveled in his sexual victory. Nyx joined his bugle with her own scream as she arched with him and shot harder, all over the deer's white chest, slashing his upturned muzzle again and again until finally her climax tapered off and she sobbed with joy, immediately hugging Sajin's chest and wrapping her legs around him as her sex leaked against the girth of his upturned phallus. She gasped and moaned, clenching her eyes shut, enveloped in a private world of comforting cervine heat and muscle and musky fur.

Sajin knelt on Nyx's bed and the nymph could only keep her legs wrapped around him as her climax tapered off. She caught her breath, trembling and seeing only darkness as she shut her eyes tightly and clawed her fingertips into his back. Her hands slipped on his short pelt but he laughed and held her up with his large hands cupping her ass. Nyx gave a little squeal and reached upward, taking her favorite grip on his antlers, tugging them lightly, making him grunt. She felt his hot and tapered length drive snugly between her breasts as he nuzzled her forehead under his muzzle and licked along her collarbone. But then she felt him lift her chin up to meet his gaze, and she looked the calm stag in the face, her own nose touching his, her breath hot merging with his own. "Stag," she whispered, running her hands over the strong slope of his muzzle. "Oh my wild hart!" She felt her sex quiver from the sheer intensity of her climax and hardly knew what to say. She knew that her drives were completely animalized and that this imposing buck was her everything. She would give up her own royal status just to be loved and used by this pure and loving forest creature - to be loved and under his hooves and in his herd and under his protection and open to his desires forever, to learn from him and glean his knowledge. To take care of him! To brush him and make his coat glossy like a royal pet, to polish his 12-point rack and black split hooves (how they made her speechless, how they made her shiver!) whenever he needed!

Nyx nuzzled her head into the stag's cut chest and spoke to Sajin, admitting all that she thought of him, letting her honesty and feminity run loose before the arrogance of her youth and royalty rose to the forefront of her soul again. The sheer heat and hardness of his unsheathed cock pressed against her chest, and when she felt tears of pleasure and broken shyness run from her eyes, she ground them into the muscle of his chest, scraping her soft cheeks into the wonderful whiteness of the coarse white fur. She wouldn't dare meet eyes with him at this moment of openness, and Sajin understood. He just held her and nickered in understanding, for there were no words for moments like this. Perhaps, she thought, her outpouring of words was her best attempt at a nicker, a bleat, something a doe of his would do. She loved this and nuzzled against him, wrapping her bare legs around his hips and combing over his lush deer-tail with her toes, whispering love-names like "royal stag" and "my noble buck."

The buck was patient with her, and Nyx slowly drew away from him when her tears had finished. She sat on her knees on her bed and smiled, offering her hand. "Thank you, Sajin!" she said, feeling herself blush.

Sajin took her hand in his own, nuzzled it with the black tip of his velvet muzzle, and kissed it. "You're welcome, princess!" Then he withdrew a bit from her, seated on his haunches with his back straight and his chest out like a loyal dog. They admired each other for a moment, each smiling, and Nyx knew that the stag was making love to her with his eyes. His tapered cock stood out unappeased between his powerful thighs. It was a was a forest-royal phallus that had broken does, sired fawns, had broken the resolve of shewolves and tigresses, had made them bristle, roar and cum like no other creature could make them.

And soon the stag would unleash it upon her.

Sajin snorted and flicked his muzzle at her. "get on all fours. Get off the bed and get on all fours like a beast."

Nyx remained still for a moment, watching Sajin to see if this was a joke. But why would it be? Why was she so scared of this? Sajin had never truly mounted her like a feral buck, which was something that she both wanted and dreaded. Why? She could not tell, so she caught her breath and obeyed. Naked, she slid off the bed and grew hot with uneasy desire. She obeyed Sajin's command and walked to the center of her room, then knelt on the polished black marble of her floor. when she placed her hands down on the cold stone, it felt as if she had signed a beautiful, dangerous contract.

"Good, good girl." With measured clops, Sajin walked around the bed, the clopping of his hooves on the black tile floor was measured but menacing. He stood by her and crouched, and Nyx tensed as he drew a powerful hand through her hair. "Do you trust me, princess?"

"Y...yes, of course my buck!"

"Good. I've never mounted you before because the mount is not just lovemaking. It is laying claim to flesh, and it is violence. It is how I break virgin does, and now, at last, I wish to break you likewise. Do you feel that you're ready?"

The stag always knew when she lied, so Nyx told the truth. "No, Sajin. I'm so sorry!"

Sajin smiled and stroked her back. Perhaps he had known she would say this after all. "Would you like to become ready?"

"I would, Sajin!" A thought sprung to her mind, and she pushed it away. Should she say it, should she admit it. Yes - he would ready her, and the time to grow up was now. "Make me your doe. Ready me. I . . . I think you're a wonderful creature and I want to know all of you!" but there was more - there was more of herself that she could reveal to him, and now was the time to do so. "I don't want you to hide any of your love from me, any of your hunger from me. Whatever beastly desires you have, I want you to work them upon me."

Sajin went to all fours and nuzzled his warm muzzle against her cheek. "Then I shall, princess. Today, I will turn your royal little bedroom into my wilderness." The bronze beast stood on hands and hooves before her, looking as if he could take off as easily as a feral, non-morphic buck. There was something almost wolfish in his grin, and even in his exposed phallus - wild and red stag-phallus thick as a horse and tapered as a wolf! Nyx shivered and feltd her pointed ears lower in submission. Sajin chuckled and stood up, walking to the back of her room. Where was he going? "Saj . . ."

Nyx stayed on all fours but turned to see the buck pulling her wheeled, six-foot dressing mirror toward the center of the room. She knew what he wanted to do. "Oh my . . ."

The buck grinned and snorted. "Yes." He set the mirror a few feet in front of nyx, and she saw her own image, kneeling before the clear mirror. All royalty was just a pretense in the image of this frightened, naked nymph on all fours in her own room, her lovely chestnut hair cascading down her shoulders and over her full breasts. And now behind her - the forest-royal stag, strong as a bear yet nimbler than any beast she had ever known, hooved or soft-footed. His rack and posture were unquestionably dominant and Nyx blushed as she knew she simply had nothing to say yet couldn't take her eyes off of the twelve-inch cervine pride that he brandished easily in one hand. My goodness that was a cock that had broken does larger than her and had sired fawns who now set their hoofmarks in the loam of the woods as the young bucks and does of his lineage. It was a phallus that, she heard, had appeased needy young mares, cows, and sheep-girls of the High Hills farm that Sajin had lived near years before. It had even broken some shewolves of the wild, mountainous north - wild werewolves who had forsaken the tie for him, who were now his prey and were unashamed of it. And the sheer strength of this hooved beast! - the thick but lengthy arms that had wrestled down bulls and stallions, that could wield a spear or draw back the string of a rampart crossbow that always took two or more male nymphs to manage! His musk was rife in the room and now he would have her. Nyx swallowed hard, whispered the buck's name. Still on all fours, she slowly spread her legs for him.

The buck snorted and mounted the nymph.

Nyx gave a shout of longing and despair as Sajin set some of his weight on her and pushed his hips into her ass. His hot cock slapped her inner thighs and she felt them slick with his precum already. He set his hands on the floor beside hers and nuzzled his muzzle against her shoulder and cheek, bringing his eye close to hers. They panted together, looking sideward at each other, then into the mirror at the bronze stag-man mounting the smaller nymph, his nostrils flaring and his rack imposing, the nymph with longing and near-panic in her eyes. "Be a stable mount," Sajin whispered. It was a command, not an encouragement. He's teaching me to be a doe, thought Nyx as her legs shivered. My God he's teaching me how to be his doe! The beast's hooves repositioned, clopped on the tile as his hips drew back from hers, and Nyx felt his sharp taper align with her sex. Her eyes went wide and she cried out - the nymph in the mirror a complete and utter, blushing, submissive bitch that she had never before consented to being. And that nymph knew. The nymph in the mirror knew what was about to happen.

So did the stag. The animal bore its wolfish grin and snorted, its black nostrils flaring.

And then Sajin penetrated her - she saw him lift his muzzle and heard him utter a low bugle of pure cervine lust as he took his hands off the floor and crossed them over her chest, caressing her breasts and tweaking her nipples as his hips slid forward and his cock slowly split her wide, wider, until somehow she took all of him and she watched the nymph in the mirror toss her head upward and in fear and longing shout out his name again and again. She was bearing most of this beast's weight - even in the astonishing realization that she had taken the buck balls-deep, she was proud of the fact that she had locked her arms and grit her teeth and was a stable mount - yes, she was a stable mount for him, just as he requested! A tear of joy and pride rolled from one of the mirror-nymph's eyes and lodged quaintly above one nostril.

And then the buck began mating her. His hips drew back and she both heard and felt half of his phallus moistly sliding out of her, and then he slid back in gracefully . . . but the end of his thrust was anything but graceful. His hips shuddered harshly twice so that her breasts jiggled and she gasped, and then he forcibly hilted her again, locking hips, his balls slapping her and his hooves clopping on the marble. Nyx barely caught her breath when he did this again - harder, his hips shuddering inhumanly as he bred her and grew closer, closer to his abundant climnax! It was unlike anything she had experienced before and she quickly realized what it was - this was not the graceful lovemaking of nymphs. This was the rut. This was the forceful claiming by a hooved beast of the woods, and there was no reason or compromise in it. Nyx grit her teeth and heard herself whine with longing as Sajin held her breasts harder, tweaking her nipples and fucking her sharper, sharper, the buck's ear flicking against her forehead until she cried out with a voice quavering with longing, fear, and desire: "Rut me, Sajin! Grind me out, stag-man!"

Sajin raised his long neck and let out a bugle of triumph as he fucked Nyx sharper, harder. The two beings became a hoof-clattering, snorting, vocal union of flesh and fur. Somehow they had positioned to where they faced the mirror sideways and Nyx saw what this beast had made of her - the noble stag covered her back hunched over like a fucking dog - like a strong-shouldered, short-coated guard-beast. Still the nymph in the mirror somehow bore its brutish weight. The stag drew out to reveal a glistening six inches of red phallus slick with nymph-cum, and when he thrust back in his heavy white balls slapped her spitefully. When he thrust back in, there was no difference between their mating and the mating of a feral ram set loose on his sheep.

His whitetail perked high, the buck bugled, clopped his hooves, and slammed into the nymph in the mirror with pure ungulate shudder-fuck. There was no backing away from this - Nyx sobbed out: "Wild hart, rule me!" Sajin pushed her head down and she looked between her legs and watched him breed her. The buck's powerful hind legs were stable but his hips and balls worked their violent will on her raw hips and sex. She sobbed with joy - her sex stretched for him and was just mature enough to take his full glory. Their joining place leaked with her precum and their combined musk was heady and utter bliss.

Faster, faster the wild hart wrecked her until Nyx felt her hips quiver like his - she was close, and she was joining him in the ungulate dance of his brutal shudder-fuck! "Rule me, fuck me . . ." she couldn't finish; Nyx felt the hot pressure of her need grow and she knew that once the buck herded her to the edge, he would charge her right over it. The stag's weight was heavenly but almost unbearable and she summoned all her strength and fiercely bore it though her joints burned. Harder, faster, their musk concocting and thickening until her climax hit her and she felt herself shudder like a beast. "Oh!" She saw her pussy stretch with his phallus and she struggled to walk forward but Sajin knew what to do - he knew the release she needed and he gave her space for it. He nickered and withdrew his full staghood, and the sensation was like having her climax itself climax. He took some weight off of her, pressing the red and girthy root of his cock against her sex, the rough edge of his sheath-tip against her sex with it, and Nyx screamed and came wildly, impossibly, with the abundance of a beast, shooting her cum hard over Sajin's downward-pointing cock as it slapped her pussy. In hot, long jets, she came all over the white fur of his inner thighs, making them glisten, all over her own thighs and hips as she cried out with her buck, the mournful-sounding joy of her squeal melding with his triumphant bugle as she shot all over him and then shuddered a final time and moaned hoarsely.

Panting and snarling with the effort, Nyx left one hand on the floor and reached between her legs to grab Sajin's cock with the other. The stag uttered a loud, lascivious bleat of approval when she did so. His pride was glorious to hold, slippery with her juices and amazingly hot. She had shot all over the black marble of the floor, which now glistened with her cum. One of her love's hooves even stepped in it and slipped an inch or two! Nyx brought up his cock to align with her sex once again. "Fuck . . . fuck me," she whispered. She felt the need to say something dirty and did not get in its way. "Breed me. Make me leak with you!"

The buck knew what to do - his hips went to action and he hilted her again, his heavy balls slapping her lower belly that had been smeared by his cock with her own cum, and now his balls dripped with the proof of her hunger. Hammered and impaled by hot stag phallus, Nyx watched him work his feral will on her, her nostrils on fire with cervine musk.

Sajin went to harder work on Nyx - he set his muzzle on her shoulder and snorted wildly. His hands were all over her breasts, her thighs and sex, stroking her neck firmly and her cheeks and lips gently. Nyx kissed his strong fingers and tasted the salt of her juices on them. She set her mouth over one of his beautiful, hoof-like fingernails and suckled, tasting herself as her breasts shook with the force of her lover's rut. Her muscles burned and she could hardly feel her knees. The hooved beast fucked her, fucked daddy's little princess in her own room with the fucking windows and balcony door open so everyone could hear. The stag had made her climax twice and now she was about to cum again all because daddy had granted him authority over her. Twice a week this stag came to teach her more than just literature, and during that time, all that occurred in her room fell under forest law and not kingdom law. And forest law had turned her into the forge of the wild, had made her a slab of metal to be heated up, beaten, and used as the split-hooved master saw fit, and she had consented to it, she had consented to it!

Nyx lifted her head, closed her eyes, and wailed. Her climax wracked her from the inside out and she clenched hard around the stag's phallus, leaking anew all over him. Sajin snorted sharply and bugled, his hips hilting her sharply and his cock flaring with heat. It was time. He was here.

The buck hunched into the nymph, nearly making her collapse, and Nyx experienced the beautiful, the frightening, the impossible, the abominable. With a bugle that Nyx could feel throughout her whole body, Sajin came and his climax joined with her own. His seed flooded her with the heat of a roaring fireplace and the force of a god's unseen hand. Her body hummed with the vibration of his bugle and his sharp beast-climax - long ejaculations with such force that his abundance leaked down her thighs immediately, his cum flowing over hers, hotter than hers. She clenched around him and screamed but his power was too much for her and he flooded her with long eruption after eruption of wild cervine cum. Nyx felt her limbs weakening as her head drooped and she looked between her legs again. The stag's hips were locked to hers and her stretched sex dripped with their mingled fluids, mingled thickly together, the salt and musk obscene and delicious. The stag clomped his hooves crisply on the marble as his hips shuddered brutally, and at last Nyx felt her strength give out.

She did not collapse hard; Sajin held her and lowered her down as she mewled, panting, the weariness of the lovemaking and the power of her third climax being almost too much for her. Nyx squinted hard and entered her private darkness, feeling the buck nuzzle her neck and nicker softly. The coldness of the stone floor was refreshing on her breasts and stomach, and although she breathed a sigh of relief, the buck was still having his way with her. Still hilted within her, he ground his hips in a soft, circular motion and spread her legs with his fetlocks. His climax was finished, but now he was doing to her what she had heard about stag-men doing to their does: he remained in her, obeying the instinct to make sure that she was properly bred, that her inner self was saturated in his essence.

Nyx felt Sajin stroke and grab at her ass, and heard him chuckle - he was a natural tail-grabber, but upon obeying his instinct to grab, there was nothing there! She laughed with him and relished the shudder of his hot deer-fuck. She stepped playfully on his hooves and felt their lovely coldness; his legs partially wrapped around hers, her big toes slipping between the slick split of his hooves. She stroked those polished hooves with her toes - she ran her toes between their wild split, and at last Sajin turned her around to face him. His muzzle was dark and smiling, his long ears pointed slantwise, one of them giving a cute twitch. His fourteen-point diadem of antlers, polished as his hooves and arcane-looking, the sheer hardness and danger of them thrilling to the sight and touch - his black nose, calm but playful eyes, his clever whitetail-smile and his chest as solid and slick-furred as a Clydesdale's! She licked his chest and tasted him. It was too much. Nyx set her hands on his chest, grabbed the rot of his antlers, and with her eyes told him what she wanted. The buck saw and obeyed - he tilted his muzzle a bit sideways and kissed her, his slick black lips enfolding her own and the huff of breath from his nose meeting her own. Her teeth tapped against his and he wrestled down her tongue with his own. His emerald eyes locked with and burned into hers.

Nyx lost track of how long she remained in her private eternity with the buck. At last, however, exhaustion overtook her and she knew that her desire, for now, was utterly quenched. She released her embrace on him, still tasting his heat and maleness. She rested against him and soon almost fell asleep, but in her half-sleep, Sajin gently carried her to the bed and laid down with her.

Nyx slept with him, and while it seemed like a whole night she lay in his arms, she woke when she felt the sunlight at its zenith through her window. It was only about noon.

Sajin sat crosslegged across from her on the bed; he had his notes out on the sheet and was writing in his teaching journal. His hooves stuck out cutely at the sides, and he was so focused on his work that he hadn't noticed her awake. Nyx waved to him - "Hiiii," she coo'd, then immediately thought Oh please, you just sounded like a drunk!

_ _ Sajin smiled at her, nodding and flicking an ear. "Ah, so you're up! Good; you're lovely when you sleep, and I don't like waking you. I let in one of your servants, and they brought in a big tray of food for us."

Nyx stretched and yawned, but the stag was focused on his work and not tempted by her nakedness. She saw that he was right - a large tray of figs, oatmeal, milk, and honey rested on her study table, and Sajin had helped himself to some of it. She didn't need any further prodding from him; it was time to freshen up and begin her lesson.

Nyx had a quick breakfast and showered in the small waterfall that naturally ran through her room. She tossed on a light robe and hopped gigglingly back onto the bed with the buck, but a stern look from him told her that he wanted her at her study table. She complied reluctantly, and he soon joined her. They spent much of the afternoon comparing the techniques of new poets to the old masters (the buck was an incorrigible traditionalist), but she pleased him with her writing drills and their dialogue. She relished his subdued smile. He said that her skills in making logical connections was growing at an alarming but healthy rate; not only was she understanding literature, but she was growing good rhetorical skills by which she'd soon be able to ward off tricky suitors!

Nymph suitors? A deathly, sickening feeling rose up and claimed Nyx; it felt horrendous and tiring. "That shouldn't be a factor," she said, trying to sound matter-of-fact. "I have you. You're my teacher and I love-" the buck sat calmly across the table from her, and she felt her love rise up and wash away the sickening feeling. "-I love you. You're my buck; I want to leave with you today and always have you."

Sajin folded his arms but did not look troubled or angry. "Now, Nyx. We've discussed this."

And they had discussed it. The buck's cold logic had won and would likely win again in spite of how it pained him - and it did pain him, even if just a little - that she could not get what she wanted in this matter. Because that's what he wanted too. Nyx couldn't help but let out her plea to him as she had days ago. "But I can learn to live out there. I can be with you and learn to be one of your does; I don't have to be your favorite, I just want to be loved, and I can learn survival skills. I know I'm spoiled here, but I can learn . . ." her voice trailed off in sorrow, and she knew that she would burst into tears if she spoke anymore.

Sajin rose and clopped over to her. He sat beside her and embraced her warmly, and with a moan of sorrow and longing she set her head against the stag-man's noble chest. She remained there silently for a while. The caress of his bronze arms, the heft of his muzzle against her shoulder and head, and the looming power of his antlers - all of these things he offered freely and lovingly to her, and she stroked them and basked in their glory. At last he spoke: "Nyx, you're a nymph princess. You don't want to be a doe, do you?"

She shook her head. "No, no I don't."

"Do you realize that life in the forest can be hard? That there are no servants to bring food, no castles with large rooms and huge libraries, and that there are dangers you haven't been trained to face?"

The truth was bitter but she nodded. "Yes."

"Do you like living here as the king's youngest princess? Do you like my visits and consider me a good teacher?"

A rush of love and longing overtook her and she caressed the tip of the stag's muzzle. "Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!"

"Then trust me," he said simply. "Let me continue to visit and teach you. Take my advice and spare yourself disillusionment. Nature is not the romantic wonderland that some of these poets make it out to be. Next month, we'll reach a point in the curriculum where the counter-romanticists poeticized about this - rounded out the natural aesthetic, if you will. Someday I will show you the forest and you will realize this first hand, but I'll do that when you're older." The buck smiled gently and cupped her chin just as she had felt the velvety heat of his black muzzle-tip. "In the past, you've called me your herd-leader. Now, do accept my judgment on this matter?"

The logic was there, but Nyx felt it in her mind but not in her heart. This was torture, and if other men, women and animals had felt it, she wondered how they had overcome it. But there was a way; there had to be a way; her stag would not be teaching her all of this if it were otherwise. "Yes. I do." The words came with a clean sense of rightness; it was as if she had just accepted his offer of marriage - perhaps a different kind of marriage than how nymphs and humans considered it, perhaps an unseen marriage, but a marriage nonetheless. She was his. She belonged to his herd whether she lived in a forest or a castle. What did such locations matter anyway? She wondered - was she beginning to see his logic? How much deeper did it run? She wanted to find out, but her mind was tired from her long poetry lesson, from grief, from discerning just the beginning of the mystery that was the way of this beast.

Sajin nudged her cheek with his muzzle. His eyes were green and bright. "Heh. You look like you have something to say to me, Nyx."

"I do." She stroked over his face, over one eye, which blinked shut and instantly re-opened with its green fire. Words had done their best, had reached their limit. She knew this; the stag must know it too. "Make love to me, Sajin."

"I will, princess."

He picked her up and held her easily, carrying her to the bed where he set her down in the sunlight. She knelt with the stag and raised her arms so that he could slide her robe off of her, and then they knelt naked together, feeling over the miracle of each other's bodies. Then the stag was on her, and she wrapped her legs around him and yielded her face, neck and breasts to the worship of his kisses and the subtle stroking of his tongue.

Their lovemaking was not the wild animal-fuck of the morning. Rather, they each slowly re-learned the gentler rhythms of the other. When they joined together, the stag raised his muzzle in a soft bugle and the nymph cried out in tortured joy. The royal bronze and creamy white of stag-fur glistened in the sunlight, rhythmically gyrating in a slow dance against the mewling nymph's soft, sweat-slick skin. He was careful with the superior power of his tongue and muzzle against her young mouth, and he nickered, praising her for her worship as she ran her hands over his muzzle and antlers. When the stag knew that the nymph was close, the gentle rhythm of his hips became sharper and somewhat feral, his whitetail proud and lush and held high. The nymph began to shudder and moan, and the stag pulled out so that only his tip rested against her aching sex. And then the nymph arched and came, the lush squirting of her climax splashing the bronze and cream of the buck's thighs and groin, splashing the red, thick stag-phallus pointed right at her sex, splashing her own thighs and glistening stomach, and then the buck penetrated her to the hilt and they cried out together in a wild mix of animal and nymph. They each heard the sound of their wet lovemaking over the volume of their cries, and the stag's fucking was now utterly feral. He pounded her sharply and she could no longer caress him with her legs - her legs lay open to his beast-fuck and at the edge of his climax he rested a hand behind her head, locked eyes with her, and kissed her. The souls of two species danced and intertwined in that gaze, coming together, each glorifying the other - he stroking her hair and she his muzzle and antlers as the stag finally came, his monstrous cervine orgasm flooding her in hot jet after jet of seed, overflowing her in love and musk and worship.

~ ~ ~

When Nyx awoke, the last thing she remembered was panting and lying in Sajin's arms while coming down from the hardest climax of her life. She no longer felt his presence but was so utterly tired that she curled into a ball and fell back asleep for a few moments in spite of the erotic knowledge that she could still feel the buck's essence in her. When she awoke again, Sajin was gone, and judging from the sunlight through the window and balcony, it had to be late afternoon. The room was cleaned up - the dishes from the breakfast plate washed, the floor clean from their wild lovemaking, and most of the sheets in the laundry basket. Nyx slipped on her robe and saw a card propped up on the vase on the table. It bore her name - NYX - in Sajin's solid but elegant cursive. She took it and began to read:

My dearest Princess Nyx,

You have my utmost thanks for the privilege of ministering to you intellectually and physically. As you can see, I have tidied up your room and have taken my leave - alas, I have business in the forest to attend to. As usual, I have left your homework on your writing desk. For your next lesson, please read and answer (to the best of your ability) the study questions on:

  1. Herbert the Vallient's three-part stanzaic tribute the Swordsmen of the Royal Guard.
  2. Bennington's Pastoral Odes (the first volume only).
  3. All of the essays that I have bookmarked in your sheaf.

As usual, I will return in three days for your next lesson.

Your loyal buck,


Nyx smiled and leapt onto her bed, casually bouncing on the mattress and re-reading the letter. How was it that even so much as a casually-written assignment could hold all of the animal's maleness? No matter - he had assigned her homework, and she was disappointed in herself - how in the world had she been even briefly wooed by a stupid homework assignment? "Hmph!"

Setting the card back on the table, Nyx took a fig from the breakfast tray and walked out to her balcony. She nibbled on the fig as she watched the weekend marketplace slowly wind down and dissemble. The forest loomed peaceful and green in the distance, and she looked happily over her father's kingdom, peaceful in the knowledge that Sajin roamed that wild land, bearing her scent, carrying her love, keeping her in his herd.