Here Be Monsters

Story by Kodyax on SoFurry

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A sequel of sorts to Unilateral Human Mutation Syndrome, here we see pretty much what the "virus" does. I also finished this around July 4, 2012 so you can guess what American holiday was still fresh in my mind. But hopefully there will be more of this to come. I just have to think of some better villains for them to fight.

Here Be Monsters

A ten foot amalgamation of wolf, bear and human, russet brown fur bleeding into a chestnut brown interior, moss green hair and matching solid green eyes and markings like a raccoon via the natural mask on his face, a fox and a tiger by his black stripes and the gloves and socks on his hands and feet, otherwise known as a chimera walks out of a penthouse apartment onto a reinforced balcony near the Schuylkill River in downtown Philadelphia. In one meaty hand he holds a mug of coffee marked with the word Furstivus. The other is clutching a smart phone with a blue tooth headset in his left ear.

He is discussing stock options with his broker as he surveys the city below him. As he takes a sip of his coffee in the early evening a human woman is calibrating a sniper rifle and takes aim. Kodyax Libertine had just laid his mug on the table on the porch of his apartment when the bullet pings off his head.

It drops to the floor harmlessly as Kody just looks at the squashed dot of metal and blinks before shaking head and then realizes it actually damaged something as his blue tooth soon joins it on the floor. Then as if to add insult to almost injury, the sky open up and a downpour of rain begins to soak him. Kodyax drums his fingers on the table as he drains the mug in annoyance.

As soon as he gets inside and towels off there comes a knock at the door of his apartment. Upon opening the door he sees a petite blonde human in a business suit with a clipboard under one arm. Kodyax just looks down at her, crosses his arms across his chest as he stands there in urban camouflage boxers.

"Sorry to bother you, sir," the girl says, "But a proximity alarm just went off and I was sent to investigate."

"It's alright, Nora," Kodyax says to the Monster League internal security coordinator Nora Smith with a sigh, "I'm not going to blame you or your staff. Some nut job apparently has not gotten the message that a sniper rifle is not going to cut it in taking me out." She looks at him with some concerned. "Bullet pinged a few seconds ago and all it really did was kill my blue tooth."

"I'll put in another request for a replacement headset," Nora says with a smirk. "Went through the blue tooth and just bounced of your skull. A pity they can't make head sets as strong as your bone structure."

Another bullet is shot into the apartment and hits Nora right between the eyes.

"Nora!?" Kody cries as he catches her corpse in his arms. "Damn it!"

He moves with great speed moving down the stairwell yelling for a medical team to meet him at the bottom but in his heart he knows that it's already too late. By the time he gets to where folks can try to save her life she's already too far gone to be saved. The sniper herself has already moved out of her nest and gotten away before a ballistics expert can even try to figure out where the shots came from.

News vans are already arriving as Kodyax is grieving in the lobby and a harlequin rabbit in a green jumpsuit with purple boots, belt and gloves taps him on the shoulder. A purple television set over crossed wrenches is on her chest as a logo and she is waiting to talk to him. He finally does look over and cocks his head to the side.

"Yeah, Rabbit Ears," Kodyax says, "What is it?"

"Ya might wanna put on some pants before ye talk to de buzzards," Rabbit Ears suggests as she giggles suggestively, "Unless of course you want to jump in my apartment for a quickie."

"I think I may want to see if Yuriko is back fromPittsburgh," Kodyax teases Rose Smith, no relation to the deceased that Kody knows about, "I could use one of her special massages."

"She's due in any minute," Rose grumbles and then smacks Kodyax on the ass. "Now go put on a pair of sweatpants at least! Sheesh!"

Kody just complies as he knows Rabbit Ears all too well. Kunoichi Kitsune otherwise known as Yuriko Yamaha sneaks into the building as is her wont and the playful mystical ninja vixen visits her friend with benefits Rose Smith and gropes at her breasts. But instead of getting a grope in return, Rose snaps at her indignantly as Kodyax was asking about her again which annoys her no end when the itch she wants scratched is better done by a male with a prick as generous as the wolf-bear's rather than any strap-on a female partner could care to don.

"Do I need to kick his insensitive ass?" Yuri coos in Rose's ear.

"Oh you need to do something alright," Rose returns with a dark smile. "A human cousin we hired was just killed and now he wants a massage."

"I saw the body," Yuri says with disgust in her voice. "What happened?"

"We don't exactly know yet," Rose says and then checks the holographic computer she keeps around with her for up to the minute updates on everything she wants and needs to be kept up to speed on. "I spoke too soon," she says with a disgusted sigh, "HOG just posted her death in their obituaries of traitors to the human race section."

"We really need to do something about them," Yuri warns, "They're getting too bold."

"Hey, Rose?" A black furred stallion with a crimson mane asks in a white jumpsuit that has the number "1" as a logo on his front, back and on his sleeves, "What just went down? Nora looks kinda..."

"Dead? Rose asks as Jack Blitz, aka "One Horse Racer" just nods and she smirks. "I know, she went up to the penthouse for a quickie with Kody and she was killed by a sniper."

"Yuri, I think you'd better get up there." Jack suggests to Yuriko, "I don't know what it is that you do but he's going to need one of those massages you give him."

"Come back to the light side, Jack," Yuri teases, "We have nookie."

"I just donated to the sperm bank, so no thanks," Jack returns. "Although it's been a bit since I've up that tail pipe."

"So yours was the cock that scared him straight?!" Rose teases to which Jack gives her an indignant look.

"More for us girls then," Yuri says as she gets in the elevator and goes up to Kody's apartment.

"I'm taking the poor unfortunate soul to the morgue," One Horse Racer says as he picks her up and makes for the door. "If Snake Charmer gets in before I get back tell him to meet me in either mine or his suite."

"Will do, Jack, will do," Rose says with a smile and summons her armor to deal with the media.

A pink and silver samurai styled suit of armor appears around Rose before locking in place around her body. The same TV and crossed wrench emblem appears on the chest of the armor which erases most traces of outward gender in her general appearance. Of course the choice of colors is a mild give away but in today's society even that's not a given.

"Alright! Alright! Settle down, ye buzzards!" Rabbit Ears projects with a booming androgynous voice. "I can guess what you might be here for but I'll let you ask the questions."

"Rabbit Ears! Is it true that a member of your staff was shot down in cold blood by a Hand of God sniper?" One reporter asks in the back.

"There is a rumor going around that the bullet ricocheted off of Mister Libertine," A blonde woman reporter that is cute enough to attract Kodyax's lust which makes Rabbit Ears glad he's not here. "Any truth to that?"

"Yes, I can confirm that one of our personnel was killed by a sniper bullet," Rabbit Ears states, "After said sniper failed to do more than destroy Kody's blue tooth. But his head is harder than the plastic they make those things out of."

There is a round of laughter as several reporters shake their heads.

"I take it the claim by the Hand of God has yet to be substantiated?" An older gentleman Rabbit Ears knows well enough to keep an eye on because while he isn't against UHMS he is a veteran journalist who knows how to word things to piqued the interest of his readers.

"Well, Johnny on the spot," Rabbit Ears says semi-sarcastically, "I wouldn't be surprised if it was one of theirs but we don't know for sure yet. For all we know it could have been some crackpot hater taking pot shots and got lucky."

"Rose, we have a problem," Snake Charmer's voice broadcasts only in her ear through the secure channel they all share. "Steel Rapture is buzzing Billy Penn."

"Just what we need," Rose grumbles to Snake and makes sure it isn't broadcasted to the media in front of her. "Just him or did he bring friends?"

"Oh, he has friends alright, Bible Thumper is here too along with Faith Shield and Apocalypse Knight," Snake Charmer reports back. "We're gonna need the whole crew on this one."

Rose may not have had let the media know but the conversation was broadcasted in Kody's penthouse. He and Kunoichi Kitsune were downstairs in full battle regalia, with Kodyax wearing urban camouflage pants and shirt with a black bear claw logo on his front as well as fingerless black gloves and combat boots to match. On his face is a cowl that includes flash goggles and a gas mask among other things with the vixen holding onto his back for dear life as she knows he's gong to start running out the door any second now.

One Horse Racer comes streaking to join them en route to City Hall where the team of super agitators from the Hand of God are already in full rhetoric mode. Bible Thumper looks like a preacher carrying a bible in one hand and a bullhorn in the other screaming a gospel of hate against all non-humans as abominations in the eyes of god. Apocalypse Knight, a man in super riot gear and Faith Shield, a hulking man in jeans and a t-shirt for the Hando of God with it's anti-mutant slogan on the back flanks him for his own protection as the winged terror Steel Rapture flings shards of metal that looks like feathers at the statue of William Penn, the founder of the state of Pennsylvania.

When the Monster League arrives, Bible Thumper has a prime example to rail against in his hateful zealotry as the three close ranks to protect him. One Horse Racer runs rings around the ground crew as Rabbit Ears flies over to attack Steel Rapture directly. Kodyax Libertine gets into a sparring match with Faith Shield as Kunoichi Kitsune throws shuriken at Apocalypse Knight before unsheathing her katana to strike at him.

Snake Charmer, a cobra in a non-descript business suit comes from out of nowhere behind Bible Thumper and effectively racks him. His compatriots are too busy concentrating on their opponents to realize their leader just got his nuts cracked so he drops his bible and bullhorn, grabs his crotch and drops to his knees as Faith Shield gets his clock cleaned easily by the much larger Kodyax Libertine. Apocalypse Knight has his power baton confiscated by One Horse Racer and used against him as Yuri is not above flashing her boobs as a suitable distraction. With most of his team down from the Pagan onslaught, Bible Thumper knows he's been licked as he grabs his Holy Book and manages to croak the words of power that teleports him and his other team members to safety.

Rabbit Ears immediately goes up to assess the damage done to Billy Penn as Kodyax Libertine fumes and paces on the ground. Snake Charmer is puzzled as One Horse Racer and Kunoichi Kitsune just look at each other and shrug their shoulders. Yuriko does her best to get Kodyax to calm down but is only minimally successful in this. Rabbit Ears flies down and nuzzles Kodyax as best she can through her suit.

"It's not that bad, Kody," Rose assures, "the new coating I sprayed on last week did the trick."

"So what is it with this statue that has you two so upset," Snake asks.

"Kody and I were born here in Philly prior to our transformation," Rose partially explains, "Billy Penn means a little more to us because of it."

"You didn't get upset when the Statue of Liberty was attacked," Yuriko prompts, "Why is this one different."

"Among other things, Lady Liberty is aNew Yorkthing," Kodyax explains, "She isn't as much based on a real person as this one and even if she was she can't mean as much to the nation in general andNew Yorkin particular as Billy Penn means toPhiladelphiain specific andPennsylvaniain general."

"I think I remember reading something about him," Jack says, "He founded the state right?"

"Yeah," Kodyax says, "Billy was a Quaker which didn't sit right with the Church of England but they owed his dad a decent chunk of change. But when his dad passed on and they still owed the family money they made Bill a deal: we'll give you land in the new world where you and your fellow Quakers can practice your heretical faith and be out of our hair and that will pay off the debt we owe you."

"And he named the then colony ofPennsylvaniaafter his father, right?" Yuri asks.

"Correct," Rose beams, "Philadelphiais the city he built first upon arriving in theNew World. Penn's Landing is where he arrived according to local legend."

"Alright, let's all get cleaned up," Kodyax suggests, "We do have that event at Penn's Landing tonight."

"You just want us to finish that massage," Yuriko teases.

Kodyax just smirks as she clambers on top of him before he runs back home with her riding on his back. There are reporters waiting for them in the lobby but they never get a chance to even partially ask a question as Yuri throws a ball and hits a button that causes reinforced platforms to jut out from the side of the building that Kody uses to leap between and parkor his way up to his penthouse as the reporters can do little more than film the show. Although one of news crews there is for a somewhat tabloid magazine specializing in supers and so their crew is rather enthusiastic about capturing everything on video and their web presence that night features footage and glowing praise for Kodyax for giving them the show of prowess.

Up in Kody's penthouse he and Yuri strip naked and Yuri lays out a special inflatable bed for later as they walk into a massive shower with heads blasting water in every direction. As the pair are getting soaking wet, Yuriko is suckling on Kodyax's cock as he manages to get her rear high enough to suckle on her clit before sending his tongue deeper inside of her. She moans and does her best to tease out his member and get it hard but she does her best to make sure the knot is not inflated; she wants to save that for later.

Yuriko orgasms from getting eaten out by Kodyax and a part of her is annoyed when he makes her juice as she is trying to avoid making him squirt as they wash each other thoroughly. After the shower they dry each other for the most part and she has him lay on his stomach on the inflatable bed for the actual massage portion of their time together. The fact that Rose may be watching is well known and in fact turns Yuri on to know the bunny is probably masturbating as she watches.

Rose has a vibrator that she made using Kody's cock as a model and uses it to pleasure herself as she watches the goings on in the penthouse quite intently. So intently she doesn't notice when Seth "Snake Charmer" Naga walk in on her, take one look at what she is doing and with an embarrassed look on his face walk back out again. Jack is quite amused when Seth tells him about it later.

As Kody lies on his front on the bed Yuri slides her naked body up and down his back and puts pressure on key areas even as she make sure to press her tits into his back and let the ridges of his spine stimulate her camel toe. She keeps grinding her split on his spine as best she can as she tries to work the kinks out of his legs and feet. He groans in pleasure as she attends him which brings a smirk to her face and then she has him flip over.

One thing Yuriko already knows from talking to him before is that Kodyax is not so fond of having anyone fondle his own nipples eve if he likes to suckle on her own. It's more the kind of thing that it feels awkward for him even when she loves all the attention he wants to give her rack when they make love. But moreover she is teasing him a bit as she hot dogs his sausage between her buns and does not hide it inside of her.

Yuri giggles to herself as she can almost hear Rose screaming at the monitor to stop teasing and ride Kody's long schlong. However, it's a look from Kodyax that gets her to quit fucking around take his phallus into her pussy. As much as she likes teasing certain people Yuriko is not without remorse from those she likes playing with on a regular basis as she reaches down and feels for how close she has gotten him towards climax by feeling for the knot and how much or how little it's been inflated.

The knot has just started to inflate on Kody's cock as Yuri bounces here self up and down along its length, moaning herself as she enjoys her time with him almost as much as she likes playing with Rose. Once she has gotten his knot fully inflated and thus trapping his cock within her folds they grind together until at last she gets him to fully climax within her. Kody and Yuri kiss passionately after this and once the knot has deflated enough for her to extricate herself from his spike she departs for her own apartment so they can get dressed and go to the fireworks display.

A holiday barbecue is laid out for the team before they board the boat Rose made to accommodate all of them for trips on the river. Hamburgers, hot dogs, pulled pork and a lot of salads are prepared by automated chefs that Rose built partially because she was hungry and didn't feel like cooking but also because she was bored one day and decided to redo the kitchen so that it responded to everyone's needs without them having to hire and have specialized chefs on site on demand to fit the tastes of the five of them. But there is one bit of sausage that Rose avails herself of that is not exactly on the menu and that's impaling her bunny cunny on Kody's cock herself.

Many people forget that Yuriko is more than a martial artist but an actually trained ninja, with some side training in the mystical arts as well as stealth and unarmed combat. So, it should come as little surprise that she is able to notate things discreetly even if she gets annoyed at what she observes. It both aggravates and amuses her when Rose makes her play for a session of hide the sausage with Kodyax, but more because she wants to play sexually with Rose than any aspersion she might have of being the only who can ride his pole.

Unfortunately for Yuriko, there is a problem with her ambitions in that Rose rarely thinks of play the way she does and would much rather have herself impaled along Kody's length than grinding groins with the vixen. Deep down inside Kunoichi Kitsune knows this for a fact but is loath to admit it, even as she finds it much easier to slip and fall upon the lupursyn's cock. When they board the high tech yacht after dinner Yuriko grabs Rose from behind and starts groping her rack and groin as soon as they are both aboard and Kodyax has settled into the comfy chair Rose built specifically for him as the automation she built gets to work.

While they may be out Kody's reach as Yuri sexually molests Rose to the rabbit's annoyance, they are not out of his sight as he licks his muzzle and is very much tempted to put his hand down his shorts. Seth and Jack are inspired to be a little more open about their relationship as Seth wraps his serpentine body around his equine lover. Rose sees this and smirks as she does her best to herd Yuri and her self closer to within the reach of Kodyax. Yuriko is getting some reciprocal touches from Rose so she isn't much caring as to where the bunny wants to lead them until Kodyax is able to grab her tail and reel her in.

Internally, Yuri is grumbling as she ahs to choose whether she wants to be meat or bread in this sandwich that Rose has made of them with Kodyax. They lay on his front to do to each other what Yuri has wanted to do for quite some time now. And while touches from him are not invited, Yuri gets uncomfortable with how welcome they feel on her body as she keeps trying to tell herself that she is primarily gay who fucks guys only as a means of getting stuff she wants out of them.

Kodyax presses his fingers to the covered entrances to both their tail holes as music starts to play at Penn's Landing as the boat draws ever nearer to that locale. They are out in public so they dare not do much more than pet heavily as the sun goes down and everyone inPhiladelphiawaits for the Independence Day fireworks display to begin. Among the pieces the orchestra plays as the rockets red glare and go bursting in air are bits and pieces of the music scores of random super hero movies that have been produced over the years.

Peace and a degree of tranquility settles in as everyone enjoys the fireworks and the super heroes of the Monster League cuddle close together. Yuriko finds herself uncomfortably comfortable with snuggling with both Rose and Kodyax simultaneously. Yuri can smell her own heat which leads her to believe that her body is betraying her even as the thought enters her mind that this is a little strange as she has never smelt this before and the plain and simple fact of where she is in smelling her own heat is disturbing her.

Her heat does get a rise out of Kodyax as the part of her that is full on lesbian is shocked and appalled that this is all happening. The lesbian part of her brain is further dismayed when Rose gets giggly and pulls down Yuri's panties under her skirt and guides her onto the cock she inadvertently helped induce to full erection. However the part of her mind that is straight is starting to get bolder in her own assumptions and wants as she tentatively impales herself along his length again as the three furs enjoy each other as discreetly as they can and do their best to make their own fireworks amidst the show of pyrotechnics going off above their heads.