Alone in a hostile world-Chapter 11

Story by Falcon3268 on SoFurry

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Truths are revealed and relationships are reformed, but the true shockers are yet to come.


Letting out a tired groan after five hours of going over council paperwork and handling pack problems and all, Turek final put down the paperwork rubbing his eyes. He was starting to realize that being over 200 years old was starting to get the better of him, although some of the pack members would consider it as a still young age in which he had control of the pack before he could step down.

However, he was starting to think that wasn't the case anymore, especially after this morning's events as he started to come to think that his love for his daughter was effecting his judgment more and more every day. There was a reason why he considers Miri very special to him, back on the day of her birth both her and her mother had nearly died during childbirth, which caused him many sleepless nights afterwards. He had insisted on staying with his mate until she was out of the danger zone spending many nights huddled over his mate's bed as she allowed her body to recover or going to look upon Miri who they kept under a close watch. When the doctor finally said that both were in the safe zone, Turek had let out a sigh of relief allowing himself to get some sleep for once.

One intriguing thing was that he remembered was a pack legend was that of children being born on a full moon night that the child was extra special to the parents and the pack that legends say that the child would bring in a new era for the werewolves or something like that. As he was about to continuing working, the door to his office was violently thrown open hitting the wall shaking the walls of the office causing him to jerk his eyes up in surprise to find Miri standing there obviously pissed.

"Just what the hell are you doing to my husband, Father?"

Looking up from where he was working over some reports, Turek was surprised by the sudden appearance of Miri and her attitude at this point. Given that she may be his daughter, all pack members were expected to respect the Alpha's authority and rule or face punishment by the council. "Miri...I am surprise that you aren't at your classes..."

Miri glared at her father as she leaned down, placing her hands down on her Father's desk with a slap. "You know that family is more important to me than anything else."

"I agree, so you decided to come visit me like when you were little?" he asked raising an eyebrow. "But by the way that you are acting, daughter...I am guessing that's not why you are here in the first place."

Miri sighed and looked into her Father's eyes. It almost seemed funny. When she was a child, he has seemed like a giant to her. She had seen him break lesser men in half and not even break a sweat. Yet she knew he loved her with all his heart. Now that she was a grown woman, he didn't seem like a giant to her anymore. However, she knew well enough to calm down before him. The Alpha could not be seen as weak, even if it meant punishing his own child.

"You're right, though at times I wish things were the way they were back then. For me to just barge in was seen as 'cute' back then. Now I have to fight past security to see you."

Miri grabbed a chair and placed it next to her Father before sitting down in it.

"Father, please, doesn't punish Tirol. He made a mistake. In addition, I forgive him. He is my husband and my responsibility. I love him."

"Those guards are there for our protection honey." Turek said letting out a slight growl when she brought up the problem with Tirol got his blood boiling. "That kid broke a promise that I made him promise that he would never do in the first place...that was to never hurt you."

Standing up and turning toward the window once more as the memories of how upset he was when he had heard about what had happened to his daughter and when the punk came bearing flowers for her trying to apologize was when the anger blew to the point. He had gone about ordering that for punishment Tirol was to take patrol duty for 24 hours straight without a break or relief, he still wasn't sure, if he had ordered the attacks but a hint in memory revealed that it was indeed put into place by his orders. He was getting older that maybe his judgment was lessing. "I am getting too old for this kind of stuff, Miri. You know one day you will need to step up to the task."

Miri nodded. She understood that she had been trained since childhood to take over as the pack Alpha. It was a burden she did not relish but it was also one she would not shy away from.

"Father, Tonight I will go to Tirol. Moreover, I will protect him. How can he learn from his mistake if he is dead?

"Miri, the action that I took was to make sure that even if Tirol had made a mistake, that its not a mistake that he won't make again...especially with my little girl. You may be a grown woman now but that doesn't mean that I don't look out for you the most." Turek answered letting out a sigh. Miri smiled warmly and placed her hand over her Father's. "I know Dad. Moreover, I appreciate it. Truly I do. However, there are some things that I need to handle on my own. I can't lead this pack when you are gone if I am always seen as Turek's little girl. The pack has to see that I am every bit as capable as you are. I want them to know that Turek's legacy lives on in his Daughter."

Offering a smile as he turned to her before letting out a sigh in the process. "I will get Mcich to get Tirol off guard duty for the next couple of days and it may be against my better judgment but I have been reconsidering the threat to you two...if you both still want to leave for Tirol's class reunion, you have the okay to do so but with caution this time." Miri grinned and kissed Turek on the cheek. "Thank you Daddy. I promise you that he will not make the same mistake again. In addition, I am sure Tirol will want to see his old classmates.

Offering a smile in return hugging her lightly in the process. "Go get your mate and get him some rest, he has been probably been up for a good 18 hours now."

Miri kissed her Father once again and bounded off like she did when she was little.

Watching as she left, Turek shook his head before turning back to his work once more. Although it was nice talking with his daughter whenever he could, he still had a duty to the pack. Maybe he was getting old indeed and it was time for him to step down and take up the task of pup sitting...however now if any of his kids that were in the pack would give him some to spoil. Smirking as he turned back to the paperwork without a second thought.

"You are a stubborn man, Tirol, you know that?" the packs doctor commented to him as she finished wrapping up his arm and leg wounds in bandages leaving the rest to Tirol's own body to finish the rest of the job. Normally for a human wounds that were like this they would need to be stitched up to close the wounds properly however since this was a werewolf his own healing abilities should take over.

From what the doctor had told him after inquiring on how she knew so much about the human functionality, she smacked him up side the head for it. "Just because we are completely human doesn't mean that our body structures aren't the same. Anyways, I spent 8 years at a medical college to prepare for the needs of the pack when I was 18, of course, this pack had medical studies to help prepare medical students for it. However I wanted to try for a better understanding so I went there plus I did another 4 years of veterinarian schooling to assist with herds and injuries sustained while in wolf form that would be too dangerous for the member to change back without changing properly."

Shaking his head as he picked up his shirt slipping it on although it was in bad shape ripped up and torn from the scuffles. "Yeah, I have been told that before, more than you. Thanks for the patch up, doc."

"Go home and get some sleep, Tirol. Let your metabolic system take care of those wounds and you should be fine." she ordered him throwing the information into his file. "Speaking of which going over the information here, are you experiencing any major migraines or anything from those wounds that you received last year?"

"Nope, thankfully that is something that I can say that I am glad never have to deal with ever again. Although I am still experiencing problems with the heat pheromones that occasionally happen at a female's end of the season day and the wind is strong." he commented as he shook his head.

"Well I do have good news about that as we are getting closer to developing a cure for that problem. Nevertheless, its going to take sometime before its actually ready." she said prepping up a needle. "This will help you with the pain and allow you to get some sleep."

"I guess I have little choice in the matter, eh? Just please make sure I can get home before the drugs actually kick in, please." he commented in a half beg half joke way as he relaxed his arm allowing the doctor to swab it with alcohol.

"No worries, you won't have any kind of problem getting home before falling asleep just as long as you are aren't sidetracked enroute." she answered inserting the needle which was something he barely felt. After a brief few seconds of pushing the contents into his vein before she withdrew the needle allowing the puncture area to heal itself over. "There you go, go get out of here and get some sleep."

"I will if no one else will stop me from going home." Tirol answered offering a smirk.

"Oh I doubt that anyone will bother you anymore, from what I heard Jasmine went about confessing to everyone that she had intentionally overdosed you to ruin your actual rep in the pack and marriage to Miri." the doctor told him dropping the used needled into a safe container for safe disposal.

"That's interesting, I wonder what got that to come out?" he wondered as the two headed toward the entrance.

"Not sure, but that seemed to settle down the urge to lynch you from some of the pack however the problem that we have been trying to hide from the pack has gotten out..." she said handing over his file to an assistant. "Come back if you experience any pain or migraines. We will let you and Miri know when the cure is ready to go."

"Thanks again, doctor." he said before leaving the building once more allowing a yawn to escape his lips. The lack of sleep was already taking its toll on his body so a nice soft bed looked pretty good to him right now. Walking out of the building and down the street between the markets, the once hostile environment that he had felt that morning, was gone replaced by the once more peaceful feeling once more returned however, there was something else just beneath surface. The villagers offered a smile or nod to him as they passed by allowing Tirol some peace that continued up toward the house once more.

He found the house empty like it had been left it before everything undisturbed from the day's events allowing some relief knowing that the violence hadn't destroyed or taken anything from their home. Quickly removing his clothing and depositing it into the laundry bin to be washed or thrown in the garbage later, the immediate scent of sweat and dried blood filled his nostrils. Although he enjoyed the enhanced senses sometimes, he could still get overwhelmed sometimes by things he hadn't gotten use to.

Shaking his head as he closed the blinds and hit the AC plus fan to allow for a cool breeze to gather in the room to allow him to fall asleep without any problems. Pulling back the covers on the bed, he found a pleasant scent although hours old and almost faint, of Miri to drive away the foul smell before slipping in under the sheets drawing them up around offering a smile as the scent swept in and around him allowing him some ease.

Before his head touched the pillow, Tirol was already fast asleep with most of the days events already behind. Around him, it felt good to relax for once as the exhausting allowed him to fall asleep within mere seconds, having avoided from setting the alarm like normal getting the news that he had the next couple of days off and would resume his teaching later. Everything left his mind of the day's events however, one thing still hung inside his mind, which was what the doctor had told him.

The reason why the Alpha and doctor had agreed to keep the news about both of Tirol and Miri having drugs in their system that could set them off going feral if they overdosed on something of a trigger would cause problems for them. From what he could understand many members of the pack especially those in a family were fearful of them especially of Tirol because of they were afraid that if they were to go into heat or had daughters close to the age of maturity on what he may do.

This thought caused Tirol to toss and turn as he felt like an outcast even more and when the doctor promised that if anyone would step forward with concerns she promised that she would tell them that a cure was being developed for both. However, the damage had already been done...his rep that he had worked so hard to obtain was gone and it was unlikely to be the same again, no matter what they did.

After several minutes or hours of restless sleep, Tirol found himself lying on his back staring up at the ceiling in a cold sweat unable to fall asleep in the day even though he had done it for years while working at the casino. After a few minutes, he finally sat up allowing the sheets to fall away from his form looking down at the clock to find a surprise. Since dropping off into sleep the first time, although it felt like minutes to him actually had been about five hours of a restless sleep that left his body even more exhausted than before.

Letting out an exhausted sigh before slipping out of bed finding that he was unable to get back to sleep left him with little to do except get up. After a nice shower that allowed for a fresh clean feeling to wash away some of the exhaustion away and dried blood revealing that the wounds had indeed healed leaving only a terrible ache in his muscles where the flesh had been torn away. Nevertheless, he felt a lot better as he redressed in a evening garb with the day nearing the end leaving him hoping that he would be able to get tired enough to return to bed for the rest of the night.

Grabbing a glass of Pepsi before heading stepping out on to the balcony that overlooked the village yards away from their home. Like the morning activities, the village was slowly dying down for the evening, shops were closing up, families that were out still were heaving home for the evening, lights in the vacant buildings slowly being turned out within minutes the village was again silent like before.

With the only sound being of nature the bird chirping and a nice breeze shooting out throughout the valley, once again it was a peaceful like atmosphere offering a relaxing feeling to gain without another thought to the events of that morning. Offering a smile before turning around and heading into the house once more, Tirol headed for the family room/library, he started up the fireplace while shutting off the AC to allow for the evening breeze to cool the room adding to the growing heat of the room.

Settling down into one of the couches that sat in front of the fireplace with a book in hand, part of a series in which was part of his favorite books to read one of his prized collections was salvaged from the apartment, which was one set of items that Tirol was glad that wasn't taken or destroyed.

Flipping the book open after getting the book propped up under his knee, he tried to get into the book leaving behind what had happened however, he just couldn't get into reading the book at this point. At one point the allowed the book to finally to fall out of his hands as he sat there thinking when a voice he thought he would never hear again after what had happened spoke up. "Did you get any sleep at all, love?" Miri asked stepping into the room with a glass of water in her hand coming to lean against the doorframe looking at him.

"Hardly, the doctor gave me something for the pain before I left however it wasn't the pain that caused me a sleepless day today." he answered offering a weak smile. She returned it before slipping in beside him taking in a deep breath noticing that Tirol truly looked ashamed of himself for his actions this morning. "I-I wasn't sure if you would ever see or come home again after what happened..."

"Tirol...Jasmine ran into me after you got ordered back to guard duty this morning as I was going out for some fresh air. I will tell you that I almost ripped her head off when I first saw her however when she begged for forgiveness that she realized that her actions had caused more problems than solutions. She also went about explaining it wasn't your fault for what happened this morning." she said drawing his head up to look at her now. "I am sorry on how I reacted was a shock when I found you and her like that."

"You had every right to be upset with me...I wouldn't have blamed you if you never came or accepted me back after that had happened." he answered assuring her.

"Right now being upset would cause some problems for us right now." she said laying into him snuggling her face into his neck.


"Yep...since it's the day before our anniversary I guess its okay to give you your gift right now." she said reaching into her pocket withdrawing a small photo handing it over to him with a smile. Looking at it, Tirol's depression that had been ruling over his day soon turned to you as he figured out what he was looking at.

"When was this taken?" he asked wrapping his arms around her.

"Today, I want to get it for you before I came home so I went in before they closed for the day." she said grinning.

"Do we know if it's a boy or a girl?"

"The doctor says both...I'm pregnant with twins." she answered for him with a smile bigger than the night that they had declared themselves mates.

"You know how to drop a bombshell on me, you know that?" he asked her kissing her lightly. "Did you tell anyone yet?"

"Nope, I wanted to surprise you for our anniversary." she said offered a smile. "We can tell mom and dad tomorrow before we leave for town."

"Huh? I thought your dad said we leave the grounds without his permission." he inquired.

"He just gave permission for us today...if you are still up for it?"

"Of I do have to ask you far along are you?"

"About two months, with another seven to go unless these two decide that they want to come early." she commented patting her stomach which had yet to show any sign of pregnancy. "How about we go enjoy a quiet evening in bed and get an early start tomorrow."

"Sounds good but I actually had a wonderful meal planned out for our anniversary." Tirol said offering a teasing pout.

"Listen, this pregnancy has gotten we horny, we can do something tomorrow for it." she said with a lustful look and tone in her voice that got his wolf side jumping for joy. He didn't resist as she pulled him to his feet pulling him toward the bedroom.