A Brief History of the CICS

Story by Daniel Yote on SoFurry

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#1 of Background Info

So I was watching The Patriot and I decided in collaboration with my roomate that we should write up a little history on the lands where most of the stories take place. The Commonwealth of Independent Canine States is closely modeled after the US in geography, with inspiration drawn from US, Canada, Russia and other nations in terms of politics. Essentially each member state is independently governed, but overseen and subject to the sufferance of the central Canine government and its Supreme Alpha. More information on the modern day workings of the CICS will come about shortly soon as I am done editing it.

Port Cascadia was established in the year 1774 during the great Lupine Empire's push into the world in an attempt to bring their Imperialist rule to as many lands as possible. "He who rules the New World, rules the world entire" Great Alpha Frederick the Third wrote in a communication to Lord Gregory Boch, the Lupine in charge of the initial colonization of New Aldwulf (Named in honor of the Lupine Capitol of Aldwulf) which begun in the year 1723.

The Lupines' push into this new continent was fraught with problems from day one. The Vulpeculan Empire had already established trade posts and small villages throughout the Western Coast and as far inland as Yellowrock. The history of the Vulpeculan and Lupines are fraught with wars lasting over 100 years between the 2 Empires while they coexisted in the old country.

The Vulpeculans were not the only problem, the native Latranians, who had established good rapport with the vulpines and in most places tolerated their habitation, saw the Lupine arrival as nothing more than invasion of their sovereign soil. The coyotes? history in the modern-day Commonwealth goes back before recorded time.

The first recorded battle between the Lupine Empire and native Coyotes took place in the year 1724 in what is now North Canifornia. A Lupine colonization group was venturing far inland looking for a habitable area good for farming. They came face to face with the native Macapan Tribe, who ordered them off of their land. The stubborn Lupines refused, and under the cover of darkness and using the high ground to their advantage, the Lupine Empire 3rd Infantry Contingent, opened fire on the tribe?s village set up on the banks of the Shasta River.

The tribe had no choice but to flee with whatever they could carry. A journal record written by one William Hurst, a Lupine Royal Infantry Private told of the events of that night: "We set up on the hill, as commanded by our officers. We sat until night fall. The natives never had a chance. While they ate a communal meal around the fire, we were silently signaled to aim and then fire. My tail twitched as I looked down the length of my rifle and pulled the trigger. I believe I ended the lives of 6 natives myself. Between the 25 of us in my unit, we must have shot at least 40 of them. They fled like cowards before us, earlier they brazenly stood up to us while we guarded our citizens on our trek, brandishing their savage weaponry; all for naught. I knew Lord General Covington was correct, that we could „persuade? them to vacate this area. While shooting from the cover of foliage is not honorable in my opinion, I agree with the general; unorthodox tactics are called for when dealing with such a savage race who know nothing of honor."

The Lupines went about destroying the tribe's village, taking what they could, and set up the village of Whiteshroud a short distance away from the site on the bank of the river. This village became a prosperous town by 1726, and endured through multiple attacks from the Macapan survivors who went on to merge with the Yaxchico coyote tribe.

By 1728 the attacks had become so frequent and bloody that Whiteshroud was reinforced by Lupine General Deetz and his 27th Infantry Contingent and on August 31, 1728 they begun construction of Fort Washington which was completed successfully on July 1st, 1730.

The Latranians continued to lose their lands through the 1760„s. The Lupine Empire steadily pushed inland into the New Aldwulf, shoving out the native population as well as any Vulpeculan forts or villages they came across. The Lupine's push inland was halted in 1762, when they ran into the Valencian Canid Empire who established colonies as early as 1707 in the Southwest. Unlike their Lupine cousins, the Valencians made great strides to coexist with their native hosts.

The Lupines' Imperialist nature would not be halted however; all races in New Aldwulf swore fealty to the Lupine Empire, vacated their lands, or died as so ordered by the Great Alpha Frederick the Third. The battle of Fort Cucamonga, one of the strongest capital colonies of the Valencians located in current day Saint Bernard, took place September 27th, 1762 when the colony refused to swear fealty and refused to turn the city over to the Lupines. The Lupine Army on the field that day consisted of, Infantry Division 52 numbering over 250 soldiers, along with the 25th Cannonade Contingent, numbering 22 cannons, and the 2nd Calvary division numbering 35 horsemen.

The Valencian numbers were not so great. Soldiers on station in the fort numbered near 60 infantrymen. They had 20 cannons on the walls, no cavalry and around 150 civilians, less than half of whom were able to fight.

The siege went on for several days with the Valencians barely holding on. Cannon fire killed soldiers on both sides, but the Lupines were unable to breach the walls. One messenger was able to flee the fort under cover of darkness and out ran a Lupine patrol. 2 days after this messenger made it through, the Lupines were firing on the fort with their remaining cannons while a large infantry force assaulted the walls using ladders and ropes in attempt to climb over. Suddenly, a combined 200 warriors of the Yaxchico and Temecula coyote tribes hit the Lupines from their flank, taking them completely by surprise. The Lupine cannons were quickly silenced. Around 40 infantry soldiers were quickly killed by the Latranians, the Lupine Calvary were met by coyote warriors on horseback.

General Arthur Covington ordered a full retreat 20 minutes after the surprise Latranian attack. General Covington was struck down by a tomahawk to the back of the skull while fleeing the battle. This was the first recorded large scale attack on Lupine soldiers by the Latranians in the history of the Lupine?s attempted Imperial reclamation of the New World. It was also the beginning of a bloody war ordered by the Great Alpha.

The Royal Lupine Army and His Alphaship's Navy were ordered to eradicate Coyote Tribes as they were located on October 3rd 1762.

The Valencians allied officially with the Latranians on October 15th 1762. The Coyotes were taught infantry tactics and how to use modern weaponry, these tribes went on to spread the technology and knowledge to other tribes. However, this knowledge would not help them win the war. The war was bloody and long, the Lupine?s outnumbered the Coyotes 5 to 1. Though the natives were able to win some battles, the war was eventually won by the Lupine Empire in 1772. Known as the 10 years war, thousands of Coyotes and Valencian Canines were slaughtered.

In late 1772, the Valencian Canid Empire ordered their remaining colonists to return to their homeland, leaving the Latranians to their grim fate. Those coyotes who survived the war and were unlucky enough to be captured alive were sold into slavery, the males were to work on Lupine plantations and in factories, or a worse fate, being forced to fight against their race, used as pawns in taking down remaining tribes in hiding. Females were sold into brothels in major cities, or to private "collectors" to share a fate we dare not speak of.

Slavery was eventually abolished on January 1st, 1860. When, Great Alpha Elizabeth Adeline took possession of the Lupine throne from the Frederick royal family. Great Alpha Sir Frederick the Fourth married then Valencian Princess, Elizabeth Adeline on May 3rd, 1854 to the dismay of the Lupine people, in an attempt to bring peace to the 2 species after 40 years of Cold War tactics between the 2 nations.

When Great Alpha Adeline took the throne and made her royal decree, there was 2 and a half weeks of rioting that took place in Aldwulf. The Colonies refused to free their slaves. Great Alpha Adeline ordered 200,000 of the then 470,000 strong Lupine Military along with 150,000 infantrymen from her Valencian allies over to the colonies to restore order and make sure her decrees were followed. The rebellion was quickly silenced with the overwhelming force, but a new problem arose-What to do with the now freed coyotes? For then- Alpha of New Aldwulf Peter Markung the solution was simple-

It is unknown just how many coyotes were killed in the 3 year campaign of ethnic cleansing that followed, the estimates range from 500,000 to over a million. Great Alpha Adeline was furious, and immediately had Markung publicly executed, and began filling traditionally Lupine roles in Colonial governance with those of her own people. Many would agree that this was the spark that set the creation of the Commonwealth of Independent Canid States into motion.

With the rebellion and resulting specicide in New Aldwulf put down, The Valencians began returning and settling the lands they previously held, and assisted the coyote population by setting aside lands in the Southwestern Deserts for the displaced Latranians to go. In 1912, the Latranian State of Vieja was officially formed, with the Valencians forming the Colony of Canifornia right next door, along with a mutual defense and protection alliance. Following suit, the Lupine Empire secured its territory in the region with the Lupine Federation, which was comprised of the colonies of New Aldwulf, Cascadia, Columbia, and Yellowrock. To say that tensions were high during this time was an understatement. The Lupines were worried that Latranians would seek retribution en masse, and indeed, there were several terrorist attacks attributed to Latranian infiltrators throughout the years). The Latranians were worried that the wolves would simply march South and finish what they had started. It was a powder keg just waiting to explode.

To the Valencians in Canifornia, something needed to be done, and it was they who proposed a treaty of non-aggression and mutual respect with the neighboring republics. The Lupine Federation accepted and was admitted into the newly created Commonwealth of Independent Canid States in 1959. This same offer was extended to the Latranians, who refused on account of the Lupine involvement. The wolves attempted to coerce the coyotes with military force, and initiated a massive military offensive against Viejo. The Lupine Army pushed the Latranians all the way back to their capital city of Firebird before they were able to organize a counter offensive. Over 10,000 Lupines and 60,000 Latranians, most of them civilians caught in the crossfire died before the wolves were repelled, though at a loss of some Latranian territory in the north.

The Northern DMZ was constructed shortly thereafter, a fearsome collection of fences, razor wire, tank traps and minefields now separated the coyotes from the wolves. The DMZ was often the site of small skirmishes between the two, most of which fizzled out with no impact.

In the late 1970?s, a coyote spy was captured deep in Yellowstone, and using this as a pretext, Lupine Federation troops once again marched into Coyote Country with the intent of seizing the land and subjugating its inhabitants. After 12 years of bitter fighting, Latranian Prime Minister Carlos Choec appealed to the Supreme Alpha of the Commonwealth, who promised that Lupine forces would immediately withdraw, and Viejo would be given provisional sovereignty if they joined the CICS. Tired of the wolf occupation, the Latranian citizenry voted yes by a wide margin. True to his word, the Supreme Alpha ordered an immediate cessation of hostilities and withdrawal of the wolves from Latranian soil. The formation of the CICS was complete.

**Authors note- factions involved in the CICS creation** Latranians- Native coyotes who once resided in the whole of the continent. Now chiefly located in the Southwest

Lupine Empire- One of the oldest and arguably the most powerful empire in the known world. At one time the LE had spheres of influence on every continent, a massive and global empire. In fact it could be said that the Great Alpha ruled the world.

Vulpeculans- A race of anthro foxes, not quite a world power but definitely a major player in colonial times.

Valencian Canine Empire- Consists of a mixture of all canid races, from dogs to wolves and everything in between. 2nd only to the Lupine Empire in superpower status.