Leonardo - Chapter 10

Story by Kaynyne on SoFurry

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#10 of Leonardo

Chapter 10


"Where did you get that?"

"What? This shirt? Bought it."

"You...bought it?"

"Yeah, it cost ten kaytense."


"Yeah, kaytense. It's the money we use here; all over the country, really." Quilo wore a red button down shirt, unbuttoned, and only a red button down shirt. He took it from a bush he has other things stashed (about 3 other things): pants, something red, and something round that was of a dark color.

About an hour and a half has passed then; and within that hour and a half, nothing has been accomplished... At all. Till then, I decided to get more cloaks for the hunger. All of them were still ripe on the trees. At the time, it was not worth getting the cloaks from the trees because of the height of the trees. Quilo would have hit the tree like last time, but he didn't bother as he was "doing other stuff."

I tried hitting the tree like he did. A held up a fist and pulled it back. He punched forward at the tree, feeling only pain in my hand. I flinched out, only feeling the pain that was in me.

"Ah--!" I seethed in pain. "Damn it!!" Quilo looked up at me, having an angry look on his face.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" He yelled out.

"I just..." I started slowly.

"No, man," he interrupted, adjusting his collar, "Leon, I mean, don't even try--"

"Then why doesn't it hurt when you do it?" I yelled out.

"Look up at the tree, Leon," he started. I looked up, only seeing cloaks. "Are any ripe enough to fall down?" I couldn't see close enough, but only a few were.

"Maybe one or two..." I answered.

"Do you have the muscle to hit a tree?" he later asked. I looked at my arm, seeing it was lean. I looked at Quilo's, seeing his were larger and seemed stronger.

"N-no..." I lowly answered.

"Then don't hit the tree!" he yelled out. "Not sure if your lover will like you lean-- Just let me get over there." He got up and walked up to the tree I hit earlier. He looked at it, not looking up at the trees holding on to the cloaks. He pulled back his fist and quickly charged forward, shaking the tree with 3 cloaks falling down. Quilo only picked up one, sniffed around the air for a bit, and bit on the blue fruit. "You could at least climb up to get one."

"Oh..." I commented lowly, lowering my head.

"Get one," he said, "Not gonna get full with those. This time, try to climb up to get one." I took his advice on that one. I quickly climbed up, forgetting that I could easily climb up, looking at the cloaks up close, some of them still green and not ready for ripe. I took 3 that were ready and climbed back down. I threw 2 at the small pile that was already forming and kept one to eat.

"So..." I started. Quilo leaned down to pick up a cloak, and back up to eat it. He looked at me, wondering what I was going to ask (or at least I thought he did). "Why did you want me to get more?" I asked, taking a bite out of the cloak.

Quilo swallowed his first bite before answering, "You'll find out." He took another bite of his fruit, looking at the fruit this time. I didn't bother asking anything else. I took another bite of the blue fruit, losing its transparency as the juice was released from its cell.

There was so much that I could think on what he meant by that. Eating the cloak helped only so much, only filling in my hunger that I had. Quilo could've easily seen that I was thinking on what he said, eating another cloak from the small pile there was.

Right then, a familiar scent came up. I sniffed around, not remembering anything name of the scent. Quilo picked up 2 more cloaks with his free paw, not sure then why he picked them up. I looked around again, trying to remember what the scent was. It was a scent I knew, but where?

I heard rustling at a distance, catching my attention. The scent was coming from the rustling, and so were voices. 2 voices.

"He's over here!" One of them said, seemingly excited. The voice sounded male, and young.

"Is that Jake?" I lowly asked myself, looking at where I heard the voice. The rustling came closer, a body forming from it. As he was coming closer, I found out who it was from the slight blur behind him, presumably his tail. It was Jake.

Behind him was someone else in a white shirt. She was in black and white fur, herself moving her pale blue hair out of her eyes. Myla.

Jake jumped around the branches and bushes in his way, leaving Myla walking up to him. After jumping the last branch on the ground, he was face to face with me. I smiled and blushed, not knowing what I should say. I still couldn't say.

I held on to my tail, only holding the tip with 1 paw this time, trying to speak out. Quilo examined us, seeing how we met.

Jake smiled at me, blushing a little bit. "H-hi..." He said lowly. I tried to say something...but something inside me wouldn't let me. I didn't grip my tail this time at least. "Still having trouble...huh?" he asked. Quilo walked forward near us, stopping beside me. He looked at Myla and tossed her a cloak.

"Wait a minute..." Quilo started. We both turned to him. "... You can't talk to him?" He pointed at Jake, later giving him the cloak the paw held.

"No, sir," Jake answered, shaking his head. "He can't to any boy, really."

"Are you serious?" Quilo raised an eyebrow. Jake nodded in response. "You got to be freakin' kidding me." He put a paw to his chest, full of white fur, the jacket still not buttoned. "I'm a boy." Jake looked at Quilo, looking all and out.

"A little too old to be a boy..." Jake commented.

"Okay, yeah," Quilo remarked, "I'm in my twenties--but I'm still a guy! How is it that he can talk to me," He pointed at Jake, "but not to you?" Jake shrugged.

"Maybe because he can't talk to boys his age--I mean our age." Jake took a bite of the cloak Quilo given him.

"Whatever," Quilo said, turning around. He turned back again making him turn in a complete circle. "Oh yeah," Quilo started. He held out a paw to Jake. I'm Quiletto. Call me Quilo." Jake shook his paw in greeting, also nodding. Quilo walked over to Myla, giving his hand again in greeting, Myla accepting. "Quilo," he told her. She nodded as well. He walked back out again, "Well that's inconvenient, isn't it?" I looked away from Jake, feeling bad for myself that seeing it was inconvenient.

"Well what did you do that got him talking?" Jake asked.

"Well..." Quilo started, scratching the back of his ear, "...He threw a rock at me for stealing his clothing, and yeah..." He stopped scratching his ear. "...He threw a rock at me."

"He threw a rock at you?" Jake asked. "I don't get it..."

"There's not much to get..."


"...Jake. Whatever--don't you know a way to help him fix his 'problem'?"

"Well..." Jake started. He put a paw on my paw holding the tail, and softly pushed my paw away, freeing my tail. I didn't grab my tail again, only wagged my tail excessively. Quilo rose an eyebrow in question. "...We can try to help you talk. Mainly 'cause, you know..." He took my paw and held it this time. "...I want you to talk to me." I still couldn't talk then, but I blushed at his words, hoping that I could talk then.

"Well, hopefully that turns out good," Quilo responded. He looked around, "So, uh, there's nothing around here to comfort you...but those cloaks..."

"These are cloaks?" Jake asked, looking at the bitten fruit.

"...Yeah...so there's nothing around, just forest..."

"It's okay," Myla started, "They'll go to my house for the time being...and we also have about thirty minutes before the ship sails away."

"Alright then," Quilo responded, "There's not much to work with but...how did both of you meet?" From there, we (or at least Jake and Myla did) talked about how we met and our history of each other. A lot was told and tossed around during those 30 minutes.