Fursona Description - Adult

Story by otterforlife18 on SoFurry

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My fursona description for those who can veiw it

Full Name: Kalith Waterstone

Nickname(s): Dark

Sex: Male

Species: American River Otter

Age: 18

Birth Date: May 11 (Taurus)

Nature: Friendly, Calm, Playful, Caring and Protective

Quote: "Want some fish?"

Height: 4'10"

Weight: 210 lbs

Skin: Black

Eye Color: Hazel

Hair Color: Black

Hair Style: Shaggy and short, like perpetual bed-head

Body Figure/Build: As stated in weight, slight fat built, underlying muscle, very agile in the water despite this

Skills: Knows how to use a variety of weapons, such as: chakrams, a short sword dagger combo, a bow, and, dual katanas

Weapon(s): Bow (arrows made of dark energy/matter), a pair of chakrams, a short sword and three pronged dagger, and entirely black dual katanas

Powers: Complete control and manipulation of darkness and dark matter. Can generate a lot of different things with said power (arrows, shields, transport orbs, portals). Medium telekinesis and mind control. Ability to alter his physical form and the forms of others (but only with their consent, or when he is about to be harmed mortally by them)

Weakness: Decapitation, followed by cremation of the head, starving of fish might work too.

Groin: Genitals about the size of baseballs each, even when pulled into body, are partially visible, sheath the covers cock (sheath also slightly visible when pulled to body, cock is around 6' long and 2' wide

Clothing: Usually none, prefers being naked over clothing, but when clothed, wheres knee length swim-shorts, slightly small t-shirt (bottom of belly visible) and underneath, a thong (which is normal sized, but hugs his hips quite a bit)