Army Ranger - Poem for Wolf Trooper

Story by Jacob King on SoFurry

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#5 of Free Poetry for Others

This was a poem written for Wolf Trooper based on his request on this journal:

His request was: "Try doing one about the US Army Rangers!"

Ask, and you shall receive.

There are not many folks who can

Call themselves an Army Ranger.

There are not many who can walk

Without fear in front of danger.

When a fur is given the badge

That turns them into a Ranger,

He is given a title and

Honor that makes him no stranger

Of courage. True courage. This is

The ultimate display of strength:

Not just of the mind and body,

But also by the very length

Of freedoms and comforts that a

Normal fur would not abandon

For the sake of protecting the

Liberties of our nation.