Throatwrecker: Patron Demon of Straight Razors

Story by Clockwork Fur on SoFurry

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One of the odd stories from my files about Lynn and her peculiar relationship with the demon that shares her form. Posting it here as it doesn't run directly to anything else yet.

Posted "extreme" for threat of blood and gore.

"Drat and bother. I forgot to pick up new needles for the electrolysis machine..." Lynn muttered, half to herself and half to the rat strapped to the examination table in the middle of her laboratory. "Still, I'm not happy with the resistance readings I'm getting on the contacts through the fur. I guess I could always do this the old fashioned way." She smiled as she opened one of the drawers of her storage cabinet. The rat couldn't see what she was getting, since the blinders on his hood made it quite black for him, but he could guess what she was looking for because he could hear the line she was softly singing "'And what if none of their souls were saved, they went to their maker impeccably shaved...."

The rat shivered, not entirely from his spread and naked condition, as he heard Lynn hone the blade of her straight razor a few swipes on the leather strop, squirming as she gave the strop a taste of his thigh before hanging it back up on the rack on the wall and rummaging for a bit of soap. Lynn lathered the top of his chest, just below the curve of his throat, and proceeded the slow and delicate business of removing the fur from his chest so the contacts would go directly on the warm pink skin she was uncovering.

His heart is beating fast already.

"Shut up."

The rat turned his head toward Lynn's voice quizzically, coming tight against the tether on his hood. He hadn't said anything. He couldn't say anything with the gag and muzzle that immobilized his jaw to prevent his biting himself when the voltage spiked. He wondered who she was talking to.

Your hand rests on his chest, you can feel it.

Lynn took the hand from his chest and reached over to the control board to activate the white noise generators in the rat's hood, effectively limiting his senses to the touch of blade on skin, and preventing him from hearing Lynn speak. "I said. Shut. Up."

But you love it when their hearts race, you know you do.

"There is important information to be learned by studying reaction to stress."

Yesss. Pull that skin tight. Ever more naked. Exposed.

"It is necessary for the best results."

It is beautiful. Feel the throb of circulation under your hand .... under your blade.

"Yes ... the subject is in excellent health."

It would only take a little slip .... You'd like that, wouldn't you? To see that hair thin line turn dark red and swell .... and bleed.

Lynn consciously slowed her hands. Careful. Steady.

It would only take a turn of your wrist, push upward ... and across. You keep your tools so well sharp it would be hardly any effort at all.

She closed her eyes now, her hands stilled, the spine of the blade nestled in the hollow above his breast bone.

You're throbbing to match him aren't you? Yes. Yes you are. How hot is his blood--?

Lynn licked her dry lips before speaking, "The average body temperature of the rattus sapiens is--"

Slick on your hands. Hot on your skin. Sticky in your fur. There is blood there, enough to feel it run down your chest, perhaps drip off your hardened nipples.

She panted slightly now, though the blade still seemed cold in her hand against the heat of the rat.

The violation turns you on. You're imagining the anatomy, peeling back the layers in your mind. Yes. That is delicious. If you open below his jaw and simply nick the artery he will stay split and bleeding .... squirming. Let him feel you inside him. Fuck him up the skull. He may even live long enough to taste your cum one more time.

Lynn pulled the blade back from the rat, focusing sharp on the movement in his throat as he swallowed a bit of the saliva collecting his mouth ... a motion made more pronounced by the hardware he had to swallow around. Her hands tingle and twitch, stretching like gloves. "White ..... beautiful ....."

It's the only virginity that rat has left. Take it. Make. Him. Bleed.

All Lynn can hear is the throb in her head, ".....bleed ....."

YES. I will have BLOOD.

The final decision is made as the demon rises up her spine, "Yes .....blood"

The walls are white. The spray is stark and bright red. Spots and splatters quickly darken as the demon screams, pain folding over on pain, spinning in darkness .... spray darkens ... and turns blue.

On her knees on the floor now, the razor slips from her hand to clatter on the ground as she clenches her other fist, wet where her blood runs down, spilling out of the gash the length of her forearm. As her mind returns to her and the injured demon falls away, she shifts, her gout of blood returning to the strange blue clay it was made from, her arm knitting the semblance of flesh where spirit meets clay. Pulling herself to her feet, Lynn walked slowly back to the examination table. After wiping sweat from her forehead, she flipped the switch to turn off the noise generator in the rat's hood and began the task of gelling the contacts for his naked skin.

"This should up the sensitivity a bit as well, so we will start with about 110 volts. Muzzle and tongue plate solid?" The rat nodded slightly, already twitching in anticipation. "Excellent. I'd really hate to get your blood on the floor."