Non mortal guild PT 3

Story by delete341 on SoFurry

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#10 of unexpected mates

The festival is not over and I am typing it shortly.

Cast ages: estimated +/- one year.

Gordon: 5009 years old

Akee: 200,000 years old

Emily: 3901 years old

Drake: 7400 years old

Mary: 5350 years old

Luke: 1000 years old

Saya: 1300 years old

Copyrights BBC(, Toby Whithouse, Rob Pursey, Touchpaper Television, and Eleanor Moran, for BBC Cymru Wales) -pokémon belong to Nintendo, Game Freak and anyone I do not know Characters are mine (Delete341)

Festival day two

The festival had a play that was written by humans but, very few knew that. She bought two tickets with her saved cash. She was very rich from her former employer, Drake. The play title was "The fall of youth." It was her favorite play and she paid since Akee had no money, he never needed it. She liked how Akee treated her and was falling for him. She saw the director at the entrance, "Gordon this is Akee. It is nice to see you." Gordon asked, "Where is your primary mate?" She replied, "He left me for some younger more fertile immortal." Then she found their seats. She loved to hear Akee stories and when she sat down and looked around her; she noticed her ex-mate nest to her. His scent confirmed it, "Luke, Nice of you to just walk away after all those years. New date?" She said very sarcastically. The tension was thick when she replied, "Yes, She is how have you been, does he know up are barren, Emily?" Emily said, "He fixed that and treats me better than you ever did, Luke." Akee was interested and interrupted, "The play is about to start so please keep it down or, you will miss it." During the intermission, the female asked, "Emily how do you know Luke he is five and you look younger than that?" Emily looked perplexed, "Five? Luke, is lying how old are you?" "I am three. How old are you then?" She asked. Emily smirked, "Your bones would be dust at my age. Luke likes mortals for more than one reason?" The play continued. After the play ended Akee and Emily entered the hall of mirrors, She notice he had a faint reflection, "I thought you were immortal, Akee?" "I am, however, I am so old I got infected by a vampire." He replied. Emily asked him, "Can we have kids then, I am in heat?" "After the festival we can try?" Akee responded. She smiled and continued. When they were eating Akee asked her, "How did Luke treat you?" She sounded depressed an began to tell, "He gave me lots of affection at first. Soon after our kids were born we moved to the city. I found a job in the city green house. Luke was a ditch digger. We were not rich like Gordon was but, he was around during the fall of humanity. After the kids left we became rich and the next thirty five years we saved up money and move into our dream house. I came in heat soon after and life when on. I missed on recharge and it was too late. I kept it a secret for a couple of weeks when I found Luke had a young dragonair in our bed with him when I came home from work. He knew I was barren and found a young Immortal full of vigor and in heat. Luke just gave me a look like I never existed and then, left me weeks later. I stayed at home for three days then, returned to work. He never returned. It felt like millennia but it was four hundred years. I sold our dream home and move to Drakes palace. I was the head gardener for the vegetables and fruits. I was paid well and soon became the head chief. Mary liked me since I was barren and Drake would never want to have an affair with me like that. I quiet five hundred years late and searched for you." Akee hear jirachi's voice again, "Make a wish and I will grant it." Akee was in conflict. That night at his cave he showed Emily her room, "This is the guest room and it took me some time to clean up. Have a seat on the bed. I need to tell you why we took this rout to our new world. Our secret mission was to find the lost colony. I am 200,000 years old and fossils exist from 100 million years ago. We lost our original home world when it was devoid of resources. Four ships left and three worlds were found. A pod was found centuries later and were assigned to trace the path. Orbiting the moon we found the ship in pieces. Our lost colony was dead. Then, a meteor storm hit our engines and we crashed on this world. What we could salvage we did. Good night." He left the room pondering, "If I wish to become mortal I can not make her happy. If I wish for the ship to be fixed, I can be with her forever. I think she likes me and I want to make her happy. I do not know if she wants to be mortal now? What to do?" Day three Breakfast was leftovers from last night. Akee found a job as a vendor of souvenirs and Emily found a job as a cook. They were surprised to be next to each other. During a slow period Akee asked her, "Do you still want to be mortal after this festival?" Emily thought about it and replied, "I did. I was depressed and had nothing to live for. I was barren and I felt like no one loved me. After a couple of days I felt like I wanted to stay the way I am. Why do you ask?" Akee told her, "Jirachi choose me to make a wish and now know what I should wish for." Emily asked, "If we were mortal together we can both be happy together and actually die?" Akee now had a third option and knew she liked him intimately. He need some time to think but there was a rush. Later that night they sat in front of the cave. They ate some cold food that was considered waste. Akee decided to reheat it so they had some food for the fireworks. The mountain had the best vantage point. Jirachi finally came out of it's shell and awakened. Jirachi came to Akee, "Make a wish, I can grant wishes" Akee asked, "How many?" "One."Jirachi said. "Can I talk to you in private after the fireworks." Akee asked. Jirachi look annoyed but waited. Later that night started the conversation. Emily was in the hangar stretching and warming up. The vent allowed her to listen to the conversation. "Jirachi. I do not know what to wish for. I have four choices One: I have my ship restored, two: Emily becomes mortal, Three: I become mortal and, last choice: we both become mortal. I cannot decide. If I think about it is either having my ship restored or we both become mortal. I should know tomorrow." Akee told Jirachi and unknown to him, Emily. That night Emily was in Akee's bed and when he came in she asked, "Mate with me tonight please I am almost done with heat and I want children. I want to get pregnant! I only get that chance once every forty seven years!" "Not now, why are in a rush?" He asked. She held her head low when she walked out of his room. Day four

Emily made breakfast and was wearing a silk robe. She entered Akee room. She had memorized the door code. On the bed she waited for him to wake up. He was surprised when she said, "I we become mortal will we revert to our actual age and I locked the door. Can we try to have some fun now? I need to my new organs to go through a test run." She sat on his chest inches from his erect penis. Akee replied, "What are you wearing?" Surprised she replied, I packed a three pieces of clothing. A hat, this robe and a nice dance gown. They are light and easy to pack." She turned around and he saw she was really in need of attention. Before he knew it she was milking his erection. He was moaning and enjoying the surprise. She stopped and turned around sliding his shaft in her and he ejaculated in her. She was happy and felt comforted. She opened the door and she was wet. Jirachi entered and notices she when for a bath. Akee said, "Jirachi. Can you do two simple wishes or just one complected wish?" Jirachi replied, "I can pull two simple ones. What are your wishes?" "One, I wish I could have children with Emily. She will then be less pushy. The second wish is to restore my spaceship to flying conditions." Akee asked. "Your first one is not needed. I can see the future and this has a 98% chance of happening but, I can do that wish. Your second wish is harder and I can do that on the last day." Jirachi said.