Shadow of the Clouds Prologue

Story by Shoji_Tiger on SoFurry

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here's a story I came up with, for those of you who are observant, yes, it's based loosely on Skyrim and may contain a few references. this is the opening to a few chapters I'm writing, just hoping I can stick with it.

Warning, this has blood, excecution, a bit of cussing and pretty dark imagery so be forewarned.

Shadow of the clouds Prologue

It was late march, snow fell on the upper slopes of Mount Hokai, the lower slpoes were clad in a cold og. Blades clinked together in time to the relentless march of the guard, the scarlet and viridian banner of the Northern Shunkita imperia blazed through the grey noon and the pine needles. Under its hot imposing stare, three sullen prisoners in hide bindings and rags marched ahead of the drawn blade of a guard. A gruff roughened female voice barked out ahead. "Now, what have these pitiful ruffians gotten done?" she blared at the guard, "I see the kitty wanted to join along too! She pointed blatantly venomous at the muscled Khajiit in the center as the guard marched ahead. "indeed Governess Sai" said a captain, rashly tugging at the khajiit's tail, "He was causing trouble when we were collecting taxes in Hiraoadeskan we..." "Never mind that", she roared in her usual tone "I'm sure the Great Father will appreciate his pretty little head in a basket!" the guards led the line of captives up, a man, most likely a Gaul came up before the object of the governess' mockery. The man flailed and yelled in a foreign accent, many of the words undecipherable. "Get yeur filthy 'ands off mois!!" he growled "I've dun nosing to yeur stupid ass papa!!!" the woman came forward and smacked the man in the face "address the Great Father of Shunkita with respect you lowly shit!!" she barked "show a little dignity before you die!!" A tall thin cloaked figure, the executioner no doubt, grabbed the head of the Gaul and forced him to kneel with his head and neck on a table "do you have any final words of wisdom to tell us traitor?" said the man holding the ax, partly muffled behind the veil of his robes. "Dignity cannot be fond heire" spat the man "I die feur de peace oof de future." Almost the instant he had finished speaking, there was a silvery flash as the veiled necromancer brought down his ax onto the Gaul's neck. There was a sickening wet crunch and his head, drawn into a silent wail of rapture tumbled in a bloody contorted heap from his shoulders and into a basket. The Khajiit winced as he was led forward by the tip of a katana, maintaining an air of wise hatred and offence. His piercing green stare looked at the brawny, elegantly clad woman that stood over it all. "So! Curiosity killed the cat!!" She said mockingly with a malicious sneer. The Khajiit spat in her face, looking into her with a cold loathing that frightened the governess, "Fuck...You!!" he growled, the words coming like two stones to her face "you're the reason my family is dead, I hate you and always will and if you're thinking you will address me as "kitty" then, my dear, you are horribly wrong." The woman began to chuckle nervously then worked into a cackle of amusement "wow, this cat's got a mouth on him" she said, still a bit unsettled on the inside "I'm going to enjoy this immensely, he's got some nerve!!" the Khajiit bored into her ever more with his green stare "you're afraid of me bitch..." he declared "you now want me to be executed to make me go away, why don't you just take your wits and verse me yourself you cowardly pawn!!" If someone were to look upon her from behind, they would see her shuddering at his words, cast on her like stones as his emerald eyes drilled into her core, something terrified her about this Kajhiit. "Enough!!" she screamed, masking her fear "Take this fallacious scum to the chopping block double quick!!" "How dare he profane my name?!" the Khajiit stumbled forward on his bound footpaws as the executioner readied his ax. Suddenly there came a rush of wind and a distant wailing roar that stopped everyone in their tracks, the skies seemed to scream as the whirring beat of wings came ever nearer. The entire merry gathering was distracted and a look of knowing passed between the Kajhiit and the prisoner that was to follow him. Slowly, silently as the roar and the beating of wings came nearer, the Khajiit thrust a paw to the sheath of a dagger that hung on a guard's belt and drew the blade. With lightning speed and accuracy, he thrust the blade deeply into the skull. The Executioner wailed in pain, blood streaming from his head as he collapsed to the floor dead. The Khajiit bolted for the forest with the Nord following close behind as they bounded along with feet still bound. The distant call of "After them!!!" turned into a shriek of terror as the lumbering red shape of a dragon materialized out of the afternoon clouds. Even the two escaping prisoners watched in amazed horror as the great lumbering lizard came and swallowed several royal guards in one swoop and deafened men for miles as it let out a great wailing call over the valley. After glimpsing the great hulking lizard in its flight, the two fugitives pressed on, still blindly running despite bound feet. Suddenly, a salvo of arrows darted from behind, hooves could be heard as seven mounted archers loomed in the foggy foliage of the pine forest. The Khajiit nodded at the Nord and streaked to the left in a great arc, the Nord continued straight and then began to zig-zag to the right causing a few pursuers to break off. The Khajiit then curved sharply towards the heading of the other fugitive, as the pursuers met at conflicting angles, confused whinnys and screams of pain came from the entire wreak as they collided at full speed. The two fugatives ran ever more, the foliage thinning and the air turning cold as they ran up the mountain's flank. As intermittently as it had begun, the Nord collapsed suddenly, an arrow jutting from his bleeding scalp. Just then, the Kajhiit caught glimpse of a bow clattering to the floor as the archer succumbed to his wounds after one final shot. The remaining fugitive continued onwards, silently thanking his fallen comrade as he wound on up the path. The flesh on his feet was raw and beginning to bleed from the tightly bound cord and he began to grow weary and sore, he could not continue. The Imperal guard was close behind but the last glimpse they caught of him was the flash of orange fur and flutter of rags as the Khajiit cast himself down into a deep ravine.