The Human Species - BAD END II: 'Negligence'

Story by Justanotherstranger on SoFurry

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#53 of The Human Species

Humanity has finally gotten fed up with their fragile position in the world of Pokémon. Gathering the best of trainers, they have decided to subdue or dispose of every powerful Pokémon in existence.

The strong will expire as a large conflict between Pokémon and humans arises... But which side of the conflict will you end up on when you are neither Pokémon nor human...?


"And so... We are back where we started..." Lugia muttered disappointingly. The legendaries had assembled deep underneath one of the Seafoam Islands to discuss the current situation of the world. They were all in agreement over preventing the potential war between humans and Pokémon, but the unexpected news of Zoroark's revolution had put a stop to their planning.

"This will not do," Moltres said with a sigh, "We need to take care of No Man's Land as quickly as possible. Any ideas on how?"

"Well... We are legends, after all," Celebi chimed in while remembering the legendary trio's star-struck expressions when first meeting her, "There is a possibility that they will halt their aggressions if we simply ask them."

"Indeed," Lugia said with a gentle smile caressing his face, "Perhaps it would be best for us to send an emissary?"

Mew nodded in agreement, as those present suddenly started looking at Zapdos. She was the fastest being alive, and would be perfect for such an assignment. She yawned in response, and suddenly exploded into a ray of red light.

Where the magnificent avian had once stood was now nothing but a tiny sphere dressed in yellow and white. It wobbled a little from side to side as everyone stared at it in shock, before giving off something akin to a sigh and ceasing its movement.

"A Pokéball!?" Celebi burst out, all too familiar with the process Zapdos was currently going through.

"They have found us!" Mew shouted while looking around with a panicked expression, "Everyone, flee! Azelf, you must-"

Mew could not finish her sentence as she too turned red before being drawn into a pink Pokéball. A loud rumble was heard throughout the cavern as Lugia extended his wings in rage.

"Cretin!" Lugia howled madly, "You shall n-"

More than that he did not have time to say, as he himself transformed into a bright red light and disappeared within a cyan Pokéball. Another trainer had snuck up from behind and captured him, and suddenly the legendaries realized the inner sanctum was crawling with humans. Uxie's presence had erased their aura and let them go in unnoticed as legendaries all over the cave began falling victim to their specially designed Pokéballs. Many fought back valiantly, but were eventually taken by surprise and found themselves trapped within a customized Pokéball.

That day, every Pokémon within the secret hideout beneath the Seafoam Islands was captured except for a Lucario and a Weavile, both of which were able to escape by unknown means. The two were later seen mounting a rescue effort to free the legendary Mew, a reckless and daring assault during which all three of them were killed. The legendary Celebi took her own life shortly thereafter, forcing the caretakers of the legendaries to keep those remaining under harsher restraints lest they try anything similar.

With the legendaries under the control of humanity, the budding revolution of No Man's Land lost its morale and was easily destroyed. Their leader Zoroark was assassinated in a manner that left little remains, and to this day scientists wonder what species of Pokémon he truly was. The rest of the world's powerful Pokémon were subdued, and many laws regarding the humanitarian treatment of Pokémon were lifted as to not give them the opportunity to rebel again. For all intents and purposes, the war had ended before it had even begun.

Through experiments and research, the astounding biology of the legendaries amazed scientists all over the world. In only a few months, humanity was able to advance their current technology by almost a century. This success was unprecedented, and with man's natural greed it only left them hungering for more. Utilizing a newly developed manner of interrogation upon the infants Mesprit and Azelf (Uxie was unable to sustain himself in captivity and expired shortly after) proved very effective, and they were able to discern the location of some of the remaining legendaries. Using similar ambushes, they managed to capture Giratina, Dialga and Palika.

After that, all the legendaries mysteriously disappeared. One by one they were taken from their current masters, after which they were never heard of again. However, people paid little mind to this. With their technology flourishing, humanity reigned supreme and began to surrender their reliance upon Pokémon altogether.

The sings of what was to come were weak at first. With the loss of the legendary bird trio, the first generation of the world without legendaries saw nothing but a heavy reduction of storms all over Earth, making people miss the trio even less. The loss of Mew seemed to have no effect at all; no one realizing that had she been alive there might still have been hope for the future of the world. It was not until the next generation that people began to notice that something was wrong.

With the loss of Celebi, the second generation was met with increasingly bad crops. The loss of Lugia caused a widespread drought which only served to make matters worse, eventually leading to worldwide starvation. Unable to rely on food from berries and fruit, Pokémon were forced to devour each other for sustenance, creating devastation and mistrust in their already loosely held society. Humanity fell into line not long after, using Pokémon as a source of food instead of friendship. Slowly, the practice of training Pokémon disappeared, and means to murder them through weaponry became more common.

As the third generation came along, the mighty legendaries Groudon and Kyogre rose from the bowels of the earth, resuming their unending battle. Their fight brought about extremely harsh climates and storms that razed the world, turning large sections of it uninhabitable. With the legendaries gone and humanity unable to command Pokémon, there was no one left to oppose them. Approximately 90% of the population were unfit to handle these new conditions and perished, leaving only the strong to constantly fight each other for food and shelter.

With the loss of Dialga, Palika and Giratina, the fourth generation saw gravitational and dimensional anomalies springing up all over the world, wreaking havoc upon the already desolate wastelands. Survivors over the globe are reduced to mere thousands, and few even remember that times were once different. Day to day survival is the only truth known by the inhabitants of this era, constantly falling prey to their hateful world and each other.

At the start of the fifth generation, all life upon the Earth has been eradicated as storms unlike anything seen before tore it asunder. Once more Earth joins its brethren in the solar system as a dead rock, floating around in space and being completely uninhabitable by any form of life.