Danath's Cockvore Tourney: Round 1, Group G

Story by Psi Nei on SoFurry

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Originally written to help out Danath with one of the quarterfinals of his massive cock vore tournament opus. I wish I could have had the time to handle a few more chapters, especially since this was my first foray into writing a lot of characters interacting at once, not to mention the first bit of dabbling with writing cock vore and cock transformations. Still, no time like the present!

"It's about time," Naito thought to himself as his eyes began adjusting to the darkness ahead of him. The feel of the canvas below his feet was a telltale giveaway as to where he happened to be. Watching the past seven seasons of Cockvore Paradise to prepare was just the canine's way of boning up for the ordeal ahead. As he strode across the mat into the far left corner he made certain to slow up his gait.

By now Naito had assumed that there were at least a dozen cameras on his grey-furred body, examining every bit of his muscular self for the internet audience. Nothing paid off better in the gambling world than a solid bet on these initial free-for-all rounds. Being quite the knowledgeable and built wolf, he felt that there was nothing wrong with playing up the image of the powerful dolt. Anything that would help garner him the slightest advantage could make all of the difference, after all.

Drawing in large theatrical breaths, Naito kept his pink eye on the sudden slit of light making its entrance into the otherwise pitch-black room. The tall wolf, standing at a solid 6'5", straightened up his spine and thrust his sheath slightly forward, since intimidation at this point could work in his favor.

While the kitsune who strode through the brilliant light was several inches shorter than his compatriot in the ring, he showed no sign of trepidation. Xavier's stick-like frame made its way across the room without the hint of a sound emerging from his white-furred feet. The ropes on the side of the ring sprang back as the black fur of his body bristled a bit, acclimating himself with his surroundings. The vulpine had fought many opponents blessed with exceptional muscles before, but they had all ended up at his feet in one way or another.

Today would be no exception.

Naito and Xavier stared off in the complete silence until the sounds of youthful exuberance penetrated the air. Elliot, seemingly mistaking the cockvoring extravaganza for a performance by a circus troupe. A stark breeze passed by the wolf and kitsune as the Alsatian took his desired spot in an unoccupied corner. Spending the last eighteen hours in a small cell was quite the accidental torture, but the black and tan canine was quite enthusiastic to get in some pre-game stretches, his healthy 7" cock already hanging out and flapping all around.

Ghost Otter was the last to arrive to the event, making his way slowly to the last free space. Naito had difficulty in spotting the diminutive otter at first, but his mind soon raced with potential ways to deal with their size differential. The blue-green otter, standing far shorter than 5 feet, sported a rudder that looked just as big as the rest of his body. A wisp of a sight zoomed past Xavier's mechanical left eye, swearing to himself that, even momentarily, the shrimpy little mustelid swung a 2 foot shaft onto the floor. Upon closer inspection it only seemed like a passing daydream, but Ghost's emerald irises stayed locked on his mark. A small spectral feat would hopefully get everyone rethinking their strategies right before the start.

The air grew heavy as the lights illuminated at a snail's pace. Just another twenty or so seconds until the start and all hearts, save for Ghost's, were atwitter in anticipation. Elliot felt sufficiently limber and was bouncing in place, eager to get it on. A loud cracking of knuckles cut through the tension, followed by a knowing tilt of Naito's head. A purposeful flex as he drew attention was just the psychological warfare the wolf wanted to play right before the real din.


Xavier, ears perking at the start, rushed forward to start off the brawl with Elliot. "You're mine," he growled as he rushed his way along the ropes. All he had to do was take this mutt down quickly and the speck of of an otter and the the muscle-laden doofus would be a snap. Playful as ever, Elliot stood in place and shifted his thick, knotted self to taunt the serious-looking kitsune, at least before raising an eyebrow and taking a sudden hop backwards in his little corner.

Apparently the supposed doofus was also a speed-demon, clotheslining Xavier unexpectedly in the diaphragm. The sheer force of the blow was enough to send him careening on the floor towards Ghost.

"Oh! You're going to be easy, aren't you?" The spectre enjoyed the sight of the shocked shadow kitsune at his feet. Up close, Xavier quickly noticed that what he observed earlier wasn't an artifice. Within seconds Ghost's sheath bulged further, his impressive 7 inches of otterhood nearly doubling in size without any physical manipulation, pulsing with anticipation as it hovered on top of the vulnerable fox.

Rolling backwards away from the threat at hand, Xavier thought he could avoid the danger at hand. He wasn't quite sure, however, when two bulging arms ceased his movement and held himtight against a brick wall of a chest.

"Back again so soon?" The mountain of a wolf was only too happy to be in this position as his cock squirmed up along Xavier's backside. The freedom his prehensile caninemeat exhibited was quite shocking in comparison to his chiseled, hardened body. Just a few inches more and Naito was going to be sporting an anaconda of a catch between his legs.

"Half of me, yes," moaned Xavier towards some of the cameras, right before a mysterious sweep took out Naito's legs from underneath. Naito's serpentine length flopped against his arms as what he assumed to be Xavier disappeared in a plume of black mist. As a tenacious hold clasped together the grey wolf's ankles, he knew it was too late.

"Illusionists," Naito muttered to himself as he struggled against the impending vore. He thrashed around to and fro but it was already too late. Xavier's widening shaft was showing no signs of stopping, its monumental size sliding up Naito's body 4 inches at a time. As a latch-ditch effort Naito tried to pull himself free with his paws, exerting unimaginable force against the kitsune's stupendous cockhead as it lapped around his hips. The extra pressure only goaded Xavier further, and it wasn't long until the mountainous lupine's head disappeared into the fox's equally gargantuan cock.

As Naito resigned himself to his new home in Xavier's sack, adding his own seed pleasurably to the wealth of kitsune cream inside, Elliot had the upper hand on Ghost. He was able to jump behind the apparition after an unsuccessful lunge on Ghost's part, leaving him wide open. Taking his challenger by his most snatchable asset, Elliot quickly treated Ghost like an Olympic shot put.

Not one to be treated like a sporting good, Ghost curled the very tip of his rudder around Elliot's wrist. Just the slightest bit of contact should do the trick.

"H-hey, come on! I th-thought an otter like yourself would treat me better than this!!"

With a tilt of his head, Elliot kept up swinging the blue-green otter around in circles. A few revolutions later a black and tan thing popped up in the corner of the german shepherd's eye. Since winning Cockvore Paradise was a matter of being aware of everything around you at all times, he had to take his eyes off of the ghost at hand and what sparked his attention. His fingers loosened their grip around the emerald-esque rudder, sending Ghost flying twenty feet across the mat, as a stunningly thick rudder stared back at Elliot. If it didn't wag in the same way as his normal fluffy tail he would have sworn that there was an unspoken fifth contestant in the ring.

Regaining his composure, Elliot glanced back in the direction of otter's short-lived ascent into the air, only to find nothing. The canine's fur bristled as a webbed hand caressed his hip while another paw tilted his head down to stare right into Ghost's encahnting eyes.

"You're already part of the way there, puppy. Why not join the winning team? We'll show them what otters can do together!"

Ghost's fingers slipped quickly in between Elliot's own, holding on as the canine's hands started to take on a more webbed appearance. The spirit was very careful to keep his hips back a bit, readying his cock as the throbbing head slipped down to the mat. His eyes were irresistable, and so long as he could keep his otter magnificence out of Elliot's senses for a few more seconds he could be assured that the now-otter obsessed pup would be a fine addition to his body.

At least, so Ghost had thought before his body was sent hurling through the air on another sojourn, landing right next to Xavier as he recovered from his earlier meal.

Much to Ghost's chagrin, Elliot knew his body better than most. Countless hours of physical training and calisthenics could easily tell him that his tail still weighed the same, and he knew enough about transforming others to tell what was real and what was imaginary. Otters were cute, he had to admit, but mind-tricks using uncalled-for transformations? Not today, not with a win on the line.


Within a few enthusiastic bounds across the ring Elliot was upon both the otter and kitsune. Xavier had miscalculated slightly, thinking Naito would calm down a bit more before being able to get back into the match. The wolf, however, was still very much a gigantic bulge within Xavier's sack, still in the midst of being converted into seed. "Damn it, you scragly wolf! Work with me here!!"Xavier knew the danger he was in but could do little to help anything along. The tremors and extra heft kept the normally-spry black fox seated on the floor, desperately trying to find his new center of gravity so he could finish the match with a bang.

Ghost, thrust head-over-heels without warning, was still struggling to understand when them at had decided to rise up in the middle of his wooing and smack him across the face. Elliot rushed his right foot over to Ghost's baffled ribs, rolling him gently along the floor right next to Xavier's struggling body. A final shove later and Ghost found his backside straddling the fox's blisteringly-hot manhood, feeling its stiffness ride three feet up his rudder.

Despite the respite and the gorgeous feeling between his legs, Ghost knew that this was one of the worst positions he could be in.

Elliot licked his lips and slid up right in front of the couple as they were locked together. "Mmmm, I was in the mood for a sandwich," he cooed.

The duo struggled to break free but Elliot parked his paws right on the small of Ghost's back while making sure the thick rudder and accompanying 3 foot, 6 inch wide fox shaft were locked between his arms. Rubbing his own 7 inches of knotted dick along the underside of Xavier's newfound genital heft, Elliot moaned in ecstasy as both of his opponents squirmed to get away. The otter's own 160 pounds of weight did Xavier no favors as Elliot quickly started to make his exceptional length his own, dick flesh merging quickly amidst pools of canine pre.

Xavier felt himself being pulled towards Elliot as if caught in a vacuum, groping all along Ghost as he merged with the canine in front of him. His feet lost their feeling as heis mind registered that they were rounding out, along with his calves and his thighs. Some of his black fur down below started to turn tan, matching the fur of his new owner. Ghost couldn't help himself at the runimations below, coating Xavier with his own pleasurable juices as he slid away. The last thing Xavier could remember feeling was that of being racked with a warmth as intense as the sun, twitching to and fro before being soaked in rich fluid, undeniably his own.

With only one opponent left prone on the floor, Elliot sighed out contentedly as he let his body naturally do the rest of the work. Ghost scrambled to put a bit of distance between himself and Elliot in the split second before Xavier became one. He was able to wriggle a foot over to his side before he was fully pressed into the mat by an utter mass of cockflesh. Being pinned to the floor, the only thing he could do was thwap his rudder wildly against his assailant and hope for the best.

After the fifth whack with his tail he suddenly found himself free, but his body was not entirely aligned with the mat any longer. With two generous arms hoisted around the otter's pelvis, Elliot had Ghost's underside hauled into the air and pressing against the head of his five inch head. A few exuberant pulls downward later and only a few inches of Ghost's rudder could be seen through the tip of Elliot's head as he sat himself on the mat.

Stroking downward with all of the force he could muster against the wiggling foe within, his normally-sized balls were the size of large watermelons, dangling well below his knees. The otter acclimated quite nicely to his new home, quickly adding his own weight in seed to Elliot's own collection. Ever the showman, the german shepherd thrust his tan chest against his hot thickness, licking all around the tip while his fingers alternated playing with his knot and bulbous sack. Elliot, proud at his showing, grinned wildly before howling, pulling his rod upwards.

Pulling off his best impersonation of a fountain, he sprayed puppy batter all over himself. Letting his 2 foot treasure paint many of the caermas white for the home audience, he lay himself back into the mat and heaved a sigh of relief. This may have been a hurdle of a first round, especially since the show had not seen a free-for-all first round like his in quite a few years.

"Just a few more minutes of rest...then another few hours of reps!"

No matter who else was going to get in his way, Elliot was certain he would meet each challenge at his physical best.