The Human Race

Story by Ze_ev on SoFurry

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I need to write this down, make these thoughts concrete before they disappear. I am sick of all the confusion and turmoil and suffering people have to endure because of the concept of race. Race is a myth, another one of those big lies, a blanket term for a bunch of things people either don't understand or don't want to deal with. The color of skin,your body structure? That's your geographic phenotype, which you owe to your ancestor's geographic placement, their ethnicity. When people talk about racial issues, and throw that word around, they are really talking about culture. The music you listen to, the stories you hear and tell, the food you eat, the faith you ascribe to- those things make up a culture, and are there to help you be who you really want to be. Take from them what you can, learn, and build on them. Build yourself up to be the best you can be, and the world into a better place in your own way. If your culture isn't helping you be who you want to be, either change it, or ditch it. Listen to all the music. Hear all the stories. Eat all the food. Have faith in many things. You'll gain a multicultural perspective. And from a multicultural perspective,a small thing like geographic phenotype has little to no bearing on anything. In order to see through all the hype and Hollywood and preconceived notions and things seemingly set in stone about race, come back to the human race. "The best we can hope for is to continue to learn, to take from the past only that which is good, and move on-perhaps, in the process, we can build a brighter future."- Atrus