Just me and Ana 1.0

Story by LoveofdisneysPete on SoFurry

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Anne is a nineteen year old anorexic woman who cuts when she is feeling pain, her boyfriend Christopher seems to neglect her and act indifferent to what is going on with her, her manager Ron whom she works for at the local burger king seems to have a soft spot for her, maybe he even likes her, on top of that she starts her new position as assistant manager, that day she gets a call from her boyfriend whom apologizes for the way he's been too her, he wants to live with her and moves in the very same day. Will it last? Or will Ron and her be destined to be together, will see get better and eat normally? Read on and find out.

I have been living on my own for about six months now, it's not so bad, people don't bother you, tell you to "Eat something please" or "What are those cuts from?" You have just yourself and an apartment. My nineteenth birthday was yesterday, the celebration consisted of me and a box cutter in the bathroom tub. Christopher my boyfriend that is if you could call him that didn't even bother to wish me a happy birthday. Nothing seems to affect him, not even when I am puking up dinner up into my toilet. I still love him, even though he doesn't give love back. It's almost eight in the morning. Today I have to go to work.

Working at the local Burger King offers not just money to pay my bills and keep my apartment but a way to binge and purge too. Getting dressed as fast as possible I grabbed my purse and made my way out the door. Locking the door to my apartment behind me I smiled to myself. Soon it will all be over, the pain will be over. Today I will be picking up my paycheck. Walking into the store and into the back where the employee locker were kept I check my cubby for my check, which I stuffed into my purse. Someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around.

"May I have a quick word with you?"

Ron the manager asked. Ron was magnificent, perfect hair, teeth, a great body with a muscular build. His face with a healthy rosy glow, the man was the picture of perfect health.


I replied, yawning.

"This is just to inform you that a position for assistant manager is open, I would highly recommend that you take advantage of it. I feel you would do well."

A promotion? Why the fuck not, more money just the thing I needed.

"Yes I would like to take advantage of opportunity for advancement."

This seemed to please Ron, pleasing Ron was something I always worked for, which is why I also volunteered for working holidays, weekends, and later hours. Busting my bony ass has finally paid off. Now I have better hours, more money and an advantage.

"When do I start?"

Ron looked at his clipboard he had been holding in his left hand. He flipped over the first page and ran his fingers down a few lines.

"You start tomorrow, actually today is your day off, you don't need to be here."

A day off? That wasn't right I memorized my schedule along with everyone else's. Clearly Ron had made a mistake some how.

"No I work today; I checked my schedule two weeks ago."

He shook his head as he continued to read the page on his clipboard.

"Sorry to disappoint you worker bee but today is your day off, go home and celebrate your promotion."

He said looking up and winking at me. The manager likes me a lot; don't ask me how I know I just do. My well being always seemed to matter to him right from the day I started working here when I was fifteen years old. Ron is thirty five years old. Saying good bye I ordered three bacon cheese burgers, three large fries, and six cookies. Taking my bag of food I walked back to my car sat the food on the passenger side and got into my car and drove home.

Setting my food on the kitchen table I went to the bathroom took off my clothes and looked in the full length mirror. All my ribs could be seen along with my collar bone, my hip bones jutted out, my butt sunken in all the way. My focus went to my stick like arms and legs. My face which I would cover with make up was pale; dark circles under my eyes another sign of my malnutrition, lake of sleep and constant crying. The only time I don't cry is while I am working. Setting back onto the scale it read seventy seven pounds. Getting into a baggy pair of sweat pants and sweat shirt I walked back into the kitchen and ate my bag of food savoring every bite. When the bag was empty I threw it away than made my way to the toilet. Stuffing my long thin hair into my sweat shirt I stuck my fingers as far back into my throat as I could.

My stomach tightened hard as I gagged, all my food began coming up and out of my mouth in wet clumpy globs. Along with food came blood too, my esophagus, throat and stomach was messed up from years of vomiting on a regular basis. I could care less; anorexia was a lifestyle for me, apart of who I am. It was one of the reasons I moved out of my parent's house a little over a year ago.

Had a roommate until five weeks ago, she finally couldn't take living with me anymore and left. I didn't care though; to be quiet honest her not being here is better anyway. After all the food was out of my stomach, beads of sweat on my face curling up into a ball and laid on the bathroom floor, closing my eyes momentarily which soon became sleep. When awaking to find myself laying on the floor of my bathroom, confusion and a little bit of grogginess followed, time for same diet coke to help perk me up. Slowing making my way to the kitchen I called for my cat Samantha a black cat with blue eyes, not very many people have a cat like mine. Samantha is like me long hair, blue eyes and anorexic, yep that's right my cat is anorexic too, not because I starve her mind you, like me she chooses when and if she eats. They say that animals take on their owners personalities after awhile; thank goodness she doesn't cut herself. Then I would have an animal abuse case on my hand. It was bad enough that people have already threatened to take my cat away because they think I am miss treating her, which I assure you I am not. Opening up my refrigerator and reaching for the first of three diet cokes that are to be consumed today. Opening up my diet coke I took a sip and let the ice cold diet coke run down my sore scratchy throat it felt nice, soothing. The cell phone rang; letting it go to voice mail I continued to drink my soda.

Taking my soda with me over to the 50 inch plasma television my father bought me as a bribe to come back home and live with them and go into a clinic. Taking the gift with no intension of coming back home every night was a delight to watch my movies and television shows. Turning on the TV, I mindlessly flipped through channels, setting down the remote and checking my voice mail. Christopher called and left a long message, telling me how sorry he's is for neglecting me, how he will change. A flicker of hope for our relationship rose inside of me.

Rebuilding our relationship was something that desperately needed to be done, if we were ever going to even be living together, which secretly deep down inside I wanted more than anything in the world. Picturing myself making him breakfast and serving it to him in bed, having children perhaps? Well maybe that was being a little to hasty, but living as a couple together would be like Christmas coming early. The doorbell rang. Springing into action hoping that it was Christopher I ran as fast as my tired, dehydrated body would allow me. Opening the door I was greeted by my boyfriend. Wearing a pair of black slacks, pressed perfectly and a starched white shirt with a black tie, his hair brushed back neatly, sometimes it would be untidy. Seeing him dressed up was nice.

"You look great."

I said greeting him.

Doing his best to return the smile I had given him he looked a little said as he looked at me, almost as though he was about to cry, Christopher doesn't cry, he's never been one to truly express emotion.

"Come in and have some coffee."

Taking my hand in his he gave it a quick kiss and walked inside, sitting himself on a stool in the kitchen, watching me fix up the coffee pot. Making half a pot of coffee I offered him the box of doughnuts. Opening up the box he picked up two jelly filled ones and placed them on a paper towel. Getting my diet coke out of the living room which was across from the kitchen area I took a big swig. Sitting myself as comfortably as one could with a bony ass on the stool next to him I went to take another swig.

"I love you Anne."

Spewing ice cold diet coke in his face, my mind couldn't believe what I had just heard. Christopher chuckled a little a little at the situation.

"Are you alight, here let me help you."

He said grabbing a small blue towel I had forgotten that I had left there, getting off of the stool he helped clean me up than wiped down his face.

"I am sorry; I didn't mean to spew it into your face."

Smiling while trying to suppress his laughter, I wanted to laugh as well.

"I love you too."

I told him, putting my arms around him. Gently he put his arms around me hold me carefully as if I was a rare china doll that may break at any minute.

"Your coffee is ready. It can wait just a few more minutes." he said, still holding me close to him.

"My training as assistant manager starts tomorrow."

Releasing me from the hug he looked me in the eyes.

"That is wonderful. See I told you, all that hard work is paying off."

"Christopher, how do you feel about living with someone?"

I asked as fast as I could.

"Living with you would be wonderful, but I refuse to live with someone who's choosing to die before there time too though."

He said walking over to the coffee pot and pouring some into the black coffee mug next to the pot. Taking a sip he continued,

"This needs to be said, either stop starving yourself or stop being with me."

A bubble of anger rose up in me.

"Why can't you accept me for who I am? This is part of who I am. It's part of my life."

Taking another sip he responded,

"Believe me, that is loud and clear to everyone around you believe it or not."

Walking back to his stool and sitting himself down he took a big bite into his doughnut and chased it with a sip of coffee.

"I love you for who you are."

I said to him my attention on his doughnuts rather than on his face and his expression which was sad and confused.

"Yes and I appreciate that, it's one of the things that attracted me to you. Deep down I hoped that as our relationship progressed that it would be an incentive for you to seek therapy for your problem."

He began work on his second doughnut.

"I am who I am Chris, I love my life the way it is going believe it or not, and we can still live together, our relationship will only get better if we do."

Looking him in the eye as I said this.

"Can I move in today?"

He asked me out of the blue, hoping that this would be a distraction from my self starvation I said,

"Yes, you can use some of my extra money I have saved up to get a moving truck and movers to help you if you want."

Shaking his head at me he said,

"Way ahead of you, I'll arrange and pay for it myself, just relax and enjoy your day off."

Taking his advice I laid my tired body on the couch where I feel asleep dreaming of children, a big house with a big pool, fancy cars, being rich all the things I wanted in the waking world but haven't seen yet. While I slept which turned into a good portion of the day the movers brought in what little furniture he had placing it where he told them too. About two o'clock he woke me up, a foot long subway sandwich on a plate in one hand, lemonade in the other.

"I bought you this, please eat some of it."

He said placing the food and drink on the coffee table next to black couch I was laying on. Eat for him? Sure I can eat a little, very little. As long as it kept him off my back about my self starvation than that was fine. If need be there was always my good friend the toilet to help me get rid of it. Picking at my sandwich I took a small bite and small sip of lemonade. Thinking about my promotion I smiled happily into my glass of lemonade.

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