The Silver Renomon Series Chapter 10 Battle for life or Death part 1

Story by wolf421 on SoFurry

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#13 of The Silver Renomon Series

Ok, by now everyone that has read this series should know all the fun stuff that comes at the start. All the boring legalize stuff we have to rattle on about each time We put out a chapter. Well heres the old spill, We don't own Digimon, or any part of the various books or manga's that have appeared over the years, the company Toei does.

This work is entirely a piece of fan fiction and the characters created by me and my wife are our property and copy writed by us.

And of course this story is for the mature adults, is not for anyone under the age of 18. (40 if wolf421 had his way about it).. LOL..

I nor my wife, Lady Shandi will not be held responsible for any nightmares, psychological trauma, bed wetting, wet dreams or in the event of a real emergency while reading this please call 911 and not me...LOL

Authors Note: This chapter has some darker parts in it than any of the previous chapters, there is death (not in yiff) some very graphic descriptions of violence, character death, and a whole score of adult situations. BTW: No yiff in this one as the title implies... On to the story...

The Silver Renamon Series

Chapter 10:

Battle of Life or Death Part 1

By Wolf421


Lady Shandi

Meanwhile at Unit #2

"Master, the humans haven't turned over control to the network yet. Something tells me their going to stall on that demand." Said Faerthan as he shuddered in fear this close to Anxerxes.

"Of course they are going to stall for time! Thats what makes them think that they are in control of the situation, when they can't control even themselves." Replied Anxerxes as he switched the view from outside cameras on the monitor in front of him.

"So what do you plan to do? Master" Asked Faerthan.

"Maybe they need some incentive to agree to my demands." Anxerxes thought a second before continuing. "Send twenty of the greymon outside and have them destroy all the buildings around my base for two blocks away from it. Some of the closer buildings are close enough for a digimon or even a human unit to gain entry to my base, and that would be very bad." Said Anxerxes as he watched the monitors for any sign of just that.

"Excellent idea! I'll see to it at once master!" Exclaimed Faerthan as he turned and ran out of the control room.

"You do that and hopefully some tamer will save me of the trouble of destroying you myself. Lets see how long it takes the humans to report my greymon destroying the city on t.v." Thought Anxerxes to himself as he reached over and turned on the small LCD screen and started flipping through the channels looking for the news station.

Minutes later at one of the gates along the walls of unit #2, twenty greymon assemble and wait for the gate to be opened as they receive final instructions from Faerthan.

"Here are your orders from our master Anxerxes! You twenty greymon are to go outside of the base and destroy all buildings within two blocks of the base. You have free reign to destroy any digimon and human tamers you encounter! Now go!" Shouted Faerthan as the gate opened.

The twenty greymon charged forward with a roar through the gate, the first ones through the gate firing off nova blasts as fast as they could at anything that in their sight. Car tires squealed as drivers locked up breaks of their cars trying to avoid hitting the first greymon as it stepped onto the road blocking traffic causing a major chain reaction wreck. The first car was thrown forward into the leading greymon's left foot and over the top of it. The greymon roared in pain as it lost it's balance and fell straight down on top of the car that just ran over it's foot. The driver died instantly as the greymon's weight blew the tires and crushed the car like a beer can. Seeing a chance to move up in the ranks, the second greymon fired it's nova blast repeatedly at the fallen leading greymon until it roared one last time before it's data broke down to be loaded by the other. The second started glowing and digivolved into metal greymon with the addition of the new data.

"Spread out, start destroying any and all targets!" Ordered the metal greymon just before he unleashed his strongest attack on a nearby building.

The other 18 greymon spread out as they came through the gate and started firing on any targets, people, buildings, cars, anything within range. Slowly buildings fell under the onslaught of the nova blasts and giga destroyer attacks.

Inside unit #2 Anxerxes watched as the underling greymon loaded the others data and then evolved.

"I'll have to keep an eye on that one. Opportunistic little shit!" Thought Anxerxes as he smiled at the destruction he had caused outside.

Minutes later overhead a helicopter from one of the local network tv stations flew over after hearing on the scanner about some major fighting going on around the well known unit #2. Inside the helicopter the reporter quickly got on his phone.

"Ted! Listen to me! I'm over unit #2 and well it's just unreal the amount of destruction I'm seeing. Theres at least fifteen large digimon destroying everything down there! Are you getting this? " Asked Floyd Benstine as he looked at his camera man.

The camera man gave a thumbs up while operating the nose camera by the remote control.

"Ok, Ted give us a minute." Said Floyd as he closed his cell phone and tapped Greg the camera man on the shoulder getting his attention.

"Send the feed to the station we're going live in 60 seconds." Said Floyd.

Greg quickly flips a couple of switches on the control board and grabs the shoulder cam used in the helicopter and on the ground. Looking through the sight Greg adjusts the focus on Floyd as the voice of Shelia back at the stations control room counts down in his headphones.

"Live in, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and go." Said Greg as he counted down the last ten seconds.

"This is Floyd Benstine of Channel 7 news I'm live over the much famed unit #2 of Hypnos here in Denver. Right now as I speak, below me there is at least fifteen very large digimon cutting a path of destruction around unit #2. The devastation I'm seeing is unreal, cars, buildings anything in their path is being destroyed. This is just unimaginable, I hope everyone is seeing what I'm seeing. Wait a minute I'm trying to make out something through the smoke down there. Greg, see if you can zoom in on about 4 o'clock position. I can't believe it! Theres a female tamer down there fighting with one of these large digimon, she's directing another digimon to attack one of the large orange digimon. I'd don't believe it the tamers digimon just destroyed one of the orange digimon! She's waving at someone I can't make out who, theres people down there! She's directing them to safety, covering them as they get away from the greymon I'm being told what they are now by the station through my headset. We're going to remain over the area as long as we can and keep showing you all at home whats going on here. This is Floyd Benstine for channel 7 news over Hypnos unit #2." Said Floyd in a shocked voice as he watches the retreat of the woman and her digimon from the battle ground below.

Inside unit #2 security control room.

"Ah, it's going better than I had hoped, no police or military forces to hold back the onslaught of my forces. One lone tamer and her digimon, how pathetic can this get? I'd at least hoped that Hypnos would have sent someone." Thought Anxerxes to himself as he caught the last part of the live news feed from channel 7 and waited for them to replay it or show more.

At Agent Stevens parents restaurant the group is eating the food they ordered and talking over old times and new ones.

"Well at first I thought it was just a dream and thats when I felt someone else in bed with me. As it turned out it was Kithira here, somehow I was able to travel to the digital world and bring her back with me." Said Devon as agent Stevens father rushed into the room slamming the door against the wall and ran over tv.

"Dad! Whats wrong?" Asked agent Stevens as his father turned on the tv.

"Channel 7 is showing a live battle between digimon a little over a mile away from here. The other customers are watching it out front." He said as he changed over to channel 7.

"Your kidding?" Asked Deb in disbelief as the older tv warmed up.

"No I'm not son. Outside you can here the explosions from here, I heard them when I was taking out the trash just a few minutes ago." He said as the sound on the tv came on.

They all watch as the scene at unit #2 is replayed again in silence.

"Everyone let's go we've got work to do." Said Kithira as she stood up.

"Hold it agent Kithira, theres some things you and everyone need to know before you go charging in there." Said agent Stevens as he stood up.

"All I need to know is there is digimon attacking innocent people in a city I'm sworn to protect." Said Kithira as she set her fork down on her plate.

"Anton Blake took over unit #2 sometime this morning. And has made a whole host of demands that the chief can't meet, one of those demands is you and the rest of the unit to turn ourselves over to him at unit #2 by 8 am tomorrow morning or he'll start killing the base personal." Said agent Stevens in a somber tone.

"That bastard is here in Denver then I don't have to chase him down in the digital world." Said Devon his voice taking on a feral sounding tone as he began raging.

"Son! Clam yourself. You can't go in there after him at least not through all them greymon alone. And not in your present condition." Said Cole as he placed his paw hand on Devon's shoulder.

"I've fought a greymon before Dad, and won. What's so hard about fighting a greymon?" Asked Devon looking up at his father.

"We fought that greymon together, you've never battled in a one on one mate." Said Kithira stepping in close to him.

"Then we all go in there and cover each others backs until we bring Blake down." Said Devon even more serious and determined than before.

"Devon you may now be a digimon but that doesn't mean that your indestructible! Besides you don't have the training the rest of us do." Lisa said to her son.

"Mother I have more training than you did the first time you and dad battled. Remember my friend from Britain? Mother." asked Devon.

"Yes, what about her?" Asked Lisa looking at Devon curiously.

"She's a renamon that fights in the battle dome once or twice a month for the prize money. And sometimes she asked me to sit in for her tamer when she couldn't be there for the match. She taught me a lot about battle before I knew who and what I was." Said Devon somewhat calmer than before.

"If he's had that much training then let him come." Said Alex from his seat next to Mike.

"One more can't hurt, especially against the somewhat overwhelming forces arrayed against us." Said Achilles standing up.

"Ditto here, he can only help us." Said Deb standing up next to Achilles.

"The more the merrier I always say." Said Dax tossing in his two cents.

"Ok you come with us but your coming as my tamer and your not to engage in direct combat unless it's an emergency." Said Kithira hugging Devon.

"There's some of our orders everyone needs to know about before we leave and it will only take a minute to cover them." Said agent Steven looking at Kithira for permission to continue.

"What are the orders?" Asked Kithira almost impatiently.

"Anton Blake is our primary target, we are to S&D him. Information was received this morning by chief St. John that he is a hybrid as defined under order 123-a and has proven to be to dangerous for containment. Any questions?" Asked agent Stevens looking at the group.

"Thats good enough for me." Said Dax pulling out his D-arc and deck of modify cards.

"Then heres the plan, the greymon outside the unit are first targets and with any luck Blake will come out and play." Said Kithira her voice flat and devoid of emotion.

"I sure hope so, I've wanted a piece of him ever since we got that report on Daryl's death and Kassy being alive the other day." Said Deb as she pulled close to Achilles.

"Sorry Dad, don't mean to eat and run but duty calls." Said agent Stevens as he gave his father a hug.

"I know son, y'all take care and stop them from hurting anyone else." Said his father as they started filling out of the room.

"How much is the bill?" Asked Dax pulling out his wallet.

"Don't worry about it, my sons in the same unit and that makes you family." Said Mikes father waving him off.

"Family or not I always pay, even if they don't know it." Said Dax laying the hundred dollar bill on the table and walking out the door after the rest of the group.

As the group walked through the main dinning room the sound of explosions could be heard even over the tv and all the customers talking about the news on the tv causing the group to speed up getting outside.

Once outside.

"Ok, I'm driving, Cole, Devon and Kithira with me up front. Everyone else in the camper!" Shouted Lisa as she held her hands out to Dax for the truck keys as they ran to the truck.

"Aren't we going with them?" Asked Alex from Mikes left shoulder.

"Might as well." Replied agent Stevens.

"Hey! Wait for us!" Kassy yelled as Dax was holding the door to the camper open.

"Better hurry up this boats leaving real quick!" Said Dax with a smile as they climbed in.

"Ok, everyones in lets go." Said Deb through the connecting window.

Before anyone could get sat down Lisa put the truck in gear and hit the gas causing everyone standing in the camper to grab for something to hold onto to keep from falling.

"Damn! Hey Lisa you in a hurry?" Asked Deb loudly.

"The sooner we get there, the better off the whole city will be!" Responded Devon from the front.

"Kassy, when we get there I want you to stay close to me and not engage in battle with the greymon." Said agent Stevens as he pulled out his D-arc and card deck.

"But I can help like everyone else, why do you want me to stay back?" Asked Kassy.

"Because I don't have a D-arc for you and can't use modify cards to help you in battle. Besides I don't want anything to happen to you." Said agent Stevens caressing her cheek lightly.

"I don't want anything to happen to any of us especially you Mike." Replied Kassy reaching up and holding his hand.

"Oh boy! Here they go with the mushy stuff!" Exclaimed Alex from Mikes shoulder.

"Alex! Behave will you for once." Said agent Stevens as he tried to hide his embarrassment from the others.

"Look at them blush." Said Deb as Mikes face and Kassy's ears turned red.

"Can it Deb! We got more important things to worry about." Said Dax as he prepared for the coming battle like Mike was.

"I was just trying to lighten the mood before we get there." Replied Deb as she to started getting ready.

"He does love her. Mister self proclaimed bachelor has finally fallen for someone. Well I won't stop it, he needs a female to be there for him. Unlike that last one that broke it off when she found out that Mike was a tamer. That one was a real nut case and gave me the creeps." Thought Alex to himself as he watched their unit get ready for battle.

Up front in the cab.

"Devon make sure you have the D-arc out and some general modify cards ready when we get there. You may not have time to look through your deck and have to act fast. Remember greymon have nova blast, great horn attack and firewall for attacks besides the physical claws and stomping someone to mush under their feet. Oh, and don't discount their tail. They can whip it around and use it as a weapon to. Here pull out my deck." Said Lisa as she handed her purse to him and floored the gas pedal to make a yellow light.

"And you complain about my driving! I think battling greymon would be more relaxing." Said Devon jokingly as he pulled out his mothers deck of modify cards from her purse.

"Why do you think I'm always complaining about your driving? Because you even scare me sometimes." Replied Lisa.

"Another two blocks should be close enough, any closer and we might lose the truck in the battle." Said Kithira as a nova blast flew by overhead.

"I don't think we're going to get another two blocks. Looks like the police have blocked the road up ahead." Said Lisa spotting the police cars blocking the road.

"Pull on up to the blockade and we'll walk the rest of the way." Said Kithira from the back seat.

"Cole, tell the others whats going and what we're going to do." Said Lisa as she started slowing the truck down to stop at the road block as Cole turned and stuck his head through the connecting window to tell the others.

Pulling the truck over to one side of the road block Lisa shuts the motor off and climbs out before the officers can approach the truck followed by the others. As agent Stevens hops out of the camper he sees the officers walking up and pulls out his Hypnos Id card and holds it up.

"Sorry miss but you can't park th-." Is all the officer gets out before being cut off by agent Stevens.

"I'm Agent Mike Stevens from Hypnos containment & control. We need to leave our truck here while we handle this." Said agent Steven in a loud and clear voice.

"Sir! I've been told not to let anyone through this road block without orders." Said the officer.

"Well officer this is my authorization right here! Hypnos Containment & Control who else do you think handles champion level digimon, the U.S. Army. I think not, those boys can't handle this level of digimon." Said agent Stevens as he walked over to one of the police cars and picked up the bull horn from the hood.

"I still need some sort of confirmation to let you through the road block sir." Said the officer.

"Fine, here's my phone. Call my boss chief St. John on his private line. It's listed as St. Johns office. And be sure to explain to him why dozens of people are dying right now while your keeping me from doing my job!" He shouted as he left his phone on the squad car and walked around it heading for the battle followed by the rest of the group.

Minutes later they entered the battle zone, smoke from the burning buildings dropping visibility down to less than a hundred feet.

"Ok everyone spread out and keep sharp for enemy contacts." Said Kithira as she stepped over a pile of rubble.

"Hey guys, I'm sensing a lot of digimon somewhere to the left front and some more to the right." Said Alex from Mikes shoulder.

"The ones on the right might be the greymon that have been doing this. I say we take them first." Said Deb in almost a whisper.

"Rayne you take top guard and see if you can spot anything from upstairs." Said Kithira looking over at Rayne and Dax.

"I'm on it." Said Rayne as she quickly disappeared into the smoke overhead.

"I hate fighting in smoke like this." Said Achilles as he helped Deb over a wrecked and twisted car.

"This is the part I hate the most when you know that the enemy is out there but can't see them." Said Dax as his eyes kept looking back and forth for any sign of the enemy.

"Reminds me of the village I first saw Kithira in." Said Devon to no one in particular.

"Everyone Move!" Shouted Kithira as she jumped left as a nova blast rocketed toward them out of the smoke.

Mike grabbed Kassy and dove left, Achilles grabbed Deb and jumped right as Cole was grabbing Lisa and going the same way. Devon jumped straight up and watched as the nova blast pass below his feet by a good twenty feet. On his downward plunge he grabbed what was left of a light pole and swung himself around like a gymnast on the high bar and landed deftly on top of it with his feet.

"HA ha ha, more data to load. Come on out and lets make it quick." Said the greymon as it slowly came forward out of the smoke that had obscured it's position.

"What are you that blind that you can't see me? And I always heard that greymon had good eyes." Taunted Devon sitting on the light pole as he reached into his gauntlets and pulled out Kit's D-arc and the prepped cards.

"We do but thats not what you should be worried about." Said the greymon.

"Then it must be your bad breath, really when was the last time you used some mouth wash other than sewer water?" Asked Devon as he flipped off the light pole backwards and in mid flip swiped the first card through the D-advanced before he landed on the ground.

"Damn, Devon do you have to taunt him like that. Whats he trying to prove?" Thought Kithira to herself as she felt energy flow into her body from a modify card.

"Oh your real funny, ha ha. Now die renomon, Nova Blast!" Said the greymon as he fired off the nova blast at Devon.

"Hyper-speed activate! Diamond Sphere!" Devon shouted as he curled into a ball as a diamond shell formed around his body.

As the power of the modify card flowed into her Kithira was already moving into attack position. The Nova blast past right over the diamond sphere that encased Devon to detonate behind him being it was aimed chest high and not lower.

"Hey ugly over here!" Shouted Kithira from a building ledge just above the greymon's head causing him to look her way.

"Oh great another one." Said the greymon he saw her as he moved and stood over Devon.

"Cole get Devon out of there!" Ordered Lisa from behind the car they had leaped behind when the attack had started.

"He's ok in the diamond sphere, now stay here." Said Cole as he stood up exposing himself to the greymon.

"He's right over me, here's a surprise for him." Thought Devon to himself as he threw his arms and legs wide breaking the sphere.

"ah oh, I could be in trouble time to get some help." Said the greymon when Cole stood up and realized that he was out numbered.

"Not so fast, rapid kick!" Shouted Devon as he jumped up from the ground aiming for the greymon's jaw.

As if in slow motion the greymon's head pulls back just enough for Devon's kick to miss, Kithira launches herself into the air not toward Devon but toward where the greymon's head will be in seconds as he starts to turn tail and run.

"Flying kick!" Kithira shouts just before reaching the greymon.

Theres the sound of Kithira's kick connecting and the greymon's head is moving back the way it came from in time for Devon to hit the greymon with a multiple kick combination on his way down. The greymon roars in pain but its not overwhelmed by the kicks and turns in defiance to face it's attackers once more. As Kithira lands on the light pole Devon used only seconds ago and Devon lands on the ground but quickly jumps away from the greymon.

"Thousand spell! Said Cole as he drew a siegel in the air with a big paint brush.

"Edens Spear!" Rayne shouts as she plunges down out of the clouds of smoke.

Both attacks are too much for the greymon to stand as he roars in pain before his data scatters.

"That was easy only a gig or 3 more and we'll be done." Said Devon jokingly as Cole walked over to him and Kithira dropped down from the lamp pole.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Asked his mother as she ran over followed by the rest of their group.

"Simple mother, diversion tactic. I was the center of his attention which allowed Kithira, dad and Rayne to get the upper hand." Said Devon smiling.

"Still there was things that greymon could have done and you would have been in a world of hurt." Said agent Stevens throwing his thoughts into the mix.

"But I-" was all Devon got out before being cut off by Kithira.

"I told you not to engage unless you had to! As my tamer it is your responsibility to help me in battle not the other way around!" Said Kithira looking at Devon.

"Right now is not the time to discuss who is right and wrong, there are enemy digimon close by." Said Cole getting everyones mind back on why they were there.

"Lets get moving the others may have heard the battle and be on their way here." Said Mike as he took Kassy by the hand.

"Hold on we need to talk about what we're going to do next." Said Deb looking at Kithira for an answer.

"Yes, lets plan what we're going to do first." Said Kithira.

"What did it look like up there?" Dax asked Rayne.

"Theres four greymon over to the right four blocks away. The others are spread out pretty thin in a circle around the unit, it looks like they're clearing a two block radius around the unit." Said Rayne.

"Anxerxes is making sure he can see anyone coming before they reach the base, it's what I would do." Said Mike from his position walking behind them with Kassy.

"With them spread out like they are, maybe we should go directly to the base and call him out?" Devon commented from one side.

"If we did that we could be surrounded and having to fight our way out also." Said Dax from the left of the group.

"Rayne, how many greymon did you count?" Asked Kithira.

"I saw 16 greymon and one metal greymon who seems to be leading the others." Said Rayne.

"Eh, they out number us two to one thats not good." Replied Kithira looking back at Rayne and the others.

"Fighting all them would leave us all way to weak to finish the job and rescue the base personal, besides we have no idea of how many digimon are inside with Blake." Said Achilles.

"Take the head of the snake and the rest will scatter with no one to lead them." Said Lisa whispered.

"What was that mate?" Asked Cole.

All eyes turn to look at Lisa.

"I said, if we take the head of the snake the rest would scatter. Meaning if we get Blake the rest of the digimon will scatter. It is after all him that is leading them." Said Lisa.

"The problem is getting to him. I doubt that his just going to walk out of the unit without a fight." Said Kithira looking at the wall of unit #2 through the thinning smoke.

"Well he does seem all fired up about wanting to get his hands on you for some reason. Being your part of the demands he made." Said Mike.

"Thats because of the secret Daryl and I found out about him a months before he murdered Daryl. He didn't want it get back to Hypnos, because if it did his plans would be ruined." Said Kithira as she scanned the thinning smoke for signs of more greymon.

"Surely it's not because of him being a hybrid. There has to be more than that for him to kill most of your unit." Replied Mike as he looked at her questioningly.

"It was partly about him but mostly about his plans to take over both worlds. We found out that his father is Xerxes the daemon that caused the network to crash ten years ago and also the one behind the anti-human movement that has been on the rise in the digital world in the last few years. Our last mission was to find out as much about his plans as we could." Said Kithira seriously.

"Heres the way I see it, we can ether battle all these greymon and tire ourselves out. Or we can walk up to one of the gates and call him out." Said Mike.

"That sounds like suicide if you ask me." Replied Deb.

"He strikes me as the type that not just wants to win a battle, but to gloat and make sure you know it." Said Dax.

"From what I remember about him, he liked to play chess in the cafeteria during lunch and used to get real mad when he lost. But lord help you if he won, he never let anyone forget it when they lost to him." Said Cole standing besides Lisa.

"Typical sore loser. And has an anger management problem and more if you all remember the psychological report on him." Said Devon as he danced in place keeping his leg muscles lose.

"I got a plan, but it's going to be tricky to pull off, if anyone is interested." Said Mike as all heads turned toward him.

"Lets hear it." Said Kithira as the helicopter from channel 7 news flew overhead.

Meanwhile at Hypnos Command 4 pm. That same moment.

"There is no way we can't turn over control of the network to him. If we did that, it would leave the entire country open to attack from the digital world!" Said chief St. John as he tossed a file on his desk.

"Is there a way that we can make it appear like he has control, when we still have it? Asked the President.

"Wouldn't work, he's to smart to fall for that. Anton Blake aka Anxerxes, has in depth knowledge of our systems and protocols. This makes him very dangerous no matter which world he's in." Replied chief St. John.

"Then what can we do?" Asked the President of the United States.

"For now, all we can do is hope and pray that my S&D team on site gets the job done. Otherwise I might have to agree with your advisors attack plan." Said chief St. John.

"If your team fails in regaining control of the unit, I'll be left with no choice but to order an all out bombardment of unit #2 by army forces in the region." Said the President.

"And that will be my official recommendation to you madam President if it comes to that." Replied chief St. John as Drake barged into the chiefs office.

"Sorry to interrupt you chief, you need to see whats on channel 7!" Said Drake as he hurried over and turned on the chiefs office t.v.

As the t.v. comes to life.

"Just moments ago I spotted a group of digimon and I guess their tamers having a very heated discussion on the ground. Now it appears that they are moving toward unit #2, as to which side they're on I do not know. The scene here is just unimaginable, whole city blocks have been destroyed around unit #2. And the smoke from the fires is blocking most of whats happening on the ground from my vantage point high above in channel 7's helicopter." Said Floyd Benstine as he looked out the door window.

"Excuse me! Chief, thats my friend Dax on the screen! Son of a bitch! He's alive, I knew that the report of his death was bullshit!" Said Drake almost ecstatic from seeing his friend alive.

"Drake! Watch your language in front of the president! If he's a friend of yours call him and get an update of whats going on in Denver besides what we're seeing on t.v." Said chief St. John.

Drakes cell phone goes off alerting him to a text message before he can do anything else. Pulling out the phone, Drake steps out of the chief's office only to step back in after reading the message.

"Chief, look at this." Said Drake holding his cell phone out to the chief. St. John takes the offered phone and reads the message.

"Give him all the help we can." Said chief St. John handing the phone back to Drake before turning and facing the camera.

"Madam President, that was a text message from one of my people inside unit #2. He can't help us right now but he's in a position to do something if need be." Said chief St. John.

"Do you have a plan?" Asked the president.

"Yes, yes I do. Now if you'll excuse me madam president I will get to work on just that. Unit #2 will be under our control before mid night." Said chief St. John.

"Update me as soon as something changes." Said the president as she turned off the camera and cut the connection.

"Get strike teams 1 through 5 to the gate room and get hold of your friend Dax and found out who's with him. You know the routine, and Drake get me some coffee in here. It's going to be a long day." Said chief St. John as he studied the lay out for unit #2 on his desk.

At unit #2 in the security room at the same time as chief St. John is watching t.v in his office.

The same news cast is watched intently by Anxerxes hoping to catch a glimpse of the group heading toward his new fortress.

"Faerthan! Get a group of digimon ready to repel this foolish group coming this way. And remind me later to load that metal greymon's data for allowing them to get this close." Said Anxerxes as he watched the monitor.

"Yes, my master. I'll see to it at once." Said Faerthan as he bowed, then turned and left the room.

In the corner of the room, sergent Davis watched as Anxerxes issued orders. Slowly he worked his cell phone out of his pants pocket and typed a text message,then sent it, hoping that his captors hadn't notice that he had awakened.

Outside unit #2.

"Are you sure this plan of yours is going to work?" Asked Devon as he hoped over the remains of another mangled car.

"Just remember what your to do if it works. Otherwise this is going to be the shortest offense in history." Replied agent Stevens as he walked around a pile of rubble and stopped in front of the south gate into unit #2.

"And if it doesn't the shit is going to hit the fan." Said Devon as he stopped slightly behind and to the right of Agent Stevens.

"Let's just hope he takes the bait." Said Kithira from the other side of agent Stevens.

"Well lets get this over with." Said Alex from agent Stevens shoulder as Kassy step up between Kithira and Mike drawing stares from both of them.

"I thought I told you to wait back with the others." Said Kithira annoyance in her voice.

"You did mother, but I chose to be here with Mike." Said Kassy moving closer to agent Stevens.

Kithira eyes her daughter for a second and starts to say something when agent Stevens raises the bull horn in front of his mouth and keys up the bullhorn he got from the police.

"This is Agent Stevens of Hypnos, Anxerxes I'm here with Agent Kithira. Come out and lets talk about your demands." Said agent Stevens.

"Now all we can do is wait and see if he comes out of there." Said Kithira as she watched the gate and the walls to ether side.

"I'm ready for what ever comes out of that gate, I've got some modify cards set up." Said Devon with his paw like hands inside of each gauntlet.

"Good, now lets hope he comes out and does not send a bunch of lackeys to do his work." Said Alex from agent Stevens shoulder.

"On guard people! The gates opening up." Exclaimed Kithira as she took up a battle stance.

"Lets just hope the others where able to find a working gateway and-" Is all agent Stevens got out before being interrupted.

"Bada Boom!" hollered Impmon sending five fireballs at the group as he bounced out the gate followed by a unknown digimon.

"Scatter! Shouts agent Stevens as the fireballs fly toward the group, he tosses Alex into the air and dives for cover.

"Free thrown bomb! Exclaims the BomberNanimon as he hurls a bomb their way from behind Impmon.

Kithira and Devon jump high into the air and in unison, both of them crossing in the air and moving closer to the Impmon. Kassy caught almost off guard ducks just in time as Impmon's bada boom attack fly's over her head, and the free thrown bomb attack lands right in front of her.

"Kassy get out of there!" Shouts agent Stevens when he sees the bomb and starts running to her.

Kassy throws herself into a back flip trying to put some distance between herself and the bomb as Agent Stevens rushes toward her.

"Digi-modify! Diamond Claws Activate! Hyper Speed Activate!" Shouts Devon from the left side as he jumps into the air.

On the right side Kithira feels the power of the modify card enhance her already sharp claws with the strength of diamonds.

As if in slow motion Alex watches as Mike throws himself between the bomb and Kassy and watches in horror as the bomb explodes. Agent Stevens takes the force of the blast full on and is thrown back into Kassy, knocking her off her feet.

"MIKE!" Shouts Alex as he dives for his partner, his shout drawing the attention of Devon and Kithira for a second.

"Diamond Storm!" Exclaims Devon as he reaches the apex of his jump aiming for the Impmon.

Kithira on the other hand runs at the BomberNanimon, her claws gleaming in the light.

"Power Paw!" Shouts Kithira when she reaches the BomberNanimon and strikes twice knocking the digimon back toward the gate.

"Hey, those claws hurt you bitch! Try this Explosive Punch!" Said BomberNanimon throwing a punch at Kithira and missing as she stepped away.

"Ah shit I should have stayed in the digital world!" Exclaims the Impmon as the diamond storm attack hits him but doesn't destroy him.

"Yeah you should have!" Said Devon as he lands next to Impmon and a second later sends him flying back over the wall of unit #2 with a well placed kick between the uprights causing Impmon to scream in pain.

"Rapid Kick!" Shouts Kithira as she attacks BomberNanimon again, connecting and causing him to back up a step.

"Was that supposed to hurt?" Asked BomberNanimon casually as he wiped off his chest.

"Oh shit! Kithira's in trouble!" Thinks Devon to himself as he pulls out his modify cards and D-arc and looks at the cards he has ready for this situation.

"Well then, I'm just getting started." Said Kithira as she circled him.

"So am I! Free thrown bomb, free thrown bomb!" Shouted BomberNanimon tossing two bombs at Kithira.

"Digi-modify! WarGreymons Shield Activate!" Shouted Devon as the bombs flew through the air toward Kithira and the shield appeared in her hands.

"Heres some for you to! Free thrown bomb!" Shouted BomberNanimon throwing a bomb at Devon as the other two impacted and exploded on the shield protecting Kithira.

"Diamond Shield!" Shouted Devon as he jumped away from the bomb and curling into a ball as the diamond shield formed around him

After the bombs explode on the shield Kithira takes the shield and throws it like a Frisbee at BomberNanimon and then jumps away.

"Clang!" The sound of metal hitting metal is heard.

"Thanks for the shield Renamon. But I don't need it, Here take it back!" Said BomberNanimon as he throws the shield back at Kithira.

Kithira dodges right as the shield flies toward her just barely avoiding taking her head off but clips her shoulder drawing blood. Kithira growls in rage from the pain and changes direction again, the hyper speed power boost making her a blur of movement.

"Damn that was close! That hurt but not as bad as it could have been." Thought Kithira to herself as she maneuvered for another attack. And so did BomberNanimon but not at Kithira or Devon instead he was setting his sights on the three a short ways away.

Almost a mile away as the battle is going on.

"Theres an internet cafe, they should have a gateway we can use." Said Dax as they crossed the street holding up traffic.

"I hope the chief's plan works or this is going to be a real short trip." Said Rayne from behind him.

"I still don't like leaving Devon behind, I wish he was with us." Said Lisa looking up at Cole.

"He's not going to leave his mate you know that. Nor more would I under the current circumstances." Replied Cole.

"Kit kat can handle a lot of stuff, Devon's better there with her than here with us going to the digital world." Said Deb as they entered the internet cafe.

"Welcome to Reds Internet Cafe, Can I help you all?" Asked the saleswomen behind the counter as they walked in.

"Do you have a digital gateway on site?" Asked Dax looking around.

"Yes, we do. But it's-" Is all she can get out before Dax cuts her off.

"Hypnos official business where is it?" Asked Dax rather impatient.

"Behind the wall and to the left." She Said pointing to the small wall that jutted out from the stores side wall into the main area.

"Thanks." Is all Dax said as he headed for the wall and disappeared behind the wall followed by the others including the saleswomen.

Behind the wall Dax gets on the keyboard and starts typing his id and password into the system. The system comes to life as his id is confirmed.

"Well everyone on the pad and lets get out of here." Said Dax waving everyone to get on the transport pad. Once all of them are on the pad, Dax hits the button that will send the group to the digital world and steps on the pad with the others very quickly. The saleswomen watches as they fade out to nothing and then the gateway resumes lock down mode.

Close by on the battle field.

"MIKE! Come on Mike! Wake up buddy, come on you got to wake up!" Said Alex almost hysterical as he shook Mike by a shoulder.

A soft groan comes from Agent Stevens as he slowly starts to regain consciousness, and rolls over as Kassy pushes him off of her.

"What happened? What's wrong with Mike?" Asked Kassy looking up at Alex.

"He took the brunt of the attack protecting you from BomberNanimons attack." Said Alex looking over agent Stevens.

"Alex we've got to get Mike out of here, and I mean now!" Said Kassy as she jumped up, then tried to pick up agent Stevens.

"Trying to leave so soon, ah come on I'm just getting started." Said BomberNanimon as he readied another attack, drawing Alex's attention.

"YOU HURT MICHEAL!" Said Alex looking up at BomberNanimon.

"Good he's a pathetic human that shouldn't have gotten involved." Replied BomberNanimon as he closed the distance between himself and Alex.

"Take care of Mike. I'll take care of BomberNanimon." Said Alex looking at Kassy then leaping into the air at BomberNanimon surrounded by a bright glowing light.

"Free Thrown Bomb! Free Thrown Bomb!" Shouts BomberNanimon hurling two bombs at Alex a second apart.

From Kassy's position next to Mike, she watches as the bombs fly's straight and true. Both bombs explode at point blank in front of Alex. Alex screams as the blast hits him and knocks him back to land beside Mike and Kassy.

"A bunch of rookies is what they send against me! Don't they have anything better to offer?" Asked BomberNanimon almost laughing.

Elsewhere nearby.

Devon shatters the diamond shield upon hearing Alex scream and looks around in time to see Kassy picking up Alex. Reaching into his gauntlets he pulls out the stack of cards and D-advanced, looking through the cards he sees the tip of a blue card in the stack. Pulling out the blue card a thought comes to him.

"Kit! No questions! Check your deck!" Shouts Devon holding up a blue card as he starts moving toward her.

Kithira looks at Devon and nods, pulling out her deck Kithira finds a matching blue card and holds it up for Devon to see as he reaches her side.

"Great time to take this to the next level. Swipe them together on three, look at the screen then shove the D-advanced back into our gauntlets fast. Three, two, one, swipe!" Said Devon as he swiped the card through the D-advanced.

Almost in unison they swipe the cards through the D-advances, check the screens, then shove them into their gauntlets. In one voice as the light of digivolution surrounds them.

"Digi-modify! Digivolution Activate!" They both shout.

"Renamon digivolve to Kyubimon!" Shouts Kithira as the digivolution process starts.

"Renomon digivolve to Armor Kyubomon!" Shouts Devon as the power of the card flows into him.

Back over where agent Stevens, Kassy and Alex are.

Kassy picks up Alex and takes him close to agent Stevens as he comes fully awake.

"Alex! Oh Alex, what happened to you?" Asked agent Stevens as he takes Alex from Kassy's arms.

"Yeah, buddy. Not bad for our first battle together?" Asked Alex as he looked up at Mike and then to Kassy as parts of his body started to fade away.

"Alex hold on, let me get out the cards so I can help you." Replied agent Stevens as he tried to get his deck out of it's belt case.

"No buddy it's to late for that. Besides I was only meant to be here until your true partner showed up." Replied Alex looking up at Mike then over at Kassy.

"What do you mean by that? Asked agent Stevens somewhat confused by what Alex was saying.

"Kassy loves you in away I can't, you love her in away that you can't love me. You to are meant for each other. Now give me to Kassy theres one thing I have to do before it's to late." Replied Alex as his form started to fade even more.

Agent Stevens honoring his best friends request holds him up for Kassy to hold, tears running down his cheeks.

"Alex you can't leave! We've just got to know each other." Said Kassy as she took him from Mike.

"Kassy I can't be reborn here in a digi-egg, nor can I return there in time, I've lost to much data by now. So heres my last gift and request to the both of you. Kassy load my data, love Mike for the both of us." Said Alex as he looked up at her for the last time and made a wish with the last of his breath before closing his eyes. Holding Alex's body close to hers Kassy feels his body slowly merging with her. His remaining power flowing through out her body strengthening her. In front of Mike a gold D-arc appears floating and slowly drops into his hand.

"This is the only wish I ever made, for you two to be partners." Alex's ghostly voice says as the light from his D-arc on Mikes belt goes dark forever.

Wrapping her arms around Mike, Kassy looks into his eyes.

"Lets finish this for Alex, partner!" She said pulling away.

Pulling himself to his feet, Mike takes Alex's D-arc off his belt and hooks the gold one on the ring with it. He then pulls out his deck of modify cards and pulls the top ten cards from the deck and returns the rest to his belt pouch.

"For Alex!" Shouts Mike as he swipes the first card.

Kassy watches as Mike swipes the card and then feels the power of the card flow into her along with the all the raw emotions Mikes going through with the loss of Alex.

"Oh! This is almost as good as mating!" Thinks Kassy with the influx of power floods her body making it glow.

"Digi-modify! Edens Javelin Activate!" Shouts Mike as tears still roll down his cheeks.

"To much power! TO MUCH POWER! I, I CAN"T! NOT I, WE!" Said Kassy shaking her head back and forth as her voice going from normal to a shout as she stepped over and pulled Mike to her as the blinding bright light envelopes them.

Inside Unit #2 security control room.

"Faerthan you have my permission to load that coward Impmon's data. Send out biker boy and a few of the Cherrymon to clean up that mess him and BomberNanimon made of it at the east gate." Ordered Anxerxes as he watched the battle on the monitor. Behind him in the corner sergent Davis looked down at his cell phone's display.

"Team in-bound from digital world we need the gateway access code for the unit. Can you get it?" Said the text message on the screen.

Looking over at the monitor that showed the gate rooms computer screen. Sergent Davis types in the current code and sends it.

Seconds later the vibrate goes off on his phone, alerting him of another message.

"Understood, helps coming." Is all the second message says.

Back outside the east gate.

"What the Fuck!" Exclaims BomberNanimon as three digivolutions happen around him, his eyes looking back and forth watching.

As the light dies away from the first two digivolving he sees a normal Kyubimon and another that looks like a Kyubimon but very different. That one is not only bigger by almost half again the size a normal Kyubimon, but had nasty looking high polished armor with spikes all over it ranging from 6 inches to 2 feet. All of them covered with different colored substances. The colors on some leaving no doubt to being deadly poison. The armor itself covered him completely from nose tip to the tip of every one of his nine tails without seams or any kinks in the armor to be exploited for weakness, yet he seemed to be able to move as if it was silk covering his body and not the smooth near blinding armor. Standing over 10 feet tall and snarling made for an impressive if not a down right frightening sight.

"Digivolving won't help you for the pain I'm going to inflict on you and will still hurt just as much." Said BomberNanimon as he drew back his arms to throw some more bombs at them. Only to have his arms grabbed from behind.

"We may have something to say about that." Said a voice dark and guttural.

"What the!" Exclaimed BomberNanimon as his arms were jerked into a new position they never were meant to be in with a sickening snap and pop.

"You killed Alex, now you pay the price." Said the same dark, guttural raging voice as he picked up BomberNanimon and slammed him into the ground in front of the dark digimon like a rag doll.

"Hey, I'm just following orders!" Shouts BomberNanimon helplessly as he looks upward to see the results Digivolution he missed and knew true fear. "Dark S-Sakuy-

"Soul Stealing Revenge Attack!" Exclaimed the Dark Digimon sending a bolt of dark energy into BomberNanimon. When it hits, BomberNanimon is almost instantly deleted. And his data is absorbed by the Dark Digimon with an evil gleam in his eyes. His eyes barely seen through the helm, black orbs with blood red irises that were filled with the need for revenge and hate. A horrifying chuckle was heard from the Dark Digimon..

"Now for your master!" Said the Dark Digimon angrily as he looked at the now open gate of unit #2.

Here ends chapter 10 part 1

Ok everyone, as the title implied this is the end of chapter 10 part 1. Now we have other projects going on and we'll be working on them the rest of this month. Maybe we'll get some of chapter 10 part 2 done before Christmas but by the way it's looking I doubt it. So Part 2 will be set for release in January 2008. Until then Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thanks for reading this series that myself and my wife Lady Shandi have put so much of ourselves into this year. Later mons.

Note from me, Lady Shandi: And maybe, just maybe I'll be able to get my muse back, damn I hate writer's block!@.@ ...and get my series I'll tell you what... the first release of that series will be a trilogy. I am calling it My Life as a Kindred. And the first trilogy will be called: Amandus,Aengellus and Marcius. Expect a really long read all three characters are by current time 2005 years old....I think that's all I will say about it for now, I just love teasing and well I don't want to spoil the plot.

Have a blessed Yule, a merry Christmas and a beautiful new year.

Lady Shandi