CoB2 - Special Delivery: Episode 8

Story by wesley_bracken on SoFurry

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#8 of City of Bears: Series Two - Special Delivery

Men all around the city have begun to receive complimentary gifts from Bear Boutique in the mail, bringing with them all sorts of surprises.

Three guys discover there is some magic left in Christmas after all.

City of Bears - Series 2: Special Delivery Episode 8: A Christmas Story

By: Wesley Bracken Commissioned By: Karwood

It was Christmas morning, but somehow, it just didn't feel right, Nick thought as he got up from his bed, rubbing his head as he did. His housemates and him had all drank a little too much last night, and he was feeling a bit hung over. The old house they were renting was silent aside from the occasional creak and groan of old timber, and the air was frigid. The only heating in the house came from an old boiler than barely worked, not that they had the money to pay the gas bill it rang up when it was on. He pulled on his thick robe and slippers, wondering when in the hell Christmas had lost it's magic, and when he'd grown up and turned into an adult, with a nine to five retail job he hated, and bills to pay, and his first morning aches and pains. It wasn't fair, really, that nobody bothers to tell kids that all of that giddy excitement of opening presents, surrounded by siblings and parents taking pictures next to a warm fire never lasts. It didn't help that this was his first Christmas away from home, but he couldn't afford to take any time off, and he was working returns for the rest of the week, which was sure to be a nightmare. He tried not to think about it and headed down the creaky stairs to go make a pot of coffee before Tom and Carl woke up.

The three of them had met as students at Bortman University, and had graduated last spring. Tom hadn't been able to find a job at all until the holiday season struck, managing to find a job delivering packages for a shipping company. Without the money coming in from Carl's parents for rent, the three of them would have never been able to afford even a dump like this, but they were tired of financing him, and when that dried up Nick was pretty sure it would be time to move back in with his parents. He tried to think about happy things, but found there weren't very many at the moment. He trudged past the living room, already in a sour mood, headed towards the kitchen, and stopped. Backing up, he took a second look, and rubbed his eyes, wondering if he was imagining what he was seeing.

The entire living room had changed, seemingly overnight. Red and green tinsel was strung over the windows and along the molding around the room, but there in the center was a massive Christmas tree, smelling of fresh pine, with a pile of presents underneath it. Over to the side, there was a fire lit in the fireplace (even though none of them had ever used it, considering the landlord forbid fires of any kind) with three stocking hung over it, sagging with their contents--whatever they may be.

Was it too good to be true? Nick wasn't entirely sure, as he wandered about, a bit dumbstruck. A better question was who had done it? It hadn't been Tom, he didn't have the cash to pull off something this extravagant. Had it been Carl? That didn't make much sense either. Besides, something like this would have taken way more than one person, and how could it have even gotten done in a single night? He checked under the tree, and all of the presents had tags on them, labeling them for Nick, Tom or Carl, but there was no name to show who had given them. Of course, it could have been...but that was just silly. Nick didn't believe in kids stuff like that anymore. Besides, it wasn't like the three of them were particularly 'nice' people, or all that deserving in Nick's opinion. Still, he was curious, he had to admit.

When he was a kid, he'd always started with his stocking, so he took down his red, felt sock and turned it over, dumping the contents onto the floor. It wasn't much, really. There was a burlap bag with something else in it, what looked like a glasses case, and lastly, a can of some kind of spray. Picking up the can, he saw that it was a body spray of some variety, but he didn't recognize the store name on the label, some place called "Bear Boutique." The spray itself was called "Christmas Future," with a picture of a laughing Santa on the side, but not much else to tell him what it smelled like. He popped off the cap, intending to spray a bit in the air to test it, but as soon as he pushed down on the button, a jet of a white, smoke-like spray shot out and hit him directly in the face.

He dropped the bottle to the ground, coughing, trying to wave the spray away from his face, but it was so dense it wouldn't clear. It smelled like smoke, mostly, but a sweet smoke, with hints of cinnamon and pine. It wasn't all that offensive of a smell, actually, and the smoke seemed to be clearing so that he could at least see. He looked up and saw his reflection in a large ornate mirror hanging on the wall, and suddenly wished he hadn't. The spray wasn't dissipating at all. In fact, it almost looked like it was collecting around his head in a bushy cloud. As he watched, the cloud became denser, and suddenly gained a new form--a massive white beard which was now attached to Nick's face.

Terrified, he tried to tug at the hair, but found it was firmly attached, like he had grown it himself, but that wasn't possible, was it? How could a beard suddenly sprout on someone's face like that? He was so shocked he didn't notice that the cloud of smoke hadn't actually gone away, it had merely moved, and was now forming a in a halo around his head. When it moved away a moment later, most of Nick's hair had disappeared entirely, leaving a shiny bald dome, aside from a pure white horseshoe around the base of his skull. He went to run to the bathroom, hoping that by getting in the shower he could stop whatever was happening to him, but as he hurried, the cloud descended and enveloped his face, whiting out his vision and sending him careening into a wall and crashing to the floor.

The smoke cleared away a moment later, drifting south and hovering about his chest, but looking around, Nick saw that everything was blurry. Previously he'd had perfect vision, but now he could barely make out objects five feet in front of him. He crawled around the floor for a bit, when his hands found the stocking which he'd left lying on the ground. After rummaging nearby, he found the glasses case which had been dumped out, popped it open, and found some glasses inside, which he hurried to put on, finally allowing him to see again, but by then, he wasn't entirely sure he wanted to look at himself.

The smoke had progressed quickly, having already passed down his chest, two rings separating off to work their way down his arms all the way to his fingers. By now, he had a ring around his hips, which was quickly descending all the way down to his feet. The robe was now stretched tight against his body, so he undid the knot and opened it, revealing a massive gut covered with white hairs. Nick had never been that hairy of a guy, but apparently that had changed, and he saw it extended up onto his shoulders, and when he reached around to feel his back, he felt an equally thick pelt back there as well. He'd packed on a lot of weight, concentrated in a big gut jutting out and sagging a bit, and two sagging man tits hanging off his chest with meaty nipples on the end. Looking at his face, he saw that it now reflected a man in at least his sixties, if not a bit older. Between the crow's feet and wrinkles, the beard and the baldness, no one would believe that just a minute before he had been twenty-three. The half-moon spectacles he now needed only added to the image of an elderly gentleman standing in his living room.

The smoke reached the floor, and after curling around Nick's feet it finally disappeared into a collection of wisps, like it had never been there at all, and Nick wasn't sure what to do. He still wanted to take a shower, hoping that maybe he could somehow wash off the changes, but something stopped him. Unable to help himself, he reached up with one hand and started tweaking one of his nipples, letting out a deep moan of excitement. He might be an old man, but this old man was horny. He stepped out of the now too tight boxers which he had worn to bed and wrapped one hand around his cock...his really, big cock. He'd always been a bit unsatisfied with his four inch member, but he wasn't going to have a problem with that anymore, with his new ten incher. It was thick too, and really sensitive, hardening rapidly as he stroked it, his other hand still exploring his body, loving how his new body hair felt under his palm, and the soft belly he'd grown, and his massive nuts hanging low beneath his cock. The only thing which could make it better was...was...

Nick looked around, trying to figure out what he needed. There was a taste on his tongue--something familiar, like the smell of the spray. The final item from his stocking caught his eye, the burlap bag, and he picked it up and opened it to find a large, full bent pipe, a lighter, and rich dark tobacco which permeated the air, making him salivate. He filled and tamped the pipe, amazed at how the movements came so naturally to him, as though he had been doing it all his life, stuck it in his mouth and lit it, breathing in deep. With a sigh, he plopped down in his armchair, put his big feet up on the ottoman and let the smoke billow about him and permeate the room, especially enjoying how it wound its way through his bushy beard. Reunited with his pipe, Nick figured he could get back to his other urges, and went back to stroking his cock, slowly, just enjoying the quiet Christmas morning before his housemates woke up. The two of them sleeping soundly...thinking about all of the nice and naughty things Nick could do to them when they came downstairs...He stroked his cock a bit faster, just thinking about them. He'd never seen Carl naked, but he'd accidentally gone into the bathroom while Tom was showering, and he could still remember how nice that boy's ass had looked, with a good sized cock. Nick had disrobed and climbed in with him for a bit of fun, pushing Tom down onto his knees before his daddy's cock, which he licked and slurped at eagerly.

Nick pushed the thoughts away, unable to tell whether they were fantasy or reality. Everything just felt so...strange all of a sudden, and he wasn't sure what he was supposed to do. It did feel good though, just lounging about waiting for his boys to get up. No need to rush them, they'd have all the time in the world to open their presents and celebrate. As he mused a bit, dozing slightly in his chair, he heard one of the upstairs doors open and close, followed by footsteps coming down the hallway, and then down the creaky stairs. "What...What's that smell?" he heard Tom say, "Is that smoke?" Worried that the house might be burning down, he rushed into the hazy living room, and Nick started laughing as he watched his wild eyes housemate glance around in panic. It came out surprisingly...jolly, a resounding "HO, HO, HO," which he wasn't expecting. Tom wasn't expecting it either, as he whirled around to find himself faced with a fat older man wearing his friend's robe, smoking a pipe and stroking his cock in an armchair. To flabbergasted to speak, he just backed himself up into a corner of the room, breathing in more and more of the smoke around him, which was making him dizzy and...horny? The man in the armchair chuckled again and got up from the chair, pulling the too tight robe around his gut, which still couldn't hide away his massive cock. "Well a merry Christmas to you too, Tom," the large man said with a grin.

"How...How do you know my name?" Tom asked, his head spinning. For some reason he was finding it hard to concentrate, with all of the smoke in the air. "Are you...Santa?" The question was ridiculous, sure, but what else could explain all of this? The new decorations, the fat older man appearing in their house. The very...attractive, older man, he found himself adding.

"No, I'm not Santa, though I will be your 'Old St. Nick," if you'd like," he said and came closer to his friend. Close enough to blow a thick cloud of sweet smoke right into Tom's face, which the younger man breathed in happily, feeling his cock harden in his boxers.

"Wait...Nick? Is that you? What--" Tom was cut off by his friend taking in a big breath of smoke, locking lips with him, and blowing the smoke deep into his lungs. Tom expected to cough, but he just took it all in naturally, held it for a moment, and then blew it back into Nick. They shared the same breath for a minute, making Tom feel even more woozy, but now he couldn't tell whether it was because of the smoke, or the attraction for this older man which had kindled to life. He reached out and undid the robe, allowing him access to Nick's round belly, which he began to rub. The hair was soft against his palms, and he wanted to press his face into it, into the crevice between Nick's moobs, licking at his chest, moving over to his nipples and sucking on those...He struggled a bit, trying to get away from the smoke and these feelings, but Nick pushed him back with his gut, pinning him to the wall with his bulk, and gave him another smoky kiss. By the time they parted, Tom couldn't resist any longer. He pulled the older man closer to him and kissed him again, Nick stopping only to pull off Tom's shirt and rub his flat muscular chest. Yeah, the boy was cute, that was certain, but he still had some growing up to do.

Nick backed off, and Tom, his cock erect in his boxers, pursued him, but Nick chucked and held him at bay, "Now, now boy. We'll have plenty of time for that. Why don't you go ahead and look and see what Santa put in your stocking?"

Reluctantly, Tom walked over to the warm fireplace and pulled out the items in his stocking, occasionally looking back over his shoulder, at Nick, who was eyeing him. Was that really Nick? His head was so foggy all of a sudden, it was difficult to pick out what was actually happening. Maybe this was all just a dream. He'd probably wake up before long, and none of this will be real, and he'll never tell anyone that he had a dream about kissing Santa Claus. "God, how fucked up is that?" he muttered to himself, quietly enough that Nick didn't hear. From the stocking he pulled three things: a burlap bag similar to the one Nick had found in his own, a small jewelry case made of burnished wood, and lastly a can of spray which looked similar to the one Nick had used, but which was labeled "Christmas Present."

"Ah, good. You did get one. I was hoping so," Nick said, grabbed the can and popped off the top. Before Tom could object, he pointed the can at his friend and let loose, spraying him from top to bottom, Tom trying to protect himself from the onslaught. Where Nick's spray had appeared like smoke, Tom's came out looking more like oil, clinging to his skin like a sheen wherever it landed. The smell was different too, though it had the same smoky notes, it was also muskier and even a bit dank.

Tom rubbed his sprayed hand along his stomach, feeling it slick with the substance, and felt his stomach turn. "What the fuck is that stuff?"

Nick just watched eagerly, unsure of what was about to happen, but eager to watch the change he was sure was coming. He saw that where the spray had landed, the sheen had disappeared, almost as though the spray had been absorbed into Tom's skin, and his friend found himself beginning to heat up. While Tom had been a big track star in college, and generally very slim and lean, the past year out of work had left him growing pudgy. He'd tried to keep up his workouts, but without access to the school gym, and no money for membership fees, he'd usually spend the days lounging about, eating junk food. He certainly didn't like his new physique, but like the rest of his life, it seemed like everything was crumbling down around him.

As the spray absorbed into his body, he began to feel very hot. The heat soon became a flaming ache, radiating out from where the spray had landed the heaviest and spreading across his entire body, making Tom double over in pain. It felt as though every muscle in his body was involved in the most intense workout he had ever experienced, as mass began piling on beneath his skin. Fat melted away and was quickly replaced by muscle, his gut replaced with firm abs once again, his pecs firming up and pushing out into thick slabs, his glutes and ass toning up, biceps bulging, everything growing larger and larger. When he managed to stand up straight again, he found that where he had been eye to eye with Nick moments earlier, he was now looking down at him, after gaining probably six inches of height. He squeezed his massive hands into fists, cracking his knuckles, and saw that the back of his hands were covered with black hair, which was spreading all across his body and onto his face, forming a neatly trimmed beard, his shaggy hair shrinking back into a buzzcut.

Tom crossed over to the mirror in two large strides, exploring his entire body with his new hands. He looked like he had aged a bit, to about forty-five years old or so, but he looked good. And he felt fantastic. Every part of his body thrummed with energy and vigor, something he'd only felt at the peak of his athletic career. With one hand, he gripped the now far too small boxers stairing against his muscular thighs and ripped them away with an easy tug, allowing his own massive, semi-hard cock loose from the tight confines. Something smelled great too, he though, smelling the fabric before tossing it away. Lifting one arm up, he discovered it was him. Musky and rich, but not overpoweringly so. Like a man ought to smell. A real man. Nick came up behind him wrapping his arms around Tom as far as he could and massaging his partner's new muscles. "So boy, you like your present?"

"I sure do 'Santa'," Tom said with a grin. His deep resonant voice caught him off guard, but it suited the new him. A man large and in charge, but something about the plump older man was turning him on big time, and he bent down and kissed him again, receiving another cloud of smoke from his daddy. When they parted, Nick buried his face in Tom's neck and took a deep breath of his boy's musk, letting out a moan as his cock grew even harder.

"Dang boy, I love the way you smell."

"Then I bet you'll love this, daddy," Tom said, and raised one arm over his head, revealing his hairy pit. Nick buried his face in it for a moment, savoring the smell and taste, and then pulled back, trying to keep a hold on his arousal.

"Later boy, later. You have some other stuff from your stocking to look at, and I think...I think there's a present around here I want you to open. Yeah...yeah, let me go find it. Then we can have some fun, I promise."

Tom grinned, and Nick returned to the tree, digging through the presents, looking for the one he was thinking of. He didn't know why he needed this present, or really what he was looking for, but he knew he'd recognize it when he saw it. After a moment or two, he saw the box he was looking for and pulled it out, then hurried to give it to Tom to open.

Tom had been busy in the meanwhile. He'd pulled out a pipe of his own from the burlap sack and gotten it lit, before examining the small jewelry box. Inside, he'd found a brand new set of piercings, which he was in the process of putting on. There were two small rings for his nipples, a horseshoe for his septum, and a collection of rings and barbells for his ears which he was busy inserting in all the proper places. He wasn't sure exactly how he knew where they went, but they all slipped into place naturally, like he'd had them for ages. When he saw the hulking muscle bear all pierced up and ready to go, Nick almost couldn't resist throwing himself at him then and there, but he held off, and handed him the box. After tearing off the wrapping and opening it up, Tom grinned widely and pulled out a brand new leather harness.

"Aww...Nick, you shouldn't have!"

"Well, I know yours has gotten a fair bit of use, and one of the straps is about to break, so I just thought you might need a new one." Nick said, blushing a bit. Excited, Tom took a minute to strap himself in, while Nick tapped the ashes out of his pipe and re-lit it. He tried to remember a time when he hadn't smoked, but couldn't. His old life was fading away rapidly, and he was happy to let it go. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Besides, he had this sexy muscle beast to play with, and that interested him far more. While Tom tightened the straps crossing his chest, Nick took the last one and pulled it down, working the cock ring around Tom's hard cock and massive sack, causing it to jut out obscenely, the head red and leaking. Unable to resist, he got down and licked at it, savoring the rigid flesh as Tom moaned and pulled on his nipples and watched them in the mirror. It was so fucking hot, watching his daddy suck his massive cock, and he was right, the harness looked great on him, especially with the pipe in his mouth, blowing jets of smoke from his nose which curled through his chest hair. The leather, pulled taut against his muscles, only made him hornier. Tom was rarely wearing something which wasn't made out of leather, not that Nick minded, or Carl either. Where was Carl anyway, still sleeping? That boy was going to miss out on all the fun.

Tom wrapped his hands around Nick's head, and started shoving his cock deeper down his daddy's throat when he felt Nick reach between his legs and start toying with his hole with one of his fingers, making Tom shiver. Pushing against the finger, Tom opened up and allowed Nick to probe upwards, groaning as Nick added another, still sucking on his boy's cock, taking breaks only to take another drag off his pipe. When he figured Tom was good and open, he stood up, and Tom bent over the armchair, pushing his ass back towards Nick eagerly. Massaging his own rock hard cock with one hand, Nick took a deep drag off his pipe, pushed his lips against Tom's hole and blew the smoke deep into him, making Tom groan. "Yeah daddy, fill me with your fucking smoke."

"Yeah, you like that, leather bear? You like that pipe smoke up your ass?" Nick took another drag and pushed more up there, loving the way he could see a tendril or two twining along Tom's crack. Still, he wanted some of his boy's ass. He walked over and grabbed the lube from the mantle, Tom itching in anticipation, and after greasing up his shaft, Nick started working his old cock into his boy, holding onto Tom's new harness as he buried himself deep in Tom's hole, making the leatherman grunt and arch his back in pleasure. Nick, still thrusting, rubbed his bearded face into Tom's back, reveling in his sweat and musk, running the warm pipe bowl against his skin. Tom was so close to the edge, but he held back, allowing the pleasure to build higher and higher. Finally, with a massive plume of smoke, he released his load all over the seat of the armchair.

"Oh fuck, daddy. You fucked the cum right out of my massive balls!"

"Damn right I did, so hold on to your harness, cause daddy isn't finished with you yet!" Nick said, and continued thrusting. He knew a man his age shouldn't be able to keep up this well, but between the pipe and the hot muscle bear beneath him, he felt full of energy, his cock still rock hard, and every thrust better than the last. They were so engrossed in their fucking that they didn't even notice Carl's door open and close, or his steps on the stairs, or see his horrified face when Carl saw the two pipe smoking bears fucking in the living room.

He just stood there gaping, until Tom looked up and saw the boy there, and winked at him. "What are you waiting for boy? Merry Christmas! Now come on in here and play with your daddies!"

Carl freaked. Letting loose something between a yell and a scream, he ran past the living room, down the hall, and into the kitchen, looking around for anything he could use as a weapon. He grabbed a dirty frying pan out of the sink and hefted it, backing into a corner as Nick came rushing into the room, followed by Tom. "What's wrong, Carl? Are you alright?" Nick asked.

"Get the fuck away from me!" he shouted, and swung the pan in Nick's direction even though he was all the way across the room. "What the fuck...How the fuck did you get in my house?"

"Carl, it's me and Tom, your daddies. Look, just calm down. Everything's alright."

"Alright!? Everything is not alright! You two were fucking in my god damn living room like a couple of pigs!"

"That is no way to speak to your daddies, cub," Tom said, growling a bit.

"You're not my fucking daddy! Now tell me what the fuck is going on?"

"Alright, that's it. I've had enough with that sassy attitude of yours," Tom said, and marched across the kitchen towards Carl.

Nick started after him, "Wait Tom, the boy's just scared. He probably had a nightmare is all."

Tom didn't stop. He marched up to Carl, who was now shaking in terror as the large man approached. He swung the pan at him, but Tom ripped it from his hand, grabbed Carl and bent him over the counter, and began smacking Carl's ass with his palm, every smack bringing out a cry of pain from the boy.

"Please! Please don't!" Carl cried.

Tom continued, "No. This is what you get for talking back to your daddies. You get spanked, cub, you know that. So take your punishment like a man!"

Carl was vaguely aware of the smoke billowing out from Tom's pipe encircling him, and making him feel a bit dizzy. Suddenly, the slaps didn't hurt quite as much, or were tempered by something...else. His cock was getting hard, and he was aware that Tom's was standing at attention as well, pressing into his side. It felt...good, being so close to his daddy, and his...smell. Yeah, Daddy Tom always smelled really good. Carl loved just pressing his nose into his pit and licking it clean...Carl realized what he was thinking and rebelled, trying to pull away and crying for help. Tom just hauled him back and started hitting him harder.

Oh for fuck's sake!" Nick cried, coming over and stopping Tom's hand midswing, "This isn't helping. Now come here," he said, grabbing Carl by the wrist and hauling him into the living room, Tom scowling but following after him. Nick sat down in the chair and pulled Carl into his lap. Carl thought about trying to get away, but something about the old man's face was so comforting that he didn't really want to leave. And the smoke...the smoke smelled nice too. Tom stood nearby, glaring at both of them, but Nick ignored him. Tom liked his discipline, and Nick agreed it was necessary, but it was obvious the boy was scared and confused. He just needed some help sorting things out. "Now, Carl, tell me what's wrong. Did you have a bad dream?"

"No...No, this...This isn't how things are supposed to be! I mean, if you're Nick, and he's Tom, you're supposed to be my age, and all this stuff shouldn't be here...and...and..." Carl couldn't hold back anymore, and he started sobbing.

Nick pulled him close, burying his face in his fat, furry chest, breathing clouds of smoke over his terrified friend. "Now, now. It's alright. It was just a bad dream. You're safe here, with your daddies."

"No...No that's...That's not what it's supposed to be..."

"Then how is it supposed to be, cub?"

" were both younger, and we'd all just graduated from college, and we were poor. I doesn't sound all that great, but...but that's what it was."

"Well, that sounds like a nightmare to me," Nick said, "All alone in the great big world without any daddies to help you? That sounds pretty terrible to me."

Carl knew he was wrong, but something about the older man's voice, and all of that was hard not to believe him. And really, he knew he was awake, so maybe it all had been a dream. A horrible dream, and he was safe now. He knew that, safe and happy and secure with his daddies. "I...I'm sorry. You're right. I...It must have just been a dream."

"That's a good cub," Nick said, "But you still have to take your punishment for talking back and trying to hurt your daddies, right?"

Carl nodded, feeling more guilty and shameful than he'd ever felt in his life. He didn't know why he'd reacted like that, but he knew Tom had been right to spank him. He and Nick got up, and Tom sat down in the chair. Carl laid down on his lap, and Nick resumed his spanking, but he was a bit gentler than before. Still, Carl knew he deserved it, but that didn't stop him from feeling a thrill of excitement every time Tom's palm connected with his ass, and when he felt his daddy's cock pressing against his own. After twenty slaps, Tom allowed Carl to get up, rubbing his sore ass. "I'm sorry daddy. I didn't mean to talk back, or try and hit you."

Nick's hard demeanor softened a bit, and he pulled Carl close to him. "I know cub, and I'm sorry I was so rough with you." He gave Carl a kiss, tinged with smoke, and Carl felt his cock jump again. When they parted, Carl knew he was in love--had always been in love with his Daddy Tom,and his Daddy Nick too, of course.

"Now cub, why don't you go see what Santa brought you in your stocking?" Nick said, and Carl's eyes lit up with a childish glee. He hurried over to the fireplace and grabbed the last stocking hanging there, and dumped it onto the floor. Another can of spray rolled out, along with a couple pieces of fabric. He picked one up and found it was a Santa hat, and the other a red and green jockstrap with sleigh bells attached. However, the jock was way too big for him, and labeled a XXXL. Carl had never been that big in his life, and he never wanted to. He was perfectly happy with his slim, smooth swimmer's physique. Sure, his hunky daddies were sexy and all, but how did they expect him to fit into that?

"Here cub, try this first," Nick said, and picked up the can of spray, labelled Christmas Past. He took off the cap and started spraying it in Carl's direction, who held his breath. He'd expected the spray to just stick to him, but it hovered about him in a sticky haze. It smelled sweet, but had the same smoky undertones as his daddies' musk. Finally, he couldn't hold his breath and longer and he opened his mouth, when all of the spray rushed in and down into his stomach, which let out a loud grumble, as it began to expand. Carl grabbed at it, trying to quell the hunger growing there, but it grumbled again, and grew in his hands and kept growing, as though it were being inflated from within. He looked up at Nick, but the old man was just grinning lustfully, stroking his cock, and Tom was across the room, doing the same. Looking down, Carl saw that he now had a sizable gut, and every grumble just made it grow faster. He struggled up and made his way over to the mirror, where he saw the rest of his frame was expanding similarly, his face growing rounder, with a bushy goatee emphasizing his second chin. He had man boobs just like his Daddy Nick, and Carl's arms and legs were thick with fat as well. Turning to the side, he saw the star of the show, his ass. It had grown out just like his gut, inflating into the round supple globes. No wonder he needed a, XXXL jock to fit around that! His fur grew in as well, but he didn't have nearly as much as his daddies did. He wanted to be furry like them though, he wanted to be a daddy just as hot as they were when he grew up.

"Well, are you going to try on your new gear?" Nick asked.

Blushing a bit, Carl slipped into the jockstrap and put the Santa hat on his head. Grinning when he saw his daddies were pleased with the get up. "Yeah, I think all of the guys at the bar will go crazy for your act now," Tom said, "But I think it needs a little something else, don't you Nick?"

"Yeah, I think so," Nick added with a knowing wink, "Something that'll make all those men watching you dance think you're even hotter." He came over and gave Carl's belly a grope, as Carl tried to figure out what they were talking about. Dancing? Men? Bar? It came back to him slowly. Nick owned one of the hottest smoker bars in town, Daddy's Den. Nick worked the kitchen, Tom worked the bar and helped bounce any trouble makers, and Carl...Well Carl was the star, getting up on stage and shaking his ass for all the pipe and cigar bears in the audience. They loved it, and Carl loved the attention, he had to admit. He even got to go home with the occasional guy, provided his daddies gave him permission.

Tom dug around under the tree until he pulled out a small wrapped box. "It could have gone in your stocking I suppose, but I thought it deserved something more special," he said, and handed it to Carl, who opened it tentatively. He let out a little squeal of joy when he saw the three pipes and his own lighter in a box, and he rushed to give Tom a great big hug.

"Thank you daddy! Oh thank you!"

"Yeah, Tom and I figured that, since you're growing up and all, it's time for you to have your own pipes," Nick said, "But he's the one who picked them out for you. He wanted it to be his own special gift to you, just like when I got him his first pipe when he was your age."

Carl just marveled at them for a moment, too happy for words. "Well, are you just gonna look at them, or are you going to light one up?" Tom said.

The cub blushed, and took out a small, straight Dublin, carefully packed it with some tobacco from Tom's pouch, and lit it like a pro. He'd certainly had many a pipe with his daddies before, but this was special. This was his own pipe, and the thought made him proud, just as the smoke made him really horny.

Nick went and sat down in his armchair. "So, now that we've got you all dressed, how about getting a little practice in for tonight and giving Old St. Nick here a lap dance, and thank him for that nice new outfit of yours?"

Sauntering a bit to make the bells jingle as he walked over, Carl sat down in Nick's lap and started grinding his bare ass against Nick's rigid pole. "So tell me Santa, was I a good little cub this year?"

"I don't know, I think you were pretty naughty, I'm not sure there'll be any presents for you this year," Nick said with a grin.

Carl pouted, and turned around, putting his legs up on the armrests and running Nick's cock along his ass crack, "Isn't there anything I can do to get my name on the nice list? I'll do anything Santa, anything you want..." He pulled the pipe bowl from his mouth and ran it along Nick's large nipples, making the older man smile. He took in a breath of smoke and blew it into Carl's face, who inhaled as much of it as he could before it could get away. "I'd do anything for you, Santa..."

"Well why don't you get that hard pole up your ass, boy? That'll make Santa's day."

Carl grinned, and climbed off, jingling all the way over to the Christmas tree, where he started scrounging for a present, "I have something special for you though, I've been saving my tips all year to get it for you, because I know how much you like them..." he said, throwing a wink over his shoulder at his two daddies. He dug out a long box and brought it over to Nick in the armchair, grinning uncontrollably as his daddy opened it. Inside was a thick, foot long dildo shaped like a candy cane, tapered at one end to a point, like it had been sucked on, and a hooked end for gripping at the other.

"Aw cub, it's perfect! You know how much I love a good dildo up my old ass," Nick said, and hugged Carl tight, making the cub blush again.

"Yeah, I saw it at Bear Boutique and knew it would be perfect for you, so I saved up enough to buy it. Tom took me over one day so I could buy it without you knowing."

"Well," Nick said, stroking the rubber, "I think this thing needs a test drive, don't you? Would you like the honors, boy?" Nick said with a wink, and got down on the his hands and knees on the floor, ass in the air. Carl slathered the dildo with the lube from the table and started working it into Nick's hole. "Oh yeah boy, that's it. Work that candy cane deep into Santa's hungry hole. I think this will get you on the nice list for sure."

Tom watched the cub start working Nick's hole with the dildo for a moment, especially loving how his cub was already smoking his own pipe like a pro. Yeah, he was going to be a hit at the Christmas party tonight, he was certain of it. He came over and straddled Nick's ass, shoving his own cock in Carl's face who started sucking on it, holding his pipe in one hand, dildo in the other, happy as could be. He would take the occasional draw off his pipe and blow the smoke over Tom's cock as he blew him, loving his daddy shivered from the warm smoke on his cock and balls. Nick was just enjoying the massive dildo up his ass, letting out massive clouds of smoke with each exhale, feeling his cock getting close to cumming, but he held off, wanting to savor the moment.

"Alright cub, I want that ass of yours," Tom said, and Carl grinned. Tom set the boy's pipe to the side on the table and got him on his back on the ground, working his way underneath Nick so he could suck his cock while still working the dildo in and out. Tom then got down on his knees, lifted up Carl's legs, and plunged his own cock into the cub's ready ass, making him gasp and moan in pleasure, Nick started sucking on Carl's cock as Tom fucked him. Overwhelmed, the cub couldn't hold back any longer and shot his load down Nick's throat, and began sucking harder, working the dildo as deep as he could until Nick shot his own down his mouth a moment later. Holding the cub's cum in his mouth, Nick took a deep draw on his pipe, sat up and breathed a plume of smoke directly into Tom's hungry mouth, feeding their cub's cum to him along with it, making the muscle bear groan as he unloaded deep in the boy's ass.

It took a moment to extricate themselves, all of them panting and sweaty. Carl retrieved his pipe and nursed it back to a healthy flame, while Nick gave himself a few more thrusts of the dildo, before deciding to leave it in. "Now, I think I'm gonna cook us up some breakfast. How about you and Daddy Tom open the rest of your presents?"

Carl nodded happily and hurried to the tree, separating his presents away from his daddies', while Tom re-lit his pipe and watched his boy start ripping away the paper. Nick watched too for a moment, remembering when he was just a cub on Christmas morning, getting his first pipe from his daddy. He didn't know why he'd woken up feeling like it wasn't Christmas--this is exactly what it was supposed to be. And this was certainly looking to be one of the best Christmases any of them had ever had.


Next: City of Bears 3 - Rising Powers