Immortal, Chapter 23 - Season 3 - Insanity

Story by DarkSerpent on SoFurry

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the start of Season 3, and introduction of the first hunter General, the fearsome Gonjon

Immortal Chapter 23 - Season 3 - Insanity

Deep in the laboratories of Sector 10 Cerce sat at his computer typing. Silence the only thing surrounding him as he played softly. Typing he suddenly heard a small click behind himself. Turning his head he looked back behind him seeing nothing. Standing slowly his never blinking eyes stared into the darkness. "Who's there?" He whispered softly.

His eyes scanned his laboratory. It was almost dark as he reached back to hit the button to turn on the lights. "Very nice to finally meet you Commander," A voice spoke and he clicked on the lights. A tall man stood before him with short pink hair. A white Kimono running along his body as with a quick movement of his wrist he unsheathed his sword. The instantaneous attack slashed through Cerce but left no trace of attack. "What..." Cerce stood silent.

The figure vanished suddenly and Cerce stood perfectly ok. "What was that? Where am I? who...Am I?" He whispered to himself. He looked around at the machinery as the door opened suddenly. "Master?" Yoko stepped making Cerce turn back and gasp. "Who are you! What do you want! You won't capture me!" He turned back up against the wall. "Master what are you saying?" He asked and stepped forward. Cerce suddenly slashed his whips forward Yoko lifting his gloves up stopping the attack. "Master what's wrong I want to help you!" He yelled and Cerce lifted his other hand. All the energy swarming into a massive bolt of lighting. Tossing it forward the lighting blasting out the wall. Since their deep underwater the pressure caved in the metal structure. Yoko protected himself in a bubble of energy.

Suddenly Neptune appeared next to Cerce as he thrashed in the water. "Have you finally lost you mind Cerce!" Neptune's trident stopping his whips. "Get away!" Cerce screamed and Neptune gasped. His tentacles encased him as he began his Stage 2 Yansei. He suddenly sat atop a great monster of a Jellyfish. SO massive its tentacles stretched into the darkness out of the sight. The bell of the monster like a man-o-wars being full of self contained acidic liquid.

Its massive tentacle swiped at Neptune knocking him out of the water. Neptune yelled as he hit a building everyone staring in shock of the mighty behemoth before him. It sat above the water its tentacles wrapped around the sector 10 ring attacking everyone in its path. "What's going on!" Ligeron yelled appearing on the ring. "Commander Cerce...He's gone...Insane!" Neptune pushed himself up fighting the venom in his body.

"That is enough! Kami Tenshi!" Ligeron lifted his hand. Suddenly a sword of pure light formed in his palm. Opening his wings he flew forward slicing off tentacles of the horrified mans monster. Suddenly the blade neared Cerce and the light surrounded him. He went silent as the divine light calmed his mind and he passed out. His monster receding back into his master's body. Ligeron set Cerce's body down and suddenly Artemis appeared next to them. "Place the commander under arrest," She ordered and the police force picked him up rushing him to a prison cell where he can be detained.

Meanwhile atop the temple the man reappeared and smiled. "What have you found Zealiom?" A large man spoke. He was elderly in thick green dragon scale armor. His beard short as his thin grey hair laid slicked back along his head. "Master Gonjon...I have found the information you've requested," He held up a small black disk from Cerce's lab. "Good," He took it.

"But Master shouldn't we find the machine?" Zealiom looked as his master turned away. "I don't care for a machine," He growled. "But General Jonathan said that..." Zealiom was cut short. "I am only interested in this information, now open the portal!" He ordered and Zealiom shook in the Generals presence. Zealiom nodded and lifted his hand and a portal opened back to the living world. Both vanished through it.

One day later In the real world Katashi lay in his bed snoring. Sayomi on his roof keeping guard over the chosen one. Sora appeared next to him sitting down. "Sector 10's been attacked, Commander Cerce went insane and attacked commander Neptune," He explained to Sayomi's surprise. "What? Where was my Commander during all this?" He asked. "He's yet to waken from his recovery," Sora sighed. The two Corporal gripped there fist wanting to return home. However, they had to remain to prevent anything bad from happening to the unsuspecting Katashi

. The sun rose slowly and Katashi woke and prepared for school. Ever since he returned from Hell everything in the human world seems a little calm. Every day when he walks to school he always expects to have a demon jump out and attack him. Maia quickly ran up joining her friend trying to hide the small dragon in her purse. "How are you this morning?" She asked. "I don't know a little odd," He yawned. "What do you mean?" She cocked her head to the side.

He shrugged and stopped suddenly feeling something nearby. "What is it?" She questioned and felt the same presence. "Hunters?" She gulped and looked up at a building. Atop it stood three figures in white Kimonos. Zealiom with shorter women. Her hair straitened and only going down to her shoulders. The third a very large man standing behind them. His arms crossed across his chest.

"What do they want here..." He gulped and the three vanished. Disappearing as fast as they appeared. "We should stay on our toes..." Maia gulped as they continued to school. While in class Sayomi and Sora wandered around the city. Staying within distance of the school but out of sight. Turning into a small shop the two began to look around. Sayomi's stomach suddenly grumbled softly making him put his hand on it. "I hate this human food, it never agrees with me," He sighed and looked over the shelves. "I know what you mean but some of its not bad," Sora looked at the candy shelves.

"How do you know we don't have any money, did you steal it?" he whispered. The last thing they needed was to get arrested for shoplifting. "Of course I didn't, I paid for it," He held up human money. Sayomi raised an eyebrow. "Where did you get that?" He growled. "I got a job unlike you, I'm not a lazy ass like someone I know," He snickered.

Since returning Sora took precautions while amongst the humans. Getting a job at a local grocery store to make a few bucks to live off of. Sayomi on the other hand wasn't that much of a planer when it came to such things. Sora purchased a few things leaving Sayomi to boil over with hunger and frustration. "If your hungry I suggest you get a job as well," Sora took a bite of a candy bar.

"If you had any idea of how much I hated you right now," Sayomi growled. The red head walked around the city for a while just to escape his "Friend". Sayomi wanted to go home more than anything. He missed his Sector and his Commander. There wasn't much to do in this world other than sit around.

Back on Halo Cerce sat in his cell with his captain's coat removed only wearing his shirt and pants. His mask removed and bandages around his head. "So what happened?" Artemis asked. "I truly cannot say...For some reason....I don't remember anything," He growled and took a deep breath. "Are you sure about that, your mind isn't exactly the most sound even on a good day," She crossed her arms. Cerce grumbled and stood running his head feeling a small cut. His eyes opened wide since his face had healed already.

"That's not possible," He pushed his fingers into the cut. He quickly tore out a small sliver of metal no bigger than a strand of hair. "What's that?" Artemis stared at him. He growled and tossed it down in anger. "How dare they enter my mind! My mind is perfect and their tampering has made me forget crucial data! I will get my revenge, and now you undercooked venison! Release me from this cell!" He ordered. Artemis reached for the keys and stopped. She walked away as he growled wanting his freedom but knowing it wasn't coming. While in Sector 8 Andreas woke in a hospital bed. Sitting up and grunting softly with the hole in his chest. Reaching up he felt his wound softly which had scared over.

Ligeron grabbed his mates hand and smiled at him. "Your finally awake," Ligeron smiled. It had been a few weeks since the fight. Ligeron's hand rested on the tiny bump of a belly he had. With a smile he kissed his mate and helped him to sit up. Andreas popped his back softly and looked out the window. With a sigh he smiled and enjoyed the warm morning air. "Can I get out of this bed?" He asked and Ligeron helped him stand. Smoke moved up his body slowly forming his outfit and coat as he moved towards the door. The two lovers stepped out onto a balcony and stared out over the area.

Andreas put his arm around his mate with a smile on his face. Smelling the air he stared at the endless ocean before him. His attention turned to the twelfth ring of Halo below him. The massive ring having large cracks and broken building being repaired. "What happened?" Andreas asked and Ligeron explained. Andreas narrowed his eyes and sighed knowing even with the chosen found nothing had happened.

Andreas had his hand and formed a fist then relaxed. Darkness wrapped around his hand and his shield appeared along his arm. "Hm my old friend," He touched it softly and it vanished. "Are you ready to go home?" Ligeron took his mates hand. "Anywhere you are is home," He kissed his husband softly. Ligeron lead his mate out of the hospital and up the steps of the temple to their home.

To Be Continued - (Hope it gets everyone addicted again)