The Opening

Story by Kit5une on SoFurry

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#1 of Kitsune and Carlen


This story involves the young anthropomorphic fox Kitsune, and his anthropomorphic cat friend, and eventually lover, Carlen. It should be noted that only Kitsune and Carlen are furries in this story, and that people do notice that they are different. I attempted to make the novel realistic in that the people are prejudiced against Kitsune and Carlen. This is an extremely long story by the way; over thirty pages on Microsoft word in twelve point font with no spacing, so I think it will come in segments. Now to the story (which does contain sexual actions between two male furries). Also, this is going to come in sections.


On May 28th, 1987, a nervous group of doctors and nurses gasped in shock as what appeared to be an infant sized fox kit was born into their arms. Nine months earlier, an ecstatic Mrs. Freeman had been told she was pregnant. But as the pregnancy progressed, the odd bone structure, so apparent in ultra-sound scans, became more and more distressing to the doctors. A stuttering doctor told the concerned mother that, even if the child survived pregnancy, it would likely die soon after birth. He also told her that an abortion was still a viable option.

"No!" exclaimed Mrs. Freeman, tears welling in her eyes, "It's my baby and I'm going to raise it!"

With that it was decided; due to what appeared to be serious defects, a small team of doctors was put together. The doctors waited nervously, constantly monitoring Mrs. Freeman's status. But when the child was born, the doctors all let out an audible gasp; the room was silent except for the quite mewing sound coming from the newborn.

The nurse was the first to react, "Well do something!" she shouted at the closest doctor.

Immediately he finished the job and wrapped the small fox child in a blanket and cleaned him off; drying the fox's fur, he turned to the mother.

"I will warn you," he said, "He d-didn't come out as expected."

Mrs. Freeman looked him in the eye and resolutely said, "Let me see."

The doctor handed her the bundled figure and stepped back; surprise appeared in her eyes only for a moment. She stared lovingly at the small fox kit.

She kissed the child on the forehead and asked, without looking up, "Is it a boy or a girl?"

The doctor twitched as he looked up from deep thought, "I-I think he's a boy."

"Think?" Mrs. Freeman asked, looking up.

"Well... yes," he responded, "I don't have any experience with this sort of thing, no one does. B-but I'm positive it's a boy. It is p-pretty obvious"

Mrs. Freeman looked back down again and smiled, "I'll call him Kitsune, "she said.

The doctors looked over with confusion on their faces, and the nurse that was typing in the information paused and looked up, saying, "It's Japanese for 'fox'; I took it as my language in college."

The doctors all smiled fake, polite smiles.

"Kitsune it is!" said the nurse as she finished typing.

"Where is your husband?" asked one of the doctors.

"He is away on business, but he should be getting here soon," explained Mrs. Freeman.

The nurse started gathering up the things around the bed and wheeled it out the door, "We'll just get you a room then, I think you should stay for a few days to make sure your baby is going to be alright."

A few hours later, Mr. Freeman walked swiftly towards the hospital bed his wife lay in, dropping his suitcase and coat on the floor, "Is he alright? All the doctor would tell me was that he was a boy!"

He ran up and looked over at the fox kit before Mrs. Freeman could stop him; Mr. Freeman stopped, reeled backwards, and looked again.

"I was trying to tell you... he turned out a little different," explained Mrs. Freeman, trying to reassure him, "The doctors say he will act normally, he'll walk upright and he'll be the same size, he'll even talk normally; he just looks like a fox."

Mr. Freeman reached over and brushed the fur on Kitsune's head with a trembling hand, "He looks so strange."

Mrs. Freeman looked up at her husband, "I know, but he's our son," she said smiling, "We have to take care of him."

Mr. Freeman blushed, "I know that. What's his name? I'm glad we decided to let you name him, I would never have thought of anything."

Mrs. Freeman looked down at her child and brushed his head, whispering, "Kitsune."

Kitsune, or Kit as most people called him, lived through most of his early childhood unaware that he was so glaringly different from the other kids. It wasn't until he was five that he noticed; after that he separated himself from everyone but his family and a few close friends. Rather then go out and play with other kids in his neighborhood, Kit stayed home and read books, imagining worlds where he wasn't so different; or he studied for school. As long as he kept his grades up, the teachers had nothing to complain about.

Chapter 1: The First Day

Kit tensed when he started to hear the whispers. People never thought he could hear them, but they didn't realize that he had fox ears and hearing, he seemed to have all the advantages of a fox as well as the appearance. The most common of the whispers was 'Oh my god! He is so weird looking!', but usually involving a few more colorful descriptors. It was his first day in high school and already rumors were flying around faster then seemed possible.

"This is so worse then middle school," Kitsune muttered to himself, "But, then again, there are a lot more people."

He was sitting at a table by himself in the school cafeteria, wondering whether it would help his mood if he clawed a few insults into the table, but he decided against it.

"Hey! Kit!" it was one of Kit's friends from middle school.

Kit immediately pressed his ears back against his head, his own signal for a bad mood. His friend nodded and walked away to sit at another table.

Kit was in a terrible mood; in his first hour, biology; his teacher was so distracted he kept making mistakes and even tripped and fell once. Then, in second hour, the kids at the back of the room kept whispering about how 'effing weird' he was. Then the worst was in third hour gym, they had been informed that they would need their swimsuits the first day for swimming. Later, in the locker room, Kitsune was changing when he heard the tail end of a comment, '... different in other ways.' Kit was so embarrassed that he took his clothes and changed in one of the stalls. Then the teacher had them step off the diving board into the swimming pool. Kit was anxious, he knew how to swim but couldn't even remember the last time he had. When it was Kit's turn he stepped up onto the board, walked to the edge and froze; he felt the fur on his back stand up and he tried to move away but his body wouldn't let him. Vaguely, he could hear the teacher telling him to just relax and step back; finally, after a long while, he fell backwards onto his rear and scooted off of the diving board. He spent the rest of the class shivering on a bench by the pool, wrapped in his towel, wondering why he was so terrified, and listening to the other people in the class talk about him.

Kit got up from the lunch table, threw away his uneaten meal, and walked to his next hour. The rest of the day he heard nothing but comments about his oddness and insults behind his back; only one teacher didn't react strangely, his English teacher.

Finally, after school, he asked her about it, her response was: "I've read stranger things. Plus, I read about you in the newspaper when you were born".

Kit's ears perked, "I was in the paper?" he asked incredulously.

His English teacher smiled, "Sure, I have a clipping of it around he somewhere," she searched around in her desk for a moment and took out a scrapbook.

Flipping through, she stopped, removed a newspaper clipping, and handed it to him. Kit looked in shock at a picture of himself when he was only a kit, and an article of himself describing his unique nature, it was dated for three days after his birthday, 1987.

"Wow," was the only thing could think of to say.

"Keep it if you want," the teacher replied.

Kit looked up in surprise, "Really? Thanks!"

With that Kitsune turned and walked out to his bus.

Kit got home and sat down to finish reading the article his English teacher had given him, it was nothing he didn't already know but it was interesting to read things from someone else's perspective. Kit looked up to see his mother walking down the stairs; he tucked the article into his pocket, stood, and walked over to his mother.

"Hello sweetie," she said as she gave him a quick hug.

Kit took her by the hands and said, "Mom, I want to talk to you about something." He walked over to the kitchen table, sat down, and told her what had happened that day in gym. Shivering at the memory he asked her if she knew why he would be so scared.

She looked at him and started to tell him about a vacation from a long time ago, they had just finished teaching him to swim at the ocean beach by their hotel when Kit had decided to go down to the beach to swim. Kit had been swimming when his fur had weighed him down and he nearly drowned.

Kit stared into space for awhile before responding, "Oh my god, I think I repressed that memory."

Kitsune got up, slightly shaken, and went into his room and read for the rest of the day, trying not to think about what had happened.

All of his freshmen year in high school went by like this, though the comments died down after a month or two. Kit spent little time conversing with people in school, but he did talk to a few of his friends outside school or online. He kept his grades in the A and B range so his parents didn't really have anything to complain about. He even played tennis in his spare time occasionally; he had tried soccer once, but his claws and the soccer balls didn't mix well, as Kit discovered. It wasn't until a little after his sixteenth birthday, in his sophomore year that anything interesting happened. He was sitting at lunch when one of his friends walked up with a strange expression on his face.

"What? You know I don't really like to talk in school," said Kit grumpily.

His friend stuttered for a moment before he managed to say, "Someone in my last hour....h-he-he's like you!"

Kit stared confused for a moment and had to restrain himself from cocking his head to one side, an animal like act he had been mocked about before, "What do you mean?"

"He's a... anth... dang what's the word?"

"What do you mean 'like me'?" Kit asked firmly.

"He's part animal! But he's like a freakin' cat!"

Chapter 2: First Encounter

Kit hardly paid any attention during his fifth hour, he was so deep in thought that he didn't even notice when the bell rang.

"Kitsune?" he looked up as his teacher called his name, "It's time to go the sixth hour."

Kit gathered his things and walked in a daze towards his last class, English. His friend couldn't be right. Thoughts whirled through Kit's head, he would have heard about it if someone else was born like him, but why would his friend lie? Kit walked into his classroom, looked up, and froze. The previously unoccupied desk next to his was now occupied by someone who was indeed like him, only he resembled a black cat, rather than a fox. Kit stared, his mouth open slightly. As he stared, the cat-like individual looked up from the paper at his desk at Kit and looked back down at his paper. After only a second, he looked back up so quickly Kit heard his neck pop.

The two stared at each other for a long minute before Kit noticed that everyone in the room was looking at them. Gathering his thoughts, Kit quickly walked over to his desk next to the newcomer. Kit pulled his stuff from his bag and flashed a quick, nervous grin at the newcomer, which he returned swiftly. The bell rang for class to start and the English teacher walked up to the front of the room.

Clearing her throat she addressed the class, "We have a new student, I would like you to meet Carlen Roberts," there was a brief pause as people glanced over at Carlen, "Well, let's get started on today's lesson."

In the middle of class Kit wrote a small note to Carlen, 'meet me outside the front entrance after class'. Kitsune watched Carlen read it and saw him nod.

Later, Kit waited outside the front entrance until he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning, he heard Carlen say, in a deep, yet smooth voice, "Uh, hello."

Kit smiled when he saw him, "I never knew there was someone else like me!" Carlen smiled and nodded, "Neither did I."

"Uh, my name's Kitsune Freeman, I heard yours in class," said Kit, and Carlen shuffled his feet nervously.

"What bus do you ride, Carlen?" Kit asked curiously and Carlen unfolded a small piece of paper and handed it to him.

Kit smiled yet again as he read the paper, "That's my bus too! We can talk on the ride! C'mon, it's over this way."

Kit and Carlen quickly became good friends and spent most of their time together in school. Carlen, it turned out, lived about ten minutes away, by car, from Kit's house, so Carlen turned up at Kit's house at least once a week in his own car his parents had gotten him. Kit was overjoyed when he told his parents that there was someone else like him. His mother had been smiling for a week afterward and insisted on talking to Mrs. Roberts at least once every few days. Kit's father had not seemed as happy as his mother, but his mood had improved greatly, and he had expressed his happiness at Kit finally having a good friend. Kit's father had never really seemed completely comfortable with Kit being what he was.

After talking for a few days, Kit found out why he had never heard of Carlen before. Carlen's parents had never let the doctors perform any test on him, they had also promised to sue any newspaper or magazine that published an article. With Carlen's parent's intervention, and the legal support of the state's best lawyer, Carlen had stayed out of even the most obscure tabloid. There were only two things that this had caused problems with: Carlen was not used to all the whispered insults, as he was home schooled, and he knew nothing about his difference besides what was on the surface. Fortunately for Carlen, Kitsune knew just about everything there was to know. He had been required to go to the doctor monthly until he was three and again when he hit puberty (a time Kit described as the most awkward of his life). The first problem was more difficult to get around; it took Carlen two weeks before he could restrain himself enough to stop flexing his claws at every whispered comment.

Kit and Carlen were alike in many ways, but they were also very different in preferences and tastes. Carlen loved to wear slim fit pants and long sleeve shirts, Kit had never seen him wear any kind of clothes other then that. Kit on the other hand always wore tight fitting jeans and t-shirts. The fox was often mocked for wearing 'girl pants' by the other students. Kitsune was also slightly shorter then Carlen, despite being a few months older. Carlen was very skinny; where as Kit had a swimmer's build, with just enough muscle to give him definition.

Chapter 3: Discovery

Kit stood just outside his school's door, under the overhang that was above the entrance to the school, staring into the rain. It was his junior year in high school, people had finally gotten over Kit and Carlen, but a lot of people still were highly prejudiced against them. Kit had found a website claiming that Kit was an 'abomination that is a freak of nature'. Kit was already upset from finding multiple other websites containing similar statements. Most claiming he was a devil and one even said he was the anti-Christ; it took Kit five minutes to stop laughing at that particular website.

Luckily for Carlen, Kit thought, he doesn't have to worry about this, because his parents never let anybody know.

The rain worsened Kit's mood; ever since he had recalled his memory of almost drowning, he had grown less and less fond of rain and water. Kit heard Carlen walking up, claws clacking on the cement sidewalk, neither of them could wear shoes, their feet were shaped a little differently then normal and their claws tore up the inside. Not that Kit or Carlen needed shoes though; their feet had pads just like their animal counterparts.

Carlen walked up and looked at Kit questioningly, "What's on your mind? You look pretty depressed."

Kit looked at him gratefully before replying grumpily, "I hate the rain, I hate water, and I can't even go swimming."

Carlen looked at him, confused, but with a caring look in his eyes; Kit cheered up a little bit at this and explained, "When I was just a kit I almost drowned. I didn't even remember until the beginning of last year, but now I can't stand the rain."

Carlen pulled his backpack off and rummaged around inside for a moment muttering to himself, "I never thought it would come in handy... oh, there it is," he straightened up and, smiling, handed Kit a small collapsible umbrella, "Here you go, I never use it. My mom made me pack it; I even forgot it was in there."

Kit took the umbrella and popped it open, and then, stepping out into the rain he followed Carlen out towards their bus. Carlen walked out hardly even noticing the rain but stopped and looked back over his shoulder at Kit when he realized he was no longer following him. Kit was standing under the umbrella chuckling to himself.

"What? What are you laughing at?" asked Carlen, smiling in spite of himself.

Kit stopped laughing and responded, still grinning, "It's just... a cat that likes the rain!"

Carlen chuckled too, then started walking again, "C'mon you idiot," he called back jokingly.

Once they were on the bus, Kit and Carlen sat in their favorite seats across the aisle from each other at the back, where Kit pulled out his sketchbook and started to draw.

After a minute, Carlen looked up from the book he was reading, "You know your birthday is coming up. You want to go to a movie then?"

Kit stopped drawing and looked up quickly, responding, "Sure, what time?"

"Right after school, that's the same day I get my parking permit, so I can drive us from here," Carlen said, closing his book.

Kit perked his ears and asked, "Really? Would you mind giving me rides to school in the morning? Why didn't you drive before anyways? You had your license."

Carlen nodded, "Yeah, I can take you home after school too, your house is right on the way to mine. And I had my license just not a parking permit."

Kit smiled, "Oh, thanks. I really appreciate it; I hate having to sit on the bus with all these people."

Carlen nodded, smiling, and returned to his book, then, after a moment, Kit returned to his drawing.

One week later, Kit sat on his front porch waiting for the telltale sound of a motor coming down the street. He was dressed in his best casual clothes, a slim fitting black t-shirt that accentuated the fur on his forearms and ear tips, and his favorite pair of black leather pants. He wasn't sure why but he felt the need to impress Carlen, he always had. Ever since they had become friends that first day, Kit had been more self-conscious whenever he was around Carlen. Kit heard Carlen's car turn onto the road and he stood up as Carlen pulled into Kit's driveway and climbed out of his car.

"Happy seventeenth birthday! I'm so glad they cancelled school today! It's great when the power goes out over there! My parents were talking to one of the vice-principles and he said only the school's block went out, they don't even know what the problem is, anyways, we can see the movie early now!" Carlen said as he walked over to the passenger door to open it for Kit.

Kit blushed as he climbed into the passenger seat; he hadn't expected him to open the door for him. Carlen climbed into the driver's seat and backed out of the driveway. As they pulled away from Kitsune's house, Kit looked back and saw his dad standing in the front door staring after them.

Kit sat down in the movie theater next to Carlen, and then he reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a small bag of candy.

Carlen chuckled at him, "I suppose its cheaper then buying stuff from the theater."

Kit smiled back at him, "Want some?"

"Not right now. Look, the movie's starting."

Kitsune watched the movie for awhile before his mind started to wander. He liked the movie, but Carlen was on his mind. As he watched the movie he realized something, he really liked Carlen, as more then a friend.

He argued with himself for a few long minutes; this is wrong, besides, Carlen will never like me, not like that.

He continued the argument with himself for a few long minutes. Then he looked over at Carlen who was watching the movie and noticed the cat's hand sitting on the armrest next to his. Kit twitched his hand towards Carlen's but stopped himself; he didn't know how Carlen felt about him.

What if he doesn't feel the same way about me? Kit wondered, I don't want to lose him as a friend.

As Kitsune sat there, perplexed about what he should do, he felt Carlen's hand slip onto his. Confused, Kit looked over at Carlen who was looking at him nervously. Kit immediately relaxed his features and felt relief wash through him; he smiled at Carlen with utter joy.

Wrapping his hand around Carlen's, Kit nervously lowered his head to rest on Carlen's shoulder and heard the cat whisper in his ear, "I really like you Kit."