K. P., the Reticent, Raunchy Rat

Story by Semille on SoFurry

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#3 of Meet the Studs

So, bit of a musclefur fan. Less obvious from my writing style and gallery than you'd think, but just glance at mah faves. The evidence is there. All things meaty, manly(and sometimes femmy), and powerful, when portrayed with style and talent, is A+ in my book. So much so that I've been developing a rather exhaustively involved and in-depth series, nearly a decade in the making, involving the subject...well, perhaps not involving, but rather featuring it, to the point that with barest exception...

all the furs are huge. Like, nearly all of em. Indulges my author appeal and leaves open tons of possibilities for far more varied personalities than "vain, dominant gymrat" and themes to explore therein.

So of course, I've had to wrack my tiny brain creating characters for this self-indulgent little project, and suffice to say, I've been busy. You don't even know the breadth of character and species I've been developing and mining so far. Like, guess. You won't get it, but guess. Ya don't...just, dude, stop. You don't even know. You're embarassing yourself. You don't know. YA DUNT KNOW

Enjoy. Love it, Hate it, let me know.

Name: Kapul Penori aka K.P.

Species: Rat

Age: 21

Height: 5' 6" ft.

Weight: 461 lbs.

Appearance: Cut, ripped and hard as a diamond, you'd be hard-ressed to find anything small about this rodent. He's not the tallest nagual around, but there's still an impressive amount of beef packed on his toned, grey-furred bod, and judging from the copious tufts of dark fur sprouting from his armpits, lining the chin of his muzzle and luring the eye down his chisled stomach as a tantalizingly rugged happy trail, he's got plenty of testosterone, piss and vinegar bubbling in him as well. He's especially proud of his amazing pair of pert, firm pecs he can make dance for hours on end, his car-door-wide lats, and, of course, his prodigious package that creates the illusion a watter bottle and pair of tangerines was stuffed down his already saggy, ill-fiting pants. He never fails to get a good chuckle from noticing someone drooling over how it drags his baggy jeans down with even the tiniest twitch and bob, and he usually wears underneath is a deliciously skimpy jockstrap, if that.

Other items of interest include a lemon and lime headband and a tribal chain tattoo running all the way around his lower stomach, bulging and dipping along as it crawls along the supple curves and hills of his obliques, abs, back and rump.

Personality: Blunt, Self-assured, Standoffish, Reserved, Vain. K.P.'s an odd beast to get a grasp of at first. He comes off as a cocky smartass in love of showing off his own body, and then turns around and keeps entirely to himself, shunning contact and conversation, and he seems especially touchy about...well, being touched. It's assumed it's just because of his self-inflicted infestation of fleas, a particular kind that uses the iron in its host's blood to become something akin to living stun grenades. But they don't move on to others and are only volatile and sensitive to touch if he doesn't use a special shampoo regularly, so perhaps he's a tad more insecure and repressed than he lets on...

K.P.'s confrontational and a bit tactless, but he's got a level head on his broad, bulging shoulders. He knows enough to hold his tongue around figures of higher say and authority, but then, he also knows when to take a stand. He often displays an aptitude for mechanics and carpentry, but he seems more interested in critically studying things and how they tick than building anything of his own, and is curiously good at picking out structural flaws and imperfections. It takes a bit of time to get on his good side, but those who do(like Momo, his traveling companion) find him to be a forthright, loyal friend with a wonderfully dry sense of humor and very healthy sex drive.

Even if his hygenie practices are a little questionable.

Random Fun Facts:

Plays a mean jazz trumpet, with pipes enough to blare a rich brass tone on the wind for miles and miles. Strange, considering his voice is strangely husky and raspy.

Can speak fluently in at least four different languages.

Has a soft spot for the rich, warm timbres of old folk vinyl lps.