1. A Birthday Apology

Story by pinkcat on SoFurry

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#1 of A Birthday Treat

I wrote a 16 page story, liked it, but wasn't happy with it entirely. I am breaking it into 3 parts, editing it as I go. ^^ This is the first of the 3 parts! Please leave any comments positive or negative.

The mouse was filled with anxiety and it showed in every way. It was easy to see in her wide blue eyes, her twitchy movements, tail included as it flicked madly. It was her job to deliver food, but her mean manager had been totally unsympathetic about where she was sent off to. A cat club, filled with felines, who were cats! One with a reputation for rather dirty lesbian sex too. It made her cheeks hot trying not to think about it.

Spaz was by no means the mouse to pull the thorn from the lion's paw. She just desperately wanted to pay for college and make her way through life as honestly as she could. At the same time, she wanted to fit in and be protected by the group rather than harassed on its fringes all the time. She already went through quite a bit of the harassment everywhere else, a room full of cats was sure to be no different. All those things swirling around in her head as she paced back and forth outside her delivery van.

Being short added to the ease in which people intimidated her. She was also very lithe, not muscular. Her body was the staple of girly femininity, with a modest but nice sized chest (at least in her opinion), slight curves, a cute face. Her small muzzle and tiny ears added to the cute rather than sexy look of her. Her fur was pure white, much like a lab mouse, though her hair was a dark black. She was a bit less stereotypically girly in style though. Her black hair was swept across one eye, curling at the ends at the back of her neck, with the tips dyed bright colors as well. She normally wore black clothing, hoodies, things like that along with jewelery. Her work clothes were more formal though, a tight pair of black pants, with a red shirt that bore the logo of the restaurant she worked for. The mouse still bore her jewelery though. A bracelet hung off her slender wrist, while a pair of goggles that were being used as a hair band.

Of course she lost track of time from being lost in her worries. It wasn't until she heard them talking that she realized it had been a while.

"Where's the damn food?" An angry voice sounded.

Oh dear! She felt chills run down her spine at realizing she was being talked about by two cats hanging outside the club, both wearing relatively trendy party clothes.

"Is that it over there? Pacing like a retard by that van?" One asked the other skeptically.

"No, that's just some mouse," the cat said with a pout.

"Right, food," the other teased, receiving a playful swat from her friend.

Spaz's heart sunk from the embarrassment, almost unable to bring herself to go over. She had to unless she wanted be out a job though. The slender girl gathered up all of the food they had ordered, a rather large order at that, then crossed the street with her head down in embarrassment. The two cats seeming to exclaim with surprise, that it was in fact the delivery girl. At the very least, they opened the door for her, eliciting a quiet "Thank you," from the mouse.

the inside of the club was filled with a surprisingly small number of people. Only around 20, which surprised the mouse since she had always imagined that kind of place to be packed. Packed with people rubbing up on each other to loud music. It was also very clean for having such a dirty reputation! She felt her cheeks getting hot as she suppressed thoughts of it again. She didn't even know exactly what dirty things went on and didn't to know, but it was hard to imagine them happening in a place cleaner than where she worked. Cats were sitting in booths, on bar stools, oh gosh! A birthday banner hanging at the far end!

Spaz began to feel even worse at that point, having delayed the food for a birthday party. She felt her stomach tighten up a bit more with guilt. She placed the food down on a table, causing all of the cats to crowd around her and block her in. Obviously they were only after their long awaited order, but that didn't stop her from feeling intimidated at being boxed in by so many predators.

Soft purrs escaped some of the cats as they stared at the mouse and food. While it was mostly talk of the food, some of the conversation also fell to the mouse. Words such as "Cutie," and "Late," mostly. With shaky hands, Spaz held up the receipt, hoping the person responsible for paying would step forward. The mouse was unable to discern who exactly it was amongst the crowd of taller women.

A tall, graceful looking tabby cat stepped to the forefront of the crowd's center. Bigger than Spaz in every respect, though she was still quite attractive and not even the largest figure in the room. She brushed her long, brown hair aside before swiping the receipt so fast that Spaz didn't even know what happened. The tabby looked on the receipt with disdain, then down to the little mouse in front of her.

"You took over a half hour, your restaurant is just down the road, I'm not paying this," she said with a stern voice.

"I-I-I'm sorry!" Spaz stammered out. "It was, a big order," she said nervously.

"I saw her pacing around outside for 10 minutes," A voice of one of the cat's who had been on the porch dismissed Spaz's story.

Her little heart sank as they cut right through her lie, meanwhile the party of felines all began too mumble and complain as they obviously turned against her.

"I'm sorry! I was n-nervous! If you don't pay then I'll get fired though," Spaz confessed with her head hung and eyes downcast.

"Well then," the tabby's smile became imbued with natural feline playfulness.

All the women in the room picking up on the energy of the tabby and seemed to become quite excited themselves, all except for Spaz. The white mouse quite intimidated and just frowning even more as she was able to discern the predatory nature of the mood. The attractive felines more frightening aspects began to take shape. They appeared to her less dressy outfits and more teeth and claws!

"Get on your knees and plead with us, apologize for being late, making us hungry. Make us understand that a dopey little rat like you couldn't possibly do anything right and that you were given a job too big for you," the tabby said firmly. She insulted Spaz by labeling the mouse an even less liked species of rodent.

Spaz squeaked in surprise, and stared wide eyed at the woman. The tabby couldn't be serious! Even if she was, that statement alone would already have already been more than Spaz could have come up with. Still, the way they all stared at her frightened her. She felt the pressure of the entire crowd bearing down on her like a vice. She squirmed nervously in place until she finally gave in to the cats.

A purr like chuckle swept the room as the rodent fell on to her knees. She stared up at the tabby cat with a deeply ashamed look that seemed to please the woman. The mouse pressed her hands together and began to beg as hard as she could.

"P-please ma'am. I'm just a dumb little rodent, not fit for such an important job as delivering cat food," she choked out, having to pause every few seconds.

"Better fit to BE cat food," one of them commented casually to a murmur of agreement.

Spaz felt her nervousness increase at the cruel comment. They wouldn't actually eat her, they were civilized people. None the less, it was quite awful to hear them say those things, especially as she berated herself for being a mouse.

"I-I'm much better at stealing food than delivering it. It's just my natural mouse instincts. Please forgive me, I was mu-much too dumb to understand. I never meant to u-upset you on your birthday," Spaz pleaded.

The tabby woman nodded as she looked down at the mouse, then she whispered to a feline standing next to her. Spaz couldn't hear the conversation over the giddy whispers of the rest of the crowd, though at the very least they seemed pleased. She wouldn't lose her job, she could just go home and wallow in humiliation for the rest of the night.

"Now kiss the feet of every cat here and apologize personally," The tabby said with a gleeful tone.

Spaz's entire body reacted with visible surprise. Her ears and tail perked, along with a deliciously stunned look on her cute face. The crowd of feline females were going crazy too, some of them looking ready to die of happiness. Several of them made their sexual attraction to Spaz lewdly clear in ways that would set the mouse's cheeks on fire even in less awkward situations.

"GET TO IT!" The tabby hissed at Spaz in a way that nearly knocked the mouse back from imagined force.

Spaz scrambled onto all fours quickly, looking around with a clearly lost look. Tears in her eyes as she tried not to cry or express how miserable she was. Seeing how lost their little mouse looked, one of the women stepped forward and placed her foot out. The shiny, red high heel going right between Spaz's hands. The feline's tail was swaying back and forth as she smirked down at the mouse.

Spaz let out a disgusted groan, but knew she had to comply. Nothing frightened her more than losing her job, her apartment, her schooling. What nasty things would she have to do for money then? The mouse lowered her head as everyone craned their necks to watch. She gave a delicate kiss on the tip of the heel as she squeaked out a simple "I'm sorry," for the cat.

After that the entire club bustled with excitement. Though a few members of the party declined to participate, they had no problem watching. The mouse was made to crawl around to each woman in the club, giving a kiss and an apology, while receiving demeaning comments about her hair, goggles, even her breasts, or just being a mouse in general. She reluctantly conceded what a ridiculous little rodent she was, how inferior she was to the wonderful cats in every way. She had gotten through about half of them when one had suddenly decided it wasn't enough anymore.

A fiery orange cat stopped Spaz before she could kiss the foot. It suited the mouse, who didn't understand it wasn't a mercy yet. She had been demeaned and degraded so much she didn't know what to do. She had her fill of shoes for the rest of her life too, happy to stick to combat boots or some other shoe that she was sure the cats would detest. Still, in spite of being encouraged to act out and wear her 'ridiculous mousie clothes' even more, it stung to have them mocked so thoroughly. Every cat seemed to agree.

The orange cats heel came off, followed by her sock. Spaz stared up with a dumb look that got a laugh from the feline.

"Don't you dare look up at any cat unless your mouth is giving proper service to them!" She said sternly down to Spaz.

"You're such a dominatrix!~" One of the cats cried. All of the cats laughed loudly at the comment, seeming to agree.

Spaz wasn't amused by the joke at all though, a feeling of deep rage welled up in her, expressed by the tears that she was unable to stop from rolling down her cheeks. A few of her tears rolling off her cheeks to land on the orange feet of the cat. She could smell the distinct foot smell as well, which wasn't pleasant.

"I-I'm sorry for being such an idiot m-miss cat... You're much too good for a lowly mouse like me to look at," she said in a low voice as she went to kiss the bare foot.

Instead of kissing it though, she felt two toes suddenly fill her mouth. Her eyes going wide as she let out cute cries around them. Both of her hands going to hold on to the foot as she stared wide eyed up at the woman. The feline just continued her pleased smirk though, wiggling the toes around in the mouse's mouth to making her taste foot and fur.

"Look, I can see her little mousey buck tooth," The orange feline cried out happily as she pointed down at Spaz.

The rodent trembled with rage and humiliation. Every time she tried to pull her head away, the foot was just forced in more. To make matters worse, the cat sat down in the chair and simply removed her other shoe as well. Before Spaz could do anything, the toes of the other foot were holding her nose shut. Though it hardly stopped her breathing, she had to resign herself to inhaling feet through her mouth. All the cats were laughing at her, pointing at her, mocking her. It finally stopped when the mouse was brought to full on sobs, the feet finally being removed from her face, though sweat still on her fur around her muzzle.

The mouse stayed on her knees, covering her head and curling up. Deep sobs came from her as she tried to cower out in the middle of the open club. The glitzy floor usually meant for dancing, but was empty except for the lovely display being put on by the mouse. Spaz had been humiliated beyond anything she had thought could happen. Even through her sobs, the sound of her repeatedly spitting to get the taste out was easy to here.

The birthday Tabby came over after a few minutes of watching the mouse cry. Spaz just stayed curled up and covering her head in spite of her fear. All the feline did was begin to gently stroke her hair though, offering soft cooing noises to comfort the mouse. A few cats teasing about her crying fit though, which had a much deeper effect than the shallow comforting noises did. The cat was hardly being kind though, despite her gentle petting.

"Next time you're so terrified of cats, you'll get your mousey ass in here right away, won't ya'?" She asked with a pleased purr.

"Y-yes, always," Spaz stammered through her sobbing.

"Good girl, I'll cut your punishment short if you just do me now," the tabby said firmly, causing a few disappointed cries from cats who still felt they hadn't been properly apologized to.

Spaz reluctantly lifted her head up to look up at the tabby, not wanting to do any more but one was better than another ten or so. The little bit of eye liner the mouse had used was smeared down her white cheeks from crying, causing black streaks. Her face was a completely unabashed window into how miserable the poor mouse felt, all the humiliation she had just undergone. Due to the streaks on her face, several cats burst out in more laughter, not a hint of sympathy showing for her.

"I need a really good apology for spoiling my birthday," the tabby purred out as she stood back up.

Instead of offering her shoe, she turned around and stuck out her butt. The feline's pert ass covered in a pair of pants that were even tighter than Spaz's. While the mouse dressed for comfort and movement, the feline had clearly dressed to get attention. She grabbed Spaz by the hair and yanked the mouse to get onto her knees, face right by the feline's rump.

Spaz squeaked cutely as her hair was pulled, quickly getting up onto her knees. Though she had thought the tabby might be being nice to her for a moment, it was obviously quickly that she was just impatient. Spaz felt her face pressed right against the cat's rear, totally humiliated beyond belief yet again! All the cats roared with laughter at the mouse, which sent further pains of humiliation through her.

"Oh yeah! She's been kissing our asses already, what's she got her panties in a bunch about over doing it a little more?" One cat called gleefully.

Realizing that she had in fact been reluctantly kissing their ass by praising them, that the new act was literally just another embodiment of lowering herself, drove more shame into the mouse. Just wanting to get it over with, Spaz began to kiss at the feline's ass. She nuzzled and brushed her tongue out against the tight pants as she berated herself.

"I'm so sorr-s-sorry. I ruined your bir-birthday party," she sobbed and continued to kiss until she was released.

"Good! I'll pay you after we eat," the tabby said with a smug tone.

Spaz was grabbed by her hair again, causing the mouse to squeak. She half had to crawl as they dragged her to the far corner of the club and forced her to sit in a little corner booth. She had been shoved several times by some of the cats who followed along, obviously pleased to have an outlet for some long pent up aggression and not seeming to feel guilty in the least.

"You keep your little ass right there," a black cat hissed in her ear, causing her to jump.

Though she hadn't even seen the black cat come over, the woman had clearly managed to get into the booth behind Spaz. She also walked back over to the food where they all began to ferret out what belonged to who. Spaz just remained in the corner of the booth to cry and pull herself together.