Dangerous company

Story by FruancJH on SoFurry

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Another futuristic biker wolf story...

Hi my name is Jake Anderson, and I just got out of cryo-sleep, three months back. You see when I was put under, the year was twenty twelve, and people thought the world was ending, again. My parents were among those who thought this was going to happen. So to prove them wrong, I went and signed a form giving myself up to the government, for an experiment to see if in fact the world was actually ending, or not. The idea was that if the world was in-fact ending, then anyone on earth at the time, would be obliterated. So to get around this, someone came up with the idea, of launching space craft with frozen human beings into space aboard robotically maintained Ships, for re-colonization. Each ship would also be equipped with the necessary samples of multiple species of animal, plant, and mineral, etc... So that when the world was gone, these people could find another planet, and re-populate, continuing the human race.

I volunteered to be one of these humans, and was put on ice for the next forty years, or so. When I woke up from the Cryo not only was the ship fine and running according to plan but there was also still a planet earth full of the same stupid people as before. Actually that's not entirely accurate. A good third of the people still on the planet had committed suicide in response to some rather unsettling events that they had interpreted as the end of the world. Who would have thought that a few volcano's erupting and a tidal wave or two could make people kill themselves. Martial law was temporarily instated until the chaos that ensued afterwards had been rectified. After the crazies had been dealt with and order restored things just went back to normal for the most part. During this time frame a few technological brake-troughs occurred. The main one that was currently sweeping the nations was this gene splicing fad. Some freak scientist known to the world as Vander, Lewshard had made a breakthrough for combining human DNA with Animal DNA. The resulting after math, being sentient humanoid animal hybrids, Furry's more or less. The Gene splicing tech that the Vander guy came up with could take any animal DNA and directly infuse it into a person's own, resulting in massive changes; namely, perma- Furry's. There was a small civil-right's movement that was quickly settled seeing how these were still white, black, red, brown, and yellow skinned people who'd just had a little cosmetic surgery, and Genetic alteration. No big deal. After their second generation of born furry children the whole thing was considered common place. Plus the new marketing opportunities that catered to this group were booming.

That's about it really. Other than that not a whole lot had changed. By the time it came time to wake us cryo-guys, the government and the world was already prepared for us. Each ship got its wake up call. People were caught up on the current state of the world, which meant some rather interesting history classes. Honestly they could have been telling us anything and we'd have to have believed it. Later on after being released back into society I did some digging, and found out about some of the areas that were glossed over.

When they had us up to date we transported to an Enclave, Planet-side for our reintegration period. It had all been in that book of a contract we signed, and unsurprisingly there were a fair number of decanters who just wanted to go back to their old lives.

The Enclave came with free room and board, education opportunities, and job finding help. However it was only good for a month, during which time you had to get on a career pathway and start making headway down it. Another one of those little perks from the contract. Free loading just wasn't going to be tolerated.

I decided I'd much rather just get a job and get on my own two feet as soon as possible so I went the work source route. Turns out the world still needed gas station clerks, some things just never changed two plus two still equaled four and gas stations still needed someone to press buttons on a register. Getting held up, and shot in this line of work was still a problem, but what the hell.

The "go-to-sleep-for-forty-years-and-wake-up-expecting-it-to-be-all-green-energy-and-reusable-fuel-sources-people," can dream on. The oil industry would never allow that. Turns out the earth still had some of that good old black gold. It also turns out that the stuff was in no danger of running out either. Some poor sap discovered a way to make our organic waste products into oil. Then one day that sap and his genius idea disappeared and not long after Oil Company owned, waste processing factories, started to pop up like star bucks coffee houses in Seattle. Yeah they're still around, and more prolific than ever.

So here I am, A 58 year old with an 18 year olds body... ...And brain, whose working full time and finishing high school. I can never get over the fact that I'm old enough to be the father of most everyone who looks like they're in my age group and even a little bit older. Oh well at least I'm old enough to drink. It's great getting carded and seeing the look of shock on the waitresses face when she sees the 18 year old appearance paired with the 58 years of age.

Lucky for me school hasn't changed all that much since when I was going to high school back in O Twelve. Hard to think if I'd timed it better I could have woken up old enough to retire. A lot of people did but none of them get to until they're One hundred and twelve.

I'm not living at the Enclave anymore. I moved out with a little help, into some government housing; a three room bachelor pad, courtesy of the contract. When I've put enough away I'll be moving out completely but until then its home.

But enough backstory, I'm at work right now. And even though it's pretty quiet, with the costumers being far and few in between, I still got to watch the store. It is eleven fifty six, and I'm stuck here until my boss shows to take his shift. I work at a shell station, and here I thought they would have gone out of business by now. I'm working on my homework for math class, which I'm not supposed to do, but my boss is cool about it, because I'm cool about some of the things that he's not supposed to do. I'm just finishing up a problem, when the store bell jingles, announcing the entry of a customer. Quickly stashing my book under the counter, I look up to see...

...A black furred, anthromorphic, leather clad, silver studded, wolf. He, for it was a male, had a very powerful danger tinged presence about him. All I could really do was stare, although that was probably a bad idea. Despite his kill at the drop of a hat sort of look, I found him strangely attractive. What with his enviably built body, that just barely cleared the gas station door, and his sharp features which lay in a hard expression, almost solemn. I noticed that the fur about his mouth was grown like a go-tee.

He paid me no mind, a "Very Good Thing," because I'm positive that I reeked of arousal. If I didn't get myself under control I still might be. Having a clear view of his rear as he walked down the aisle in full view of the cash register wasn't helping matters. The way his tail swished back and forth with each step, making it feel like he was taunting me intentionally. The way he held it practically screamed alpha. He walked back to the alcohol section of the store moving mercifully out of my line of vision.

I would be in serious trouble if he noticed my scent when he came up to make a purchase. There was Pheromone Suppressing Deodorants for this kind of problem. In fact one of their commercials depicted just such a scenario. It showed a "With" Pheromone Deodorant guy and a "Without" Pheromone Deodorant guy. The latter of the two would be in an arousing situation, like at a biker bar, and when the furs around him caught his scent they'd beat the crap out of him while the other guy had no problems at all.

So while I sat behind the store counter dreading an imminent beating, my costumer had made his selection, and was making his way back up to the counter. He'd picked out a bottle of wine MD 20/20 to be exact, as well as some crackers, and cheese. I scanned the items as quickly as I could, keeping my eyes down, I forgot to ask him for ID, which he handed me any ways. Glancing at the picture I really couldn't make heads or tails of whether it was him or not. I didn't get many customers of the furry nature. The scanner rang up a total of $9.85. Which he paid with a ten. "Keep the change." He said. I nodded placing the bill in the register drawer, and closing it.

"Would you like a bag with that sir?" I asked the black anthro wolf trying to sound polite.

"Sure." Was his response; I felt my attraction towards this dangerous character, increase at the sound of his deep, rich, dark, baritone voice. Unfortunately for me, the pheromones that my body had produced by now, were on such a level, that someone with a cold should be able to detect them. Sure enough a glance up at the wolf's nose when I heard him sniffing the air revealed his picking up on my "condition."

"What time do you get off?" The black biker wolf asked me, his nose still testing the air.

I felt as though my gut had either remained frozen in cryo, or ceased to be as a nervous cold sweat began to break out across my brow. "Why?" was about all I could manage to say.

"No reason, just wondering, if you might like to join me for some fun, that's all." The black wolf took one last big inhale through his nose before walking out of the store. I sighed with relief when I heard the rumble of an engine revving to life. Seeing him fly away down the road on his motorcycle a moment later put my mind at ease. For a moment there I'd been sure that I was going to be all over the next day's evening news, under the missing persons report. Crimes, like murder and abduction of teenagers, is unfortunately one of those things that decided to stay the same in spite of time...

...But what if he'd been interested. What if I'd just blown another chance at finding a likeminded person, who shared in my orientation? "Shit!" I cursed turning to head to the back room to go splash some cold water on my face, and get the wolf out of my head... and pants.

About another thirty minutes went by before my boss got in to take his shift. He was late as usual, but I wasn't complaining. It was one of those things that I over looked in exchange for being able to do my math homework while on the job, and over time was over time, after all. Plus the guy was in the middle of a brake up, and from what he'd told me, he was getting the sort end of the stick.

He'd obviously been drinking again, having the looks of one who was hung over. "Thanks for covering for me Jake." He moaned wearily, as we switched shifts.

I nodded to him on the way out pushing a water bottle into his hand as I said. "Have a good one Jeff and drink something you'll feel better." As I walked out the door he nodded his thanks. I'd had a feeling he'd be hung over again.

Heading for my car, I searched my pocket for my keys. It was still dark out, but with dawn only an hour and a half away the street lamps all decided to go out at once, causing me to jump, dropping my keys. Swearing a bit I got down to feel around for them and that's when...

...a rag was pressed over my mouth. I breathed in sharply, surprise activating the reflex. I instantly regretted it. The smell of chloroform fogged up my senses instantaneously, and then I fell forward feeling weightless but hands caught me before I could hit pavement and then things went black as I lifted into the air...