Miss Nightfang's School for Wayward Furs: Mitch's Story ch 8

Story by Jeramiah Chase on SoFurry

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#8 of Miss Nightfang's School for Wayward Youths - Mitch's Story

Well after a long time coming, we get to chapter 8. Probably my favorite chapter of all these due to the first half. Mitch returns from shopping and the ordeal at the cafe, finally time to relax? Not so much when his best friend Cyko shows up to talk about what all happened.

This may or may not be the last chapter, as some things between me and Danaume have changed, but I wanted to put this out as it was both of ours favorite chapter.

Mitchel as always belongs to Danaume, with everyone else being copyright myself.

Chapter 8 - Lover's Quarrel

After the rather eventful day of shopping Sam and Mitchel head back to his room with all his bags of clothes; not having the first clue what he is going to do with all of it. Sam smiles softly to the otter as she helps to put away the new bikinis, though once again Mitchel completely misses the sight of them as he is clearly a little... absent minded... distracted by what the day held for him. Once done with putting away all the new clothes, Sam starts to remove any clothes he doesn't want from his sister's hand-me-downs.

"Most my clothes still aren't here, as needing to be tailored for my tail, so I can't really dress much differently yet. While I have all my new shirts and tops, my pants and new skirts all need refitting, and will probably be delivered before the end of the week." Mitchel says as he looks over to the cute mouse.

Sam smiles and nods "Alright." She replies and leaves most the bottoms for now. When she is done she gives the otter a warm kiss. "Thanks Michelle." She churrs and then heads off to her own room to put up her own clothes.

Mitchel nods and hugs Sam tight before she leaves. He flops down onto the bed and sighs, staring blankly up at the ceiling, trying to make sense of things, and figure out what he is going to do now. Lost in thought, time passes quickly for him until eventually there is a knock on the door. Not bothering to get up, he simply mutters a soft "Come in." not sure he really wants company yet, but not really in the mood send them away either.

In enters the familiar silhouette of Cyko, with only his dyed purple quills really standing out. "'Ey mate... Decide ta cum check on ya; see how tha torture trip wuz." He says, seeming much calmer then he was this morning, most likely due to Mitch's deal with Sam relieving any of the otter's own sexual frustration, which in turn has relived his own since his is linked to Mitch's.

Mitchel sighs and shrugs, sitting up, "It was... weird. Sam and Ms. Nightfang really enjoyed it, I guess... and we met the weirdest two people." He rubs his eyes, and then says, "And I dug myself a deeper hole to clear some guilt off my conscience."

Cyko nods as walks over and sits on the edge of Mitch's bed "Well mate, ya know I'm all ears. Iffen ya wanna talk 'bout it, go ahead." He says with a soft smile, while not knowing what went on he's learned from experience of being in this school that it is rarely anything simple.

"Thanks. You know how Sam was close to graduation before I got here, right?" Mitchel says as he looks to his punky friend.

Cyko nods softly, "Yeah, then ya met her and all tha went belly up."

Mitchel nods with a sigh, "Right. Well... I 'bought' her, her graduation gift, today."

Cyko blinks and cocks his head, "'Ow the 'ell did ya manage tha?" He asks and shakes his head a bit. "Ya dun got no money and surely yer mum ain't gunna pay fer it either."

Mitchel shakes his head, "Yeah I know. I made a deal instead. I offered to stop fighting Ms. Nightfang instead. I give up on ever being a real guy, and Sam gets to be a real girl."

Cyko blinks softly, remaining quiet; it takes a moment for that to really get through his skull. "Wait... back up... why the 'ELL would ya do sumthin like tha? Especially fer sumone that wuz gunna get it anyway at the end of summa?" He asks as he cocks an eyebrow at Mitch. "Tha's really stupid of yas."

"No... It wasn't." Mitchel replies shaking his head. He sighs a bit as he continues on. "Look... Sam really wanted to be with me... sexually. It's what was holding her back. She wanted me, but I didn't want her, because she had a dick. She came onto me again in the dressing room, practically jumped me... I had to turn her down again, and the look she gave me... I knew that every time we got together, I would just push her back that much farther... I had to do it. And besides, what do I have left to fight, huh? I lost my nuts already... I'm stuck here for two years, fighting will just make it worse for me... by the end, I won't be me anymore."

Cyko blinks at he listens to this, and Mitch can almost see it in the hedgehog's eyes as something snaps inside of him, his quills suddenly spike upwards in agitation, as the green irises almost seem to turn red in anger. "YA GAVE UP YOUR FUCKIN MANHOOD TO FUCK THA STUPID WHORE MOUSE!?!" He yells, getting up off the bed as both his tail and eyebrow twitches. "God! 'Ow fucken stupid are ya? Ya sold yer goddamn soul for PUSSY!" He says as seems to shake in anger as he paces back and forth, his fist clenching as he grits his teeth trying very hard, and failing epically at trying to remain calm over this. "What's more is tha ya did it to give tha bitch-ass mouse a fucken cunt that she woulda 'ad inna few goddamn months anyways rather then, I dunno GETTING MY GOD DAMN DICK BACK YA STUPID 'ORNY PERVERT!" He growls and slams his fist into the stone wall; if it hurt Cyko at all he doesn't show it. And then of all the surprising things adds "And damnit I wanted to be yer first!" He says, his anger making him admit something he'd never admit in his right mind. "ALL goddamn week I've 'ad thoughts and fantasies of ya fucking my goddamn brains out! And ya give up yer first time to that faggot mouse bitch!" He paces and growls and "Y-... Y-... ya..." He growls and twitches and just seems to go silent as he seems to blue screen in anger.

Mitchel goes wide eyed at this explosion, having truly not expected it. His mouth drops and he flinches when Cyko punches the wall. It is the last bit though that makes him blush deep and hang his head, "But... wh... but you're a guy... You made it really clear that you didn't want to have sex with me or anyone! You said that the 'girlfriend' thing was just for show, and neither of us are gay!" he is trembling himself, but not in anger, half of him is afraid that Cyko is going to beat the crap out of him, the other half is afraid that Cyko will give up on being his friend.

Cyko breathes heavily as he turns to glare at Mitchel, his quills relaxing a bit but not fully laid back yet while as he's calmed down some after that initial outburst he's still got a lot of anger in him. "Yer stupid as fuck, ya know that?" He says huffing a bit. "E'er since I met ya I been two minds about ya. No I dun want to fuck ya or anyone. I'm not faggot like the rest of these freaks. On the other paw, I've felt this god damn cunt o' mine stirring every time I so much as glace ta ya! It took all my will power not ta just fuck ya in the 'all tha first day. Yea, 'girlfriend' was tha first thing that came to mind and it's not tha first time it crossed my mind. Just the first I said it ta anyone cuz I needa to say sumthin ta them." He huffs and paces more, exhaling heavily trying to calm down. "God sum fucken friend ya are." He sneers. "I give up my ability to feel like a man ta try and keep yer nuts. And ya give up yers to give sum bitch-ass mouse that would barely give ya the time a day a cunt so ya could fuck 'er." He growls and shakes his head. "Fuck this shit man..." He shakes his head as he turns to leave.

Mitchel stands up as Cyko continues to vent, his own anger starting to rise, "Knock it the fuck off! Quit insulting her!" His tone sharp as he 'mans up' to his friend, "I'm sorry I didn't know what you didn't tell me, you were pretty clear on the half of you that didn't want it... you've even been avoiding me like the plague when I got horny, even though you have the ability to let me get off. As if you were afraid I was going to rape you or something." He says with a slight growl as he approaches Cyko. "And for your information, I did think about how I could get you your dick back, but in case you didn't notice, your attempt to save my nuts didn't work so well. Your mom wants you to have a cunt, and I can't fight that any more than you can. I would have been shot down for even trying!" his eyes are wet by the end of this, the boy clearly holding back tears, which isn't a surprise considering how much estrogen has been pumped into him over the last week. His whole body trembles with a mix of contrary emotions.

Cyko huffs as he looks back to Mitchel "Yea, right. This is more likely revenge fer my getting yer nuts lopped off. THAT'S why I been avoidin' ya, asshole. 'Ow could I face ya after tha?" He sighs and slumps his shoulders a bit, before Mitchel can attempt to console him he adds. "It wuz my Da's idea. I called 'im this week. Said 'e didn' wan any 'ybrids in tha family. 'E paid fer both yer castration and to buy ya new ones ta allow fer 'proper' breedin..." Cyko says as he sorta slumps to the floor, like Mitch he's also a mix of emotions from his own mixed up body.

Mitchel blinks, "New ones?"

"Apparently ones tha will allow ya ta sire full-blooded 'edgehog babies." Cyko says with a slight sigh.

Mitchel sighs as well, "Which pretty much means going straight from girlfriend to wife at graduation... Fuck your parents are twisted."

Cyko nods and sighs again. "Well it's more my Da' then my mum, but my parents are old money, no strangers to arranged marriages to keep the bloodline proper..." He says and rubs his temples, "After I got cunted, their original plans were off. When I told him about ya, he decided it would be easier this way..." He says and shakes his head, it's still all a bit much for hit as there was no way a 15 y/o could handle that knowledge and deal with the person that is both their best friend and fantasy lover. "And people wonder why I do tha crazy shit I do..."

Mitchel sits back down on the bed and sighs, "So now what do we do?"

"No fucken clue, mate." He responds mostly calmed down, his quills relaxed, but from his tone it's easy to tell he still seems annoyed by Mitch giving his virginity to Sam and not at least trying to get his dick back.

Mitchel sighs, "I'm sorry... I didn't know you wanted to be my first... seriously, I didn't have a clue."

Cyko shrugs a bit. "Yea, Well I guess yet still male enough ta miss those signals..."

Mitchel sighs, "Yah, you too." said with a slight smirk trying to liven the mood again with his friend now that all this heavy stuff is out in the open.

Unfortunately it doesn't take as Cyko glances at Mitch and shakes his head a bit. "Fuck, thin I needa stiff drink..." He mutters as he finally finds the strength to get to his feet.

Mitchel blinks, "Seriously, because being drunk will make things better?"

"Bett'r then being an emo shut in..." He grumbles, even if he's no longer actively pissed at him, there is still some passive anger as Mitch's actions have still wounded him mentally.

Mitchel sighs and nods, "Good luck with that..."

Cyko nods and stretches some, popping a few of his joints before heading out. "Yeah, an' good luck with tha slut of yers as well." He mutters before leaving, not bothering to close the door behind him as he makes his way down the hall...

Mitchel stands and follows after him, "What?"

Cyko looks back to Mitch "Ya 'eard me. Ya've made yer choice. Ya went with the slut tha couldn't keep 'er 'ands offa ya; tha easy fuck. Now jus' go back an' mope in yer room like ya always do." He replies with a soft growl before heading further down the hall.

Mitchel continues to follow Cyko and ends up doing something stupid, he gives the hedgehog a shove from behind, hurting his hands in the process on his spines that are slightly raised in agitation from the renewed argument, "Quit that, you jackass! First, she isn't a slut, second, we aren't dating! She's going to graduate, and I'll probably never see her again!"

Cyko spins around quickly and slugs Mitch in return for the shove and calling him the jackass and Mitchel goes down in a heap from the slug, groaning in pain. Cyko's the one that had his heart ripped out, and somehow he's the bad guy now? "Ya said it yer self. She couldn' keep 'er hands offa ya, and wuz 'bout ta jump ya right there in tha store. Certainly sounds like sluttish behavior ta me." He growls as he looks down to the otter as he really didn't want it to come to this. "Now stay tha fuck down an' maybe we can keep tha res' of tha school from 'earing of this..." He says as he turns back around and storms down the hall."

After Cyko leaves Mitchel gets up slowly, rubbing his face where Cyko punches him and then wincing and looking at his hands that are bleeding from being punctured by the hedgehog's quills. He decides that it's probably a good idea to go looking for a nurse's office or something.

Like any good school, there are signs and labels leading people to where they want to go. In the nurse's office, Mitch finds a large jersey cowtaur, standing almost 7 feet tall with flowing red hair and the biggest breast he's ever saw, that are barely constrained by a nurse's top. With her being a Taur, means she's naked from the waist down and will flash any students behind her, which Mitch quickly learns as she turns around to arrange shelves right at the moment he enters. "Um... Hello?" He asks softly, shaking his head some before trying to look anywhere else besides at the large cow vagina staring him in the face.

She carefully backs up as not to run into the boy or anything else, and turns around to face Mitch, "Hello there dearie..." She says, speaking in a light Irish brogue, and quickly notices his injures. "Oh my, what happened to you?"

Mitchel sighs as he steps into the nurse's office, "Got in a fight."

The nurse leads him over to the table and helps him up. She's rather young, maybe a few years younger than his mom is. On her shirt is a nametag reading 'Jessie O'Callaghan'. "Oh... that's not good. Who were you in a fight with; I'll tell Miss Nightfang so she can deal with them."

Mitchel frowns a bit and says, "I'd rather not say..." not that the nurse won't be able to narrow the list down once she sees the broken quills stuck in Mitch's paws.

"It's okay dear heart. They're not going to get revenge for telling on them. Miss Nightfang will see to that. She detests anyone that attacks her students..." Jessie replies as she starts to gather her first aid gear.

Mitchel shrugs and looks up at the nurse, "It's my fault, I started it. Okay?"

Jessie blinks her big green eyes at the boy as he says that, Mitch can easily see she doesn't seem to believe him, though she doesn't say anything as she starts to pull the quills out of his hands, which feels almost as painful as them going in did. Mitchel winces as each quill is plucked free. He was telling the truth, he was the first to get physical, technically he started the fight. He really doesn't want to get Cyko into any more trouble; it's enough as it is that his deal caused all this.

"Yeah, well I'll still have Miss Nightfang speak with Francis Hedge, to get his side of the story as well." She says as she noticed the quills are black with purple tips, the distinctive color that belongs only to him. Once she has extracted the last one she begins to bandage Mitchel's hands. Mitchel nods with a sigh and tries to relax as his hands are bandaged.

As she finishes bandaging them, Jessie starts to tend to Mitch's eye which has started swelling from Cyko's punch. Mitchel just sits quietly, waiting for it to be over with. The nurse finishes and gives him an ice bag. "Keep this on it for the rest of the day to prevent further swelling."

Mitchel nods his head, "Thanks. I suppose I should report to Ms. Nightfang, huh?"

"Don't worry about that, I'll speak to her. You just rest." She smiles

Mitchel nods with a sigh and stands up and heads towards his room, sure that this is going to come back and haunt him too. Back in his room he lays back on his bed, leaving the ice pack in place, and half drifting off to sleep.

It is several hours before Mitch is called to Miss Nightfang's office as The Headmistress had to finish up with Downy and Jet before dealing with a pair of trouble makers. When he arrives she invites him in and to sit at what is quickly becoming Mitch's usual chair.

Mitchel steps in and sits down, not looking up at Selene directly, his eye puffy and showing a good shiner by this point, and his paws still bandaged.

"It seems Francis wasn't fond of the deal we made." She says simply as she looks to Mitchel, completely understating the issue.

Mitchel shakes his head slowly, "No. He would have preferred I made it to get him his dick back... and apparently he wanted to be my first."

Miss Nightfang nods "Yes, he explained all of this to me. I'm sure you know that I wouldn't be able to do such, since while it was originally meant as a punishment; his Mother enjoys the change too much to want it reversed. Everything, for good or bad, is the parent's decision in the end."

Mitchel shrugs, "I think he was actually more upset that I gave my virginity to Sam..." he shakes his head and sighs, "I didn't even know he felt that way about me, I thought he was avoiding me so we wouldn't have sex."

"You have a lot to learn about women, Michelle." The elder bat says with a hint of a smile. "While yes, Francis is not a woman, he does have feminine mood swings as you've recently learned. I even tried to let you know in the store before you made the deal." She says revealing she foresaw something like this happening.

Mitchel groans and lays his head back against the chair, "I guess this means that he and I can't be paired up anymore... he said he wants nothing to do with me, since I decided on Sam or something..." He gives a shrug, "I really don't get any of this..." he rubs his temples with his fingers, then winces as that agitates his paws, setting them back in his lap, "It was really stupid to shove him too..." he manages a weak smile, "Quills aren't for show..."

Miss Nightfang giggles softly "Indeed, but Francis is being pissy right now. It will pass. It always does. Francis still wants to be involved with you and has also taken all the blame for what transpired today between you two."

Mitchel blinks, "Huh? But I started the fight..." he looks down at his knees, "My first fight... and I was dropped in one punch..." That has him feeling even more 'less of a man', not as much as when he had his nuts hacked off, but still.

"Francis enticed you by insulting Sam on multiple occasions. You were standing up for another Student. And this isn't the first fight Francis has been involved in. If he had wanted to, he could have hurt you more than he did. The last kid he fought had to be sent to the hospital. Francis tends to be a surly drunk." She replies and then sighs. "I still have no clue where he keeps getting booze from..." Apparently the bat doesn't quite know everything as she claims to.

Mitchel shrugs, then sighs and asks, "So now what?"

"Francis is of course being punished, you will not be punished; in fact for standing up to Sam I am rewarding you." Miss Nightfang replies. "I had planned to ban you from relationships with girls, since by your words you are not gay and you are now officially a 'girl' by all student records. It was to be just one of the consequences for giving up your right to be male. But I'm scrapping that idea completely."

Mitchel blinks again, then lets out a sigh of relief, hugging himself around the waist, "You know... when I say gay... I mean two guys... right? Lesbians are a whole different thing..."

"Gay is Gay Michelle." She grins brightly, "Of course to a boy Lesbians aren't gay, though you didn't seem to show too much interest in Downy or Jet earlier." She teases "But again, you are no longer a boy, and to girls 'guy on guy' is a whole different thing." She explains with a playful giggle.

Mitchel nods and sighs, "Okay. How about this... I really am not... um... I mean... I don't like penises..."

"Oh, but you are going to have to learn to like them, or at least tolerate them." She replies. "See as you are a girl now, I do still want to discourage you from having 'gay' relationships. So I've decided to a median between completely barring you from girls and letting you have sex with whomever you want. It's actually almost similar to what I had originally planned to do to you to keep you from impregnating anyone." Mitchel looks a little suspicious at that, but continues to listen.

"I am going to add new triggers to your mind to determine when you can cum, that will take priority above your previous one. This will allow you to be with anyone you like, but unless you meet any of those triggers, you're not going to be able to orgasm. Originally, this would have kept you from knocking anyone up as you would be unable to orgasm if your cock was in someone's vagina." Mitchel frowns a little as he listens, but still says nothing; it isn't really as if he can do anything to fight this thanks to his deal with her.

"So From now on you will only be able to orgasm around someone physically male or if you are receiving anal pleasure." Miss Nightfang says as her eyes begin to glow softly as she looks into yours, the boy being unable to look away as he stares blankly into her eyes. "This will allow you to have sex with Francis, as he is physically male, but not Sam or any other genetic girl. Shemales and male will also be able to get you to cum as long as they are on top." She says explaining the full details of Mitch's new needs. "Stimulation to your cock will have weaker effects then anal stimulation. These all are priorities above your previous trigger of having to be called a sissy to cum, though you will still find that you will need them to say to undo the final lock. But do look on the bright side, you can actually bring endless pleasure to others by using your cock on them, since until you've fully accepted being pleasured like a girl it will be pretty much just a strap on in function."

Mitchel blinks at that, feeling a bit woozy as she messes around with his brain, then he shakes his head to clear it and asks, "So... wait... so does that mean that even if I meet one of those criteria, I still need someone to say the trigger before I can get off?"

Miss Nightfang grins softly "For a bit longer, yes. The triggers are meant to last until you become more comfortable with the changes to your body. The sooner you can fully accept being a sissy the sooner you'll not have to be reminded you are one. Just as the sooner you accept you're now a girl and will have receive pleasure like one, the sooner you'll be able enjoy both your feminine and masculine traits equally. For now your mind is conditioned to responding stronger to 'female stimulations' such as using a dildo on yourself then 'male stimulations' such as jerking off your cock."

Mitchel says softly, "But I still can't masturbate, because if no one says the command phrase, I can't get off..."

Miss Nightfang nods softly "For now. As I said, once you've accepted being seen as at least a sissy a boy dressed as a girl, if not a an actual girl, by others you'll no longer need to someone to tell when you are to cum. "

Mitchel swallows softly and says, "But I agreed not to fight you on this..."

"Yes, you did. That's why I added the 'obsoleting' to it. You're not going to fight me, but that doesn't mean you're going accept and be comfortable with who you are. I could tell that today with how quiet and sullen you were even after making the deal. Michelle." She says and leans forward to Mitchel, her eyes having stopped glowing but still looking him directly in the eye as she speaks honestly. "I WANT you to be happy. But as long as you still think like a boy, even a boy who's accepted being a girl, you're not going to be happy. These triggers are meant to help you enjoy being a girl because they reward you for meeting the conditions with orgasms."

Mitchel says softly, "I don't know that I can enjoy it."

"You will learn in time, because the mind will adapt to feeling good when the conditions are met and feeling miserable when they aren't because you can't cum. When conditions become obsolete they are constantly met. So it is up to you to find ways to make it more enjoyable. These will be choices you make. You can try to please the conditions and find ways to enjoy yourself, or you can try to ignore them for as long as possible and only address those when you absolutely need to orgasm because you don't want to be a girl. And we both know right now the latter is more likely, as we both know this isn't what you want; admitting it isn't fighting me, neither is ignoring the conditions. But the quicker you accept the quicker this will all be over with. I've had some students here that are in their fourth year because they continue to drag their feet. Do you want to remain here longer then you have to?"

Mitchel shakes his head and then asks something odd, "What if I can't marry Francis?"

"And what do you mean by that?" Miss Nightfang asks taken aback by such a strange question out of nowhere, and also finding it a bit odd that Mitch called him by his real name then his nickname.

Mitchel takes a deep breath, closing his eyes for a second before explaining himself, "Okay, so you care about your students... but you care about the parents more, or you wouldn't be trying to make me into a girl at all. Cyko told me that his dad paid to have my nuts cut off, not my mom. And that he wanted me fitted with hedgehog balls in the end... He wants me married to his son, doesn't he? What if I can't do that? You... you aren't going to force that... are you?"

Selene_Nightfang frowns a bit. "I don't care about the Parents more." She states bluntly. "But this isn't a public school. It is a private one; we don't get the same kind of funding other schools get. As such, it is the parents that basically pay to keep this school running. I keep the parents happy, I keep the school open. I keep the school open; I can take in more kids that need a place like this." She explains breaking things down simply but not condescendingly. "That is the kind of circle I am forced into, having to try very hard to keep both students and parents happy if I want to keep helping as many as I can. As such No, I won't force that. That will be your choice. In fact once you graduate, I no longer have any say in what you do or don't do. If you want to marry Francis, go ahead. If you want to dump him, that's fine too. You don't even really need to stay with him now; unless you really want you're balls back. So it is all really your choice, but Mr. Hedge is a powerful and influential man. I don't think I NEED to tell you that he likely wouldn't take you refusing the marriage after he paid for you to be complete again."

Mitchel takes a deep breath, "If that's true... why did you..." then he stops and shrugs, "Never mind." he was going to rehash, 'why did you choose to make me a girl, when you knew what it would do'... but that could be considered resisting. Instead he asks, "How am I supposed to do all that you want me to, and stay sane, stay me?"

Miss Nightfang looks to Mitchel, she can sense the question he started to ask and begins to type something up on the computer in front of her and then turns the screen towards him, even as Mitch decide against knowing. On the screen reads: 'Hedge Account'. There is a lot of info there, but highlighted is the part that reveals just HOW much money Mr. Hedge is paying for all this.

Mitchel suddenly realizes why she could afford to spend so much on him today, as with that money she could afford not only to splurge like that but also to really update the school and likely even lessen, if not null, payments from other parents for several years. They say everyone has a price, and it seems she has hers as well. She'll leave it up to the boy to decide if justifiable if it means improving how things are ran, as she turns the computer back around. Beyond that they would indeed be rehashing as regardless to Mitch having nuts or not, it's STILL what his mother is paying for as she had been very clear on her desires as well, and the fact that both wants lined up was part of her decision.

Getting back on track, she answers Mitch's verbal question. "That is literally what friends are for, Michelle. It is why I started pairing up students with those they work well with. While Francis is upset with you for now, he will calm down and he will continue to be there for you; though he might be a bit less help until Sam graduates."

Mitchel nods with a sigh, "Okay." he stands up and asks, "Is there anything else?"

Miss Nightfang shakes her head, "Not unless you had anything else you wanted to talk about." Mitchel shakes his head in response and leaves, heading back to his room once more and to sleep after that and try to forget all about today.