Sky Ocean Chapter 11

Story by Hraefn on SoFurry

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#11 of Sky Ocean

Chapter 11

Harvy stopped walking and turned to face the raven keeping pace behind her. "You doing okay Gar? Need me to slow down?" Gar let out an uncharacteristic sigh as he eyed the worried wolf. "Harvy...I sincerely understand and GREATLY appreciate your concern...but as I have stated NUMEROUS times this morning...I am FINE." Harvy blushed slightly and looked away. "Yeah I know Gar...sorry...just can't help but worry." Gar smiled warmly. "And I thank you, but if we don't hurry I fear we will be late for class." Harvy gasped and quickened her pace, keeping a watchful eye on her avian friend just in case.

Harvy knew today would be a FAR more difficult challenge than yesterday. She was already struggling to control her rapidly boiling anger the minute she and Gar entered the school. Harsh whispers, evil glares, and fearful eyes. As Gar came down the hall behind her she even saw a group of freshman girls cower in fear. Gar maintaned his stoic countenance, though the sad smile on his face was all it took to feed Harvy's fury. Biting back a growl for Gar's sake, she quickly grabbed his talon and led him to Mr. Bright's class, unknowingly broadcasting a defensive 'MINE!' message with her body language. The whispers grew louder at this action but Harvy forcefully tuned them out and quickly led Gar into the waiting classroom. Mr. Bright looked up in surprise as the door opened. A quick glance to the clock confirmed the warning bell wouldn't sound for another five minutes. His gaze fell onto the students who had entered the room and a truly glorious smile broke out across his face. "Mr. With? Oh praise Gaea you are back my boy!"

Gar gave Mr. Bright a loving grin and stepped forward to be quickly embraced in a fatherly hug. Mr. Bright looked up to greet Harvy as well but his smile quickly faltered when he noticed her obvious distress, her expression conveying a cross of intense anger and severe hurt. Gar frowned too as Mr. Bright gently approached the young wolf. "Ms. Sellow? Dear child what's troubling you?" Harvy let out an exasperated sigh, flinging her bag to the floor with a grunt and shooting Gar a quick apologetic look before answering the concerned weasel. "...It's just...GAEA! They don't even KNOW Gar and they're saying such...EVIL...things about him! I can't stand it! They're all just so...heartless!" She nearly broke out into tears as she finished and Mr. Bright gently patted her shoulder in a comforting manner. Gar took on a serious expression as he spoke. "...I can understand your feelings Harvy...but anger achieves nothing more than self inflicted wounds and needless pain...they act out of fear...fear of what they do not understand...pity them...but do not hate I have said once're heart is meant to love...not hate..."

Mr. Bright beamed proudly at Gar's wise words. "Mr. With is correct Ms. Sellow. The boy is wise FAR beyond his years..." Harvy met Gar's intense blue eyes and smiled greatfully before gently pulling him into a loving hug. They broke apart as the warning bell sounded and quickly made their way to their seats. Harvy was surprised as the lesson began. She quickly noticed that with the exception of a few less than intelligent delinquents, the majority of Mr. Bright's class seemed to be just fine with Gar's presence. Perhaps Mr. Bright's explanation the previous day had done more than she had thought. She smiled warmly as Gar's words replayed in her head. He was truly an amazing person. She gave him a quick smile which he noticed from across the room and kindly returned, filling Harvy's heart with warmth as she let out a contented sigh.

Harvy made it through the day with a surprising degree of control over her anger. Control she credited to Gar's presence and soothing words. Still when the last bell rang she eagerly lept up, desperate to flee the source of so much recent stress. She met with Gar in front of the school with a wide grin and shamelessly gave him a loving hug which he returned greatfully. As they walked home in companionable silence Harvy tried to sort out her hectic thoughts as she mulled over the last few days. She thought back to the moment she shared with Gar on the couch and her very...private...dreams about him. She thought about how nervous she was dressing his wounds and the shiver that traveled from the top of her spine down and out her tail every time those otherworldy eyes of his locked with hers. What was Gar to her? She knew he was without question her BEST friend but what did all these conflicting emotions mean? As she silently racked her brain for an answer she almost failed to notice a white talon waving before her. "Harvy? Are you feeling well?"

She was snapped out of her thoughts by that oh so familiar crisp, husky voice and whirled to face Gar with surprise evident on her face. She quickly blushed as her ears pinned back and she answered in a fluster. "Oh! Uh...y-yeah! Of course Gar! Everything's just f-fine!" She trailed off with a nervous laugh. Gar quirked a doubtful brow but maintaned a smile. "Alright then 'Dire Wolf'..." He finished with a knowing wink, making Harvy blush again. Dammit! She thought. He knows something's up! Oh well just play it cool Harvy... Gar stopped suddenly and Harvy looked up at him in puzzlement. He gestured an alabastor talon toward the dirt path which led to the trailer park. "This is where I part I'm afraid." Harvy frowned sadly. She had nearly forgotten he wouldn't be returning to her house. "Oh...yeah...umm...see you tomorrow Gar..." Gar nodded with a sweet smile. "Have a pleasant evening Harvy." With that he strolled off and up the path. Harvy sighed to herself as she continued on her way home, thoughts of the mesmerizing raven taking hold once more.

Gar took a deep breath before quietly opening the door to his trailer. He cautiously stepped inside, his eyes slowly drawn to the couch. His breath caught and he silently thanked Gaea when he spotted his father's sleeping form. With a small grin, Gar closed the door and swiftly approached the snoozing crow. With a gentle talon he patted his father's shoulder. A moment later the tired crow looked up at him through weary eyes. As his vision focused he broke into a wide, warm smile. "My're home!" Gar laughed warmly and enveloped his father in a loving hug, familiar white wings enveloping the smaller avian in warmth. Mr. With smiled sadly. "It seems you were indeed in good paws..." Gar nodded as he released his father. "Gaea bless that child...she cares for you so very much..." Gar quirked a brow in puzzlement. "Harvy? You have spoken to her father?" The crow nodded groggily. "I called one night..." His expression conveyed shame. "...when I came home...and I had the pleasure of meeting the dear friend Gaea has blessed you with..." Gar's eyes widened. Harvy had spoken to his father? Why had she not mentioned it?

He dismissed the thought and gently pulled his father into a sitting position. "Come father. Find your legs..." The crow grinned knowingly. "...If only to carry me off to sweeter dreams..." Gar grinned lovingly back. The crow winked at his son. "...Some things never change..." He paused as his eyes drifted over to a framed picture of a beautiful young female crow. His smile turned sad as he sighed in sorrow. "...and some things do change..." Gar frowned in sadness before patting his father on the back and gently helping him to bed, carefully avoiding the discarded beer and liquor bottles on the floor. He made a mental note to tidy up tomorrow. For now he was home...with his father, and the thought brought a smile to his face...

Harvy collapsed onto the couch with a sigh. She'd been pondering her strange feelings all the way home and had only succeeded in getting herself more confused. Groaning in exasperation she was pulled from her thoughts by her mother's voice. "Bad day honey?" Harvy forced a smile. "That's a serious understatement mom..." The older wolf frowned sympathetically. "Oh I'm sorry to hear that sweety. Did Gar do alright today?" Harvy winced at the raven's name. "Yeah mom...just fine...but there was some pretty ugly gossip to deal with all day..." The older wolf sighed as she sat down beside her daughter, draping an arm around the smaller wolf's shoulders in comfort. "Well that's highschool for you sweety. You just have to try not to let it get to you." Harvy smiled. "Gar said something similar this morning." The older wolf beamed as she nodded enthusiastically. "There you have it! I'll tell you sweety, that boy is one in ten million!" She finished with a loving nuzzle to Harvy's cheek which made her giggle. Harvy thought of the avian once more. One in ten million huh?

The infinite ethereal blue flows all around the white avian totem. It's essence breathes with him, flowing in and out of his very being. The Sky Ocean breathed for him...whispering ancient wisdom into his ear. It called to him, beckoned him to a destination shrouded in mystery...and a touch of destiny. As the raven's eyes travel downward the earth once again melts away into a myriad of shape and color. The images grow clearer until the form of a lithe young black furred she wolf comes into focus. She looks up with a loving smile as she's held by thin yet powerful white feathered arms. The white raven that holds her slowly lowers his head, his marble white beak parting as his avian tongue meets hers in an intimate, passionate dance. The raven's eyes widen as the scene evaporates and the Sky Ocean carries him home...

Gar sprang upright with a gasp. Dear Gaea what did that dream mean? He briefly wondered if he was losing his grip on his sanity as he struggled to understand the images he had just witnessed. As he grappled with his cryptic thoughts he was startled by the ringing of his phone. Staring in momentary surprise and curiosity he reached out a talon and slowly answered it. "...Hello?" A familiar feminine giggle sounded in his ear and he broke out into a wide grin. "Harvy?" He heard the giggle again. "Who else would be calling your bedroom Gar?" He chuckled in good humor. "I feared for a moment it would be my employer with ill news." Harvy laughed sweetly. "Sorry for the false alarm Gar." The raven chuckled again. "No worries 'Dire wolf.' Might I inquire as to the reason for your call?" Harvy snickered slightly at his eloquent language. "Well, I was still kinda' worried about you so I was hoping you'd want to hang out today!" She paused for a moment and Gar detected a bit of embarassment in her tone as she continued. "...Especially because...I won't be in school next week..."

Gar quirked a brow in puzzlement. "Oh? And why is that?" Harvy responded in a near panic. "...I-I'll tell you l-later Gar! Don't w-worry about it f-for now..." The raven supressed his natural corvid curiosity and relented. "Alright then. So what did you have in mind?" Harvy sighed on the other end, apparently greatful for the change in subject. "Nothing in particular..." She trailed off with a sad sigh as she realized she had no ideas. Gar grinned as a thought occurred to him. "Might I suggest a hike through the canyon? It is truly a beautiful place rich in tribal history." Gar could practically see the wolf's face splitting grin. "That sounds PERFECT! Let me just tell my mom! When can you be over?" He glanced at the clock which read one thirty. "I should be there by two." Harvy squealed in barely restrained excitement. "Okay Gar see you then!" He chuckled at her childish enthusiasm. "Alright Harvy, I shall see you soon." With that he hung up and let out a contented sigh before springing off the bed to get ready for the day.

Mrs. Sellow chuckled knowingly at her daughters hyperactive behavior. She was perfectly fine with the day's plans so long as Gar was with her and she brought her cell phone. She'd practically been suffocated by the young wolf's hug when she'd granted her permission to go. "Just be back before eight, honey. Dinner should be ready by then." Harvy beamed at her mother. "No problem mom!" She jumped when she heard a familiar light knocking at the door and rushed to answer it with an excited yip. There stood Gar, clothed in a pair of black cargo shorts, his leather bracelets and a near skintight black tank top. Harvy fought off a blush as her eyes lingered on his torso longer than she felt was propper before breaking into a giddy smile and practically pulling Gar inside. The raven just chuckled and smiled lovingly at Mrs. Sellow as she approached. "Hello Gar! How are you doing sweety? You sure you're up for a hike?" Gar grinned at the older wolf's maternal tone and flashed her a confident grin. "I assure you I am completely healed mam. I thank you sincerely for your concern." She gave him a doubtful look so Gar just sighed and lifted up his tank top, making Harvy blush several shades of red.

He gestured to his now completely healed torso with only a few barely noticable marks being the only indication he'd once been injured. Mrs. Sellow quirked a brow in amazement before chuckling warmly. "All right honey I believe you." Gar grinned sweetly and lowered his shirt. Harvy turned to her mom. "Can we go now mom?" The older wolf chuckled at her daughter's eagerness. "All right all right! Do you have your phone Harvy?" Harvy groaned in exasperation. "Yes!" Mrs. Sellow gave her a quick hug followed by Gar. "Okay then you kids have fun and be SAFE. Oh and Gar honey?" Gar paused in the doorway and turned to look at the older wolf, his head tilted in question. Mrs. Sellow grinned lecherously. "...Nice abs..." She said with a wink. Harvy paled, looking like she might have a heart attack as she turned to glare at her mother. "MOM!"

Harvy gasped in utter amazement at the truly glorious sight before her. The canyon was a deep earthy red and carried on for at least a mile, framed by picturesque desert on either side and a clear blue sky overhead. "...Wow..." Came her stunned reply. Gar chuckled lightly, pleased by her reaction. He offered her a talon which she accepted with a slight blush as he carefully led her down to the canyon floor. Harvy's lupine eyes doubled in size as she gazed at the walls around her in awe. Gar led her over to a stretch of wall and gestured to some faded but clearly distinguishable markings across the rust colored surface. His voice was calming and serene as he spoke. "Long ago in earth that was...these lands were home to the Navajo tribe...this canyon was home to one of their villages..." Harvy's mouth opened in awe as she listened intently to the raven's words. "...These markings tell many of their myths..." He pointed a claw at a white painting which depicted a familiar avian shape. Harvy's eyes widened as she realized it was the same image from her book. "Raven..." Said Gar before loweing his talon to another painting. This one depicted a canine form. "Wolf..." He said with a warm smile.

Harvy gasped and broke into an excited grin. "They're...they're together!" Gar nodded sweetly and Harvy found herself trapped in his eyes again. Her breath caught and she uncounciously began to lean forward as if controlled by some invisible force. She was snapped out of her spell when Gar held out a talon. She stared at it in confusion before Gar let out a chuckle and answered her silent question. "Would you like to see the canyon from above. Her eyes widened in shock as she answered in nervous tones. "Wh-what do you mean Gar?" He grinned and brought his beak close to her muzzle, making her blush furiously. "Do you trust me?" He asked seriously. Harvy nodded vehemently. "Of course..." She said with perfect honesty. He then opened his arms in invitation and she nervously stepped forward. She let out an 'eep!' of surprise when he closed his arms around her lithe form and swiftly lifted her off of the ground, holding her bridal style. Harvy's cheeks felt like they were on fire and her ears felt glued back to her head.

Gar gave her a comforting squeeze before shooting off into the air with mild difficulty due to the extra weight. Harvy's heart was racing, both from the sudden unexpected flight and her very close proximity to Gar. The raven flew at a slow almost clumsy pace just over the canyon, his body not designed to handle additional weight while flying. He grinned sheepishly at Harvy. "My apologies but this is as high as I can go with a passenger." Harvy clinged tightly to his chest, slight fear evident in her voice. "N-no p-problem Gar! I don't n-need to b-be much h-higher than this!" Gar laughed sweetly and continued his slow aerial lap over the canyon. Eventually Harvy's trembling subsided as she stared in awe of the breathtaking scenery around her. She began to revel in the surreal experience of flight. She'd NEVER felt so free in all her life! It was easy to see why Gar risked so much to glimpse such heavenly bliss... He slowed down after a while and headed for a flat stretch of rock atop the canyon. He landed gently and carefully set Harvy down before dropping into a seated position panting with near exhaustian.

Harvy looked at him in worry but he held up a talon to silence any concerns. "I assure you I am fine Harvy...Just not used to having a passenger..." He said with a slight smirk and a wink. Harvy broke into a monumental smile as she tackled Gar to the ground and gave him a huge hug. Without thinking she gave him a very loving lick on the cheek, freezing when she realized what she'd done. "O-oh Gaea...S-sorry Gar! I didn't mean to get c-carried away...I just wanted to th-thank you and uh..." Gar's tender smile silenced her. "You are MOST welcome Harvy." She grinned happily and buried her face in his neck, breathing in his scent and sighing contentedly. Gar gently stroked her head fur and this time she did nothing to contain a happy whine. After a few blissful minutes they parted. Harvy turned towards Gar with a greatful smile. "Thank you so much Gar... This place is incredible..." He smiled back before looking to the blue sky with a distant look in his eyes. "This place reminds me of my dreams..." He said cryptically.

Harvy quirked a brow in curiosity. "You're dreams?" Gar nodded absently. "Endless blues of long lost seas...cross the void of ancient mysteries...visions cirlcle like dying winds...purpose lost as reason ascends...the heart ablaze with a pure emotion...forever drifting the Sky Ocean..." He trailed off with a distant sigh as he gazed at the clear blue of the desert sky. Harvy felt wetness on her cheeks and realized she was crying. She gently embraced Gar from behind. Her voice was barely a whisper. "...Wow...Gar...that was beautiful..." Gar turned to face her, a troubled look in his eyes. "I don't know what it means...I've had this dream for as long as I can remember...but I don't know what it means...It's as if the sky...calls to me..." He trailed off with a sigh, unwilling or perhaps unable to reveal to Harvy the greater details of his dreams as of late.

Giving him a gentle squeeze, Harvy met his eyes and offered a warm smile which he thankfully returned. "My apologies for troubling you...It has...been on my mind lately..." He finished with a sheepish grin. Harvy shook her head. "You don't have anything to be sorry for Gar. I'm your friend. If i'm not there to help you then what good am I?" She asked with a slight chuckle. Gar gave her a serious look. "...You are nothing but." Harvy gulped and fought off a blush. "Th-thank you...Gar..." He flashed her a sweet smile and returned his gaze to the sky. He suddenly jumped up in surprise and offered a talon to Harvy. She stared at him in puzzlement and he quickly answered the unspoken question. "A storm is on the way. We'd best head home before it hits." She stared at him in wonder and he once again answered the unspoken question. "It's...a bird thing..." She nodded with a giggle and snuggled into his arms as he took off into the air and headed for home.

Mrs. Sellow paced nervously as she heard the rain hitting the roof. The storm had come from nowhere. She scowled as she looked at the weather report in the paper. "Clear skies my furry ass!" She growled angrily as she tore the paper to shreds. A rapid knocking on the door caught her attention and she immediately rushed to answer it. There before her stood a thuroughly soaked young wolf and raven. She couldn't help but snicker lightly at the admitedly ADORABLE picture before her, before Harvy's irritated voice snapped her out of it. "MOM! You think you could let us in sometime tonight?!" Mrs. Sellow smiled apologetically and quickly ushered them inside. Gar gave the older wolf a sheepish smile. "My SINCEREST apolgies mam...I detected the coming storm in time and immediately headed for home...but..." Harvy interjected. "In short, nature didn't design avians for carrying passengers so Gar got worn out and we had to run the rest of the way here. We got caught in the storm as it started." Mrs. Sellow nodded in understanding before her brow shot up in surprise. "You FLEW, Harvy?" Harvy face pawed and groaned. "Yes mom...I FLEW." She said, mocking her mother.

The older wolf took on a dreamy expression before turning to Gar. "Oh my how wonderful! How very sweet of you Gar!" Gar rubbed his neck sheepishly as Harvy rolled her eyes in exasperation. "" The older wolf turned to face her daughter. "Yes sweety?" She answered with a silly smile. "Do you think we could get some towels? I'm FREEZING!" Mrs. Sellow gasped. "Oh my! Of course! Sorry sweety I'll be right back!" With that she raced off to the bathroom to fetch some towels. Gar looked around awkwardly, dripping water onto the door mat beside Harvy. He turned to look at the young wolf. "My sincerest apologies Harvy..." She smiled warmly. "It's not your falt the weather guy sucks Gar!" She finished by sticking her tongue out teasingly, illiciting a slight chuckle from Gar. Mrs. Sellow quickly returned with two towels which the drenched teens greatfully accepted. As Harvy finished toweling off she uncounciously shook out her fur like a wet dog and froze in embarassment when she noticed Gar staring at her.

The raven mentally added this to the ever growing list of cute behaviors he'd attributed to Harvy and chuckled sweetly. He finished drying his feathers to the best of his ability and Harvy completely forgot her own embarassment when she turned to look at Gar again. She let out a hysterical laugh and Gar quirked a brow in curiosity. "Hahahaha! G-Gar...Look at y-you!" She panted out between laughs. "Y-your'e all... POOFY!" She erupted into a fit of giggles once again. This time Mrs. Sellow joined in. True enough, Gar's feathers were standing on end in a 'spiky' look, being an instinctive reaction to having wet feathers. Avians afterall, have full muscle control over their feathers and can raise or lower them at will. In fact, a flustered bird was a 'spiky' bird so Gar's mother allways used to say. Being an avian, and thus quite acustomed to his unique anatomy. Gar did not quite get what was so funny and tilted his head in question. Harvy lost it... She was already shaking with laughter over his 'poofyness,' but when Gar tilted his SPIKY head in that oh so damn ADORABLE way...well it was just too much to handle all at once.

The young wolf virtually collapsed onto the floor gasping for breath, seized mercilessly by silent laughter. Gar gave her a worried glance and helped her up. Finally her chuckles abated and she met his eyes. "...I-I'm s-sorry...G-Gar..." She said while panting for breath. "...but that was just TOO damn cute..." She froze when she realized she'd just called him his face...just as panic began to set in her mother uncounciously saved her. "WASN'T IT THOUGH?!" Mrs. Sellow was beaming a one hundred thousand kilowatt smile as she shamelessly nuzzled Gar's cheek, who just shifted awkwardly and smiled sheepishly. Finally the two wolves ceased their snickering. Noticing the late hour, Mrs. Sellow addressed Gar. "Oh dear, it doesn't look like this storm will be passing anytime soon...Gar honey? I insist you stay the night." Gar nodded in understanding. "Feel free to use the phone to let your father know you're here sweety." Gar let out a solemn sigh and slowly made his way over to the phone. After dialing his home number he waited for several minutes before the answering machine came on. Sighing in frustration but not at all surprised he left a quick message explaining the situation and hung up.

He made his way back to the family room where Mrs. Sellow addressed him once more. "Everything alright sweety?" Gar just nodded. Smiling brightly Mrs. Sellow gestured to Gar's soaked clothing. "Good. Well you'd better strip then hun!" Harvy froze and stared at her mom blankly. "...Mom...WHAT THE HELL?!" She screamed furiously. Mrs. Sellow gave her a serious expression. "What? He'll catch cold if he stays in those wet clothes honey." She said matter of factly. As Harvy face pawed, Mrs. Sellow turned back to Gar. "Gar, you can change in the bathroom, there's a robe in there you can wear while your clothes are in the dryer okay?" Gar nodded sheepishly and headed for the bathroom. After the bathroom door closed and locked she turned to her daughter with a lecherous grin on her muzzle. Harvy held up a paw to silence her. "Don't...say it..." With that she sulked off to her room to get changed as her mother watched her go with a bemused chuckle.

Harvy sat upright in bed with an exasperated sigh. She looked over at her alarm clock and groaned. Three thirty. She STILL couldn't sleep. She would NEVER admit it but storms always made her nervous. It was a childish fear she'd never truly outgrown. She sighed in resignation as her thoughts drifted back to the raven sleeping on the couch in the family room...clothed in nothing but a robe... STOP! She thought furiously. my heat starting up early? She thanked Gaea she would be seperated from Gar the coming week. She was SURE the perverse part of her mind would have a field day imagining all sorts of...carnal...scenarios involving the attractive raven. was times like this when she REALLY hated going into heat...

The sun's rays beamed down on Harvy's head, waking her with an indignant grumble. She groggily rubbed her eyes and sat upright. She couldn't recall when she had even dozed off. Looking at the clock she saw that it was twelve fortyfive. She slowly crawled out of bed and made her way downstairs where she was greeted by her mother as she cooked a late breakfast for her daughter. She beamed when she noticed Harvy. "Good morning sleepy head! Sleep well?" Harvy grinned warmly. "...Sorta..." She looked around briefly. "Did Gar already leave?" The older wolf nodded sadly. "Yes sweety. He said he had to head off for work. I can't believe they expect such demanding work of the poor boy on a Sunday!" She 'tisked' and slowly shook her head in disapproval. "Not to worry though hun! I already explained your 'lady troubles' so he knows why you won't be at school next week." Harvy's face reddened. "Gee...THANKS mom..." Although it came out sarcastically, she was truly relieved she didn't have to explain the embarassing situation to Gar herself. She let out a deep sigh as she sat down to breakfast. Saddened though she was by his early departure, she knew it was probably for the best. Especially considering her rather troublesome thoughts about him as of late...