Sky Ocean Chapter 10

Story by Hraefn on SoFurry

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#10 of Sky Ocean

Chapter 10

Harvy awoke with a start. An all too familiar cold sweat slicked her fur and an uncomfortable heat filled her cheeks. Aww DAMMIT! She thought furiously. Get A GRIP Harvy! She furiously shook her head in a futile effort to forget the rather 'X Rated' images of Gar from the previous night's sleep. As she grappled with the images in question she heard a light knocking at her door and answered in a wavery voice. "Y-yeah?" The door opened gently and Mrs. Sellow stepped in with a smile. "Good morning sweety! I just wanted to let you know there's been a slight change in today's plans...well...the next few days actually..." Harvy quirked a brow in curiosity. "What do you mean mom?" Mrs. Sellow let out a sigh. "Well I called into work and explained Gar's situation, but unfortunately they wouldn't allow me to stay and look after him..." Harvy's heart rate quickened as she realized where this was going. "...and so...I called the school and had you excused for the next two days...hopefully Gar will be well enough to get along on his own by the third day, but until then I would like you to stay home and look after him. Is that okay with you sweety?"

Harvy's heart lept up into her throat and her cheeks heated up again. "Y-you want m-me to stay here with h-him...alone?" The older wolf nodded. "...for two days?" Another nod. Harvy quickly shook her head and tried to compose herself. "O-of course m-mom...I's n-no problem at all..." Mrs. Sellow beamed at her daughter, a brilliant smile crossing her muzzle. "Oh thank you honey! I just know you two kids will have fun!" Her look turned stern. "But not TOO MUCH fun okay?" Harvy nearly had a heart attack. Her voice jumped up several octaves. "M-MOM! What the HELL?! Like we would ever! I mean...uh...Dear Gaea!" She trailed off as she began to ramble, stopping when she noticed her mother's blank stare. "...Umm...he's still INJURED after all he needs to take it easy and get lot's of rest..." Harvy blanked as she realized she had jumped the gun...AGAIN. She face pawed and let out a groan. The older wolf broke out into a lecherous grin as she spoke again. "...Honey? What did you think mommy was talking about?" Harvy held up a paw and groaned, fixing her mother with a bitter frown. "Won't you be late for work?" The older wolf glanced at her watch and 'eeped!' "Oh my goodness you're right! Bye Bye honey! Have a nice day! Love you!" With that she rushed out the door as Harvy held her face in her paws and let out a deep sigh. This was going to be a LONG day...

Gar opened his eyes groggily as an alluring aroma filled his nostrils. He sat up and sniffed the air. It smelled like...eggs and bacon. Focusing his eyes in the direction of the kitchen, he could just make out the silhouette of a small wolf hard at work over the stove. His voice was hoarse as he spoke. "Something smells delightful..." Harvy 'eeped!" loudly at Gar's voice. She whirled around and looked at him from the kitchen. "G-Gar! Uh...good morning! Breakfast's almost ready!" Gar's avian eyes widened in momentary confusion. "Harvy? I thought you would be at school today." Harvy grinned nervously as she scraped the eggs and bacon onto two plates. "Well that was the plan but mom couldn't get out of I'm excused from school for the next two days and uh...yeah..." Gar stared blankly for a few seconds as Harvy shifted awkwardly, her gaze falling to the floor. Then Gar's face broke into a warm smile. "What a fortunate change of plans. I look forward to it." Harvy blinked and looked up with a blush. " too..." She smiled happily and brought Gar his breakfast on a T.V. tray.

She sat down beside the bleached raven as he sat upright and eagerly dug into his breakfast. She gasped in realization and gave him an apologetic smile. Gar stopped eating and gave her a puzzled look, tilting his head in question. Harvy stammered out a nervous apology. "Oh Gar I'm SO sorry! I just realized I served you...EGGS...and uh..." Gar chuckled in good humor as Harvy stared at him in puzzlement. He quickly composed himself and clarified. "It is true that most avians would be put off by the idea of consuming eggs even if they ARE of the feral variety...but as a raven I share much in common with my feral relatives." Harvy's eyes widened in fascination as she silently urged him to continue. "Ravens are oppurtunistic scavengers who eat nearly anything they can find out in the wild, eggs included...I suppose this trait translates to a 'very un-picky eater' when it comes to raven totems." He finished with a light chuckle and Harvy nodded in awe before letting out a light giggle.

The day passed realtively slowly as the two teens ildly chatted and blankly watched T.V. with Harvy fighting desperately against her nerves all the while. Gar seemed unaware of her distress and actually seemed to be thuroughly enjoying the time they shared together. Harvy smiled at this. Gar truly was a GREAT friend. It was now the late afternoon and both teens had decided to occupy themselves with Harvy's collection of antique books which she shared with Gar excitedly. She giggled sweetly at how cute Gar looked, pouring over each text with great curiosity like a small child who had made some grand discovery. Harvy kept herself occupyed with her recently procured book on human native american tribes and read with great intrigue. She was heavily immersed in a chapter detailing the totemic animal spirits from which she knew the current denizens of the earth took their name. So mesmerized was she by her book, that she barely heard the front door open as her mother returned home.

Mrs. Sellow closed the door with a tired grunt and strolled into the family room. She froze in place as she took in the scene on the couch. Gar had fallen asleep reading and lay sideways, a forgotten book still clutched in his talons as his feathered head rested on an oblivious Harvy's shoulder. The young she wolf kept reading, a look of pure fascination on her face as the slumbering raven uncounciously cuddled against her. A wide smile broke out across Mrs. Sellow's muzzle as she made her presence known. " adorable!" She said in a barely passable 'whisper.' Harvy looked up in surprise as she heard her mother's voice. "Oh...hi mom! How was your day?" Mrs. Sellow continued grinning sweetly. "Not too bad hun...but yours seems to have gone very well..." Glancing around in confusion, Harvy froze as she noticed Gar's position. Her heart beat quickened and a fierce blush spread. Through intense will power she managed not to jump up, out of fear of waking Gar. She looked at her mom in a panic. "Um...uh...I don't know how that...I mean...uh..." The older wolf held a single digit over her lips, effectively silencing her flustered and rambling daughter. "Oh it's sweet honey. Looks like you did a wonderful job today."

She gave her daughter a wink and headed to her bedroom to change. Harvy sighed in defeat and went back to her book, sneaking a sideways glance at her slumbering best friend and smiling warmly at the sight. He really was adorable when he slept, she thought. Pushing the thought aside she returned her full attention to her book. Her eyes widening as she came to a chapter detailing the raven spirit, eliciting a gasp from her as she read on in deep fascination...

Morning found Harvy in a very...compromising...position. As she slowly opened her weary eyes she quickly became aware of something heavy and...very soft...lying on top of her. As her vision cleared she looked up only to come muzzle to beak with Gar...who was fast asleep on top of her...his arms wrapped around her as he uncounciously cuddled against her fur... Reality failed to register in Harvy's brain as every fiber of her being screamed THIS IS NOT REAL! Quickly shutting her eyes again she tried desperately to will the image...and the sensations...away. This had to be another perverted dream! She then felt Gar shift slightly and grumble something in his sleep, rapidly driving the point home that she was NOT dreaming. Her face heated up and her ears flattened. Her heart felt like it would burst from her chest. She desperately tried to think of what to do, when a certain mischievous she wolf saved her the trouble. "Oh my goodness! Isn't this just TOO CUTE?!" Gar bolted upright in alarm and spotted Mrs. Sellow smiling warmly at him. He grinned groggily back before noticing the furry warmth beneath him, making him look down.

His eyes widened as he saw a VERY flustered Harvy trying desperately to keep calm. Gar quickly sat upright and let Harvy up, grinning sheepishly with a phantom blush gracing his features. Harvy turned to her mother with a furious expression. "MOM! Why the HELL didn't you wake me?!" Mrs. Sellow grinned warmly, though Harvy detected a bit of mischief there as well. "Oh honey I simply didn't have the heart to! You looked so CUTE! So I just thought I'd let you sleep. I don't see the harm." Harvy rolled her eyes and grumbled, speaking under her breath. "...You wouldn't..." Mrs. Sellow grinned evilly. "What was that honey?" Harvy laughed nervously and quickly kissed her mother on the cheek. "N-nothing mom! Gee look at the time! You'd better head off to work! Love you, bye!" Mrs. Sellow smiled kindly and wrapped the two teens in a tender hug. "Okay! You kids be good! Bye bye!" With that she headed out the door and Harvy sighed in relief. She slowly turned towards Gar, their eyes locking as an awkward silence fell. Her ears flattened as she nervously rubbed her neck. "Uhhh...eggs?"

Harvy briefly wondered if blushing too much was bad for your health. The afternoon found her kneeling over Gar as he lay on the couch, bloody bandages in her paws as she redressed his wounds. She gulped nervously as the last bandage came free. Her paws paused momentarily over Gar's well toned bare torso. She could feel his breathing as well as the gentle rolling of his powerful muscles beneath his skin. He was so thin yet so very well toned. He had a streamlined, almost greyhound-like physique, with a slender defined waist and very powerfully built chest and shoulder muscles necessary for prolonged flight. All in all his slender distinctly avian body was VERY attractive, thus the reason for Harvy's current distress. Forcefully tearing her eyes away from the sight, she discarded the used bandages and reached for some antiseptic.

She gave Gar an apologetic smile as she opened the bottle. "This will probably sting a bit Gar..." He grinned sweetly back, a look of complete trust on his face which Warmed Harvy's heart. Taking a deep breath, she poured some of the liquid onto his wounds. The raven let out a light hiss and Harvy winced at the sound. Working quickly, she gently rubbed his wounds in a manner similar to a massage and Gar let out a sigh of slight pleasure as the pain dissipated. Harvy stared intently at his wounds, her eyes widening in surprise. "Wow..." Gar tilted his head in question. She giggled and continued. "Ms. Barnwell wasn't kidding! You really do heal fast Gar! Looks like you'll be up and at 'em again in just another day or two!" The raven chuckled at her surprise. "I have always recovered at remarkable speed." His grin vanished as his eyes became sullen. "...Though I suppose my body has had much practice..." Realizing what he meant, Harvy halted her treatment and looked deeply into his ethereal eyes.

She gently wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in the crook of his neck, taking the oppurtunity to inhale his alluring scent once more. Gar tenderly stroked her head fur and she had to fight to prevent a happy canine whine from escaping. After a few moments it was over and Harvy silently began redressing Gar's wounds with fresh bandages. The day passed slowly after that and the two teens fell into the pattern of the previous day, ildly chatting, watching T.V. or reading more of Harvy's books. By late afternoon they were seated upon the couch, caught up in a deep discussion about their favorite writers. "Sorry Gar but I think 'Dante's Inferno' Is a bit TOO old for my taste!" Harvy was giggling happily, a look of pure joy on her face. Gar chuckled lightly. "I was merely suggesting you give it a try." Harvy giggled again before her expression turned serious. Gar tilted his head in question, earning a small smile from her before she spoke. "Umm...Gar?"

He nodded once to show he was listening. "I was reading that book again last night...that one about human native american tribes...and umm...I got to a chapter about the raven spirit..." Gar grinned slightly and silently urged her onward. "It said some pretty...amazing...things..." Harvy picked up the book in question and turned to a saved page. Gesturing to a tribal painting depicting a raven printed on the first page, she continued speaking. "It details several creation myths and...this one REALLY jumped out at me..." She paused and took a breath before continuing. "...It says that the earth was reformed four times due to the fourth world, mankind unleashed war and destruction, saddening the spirit of the earth and tainting them with darkness...The spirits wished to flood the earth and clense it of man and his evil...But one spirit spoke out...Raven was the wisest and purest of the spirits and he had a great love for man...He selflessly chose to make a great sacrifice to save man...Raven took ALL of man's darkness into himself, staining his brilliant white feathers black and affecting all of his children...from that day forward ravens would be feared, hated, and misunderstood, seen as harbringers of ill fortune and death...But in was Raven who saved man from his own wickedness..." She paused and looked over at Gar.

A distant look masked his features and he wore a sad smile. Without thinking, Harvy gently clutched his beak in her paws and turned him to face her. She uncounciously leaned in closer as she spoke, her muzzle coming inches away from Gar's marble white beak. "...For that reason...a solid white raven is a powerful signifies a PURE spirit never before born in this realm...a celestial being from the realm of spirits...they know nothing of darkness and evil...their feathers untainted by the sins of man...they were known as 'Spirit Ravens'...and their birth was a blessing from the earth spirit..." She began to lean in closer, so close she could feel her breath mixing with Gar's. Gar seemed to be pulled in by the same spell and the gap between them shrank to nearly nothing as their eyes began to close. "...a blessing...from...Gaea..." Her voice trailed off as her muzzle JUST began to touch his beak...

Harvy jumped in sudden alarm as the front door opened. She whirled around to see her mother standing in the family room with a brow raised in curiosity, a look of confusion evident on her face. "...Hello honey...Is everything...okay?" Harvy gulped and blushed several shades of red as her ears instictively pinned back. "Uh...o-of course m-mom! Why wouldn't it b-be?" The older wolf grinned mischievously. "Then why do you look like you've been caught with your paw in the cookie jar?" Harvy face pawed. "Dear Gaea mom! Everything's fine! You just surprised me okay?!" The older wolf snickered knowingly but decided not to press it. "Okay honey, whatever you say. Mommy's tired, so she's going to have a nice bath. Then we can get dinner started okay?" Harvy nodded absently as she snuck a nervous sideways glance at Gar who seemed to have returned to reading. "Okay mom...sounds good..." The older wolf flashed her a final grin before quickly retreating to her bedroom.

Harvy stared straight ahead, unable to look at Gar as she tried to understand what had almost happened. What the HELL is going on Harvy?! She thought to herself. Did you almost...KISS...Gar?! First THIS?! What is going on with you?! As she racked her brain in desperation, trying to make sense of her behavior, Gar's familiar light, husky voice shattered her reverie. "...My mother...told me the legends about ravens...when I was little...she called me 'Gaea's blessing'..." He finished with a distant, sad smile and Harvy turned to face him. He gave her a small warm smile and Harvy returned it. " knew the stories?" Gar nodded. "But...I liked hearing you read reminded me...of that time..." Harvy grew quiet. She felt even angrier about how Gar was treated, as if he was something pure being disgraced...he WAS pure she realized...he truly was a pure soul...

Dinner passed quietly and by the time Harvy had helped her mother clear the table Gar was already asleep on the couch. She sighed to herself. She was so confused. What had almost happened between them? Was it anything? Was she imagining things? She shook her head in frustration and began to head for bed when the sound of the phone ringing made her stop. Briefly wondering who could be calling so late she quickly answered it. "umm...hello?" There was silence for a few moments before she noticed labored breathing on the other end. Just as she was about to hang up, a tired, worn out male voice spoke up. "...Is this the Sellow residence?" Harvy gulped. "...Uh...yes it is." There was a pause before she heard a sigh and the caller spoke up again. "...How is my son?" Harvy gasped as she realized who had called. "...You're Mr. With...right? Gar's dad?" Another pause. "Yes..." Harvy instinctively looked over her shoulder at Gar who was still sleeping on the couch. "Oh! Well uh...let me just wake him up so you can speak to-" Mr. With cut her off. "NO...Please...let him sleep..." Harvy nodded as if the crow could see her. "Um...okay...well Gar's doing just fine...he's healing nicely and should be able to go home in another day..." Mr. With sighed. "That's...good to hear...I'm glad...may I ask who's speaking?"

Harvy face pawed at her apparent rudeness. "Harvest Sellow sir...I uh, go to school with Gar..." She heard another heavy sigh as Mr. With answered. "You would be his new friend then?" Harvy gulped nervously. "umm...yes sir." Harvy raised a brow in confusion when she heard what sounded like light sobbing on the other end. When Mr. With spoke again his voice was cracking with emotion. "...Oh thank Gaea for you dear girl...the poor boy...he deserves happiness..." A worried look came over Harvy's face as she listened intently. "...Gaea knows I don't deserve such a beautiful child...that I am a pitiful excuse for a father...thank you...thank you SO much...for being there for my boy..." As his voice trailed off Harvy felt tears stinging her eyes. "He loves you very much sir...please don't forget that...he's in good paws..." Mr. With sniffled slightly. "Thank you child...Gaea bless you..." With that, the line went dead. Harvy stared at the phone in silence for a few seconds before hanging up.

She turned to look at Gar once more, watching as he slept peacefully. Why was his life filled with such pain? It didn't seem right...not at all... Without thinking she quickly padded over to Gar's sleeping form, bent over and pressed her lips to his feathered cheek. She sighed sadly as she turned out the lights and made her way to her bedroom, her thoughts still on the sleeping raven...

Gar opened his eyes and struggled to focus his sleep blurred vision. He sat upright and was greeted by an empty house. Quirking a brow in puzzlement he glanced at the clock. It read twelve fifteen. Looking down at the bandages that covered him he gently poked and prodded, feeling no pain. Moving them aside to take a look he saw that his wounds were almost completely healed. Grinning in relief he swung his legs over to meet the floor and stood up, smiling widely when he realized he could walk around with only minor discomfort. He noticed a piece of paper taped to the coffee table and read it. 'Sorry I didn't wake you. You looked like you could use the rest. I had to go back to school today. There's some breakfast in the fridge, help yourself. See you when I get home. -Harvy' Gar grinned warmly as he read the note and made his way over to the kitchen to get some food into his growling stomach.

Harvy was trying DESPERATELY to fight off the overwhelming nigh feral anger growing within her. She felt it was truly a MIRACLE she had made it to her last class of the day without virtually EXPLODING. She had been forced to endure an entire day of truly heartless, evil, and insensitive gossip about Gar's incident on monday. ALL anyone was talking about was how 'the freak finally snapped.' She truly didn't give a DAMN about what was said about her taking the raven into her home, but the harsh words spoken about Gar cut her DEEP. Mr. Bright had thankfully been a blessing that morning as he expressed DEEP concern for Gar's well being and made it clear that insensitve gossip would NOT be tolerated in his class. The weasel even set five minutes aside that morning in order to explain the FACTS about what happened and make it clear that Gar was a victim. Still, that did little to quell the tsunami of gossip that was bound to result from such a shocking ocurrence. Harvy herself had not been approached about the subject all day. Although the savage scowl on her face and ominous aura around her probably had something to do with it. Letting out a deep sigh, she counted down the last few minutes of class, desperate to escape the tense atmosphere and return home to a certain bleached raven...

Gar bolted upright when he heard the front door open. He hadn't even realized he'd nodded off. Turning to see who had entered he smiled sheepishly when he saw Mrs. Sellow enter the family room. She beamed when she saw him. "Well hello there bright eyes! My my don't you look much better today?" Gar smiled warmly up at the she wolf. "All thanks to your gracious hospitality mam, and Harvy's expert care." Mrs. Sellow grinned wider. "Glad to hear that sweety!" Her expression became slightly mischievious. "Have you and Harvy been enjoying yourselves then?" Gar chuckled in slight nervousness. "Yes mam. She has most valiantly rescued me from boredom these last two days." Mrs. Sellow swiftly approached the young raven and quickly gave him a wet kiss on the cheek. Gar looked slightly flustered but kept his composure. "Oh you really are the sweetest little thing!" With that she swiftly headed for her bedroom leaving Gar to silently thank Gaea for the presence of such kind and loving totems in his life...

Harvy threw open the door to her house with an angry grunt. Yes she was still STEAMING over the heartless gossip concerning a certain white raven, which she'd been subjected to for the last six hours. She growled in barely concealed anger and violently threw her pack to floor as she entered, slamming the door shut with a backwards kick. She ceased her warpath when her eyes locked with those of a VERY concerned looking raven standing before her. Her anger instantly faded as she was pulled into their otherworldly blue depths. Feeling a blush spread she spoke in a near squeak. "...Umm...hi..." Gar absently waved a talon as he stepped forward. "What may I ask has embittered you Harvy?" Harvy winced and groaned inwardly. Great. Now she had gotten Gar worried because she couldn't control her damn temper. "It''s nothing...really Gar." She let out a sigh as she collapsed onto the couch.

He silently followed and sat beside her, keeping his gaze trained on her, a patient look on his face. "...The whole school was talking about...what happened...and I heard some pretty mean things said about you...and I..." She paused when she noticed his disapproving look and quickly held up a paw to silence him before he spoke. "I know I know...I shouldn't let it get to me...I just can't help it...I REALLY care about you Gar..." She gasped as she felt a pair of powerful arms close around her, soon followed by all too familiar white wings. She fought off a blush and revelled in the tender hug, burying her face in his neck and breathing deeply the scent of rainwater and earth that fit him so well. Breaking apart after a few minutes she looked into his eyes with a warm smile. "...Thank you Gar..." He returned it in kind. "Any time...'Dire Wolf'..." Harvy giggled but jumped when she heard a familiar voice behind her. "Aren't you lucky to have such a sweet and understanding friend honey?"

Harvy whirled around and saw her mom standing just behind the couch. Letting out an exasperated sigh she just nodded. "Yes mom. I'm the luckiest wolf in the world!" She finished with wink and a nudge toward Gar which made him chuckle, though she noticed a look of great gratitude on his face. The older wolf beamed as she turned her attention torwards Gar. "Well sweety it looks like you'll be able to head home tomorrow, and back to school as well!" Harvy took on a sad expression and her mother patted her on the head gently. "Oh I know sweety. I'll miss Gar too...but we very well can't keep him here matter how much I'd like too!" She finished with a mischievous but warm smile and Harvy giggled. She really was very glad her mother liked Gar so much. Gar smiled thankfully at the older wolf. "I can never thank you enough for your great kindness mam, and yours as well Harvy." BOTH wolves blushed as Gar just smiled sweetly. With that, Mrs. Sellow began to prepare dinner, deciding to go all out in a form of 'farewell dinner' in Gar's honor. Harvy sighed to herself as she helped her mother. Gar would be going home tomorrow. The thought hurt her more than she thought it should and she briefly contemplated the nature of her relationship with the avian teen before getting to work preparing their small feast...