The Shadows within

Story by HachiHachi8 on SoFurry

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Just another poem

The Shadow Within By Dominicus I am thou and thou art me... Stay away, everyone. I cringe at the touch of another, All you want to do is use me. If I could Id be alone forever. But all these stupid people are around me.. I can't escape.. I want to so bad... Nobody likes me for me, but what I do for them. I am but a tender child in a world full of pedophiles. My icey heart just an illusion.. all I want is to feel.. Where did my hero go? Do they not care? I feel ashamed to do anything, I feel Ashamed to live... I want someone to save me. I tell others that they need to save themselves.. Yet I'm the weakest one here.. With the Facade my Shadow within puts on. Hatred is normal for me, But love is a mystery shrouded in my lonely mind.