Savannah Blues part 12

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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#13 of Savannah Blues

Savannah Blues (12) By Roofles

Isaac didn't feel like having a date. Or a proper one at that. They always seem to burn out and dry up like his hopes and dreams. How pessimistic was that? He frowned laying back in the grass and looking up at the sky. Slightly cloudy with a chance of rain. Yeah, that sounded about right. This whole fiasco was like that. The whole month! And the idea of this charade was just as good for a forcast.

He groaned tossing an arm over his eyes and resting back. He wasn't going to show up anyways. This was stupid. He wish he wasn't so damn needy. Grasping at straws like this. That he could just suck it up like everyone else and pretend he was happy being alone. Like a normal fricking human being. But nooooo. He would prefer going out chasing shadows than just sucking it up an admitting defeat. End up like Jack...screwing everything that moved.

Isaac moved his arm a bit so he could look up again. He wondered how that wild dog was doing. Even if he was a sucky friend he was still one of the first friends he had gotten out of his little 'click.' The others always ostricated the dog and made him the fifth wheel. But he had stuck around for Isaac and that did mean something to him. And yet...was he only sticking around at the slight chance of getting into his pants? Was their friendship just giant sham of nothing more than sexual attentions in the end?

He shook his head sitting up a bit, his gut sagging as he leaned over to rest on his elbows between his legs. The tan furry chest was almost poking him in the nose. Wrinkling his nose he got a bit of a whiff of that musky smell, looking up into the face of the fox looking down at him.

The fennec was a natural small species. Large ears and small everything else. This fox was just plain large. His chest, his arms, his ears! Those sonar dishes swerved and turned facing in all directions picking up only god knows what before they both turned facing him. The light tan body had only an overshirt on, unbuttoned showing of his chest and stomach. Wearing a light gray faded shorts; the fennec put his leg up on the cement wall and in doing so nearly putting his groin in Isaac stunned muzzle.

"Fredrick. Call me Freddie." The fennec offered a paw. Isaac took it only to hoist himself up a bit and away from the groin reeking at the end of his muzzle.

"Charmed, I'm sure." Isaac grumbled a bit. The fennec smiled softly with those sharp features. Brownie brown eyes glistened with moist warmth - making Isaac stomach rumble a bit as he starred into them. Lost and captivated but their fudge packed goodness.

Dark black whiskers twitched as Freddie kept shaking his paw. His face breaking into a smile as he laughed. "Strong handshake, I don't mind but I think we could be doing something else."

"Like what?" Isaac asked still shaking his hand. He mumbled a bit as he looked into those eyes that didn't seem to need to blink. Those large ears were still up, the soft pink tint inside darkening at the question before the fennec finally looked away breaking the spell he had on the hyena.

"Well we could go see a movie or something. It's still a bit early but we could go clubbing. Grab a bite to eat. There's an ice rink nearby. That could be fun." Freddie turned back towards him blinking once before captivating him once more.

Isaac forced himself to look away grumbling a bit with folded ears. Stupid handsome foxes. He hated foxes. They were too cute. They were suppose to be masculine though too. It's unfair how was he suppose to compete with that? "Lets not do the ice rink and say we didn't." The hyena lips twisted into a smile as he couldn't help but giggil at the notion. A hyena on ice? That'd be worst than the lion king on ice he saw when he was five.

The ears locked onto to him and the fennec broke into a large grin. Wrapping an arm under Isaac's he gave him a large tug, helping him down off the cement wall that led to the park and the hyena landed a bit heavily glad to have the extra paws for the assist. He leaned against the fox shaking one of his paws of the grass and mud that had gotten underneath as he grumbled. Freddie didn't seem to mind holding him as he changed paws.

"Stupid grass. Stupid large paws. Your lucky you don't have these things." Isaac stretched his toes out, wiggling them before letting them hit the cement once more. Feeling the cool ground against his bare paws. The rough pads, the perfect sole, squished up as he took a step away before another looking over his shoulder. "So what's the game plan?"

The fennec watched him scratching under his chin. Isaac wasn't short nor was he tall. The fennec had some meat on him though. Tall, broad and staring at him with those eyes making his fur stand on end as goosebumps formed. He grumbled looking away, rubbing his arms to calm his fur down. Stupid, sexy, broad foxes the hyena grumbled.

"Well we could grab a bite to eat. Or maybe grab a movie, some ice cream," the word making his ears perk up. "And just chill inside. It looks like it's going to rain any second now."

"It always looks like that." Isaac joked turning around and still walking, backwards now. "The sun we had a few days ago was a once a year thing."

"True." The fennec nodded watching the hyena. Waiting as he took another step back off the sidewalk into a puddle, getting a car to honk at him and watching as the hyena jumped up fur standing on in as he scrambled back onto the side walk. "How graceful." Freddie said walking towards him.

Isaac was holding his chest breathing heavily as his heart raced. He looked up at the fennec realizing they were almost the same height. It was just the natural stoop the hyena had that made him look taller was all. And with those ears perked up as they were only made him look taller. It was nice, Isaac smiled laughing a bit at the silliness of what happened. They were about the same height. Sure that was large for a fennec fox but it was nice. Someone his own height might work better in the long run, possible.

"I do what I do and love doing it." Isaac shrugged shaking his paw dry grumbling at the grimy water between his toes.

"I see, well I'll love doing it to." The words went in one ear and out the other making the hyena feel a bit light headed. But he soon watched the fennec fox walk backwards take a step back into the puddle, getting a honk from a passing car and jumping a few feet into the air with his fur poofing out.

"What the fuck?" Isaac laughed looking at the fox as he smoothed his fur down. The sharp features of his muzzle looking back up at him. The naturally smooth fur looked like he had taken a comb through it several times. The smooth fur looked soft and warm as the fox fluffed up a bit before smoothing it back down again.

"Well you made it look fun. So I wanted to try it. It wasn't." He said flatly with his ears splayed outwards. They didn't fold back but stuck out on either side of his head. His eyebrows scrunching down a bit as his whiskers stuck out.

"Well sorry for making you do it then," Isaac rolled his eyes holding the fennec as he kicked his paws dry. The fennec leaned a bit more against him stretching his leg and opening his toes.

"It's such a pain to go bare paw sometimes." Freddie pulled back but Isaac still held his arms. The fox stood back on both paws looking at him. "So whats the game plan?"

A long wet, heavy tongue licked up that tan chest and across one of the pink nipples. The muzzle wrapping its lips around it - dragging the tip of its teeth before pulling back as a gasp escaped the fennec who clawed at the blankets. "Oh, oh, oh your rather good at this." The fennec rolled his head with closed eyes as Isaac licked his lips.

Bringing his muzzle down to bite, chewing on the loose furry flesh on his neck before giving it an equally long heavy lick. Up his neck and across his jawline. To his lips and across them and his nose. Resting his forehead against the fennec's chest and let out a labored breath as he looked down the bulge in the foxes shorts.

"Mind giving me a paw?" Freddie asked rubbing the hyena's shoulders with his paws as he looked down at him. Bucking his hips a bit.

"And what do I get, hm?" Isaac growled bringing his muzzle up to nip at one of the large ears. He felt those paws on his back, scratching a bit pulling at shoulders as the fennec pulled the hyena down on him.

Isaac was more than happy to obliged. Grinding his chest down, bearing his weight on the male under him who only wrapped his arms around him pulling him down more. Grinding up and whining a bit as he licked his tanny lips. "Oh, Isaac," the fennec murred rocking the hyena onto his side so the were both resting on their sides together.

There lips touched and the fennec was eagerly pushing his tongue into his muzzle as they spooned together on the fold out couch. Kicking the blankets around before pulling them up over each other as the fennec rolled onto the hyena, closing any space between them as he snuggled against his chest.

Isaac looked off breathing a bit heavily as he licked his lips again as the male gave him another squeeze. A paw ran down his chest, and cupped his groin making the hyena twist a bit with a whine.

"Now-now, I told you." The hyena growled pulling the paw back up before kissing each finger one by one. "No sex on the first date."

"Oh? And yet here we are." The fox grinned down at him. His ears were down again pointing out on either side as who looked down at him with those brown eyes.

"We rented a movie, ordered pizza - bought icecream on the way home," Isaac grinned licking his licks remember just exactly what they did with that icecream. "And cuddling before a certain fox got a little too playful."

"What? Can you blaim me?" He cooed nuzzling his neck and growling in his ear. "Your just so sexy."

"Good one," Isaac trailed a paw down his chest, scratching his stomach a bit before rubbing it. "Sweet words will get you far, but not far enough." He whispered into one of his ears. Licking his cheek after.

"What? If I wanted to just go down to c-boys. It's only like a block away." Freddie laughed leaning back on the couch and tracing the hyena's spots with a finger. "I like you. So sue me that I want to do something."

"Oh? And then why can't you wait?" Isaac cooed petting his cheek making the inside of the fennec's ears turn darker pink.

"I'm a man. We have needs. I see you do too," the fox teased nosing at the bulge in his pants. Making the hyena twist a bit with a whine. "What can I do to make you know this isn't just a one time thing?"

"Getting my name tattoo'd on your ass?" Isaac offered with a laugh.

"I'm no brony!" The fennec frowned, glaring at him before laughing.

"What about between your legs?" The hyena asked trailing a finger up his inner thigh.

"Hm...tease," the fennec cooed nosing him a bit more. Licking his cheek. "Meet me half way at least. Just oral?"

"Still sex." Isaac grinned pulling back. "Then again these clothes are restrictive." He popped the front button of his pants open. The stress of his bulge zipping his fly down.

"Oh, well let me put it this way." The fox nuzzled bringing his paws back and bending down. "I'm going to play and when you tell me to stop I will, but until then..." He nosed the tip of that bulge, breathing hottly against it making the hyena shirk back, biting his bottom lip and closing his eyes. This was going both better and worst than he hoped. He was going to kill Alphonse if this went down hill...

His boxers were slid free, a paw dipping inside to fondle his sack. The roll his balls around like those stress release ones. The warm tongue that followed making him catch his breath shutting his eyes even tighter as he felt the muzzle go between his legs. His sack resting on the fennec nose who bounced it up as he moved back to lick him again. And again, taking one of his balls into his muzzle to roll around and slurp. The feel of the warm body was making him harder, aching need that actual hurt not to address.

"Wait," Isaac pushed the fox back a bit. The fennec looked at him about to go back in when he rolled on his back kicking up his legs to pull his boxers and shorts off and tossing them aside. "Do the same." He growled lustfully and the meek look that came across the foxes face made him begin to leak.

Burying his muzzle into the foxes groin and the fox did the same was without words. The feel of his sack on his nose as he licked that warm meat before him. The shere smell filling his muzzle of that musky scent of arousal and sex was intoxicating. Wanting to just roll onto the fox and spend the rest of the night like that.

The warm muzzle in his own groin, that licked and nuzzled and pushed even more into him made him groan. His voice and breath washing over the groin in front of him making the fox do the same. Pulling his leg up he moved in a bit more, resting his cheek on the inner thigh of his leg as he licked and nuzzled the fennec foxes groin. Nipping at the sack, licking it, letting it roll on his muzzle before taking it in. Sucking on it and pulling very lightly on it making the fox whine as he humped a bit into him. He grinned toothily returning the hump.

His large paw wrapped around the leaking fennec and slowly stroked him, using his own pre to lube his shafter making it easier - just enough - to rub him. The friction was still there and the feel of his pulsing hot rod in his paw made him shiver. The fox soon followed suit taking his own dark rod in his paws, teasing his head with a thumb. He pulled back a bit with a whine, twisting his hips before pressing into him further.

Freddie pulled the covers over him tossing it up on the hyena. The only thing that could be seen were their toes from the top and bottom as the two curled in on each other...

Isaac mumbling a bit. Nuzzling the fuzzy orbs in front of him. Feeling the sack roll against hi muzzle as the sticky sheath touched his eyebrow. He felt giddy after it all. Sixty-nine was one of his all time favorite things to do. And as he licked the dried jizz on the end of his sheath he groaned, "Ralph." Before bolting up in the fold out couch as the fennec snored next to him.