Dragonheart Part 74

Story by Rozar on SoFurry

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#16 of Dragonheart Part 59-77

Rockwell was sitting on Naris back when he saw a large horde of flying wyvernridern up. "We have at least a dozen of them done, why are there still any?" He asked, panting. "That must have been about fifty." Said Nari also exhausted. The two could see her clearly exhausted, because they had already done at least twenty horsemen, but apparently was not enough.

He took an arrow, placed it in the string and set with a trembling hand, the arrow forward. "Stop that, you're completely at the end!" Nari said anxiously. "I know, but I can not now easily make or limp?" Rockwell said, laughing briefly. And just when he wanted to shoot a loud roar heard from behind. He looked behind and saw a herd of thirty-headed dragon, which flew past him.

"That we do now," shouted one of the riders as they flew by gutters on it. With spears, swords and bows, the armed dragon rider met the wyvernrider locking them in a heated firefight. Rockwell and Nari watched the whole, and held a moment long. What they saw, they profoundly astonished: the riders and their dragons seemed to be so closely linked that they really struggled as a unit: they looked to their destination together, focused on it and attacked it.

"They are really incredible." Said Rockwell, which responded with a nod Nari. Then, without warning, flew back Nari, because a huge arrow sped toward them. "What was that?" Rockwell said, startled. "They shoot at us," said Nari and more just from another arrow. "We gotta get outta here now," shouted Rockwell, grabbed the reins and moved towards Nari camp.

! "The escape us, fire", shouted at the ball of sergal lists; another three arrows on the two drove off, she almost caught, as all three suddenly by a giant red beam of light were turned to dust. "What the hell," shouted the soldier, looking forward. Before his eyes was the casual stand Shiba, who drew his Magnum in his mouth, blew the smoke from the barrel and then she turned on him.

"I've already done the finger at one of you dirty," he shouted to the soldiers. "So please be so kind to me die before it gets too close." The sergal looked at him and the other soldiers growling and directed the ball to him lists. With frightened face he looked at her and said, "Hey, you shall not die, I!"

The huge arrows shot at him, he dodged them and fired back. "Shiba!" Said Rockwell to him. "Does that make her come away." Said Shiba still left. "The mine!" Rockwell hesitated, but when Nari said that they had confidence in Shiba, he just nodded and flew off with it. Shiba landed at the Sergalen, they moved their arms and immediately went off on him. "I really should talk less and do more.", Lamented himself, and shot one after another Sergalen down.

Zero and Storm looked at each other. They had made themselves ready for battle, stood with their guns drawn and then waited on the first train of the other. Storm then made the first: he jumped to his twenty arms to zero, attacked and was repulsed by his six lances. Arranged in a row, like a wall to defend themselves against Zero Storm, which already-validated a new attack: over time, he ordered two swords on the wall and attack him from the sides.

Zero saw this and jumped back in time, where there was already an act for him. She rushed toward him, he folded his arms in front of him and was cut on his left arm slightly. The ax flew to Storm, who caught it immediately and ran back to the other weapons. "Looks like you'd no longer quite the fastest, Master!" Said Power.

Zero turned to him, stretched out his hand, whereupon his lances came back to him again. "It goes." Zero replied with a slightly funny face and then grabbed at himself. Two spears from each side: left, right, up and down, directly addressed the last two on Storm. The lances clashed against his arms, both of which hit him looking him right, but they touched his chest lightly, so the injuries were minor.

Zero pressed to continue, so that the spears were drilled a little deeper into the skin Storm. Storm looked at Zero, feeling the hurt spearheads his skin and then snapped to zero, back before he made a jump. He put his hand on the two small holes, wiped the blood from it and then licked it off his fingers. "So your hunger has started again." Said Zero Storms behavior.

He took down his hand and replied: ". Was probably to be expected, if I did not get my medicine," He took a sword and held it before him. "Six years I've got the cure for my hunger. Then, as Rubino picked me up, I stopped taking it and the hunger came again. And now, a year later I feel like the strength flowing through my body. "He told and exhaled.

On the blade of the sword is accumulated water, which ran from the top on his arm and then distributed to his body.

"Release." He said. "Deep Sea Hunters" The water formed a bubble around him that swirled like a whirlpool before it was divided in two by his sword. What to light came Storm, whose appearance was now that of a shark came very close: his skin was cobalt and light blue, his hair had the same color and style as before, at the back of his head was the first skid fin on his hip, the second which was about one meter and twenty centimeters long.

Zero looked at him and recognized his former students now fully restored: his cold, blood-red eyes, his grim smile showed where his sharp teeth and a posture that one said, "Get ready to die!" Zero took his lance, got ready for what would come next. Storm was racing with all its weapons at him, then crashed with a loud bang against Zero's wall consisting of his lance.

In two directions, then he headed Storm, which lies not far behind him now attacked from both sides. Zero took two spears, whirled them to protect themselves from the attacks, he said the weapons coming from above not noticed quickly enough. He leapt forward, had just four spears, as the other two shortly afterwards by Storm weapons were pulverized.

With a long lick on the upper lip, he looked to zero, with open mouth, he smiled at him. His tail swung back and forth. "He was even then hardly tame when he had that look." Thought Zero thoughtfully. "And now he looks even more dangerous than before." Storm stormed back towards him and attacked relentlessly and forced to zero, the absolute defense of what he liked with every passing second, more and more.

Eventually, he smashed another of Zero's lance, which remained to him only three. In addition, Zero got from some injuries, making him visibly exhausted to fight against the pain. "You see, I am now the master!" Storm yelled, laughing. Zero put his hand on his shoulder, and then startled when he saw there a bite wound.

Then he looked at Storm, stuck to his teeth blood. "And besides: your blood tastes good, it's just wild to me more to get it," he added to his sentence. Zero gasped, looked at Storm and said, "You really are a monster, Storm. '" A monster? No, a fighter, yes, "replied Storm. "And now die!"

Zero fought off Storm attack, jumped back and sat on the counter attack. Although he lost the cudgels again, but this time he managed to hurt him. The lance pierced his body and looked at the other side out again. Storm spitting blood as he felt the cold metal in his body. "Do Beac .. that might kill me?" He asked, panting zero.

"No ... but this is determined." Zero replied, stretching his arm towards the sky. To him and Storm appeared around eighteen lances in various sizes and shapes. "You do not trust you, not me." Said Storm applied. The spears were turned on him and Zero waiting to strike only on the command. Zero grudgingly looked at Storm and in this moment of time all the memories came back up.

He wanted to release the lances, and Storm, he wanted to pierce themselves with them, but when it a final, came up to him he pulled out the important memory of Lance Storm, be sure to disappear, the other lances and distanced themselves from him. "I can not. I can not kill you, Storm. Not after what you had said to me. "Zero said to him.

"Do you think about this silly sentence because of" the most important thing in life are the people who are important to you? "," Storm asked him what Zero answered with a nod. . "This sentence has now no meaning for me," He took a step to zero and added an add: "But apparently he has another meaning for you."

"In fact, he has das.," Zero replied, taking his remaining two lances. "I won, but finally accept it! Or do you think you could call me with these two lances as defeat it? "Zero looked at Storm and got ready to confront him one last time.

Rockwell ended up with Nari in the camp, jumped off her back and turned into a battlefield. "Shiba." He said quietly, biting her lower lip while. "You would not have to help him." Said Nari him. "Yes, because I'm already completely at the end." Rockwell said angrily. "But you've really done a lot do not you also?" Said Nari him encouragingly.

He sighed and answered: "Oh sure, I just want to do a few more." "Do you remember the promise that you gave me then," said Nari him suddenly?. "Of course I remember. I promised to take with you the world a better place for dragons. And I intend to keep that promise. "Said Rockwell.

"Then come here, put your head against mine." Nari asked him and lowered her head down on Rockwell. Rockwell pressed his forehead against her head and then closed like a reflex, the eyes. "Rockwell, I hereby give you some of the power that I have collected all the time in my life. Use them to the agreement that we met once justice. "She said to him in spirit.

"Thank you, I will use this power toward the right purpose.", Thanking Rockwell and opened her eyes. He felt the power flowing through his body as it flowed through each of his limbs and the pain vanished from them. At the same moment fell asleep Nari, which Rockwell worried at first, but when he put his hand on their scales and a remaining pulse felt smiled.

"Thank you." He said, and turned back. He ran, took his bow and was startled by its shape: the area in which one inserts the arrow had the shape of a dragon's mouth, had a blue-green color and sparkled in the light, the rest of the arch was made of gold. If the bow held vertically, it seemed as if you have a small kite in his hand: the arch were the wings and the tips of the wing chord.

"I give you this sheet because I know you're ready for him." Said Nari in thought to him. Rockwell took an arrow, placed it in the string and set it on an opponent. "Then I will still hope that this arc does not miss his target."

"With two spears you can never defeat me," shouted Storm, took all his weapons and attacked. Keeping up with his two remaining spears parried Zero Storm, but when these two were no longer stood Zero was taken from about half of Storm's weapons. Bleeding, he made a great leap back as Storm stood a few feet away.

"Now it's over, the lances were your last," he cried triumphantly, took a sword and got ready to put an end to the fighting. Zero was no institution to defend themselves as Storm approached by the sword. And just as he was about to strike from above, as it happened: His sword was stopped by the sudden appearance of two crossed scythes held.

"My goodness, Zero could you fight .... sometimes better." Said the black scythe mockingly. "Raudina ... Felicia and Noah ....?" Zero asked in surprise when he saw the three in front of him. "Who should it be? Santa Claus? "Felicia said, chuckling. "Be quiet, you two can, coffee gossip from her I do later." Noah finished their conversation and turned to Storm. "I do not know who you are, but our leaders do not kill you is that clear?"

Storm laughed, raised his sword to him replied: "Then I try to prevent it."

He disappeared in a flash of light appeared on the next two, struck his sword against the white scythe and a sword pressed against it. Noah looked at him, took the black scythe and struck from the side. He saw for the first time the weapons that repelled his attack perfectly.

"Seems like you're 'ne tough nut to crack." Said Noah, this defense. "But this is not something we could not crack three!" Noah jumped back, took the two scythes and then attacked. From all sides, he charged, sometimes with a scythe on each side, two times of one, while it bounced up each time but at Storm defense. "The three of you since pretty much ... or should I say prefer, you two?" Laughingly said Storm.

"Just do not underestimate us, do you hear?" Said Noah, and struck the two ends of each other scythes. Then, with just one hand, he twirled it as he drew his sword with the other. "Rejoice, now you see the power of Yin, Yang and Wuji in a perfect game." Said Noah, and threw the rotating scythes, which looked from a distance like a rapidly spinning yin-yang circle.

When the moment was perfect Noah with his sword severed the two scythes on the ends of each other, and instead they were turned on, they are silent. In the small area where the tip of Noah was formed by a black circle. "Black Hole." He pulled the sword out of the hole, which was then a black circle.

This expanded and began to suck everything in his direction. As hard as he could only be held Storm sword, while all his other weapons were pulled into the hole. But it did not, at the end of Storm from the black hole was tightened, which did not like him. Just before he was sucked into the hole closed and then suddenly it.

Storm looked up when he saw Zero directly in front of them. He could not react quickly, because Zero touched his chest and said: ". Let it fall" Storm just did not respond, then he let go of his sword and looked at zero again. Without a word, he fell forward, where he then Zero was collected.

"I lost ... I .... .... Rubino has failed." He stammered with tears in his eyes. Then he suddenly felt a hand gently stroked his hair with his fin along. "Storm, you're not lost, you won,. You have won your freedom," said Zero and wept likewise. Noah, Felicia and Raudina who turns back on and saw the two remained silent.

A few later took Storm back a few short steps before he asked what he should do now. "Nothing, Storm, just do nothing." Zero replied, patting him on the shoulder. "And what about your thirst for blood is concerned, here." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bottle of pills. "I have days when you're gone preserved."

He gave Storm the bottle, he saw that she was still closed and smiled briefly before he opened it out a little green pill and took it into his mouth. But nothing happened, he was like before, as if the pill has no effect. Storm looked at the label on the bottle of pills and woke up in, there was "sugar pills". He looked at the bottle and then zero, and asked, "Then all the pills I took."

Zero nodded and finished his question: "placebo pills without a medical effect. You can suppress all these years, this hunger for blood because I told you, the pills would work against it. And you know why I am telling this lie again and again was? Because you said to me that the most valuable in life are the people who are important to you. "

Storm saw Zero, Noah and the two girls next to him and then said simply: "Herena, Rubino is on the way to Herena. He wants to complete his plan. "The four looked at him in surprise, why he told them that? "I will .... I'll disappear for a while." He said before slowly went down to the battlefield. "When I ... when I'm ready I will come back."

Zero nodded it only looked at Noah, who knew immediately what to do: "Protect him until he is gone from here." This just sighed again and followed the young shark down. "Raudina, Felicia, come here." Zero said to the two girls, who nodded it's only been back to zero and re-armed scythe. He placed it on his shoulders and said: "For three hours, as long as we stay here even before we embark on Herena."

"Three hours? Too bad. "Wailed Raudina. "So to me it does not matter, the main thing it's fun!" Replied her sister, Felicia. Zero only laughed, sat up on the battlefield and said, "Oh, it will be fun, trust me!"

He flew to the battle field, threw himself into the battle, knowing that he must go in three hours the scene.

To be continued .....