The start of kairu's story *Part 2 *

Story by weirdanimegirl on SoFurry

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So once upon a time there was a boy , called Kairu.

He was very lonley and he made an imaginery


Kairu named her Suzie.

She was amazing to him .

Kairu was living in japan , however Suzie was english

so Kairu moved to england , to look for her.

Kairru found a school called

Warren .

He imagined suzie

as an english person.

Suzie were talking to him in his dreams without knowing.

So Kairu started learning english

he thought Suzie wasnt real at first

but something inside was telling him that she was.

He once saw a girl walking with two other girls .One had long blond hair and red coat

and the other one had shoulder lenght brown hair

whcich she was wearing warren blazer however

the girl in the middle... looked exactly like Suzie...

Kairu walked up to her

he was a lot taller

he looked down at her

her eyes widened.


Kairu was shocked . Suzie knows me ?


Suzie was confused

so was Kairu at first .

The two other girls left them alone .

Kairu looked down to Suzie

and they both spoken at the same time "are you real?"

they laughed.

suzie said:

"I was dreaming about you,

you were in my imagination

why didnt you show up earlier?"

Kairu blushed.


I needed to learn english ( Kairu lied about learning english , he already knew it very well )

and i wasnt sure if.. you know

if you are real"

Suzie noded

Kairu took her hand

so... would you go on a date with me?

Suzie smiled


i think"

The same focus came in as they kissed"

Kairu whispered

" I will moving to your school

soon , i promise "

"Now you will never be alone again"

Saying thoses words Kairu hugged Suzie tightly.

One tear droped from Suzie's eye onto Kairu's shirt


tears of happiness

Kairu could hear himself screaming "AHHHHH!!"