Blood Rose-8

Story by Micha on SoFurry

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#8 of Blood Rose

Things are getting a little sexy there. ;3

It will be a bit lighter from here for a while. Playful, sexy and a bit romantic. It is ultimately a romance after all.

Two chapters in one night? Thank me with reviews! They help a lot. <3

Same as usual, rate reveiw and subscribe, but most of all...Enjoy!


He had been hoping for Lila and almost frowned when the scold came out to warn him against things he would never do. He never would have made Cassie cry. At least, not intentionally. He did his best never to make children cry. He'd killed them the quickest, but wisely chose to stay silent. She was angry as it was and he didn't need her wrath to cause her to leave him just yet. He mumbled something about going to check the area for danger before getting up to wander. He left his sword 'by mistake' and decided that he didn't want sleep again. The nightmares would be a bit much for him. He was going on four days now and everything was beginning to run together. He was running on the last of his fumes but he promised himself he would sleep soon. He would need the energy to protect his ward. He sat on a tree stump, intending to rest his legs for just a moment. He pressed his forearms to his knees and leaned his head forward. It had been a trying day and he was considering it as his world slowly dripped into blackness.

She began to worry when she didn't hear him return after a while. When she drifted in and out of her light slumber, she could usually hear him moving about. But wide awake now, she hadn't heard a thing since he'd left. She pricked her ears up high and rotated them, listening carefully. Nothing but the crickets and night birds. A painful cramp racked her torso and she whimpered. It was true. Lila would rear her embarrassing head soon. It was a shame Cassie knew before Micha had but she shook the thought off. She'd just have to be more careful now. She followed his scent and slunk up on him, making noise so not to startle him. What she found though, was almost laughable. She might have laughed if it hadn't been so dangerous. She slunk up to him and sniffed the air. She couldn't smell anyone nearby so she came closer and snuffled his face, trying to wake him up. Another whimper tore from her muzzle as a cramp wrenched her insides. She pawed at his chest and looked around. Wandering off from the camp and falling asleep was an awful idea. She found herself wanting to scold his foolishness but frowned at herself instead. She should have realized sooner that he'd need a break to sleep through the night at some point, but hadn't thought to offer to keep watch. After all, she had traveled alone before, she never had anyone to keep watch over her.

He startled awake and sputtered, promptly falling off the stump before stumbling up and blindly looking around. He had never quite gotten the hang of waking up as a soldier should. His body was sorer than it'd been when he had fallen asleep and he groaned accordingly. He crawled to get up, knowing exactly who'd woken him. He hadn't seen any track marks or dung left nearby, so he'd sat there hoping to get a break from the woman who hated him. Was this what being married was like? He shuddered. No wonder his father had raised him alone. "W-what Micha?" he rubbed his eye, his vision was still blurry as shit, but his reflexes, though slower than usual were coming back quickly. "Or Cassie....I'm sorry, I don't feel like playing now.." he mumbled and took seat back on the ground, back to the stump, not really feeling like moving just now either, looking more expectantly at the woman, unsure of who he was talking to, and, whether she had come to cut his head off or not. The change was immediate, violent and startling. One moment she was doubled over in a mind numbing cramp and the next he was looking into lowered lashes and she slowly licked her lips as she approached. His eyes inadvertently followed the trail they took and then leaped back up to her eyes, hoping she hadn't noticed his hormonal slip. Seeing him stumble around brought a small smile to the vixen's lips. "Micha isn't here." she sang softly and crawled towards him on all fours all sinew and grace. "Are you sure you don't" she asked, placing her paws on his chest and leaning forward. "Because I would very much like to play with you." she murmured. Her tail swished back and forth slowly as she murred lightly at him, he thick hair tumbling over her shoulder as she leaned forward, her generous bust pressing against his chest. He swallowed and chanted a mantra to keep himself from looking down at the ever so generous offer. This must be Lila. No wonder poor Cassie was embarrassed of her. "What have they been calling you?" she purred and pressed herself flush to his body. She murred in the back of her throat at the feel of his hardness against her curves. Muscle against curves she leaned close to his face and breathed in his scent, eyes closed.

By the time he'd settled his ass against the stump, the girl was already straddling his waist, her nose inches from his. Her breath seemed sweeter, her scent more intoxicating. He gulped, leaning back as far as he could, but unless Micha showed up to rescue him, it seemed he would be in for a most...terrifying evening. Her comfortable weight settled on him, and she was indeed pressed to two kinds of hard flesh. His body was still that of a well-conditioned soldier. He had always been larger than most boys his age, but the training had cut him in places most men could only hope for. She traced her paws down his broad shoulders, across his strong chest and trailed them down his chiseled stomach. She gave him a sly glance as she managed to shift and trace her paws down the deep "v" at the apex of his thighs. Her forward behavior had him wanting to run and shiver all at the same time. This was certainly Lila. Resting beneath her rounded rear end however, was an entirely different kind of hardness. She wiggled a bit and grinned. He was doing quite all right for himself down below. He was more scared of this than of anything he'd faced before. The sharp nosed fox could probably smell the virgin all over him. "I-er- When you say play...I hope you mean...tossing a stick around." he stammered, eyes wide with panic. His eyes darted around for anything to divert this new personality. Anything would do. He prayed for a bear attack. This was definitely out of his comfort zone. But even so, her beauty was undeniably and the heady smell coming off of her had him unintentionally falling under her spell. His hands moved on their own accord up her thighs before finding purchase at her round strong hips. He gave a gentle experimental test-squeeze before roaming up her waist and ribs before stopping just beneath her breasts, keeping a firm, powerful hold on her. He had no idea what he was doing but every part of him was screaming for him this to stop except one very persistent extremity. He started begging the Goddess for a thunderstorm, a monsoon, hail, anything to get the diminutive female off of him. But the thought of the wet vixen set his hormones on fire and he shuddered beneath her.

"Stick? I like sticks." she said, licking her muzzle and giving him an almost predatory look. "What kind of sticks are you offering?" she purred softly. She dropped her muzzle to his neck and licked him from neck to temple before settling her teeth against the space where his shoulder joined his neck. She wiggled her rear playfully and dragged her teeth across his neck. She draped her arms over his neck and leaned back a little. "What do you say? Toss that stick my way?" she taunted, eyes glinting in the moonlight. She rubbed her round bottom against him and laughed as she felt him throb against her. Though the cramps still racked though her body, Lila was more adept at ignoring them and getting what she needed to stop them. He wasn't sure if Micha knew of this particular alt but if she did, she already hated him, and giving in to the vixens demands would only add yet another thing for her to tack up on her list of "Things to Hate Jason For". He was silent for a time as he gazed over her breasts, smooth belly, and thick round rear end. Looking over her body again had him throwing caution to the wind. To hell with Micha he thought savagely. One of his hands clutched her rounded ass, the other wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her closer to return the canine-like affection. He nuzzled his face into her fuzzy neck and nibbled while she nuzzled and bit at his own smooth skinned neck and throat. His hips thrust upward, letting her feel that building hardness beneath the thin layer of clothing that separated them. "Sure doggy...I'll toss the stick...but you gotta go and get it first..." he smirked teasingly. Her intoxicating scent was making him bold and slightly drunk. Great. Now he was openly trading veiled sexual jokes with one of her personalities. He knew it was more than just her scent and body that affected him so. It hadn't taken long for her to become a desirable - if slightly nagging - woman instead of "that girl he'd saved once". "And you know I can catch you." she said tapping his nose lightly and wrapping her legs around his. If he managed to stand he'd have a hell of a time running with the extra hundred some pounds. Just as suddenly as she appeared her face turned angry and she stopped moving. "Go away. No one likes you, you bitter hag." she murmured and her paws flexed across his chest. She looked back at him and gave him a soft look. "I don't know what you did to her but she won't shut the hell up." she purred and ground her hips onto his. "Stop it Micha! You ruin everything. "She spat even as she blinked herself away. Micha stared at him a moment before scrambling away in embarrassment. "I'm-she...we..." she started. She trembled and then slunk back from him. "I didn't mean to..." she whispered. She slunk back to the grass and shadows so he couldn't see her and doubled over as another cramp took her breath away. She had very rarely ever been so ashamed of herself as she was right then. Lila had never been so aggressive. Free of her cloying, clinging scent he sighed a deep gasp of relief and thanked the Goddess for giving Micha the strength to reappear. He'd never been happier to see her. His body still raged at the loss but he told it to go to hell. "No, we didn't." he answered simply at first, "It's ok. I mean, I was scared for a minute there, but I knew you'd come to save me." he smiled tiredly in the moonlight, shaking his head and getting the random sticks and debris out of his hair, raking his fingers through it to clean it up as much as possible, which was when he realized he hadn't bathed in a while. "Uh... you wanna just go back to camp and forget the whole thing, Mitch?" he joked lamely, trying to lighten the situation up. He couldn't make himself wait for her response. He stood and headed back, walking stiffly and cursing under his breath about there never being a cold stream about when a man needed one.