1. (DSV Nautica) Launching of a Legacy

Story by Abyssaldemon on SoFurry

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The best way to describe the day was charged. Excited. It could be felt in the air itself. Thousands of Ayr'een had been working for this day to complete the legacy set forth by their mothers and fathers, and their mothers and fathers, and even far before that, generations in the past had this day been coming, and now it was here.The 30 km long triangular hull slid out of orbit, charging itself and plotting a course from the computational curcuits within. The hull etched with the trademark veins of will energy. The middle of the triangle is hollowed out into a smaller triangle, where a giant ball of raw will resides, propelling the behemoth.The matriarch, reaching the end of her days, stands with difficulty, holding onto the rail of the primary dreadnaught, the most powerful weapon on the Ayr'een fleet. All eyes watch as the engines fire, a thin horizontal strip along the back, and the hull, Celeste, hurls off into the ancient void, aimed right for the nearest galaxy. Nor would it stop there. It would keep going. Forever until the entire universe was mapped, or until Celeste died."Probably the latter...""Ma'am?""Nothing."The wizened matriarch stares at the vessel carrying the most advanced technology the universe has ever known. A mere 6 months to the next galaxy and the Ayr'een can begin again the ancient tradition of searching the cosmos for anything and everything that exists.They had reached their limits. This galaxy had shown them all that was to be seen here. Now it was time to look for knowlege, and by extension, life elsewhere. They would not move, merely explore. There were barely enough Ayr'een to populate their planet...their dying planet. They would move to New Ayr, and begin anew, while Celeste told them about the wonders out there to be had."Order the evacuation...""Yes Ma'am."