Creative Writing Prompt #4: Interior Monologue

Story by bhscorch1313 on SoFurry


#4 of Creative Writing

A creative writing prompt to prepare us for our character projects. This was to specifically prepare us for the interior monologue. There were 17 topics to choose from; here is the one I chose.

Point of View: The father of a victim - he is at the execution of his son/daughter's murderer

He could feel his hate fly at the man in the chair across the room. So much hate.

Why did he kill her? His little girl? Oh, why? Why, why, why, why her? Did it have to be her? Did it have to be anybody? But more importantly, did it have to be her?

He was crying inside. A week ago he had been told that his only child, his only daughter had been murdered in the prime of her life. She had been ready to go to college. Her suitcase was still in her room, open on the bed. He hadn't had the guts to go into her room since he had heard the news.

His wife had left him a few days after. She couldn't bear the pain, she had said. He reminded her of her too much. She had always resembled him more anyways.

He was so angry. Did she think he could handle the pain any better? No one understood. Not the cops, who asked endless, pointless questions that he didn't even remember answering. Not his wife, who had always drowned her thoughts in alcohol. And certainly not the cold-blooded, vile excuse for a human-being that took his beautiful daughter's life. At least he would get justice today.
