Creative Writing Prompt #3: Character Study

Story by bhscorch1313 on SoFurry

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#3 of Creative Writing

In creative writing, we were given prompts and told to describe the character. I think we were given about ten minutes. Here's mine.

Waitress at the End of Her Shift

She cleared the dishes up from the table that the last customer of the day had sat at, and placed them into the sink. She walked over to the sign on the door and flipped it, so that the 'open' side faced inwards. She took off the white apron she was wearing and threw it onto the seat of a booth before walking over to the broom cupboard in back and began to sweep. When she was finished, she cleaned all of the tables and washed the dishes, working diligently and determinately. She grabbed her coat when the place was cleaned up, and also grabbed her purse and apron. Putting on her coat and pulling out her keys, she walked out of the restaurant door, turned around and locked it, before heading away towards her car parked under the starless night.
