Blood and Shadow- Chapter 3

Story by SenoraKitty on SoFurry

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Now Preza knows just the type of people she is accompanied by. Hybrin is left to wonder just what kind of person Preza is.

At dawn the caravan was already on it's way once more. At the campsite there were no signs of anyone having been there the previous night. Even the scorched earth from the campfire was carefully hidden under the desert dunes.

Preza, who was still weak from her time out in the harsh elements was resting on the back of the same thaluk as Hybrin. The massive beast having plenty of room on it's broad back for two more bodies, even with Preza curled up and sleeping soundly.

In order to keep the trust of the southern chapter Hybrin still had Preza's arms bound, but this time they were tied at her front so as to make things more comfortable for the feline.

Hybrin glanced back at the feline who was still shivering from the night's cold. Idly he reached behind him and pulled the blanket completely over Preza's shaking form.

Turning back around Hybrin caught a few of the band's members looking back at him with smiles on their faces, as If they knew something he did not. With a slightly perplexed look on his face he directed his gaze to the riders in front of him, only to find Zameir riding his way. He hesitated in greeting the guild leader, concerned that he might have seen and misunderstood his actions toward the slumbering feline. Before he could defend him self though Zamier raised his brown and white dappled hand. "We will be at our destination a few hours after mid day. How is your captive doing?"

Hybrin sighed, knowing that Zamier could care less about Preza's well being. "She is asleep. I don't think she will be well for a few more weeks."

Zamier snapped his reins, pulling back up to the front of the pack. "Good then she won't cause us any trouble." He said, loud enough for Hybrin to hear.

Hybrin sighed looking back at the lump of Preza's body under the blanket. He could not blame Zamier for wanting to protect his people, but he really wished that the leader would give the feline a chance to prove herself.

The sun had risen a few hours ago, and now the temperature was beginning to rise. Much to Hybrin's displeasure. A groan from behind alerted him that Preza was waking. Hybrin called back to her. "...Zamier says that we should be there-"

"A few hours after mid day? I heard." Preza interrupted as she peeked up at the sky, then looked at the tracks that the thaluks were leaving behind. "We'll be there hours sooner then expected."

Hybrin smirked at Preza's words. "Heh. How do you know that?" It didn't make much sense to him that a simple slave would know traveling time.

"I looked up at the placement of the sun when the leader said that. It's moved since then, and the speed of the thaluks has picked up. It's as if they know the end of the journey is near."

"Ah..." It was a trick that he himself learned when he was a fledgling assassin. He wondered how she would know such a trick. "You figured all that out on your own?"

"When I was in the cage I had all the time in the world until the end finally came. So I learned to tell time by the sun." She paused for a moment wondering if she were speaking too much for Hybrin's liking. On the other hand, the white wolf did ask, and it wasn't a big deal to explain what she knew to him. "I can tell the speed that we're moving by the distance between each thaluk step. I learned that from years of being moved around by thaluks."

Hybrin road in silence for a moment. His forehead suddenly creased, drawing together his two dark brows."How did you know he was the leader?"

"He's at the front of the pack..." Preza mumbled as she curled back under the blanket.

Hybrin nodded, impressed that a mere slave girl was able to learn basic mathematical skills such as counting, time, and distance. Her skill of observation was also as keen as his own at some points. How was it possible for her to learn all of these things if she was just a slave?

Suddenly he realized his mistake. Of course she could learn these things, after all she was still a person with a mind of her own. Silently Hybrin chastised himself. He was thinking of Preza in the same way that Zamier would. As if her status as a slave made her less than a person.

He knew from reading books from scholars that the people of the south had a hierarchy structure to their society. Land owners, and merchants were at the top of the status pyramid while slaves were at the very bottom.

It was considered that he who has the wealth must be a cunning and brilliant man where as one who has to serve others and had no values of their own are the lowest of creatures. It made sense to him now why Zamier would have rather killed Preza then to take her in. It would have been a mercy killing in his eyes. A way to put the miserable creature he saw in that cage out of it's misery.

Vaguely Hybrin began to wonder why he himself did not truly see Preza in that light. It was not just a difference in culture, was it? It could have been the spark of life that she showed when she lashed out at him and the other members of the guild. Or it could have been the intelligence she showed when they debated over her slavery. Either way Hybrin knew that, Preza was no fool, and it would be a mistake to think of her as such if even for a moment. Hybrin realized now that he must be very careful in what he told the violet haired feline, lest someone should get their hands on her. Then they could force her to tell them what she knew about the mysterious caravan that she arrived with.

At one point Zamier ordered the band to halt. Hybrin and Preza both watched as he rode to the back of the caravan. In the caravan's rear there was a small line of thaluks with straw mats tied to their flanks and dragged behind the beasts. The riders who were upon these thaluks dismounted and began pulling up the mats at Zamier's command.

Preza, who at this time was wide awake and riding upright looked to Hybrin. "We're getting close."

Hybrin raised a bushy eyebrow at her comment."Oh? What makes you say this?"

Preza nodded back to where Zamier's men were rolling up the straw planks. "Those mats are there to disguise our tracks aren't they? If they are pulling them up that must mean that they want the tracks to be seen." She looked a little perplexed as she turned to Hybrin. "Why? Where are we going?"

Hybrin gave her a long stare, silently warning her not to ask such things. "You don't need to know that."

Preza took the hint and timidly drew back in her seat, diverting her eyes from Hybrin's disapproving glare. She realized that she had overstepped her bounds by probing for information. "My apologies."

Once Zamier took his place back at the front of the caravan they continued on without a word for the rest of their journey.

Just as Preza had predicted they arrived at the front gate of the city at mid day, and not a moment later. Zamier called back to Hybrin and the rest of his men. "Once inside the gates you are free to do as you please. I will send a messenger to collect you when you are needed." His gray eyes fell on the wolf and feline, and he beckoned them forth. "Hybrin, if you'd please?"

Without hesitation Hybrin guided his thaluk to the head of the caravan. "You wish to speak to me? Here?"

The painted dog shook his head. "Not yet. I want you to meet me at the inn at dawn. Tomorrow you will be heading north, and I have yet to show you my gratitude." With that Zamier turned to the gate, and gave the order to have it opened. Moments later the thick wooden doors opened to the weary travelers, welcoming them to their summer home.